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23-G8 sammiti

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
23-G8 sammiti
Rambouillet II
Puerto-Rikodagi iqtisodiy sammit
Mezbon davlat AQSh
Sana 1976-yil 27-28-iyun
Oʻtkaziladigan joy(lar) Dorado Beach Hotel (hozirgi Dorado Beach Resort)
Keyingi 22-G7 sammiti
Avvalgi 24-G8 sammiti

23-G8 sammiti1997-yilning 20–22-iyun kunlari Koloradodagi Denvar shaxrida boʻlib oʻtgan[1]. Sammit uchrashuvlari uchun joy deb Puerto-Rikoning San-Juan yaqinida joylashgan Dorado Beach mehmonxonasi, hozirgi Dorado Beach Resort tanlangan[2][3].

Sammitda ishtirok etgan rahbarlar

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Ushbu sammit ishtirokchilari xalqaro forumning hozirgi asosiy aʼzolaridir[4][5][6].

G8 sammiti ishtirokchilari
Aʼzolar Vakil Lavozimi
Kanada Kanada Jean Chrétien Bosh vazir
Fransiya Fransiya Jacques Chirac Prezident
Gʻarbiy Germaniya Gʻarbiy Germaniya Helmut Kohl Kansler
Italiya Italiya Romano Prodi Bosh vazir
Yaponiya Yaponiya Ryutaro Hashimoto Bosh vazir
Birlashgan Qirollik Birlashgan Qirollik Tony Blair Bosh vazir
Qoʻshma Shtatlar Qoʻshma Shtatlar Bill Clinton Prezident
Yevropa Ittifoqi Yevropa Ittifoqi Wim Kok
Rossiya Boris Yeltsin
  1. Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA): Summit Meetings in the Past.
  2. US Embassy in Japan: Chronology, June 1976; (Wayback Machine saytida 2010-07-15 sanasida arxivlangan) Shabecoff, Philip. "Go-Slow Policies Urged by Leaders in Economic Talks; Closing Statement Calls for Sustained Growth Coupled With Curbs on Inflation; Ford’s Aims Realized; 7 Heads of Government Also Agree to Consider a New Body to Assist Italy Co-Slow Economic Policies Urged by 7 Leaders, " New York Times. June 29, 1976; excerpt, „SAN JUAN, P. R., June 28 President Ford and six other leaders of industrial democracies announced here today that they had agreed to pursue the objective of sustained economic growth…. The leaders met at the palm fringed Dorado Beach Resort near here.
  3. Silk, Leonard. „New Economic Summit Has Political Air“. The New York Times (1976-yil 16-iyun), s. 68. 2018-yil 3-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2021-yil 22-avgust.
  4. Rieffel, Lex. "Regional Voices in Global Governance: Looking to 2010 (Part IV), " (Wayback Machine saytida June 3, 2010, sanasida arxivlangan) Brookings. March 27, 2009; „core“ members (Muskoka 2010 G-8, official site). (Wayback Machine saytida June 3, 2010, sanasida arxivlangan)
  5. Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA): Summit Meetings in the Past; although this article is named „2nd G7 summit“ because it is the second in a series of summits which will become continuing, it is actually the first time that the G7 meets
  6. MOFA: Summit (8); European Union: „EU and the G8“ (Wayback Machine saytida February 26, 2007, sanasida arxivlangan)