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Texnik savollar
mavzu qoʻshish, kuzatish, qidirish
Vikipediyaga oid texnik savollar muhokamalari

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Yangi foydalanuvchilar tomonidan berilgan savollar

Forum boʻlimlarining barchasini bir sahifada kuzatish


Qoidalarga oʻzgartirish kiritish

Oʻzbekcha vikipediya rivojlanib borgani sayin yangi qoidalar qabul qilishga ham ehtiyoj sezilmoqda. Jumladan, statuslar olish masalasida ham yangi qoida kiritish kerak deb oʼylayman. Yaʼni, Administratorlikka nomzod boʻlib, qoniqarsiz natijaga erishgan va adminlikdan mahrum boʻlgan foydalanuvchilar istalgan statusni olishi uchun 1 yildan keyin, administratorlik statusini olish uchun esa 2 yildan keyin qayta nomzod koʻrsatishi kerakligi haqidagi qoidani mustahkamlab qoʻysak. Shuningdek, administratorlikka nomzod boʻlish uchun mezonlarni ham qayta koʻrib chiqish kerak deb oʻylayman. Fikrlaringizni quyida Fikrlar boʻlimida bildirishingiz mumkin. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 08:11, 16-May 2023 (UTC)


Avval boshqa vikilar tajribasi bilan tanishib chiqish kerak. Keyin muhokama qilsak arziydi. Nataev munozara 08:23, 16-May 2023 (UTC)
Assalomu alaykum, Nataev. Shu kabi qoida ruscha vikipediyada mavjud ekan va ularda muddat 3 oy bilan chegaralangan. Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyada muddatlarni biroz qatʼiylashtirib, Jamshid Nurqul aytganlaridek, 6 oy qilib belgilasal maʼqul boʻlar deb oʻylayman. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 10:47, 23-May 2023 (UTC)
Administratorlikdan boshqa istalgan statusni olish muddatini bir yil emas, 6 oy qilsak menimcha maqsadga muvofiq boʻladi. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 15:21, 16-May 2023 (UTC)
Fikrimcha istalgan status uchun 1 yil va administratorlik uchun 2 yil juda katta muddat. Muddatlarni 1-yildan 6 oyga va 2 yildan 18 yoki 15 oyga qisqartirsak yaxshi boʻlardi. Muxriddin Azimov (munozara) 18:28, 23-May 2023 (UTC)
Administratorlik uchun 2 yil juda katta muddat. Muxriddin Azimov'ning fikrlariga qoʻshilaman. Salazarov (suhbat) 09:58, 24-May 2023 (UTC)
Adminlikka nomzodini qoʻyishga 1 yil va boshqa kichik statuslariga oʻz nomzodini qoʻyish uchun 6-oy muddat yetarli boʻladi. Agar sobiq admin mana shu sinov muddatida qoidalarni buzib oʻzboshimchalikka yoʻl qoʻysa saylov vaqtida fikrlar bildiriladi va qayta saylanmaydi. MirzoUlug'Bek 14:10, 28-May 2023 (UTC)
Bu fikrni ham dastlaklayman! Salazarov (suhbat) 14:18, 28-May 2023 (UTC)
Modomiki, masala suiisteʼmol qilingan ishonch borasida borar ekan, ayni status uchun 2 yil kam muddat emas. Ammo qolgan statuslar uchun 6 oy yetarli, menimcha. Kamol Azzam (munozara) 16:39, 2-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Ruscha Vikipediyadagi kabi 3 oy etib belgilanishi tarafdoriman. Umarjon Rahimov (munozara) 20:31, 3-Iyun 2023 (UTC).





Hammaga salom! Ushbu munozarada imlo va grammatika boʻyicha qoidalarimizga oʻzgartirish masalasini koʻtarmoqchiman. Hozirda koʻplab nashrlar, xususan, Kun.uz, Prezident.uz, va baʼzi adabiyotlarda belgilaridan foydalanishmayapti. Shu boisdan ushbu belgilarni belgilariga almashtirishni taklif etaman. Iltimos, quyida oʻz fikr va takliflaringiz bilan oʻrtoqlashsangiz! Salazarov 10:08, 22-Iyul 2023 (UTC)


Bosma nashrlarda shunchaki "..." emas, koʻproq “...” yozilar ekan. Ikkinchisini ishlatsak, ish koʻpayadi. Shunchaki "..." yozaversak boʻladi, menimcha. Yoki vikifikator "..." ni “...” ga oladigan qilamizmi? Nataev munozara 10:12, 22-Iyul 2023 (UTC)

Yaxshi taklif. Boshqalardan ham fikrlarni kutib qolamiz. Salazarov 10:15, 22-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
FYI: https://oriftolib.uz/3601 Nataev munozara 10:40, 22-Iyul 2023 (UTC)

Vikifikator bosganda, " ", « » va „ “ larni “ ” ga oʻzgartiradigan qilish kerak, menimcha.

„ → “

“ → ”

„soʻz“ → “soʻz”. Muzaffar Murodovichmunozara 11:39, 22-Iyul 2023 (UTC)

Yangi "Oʻzbek tilining izohli lugʻati"da ham "..." ishlatilgan. Qachondir biz ham shu variantga oʻtishga majbur boʻlamiz. Ammo yana biron yil kutishni taklif qilgan boʻlardim. Sababi alifbo isloh qilinishi mumkin bu orada. Yochi hech boʻlmasa oʻzgarmasligi uzil-kesil hal qilinsa, yaxshi boʻlardi. Nataev munozara 22:14, 2-Mart 2024 (UTC)





Tirik insonlar biografiyalari

Inglizcha vikipediyaning en:WP:BIO siyosati avvalroq rasmiyatchi administratorimiz Nataev tomonidan oʻzbekcha vikipediyaga VP:TIB tarzida joriy etilgan edi. Uzoq davom etgan jarayonlardan soʻng, hozirda mazkur qoida toʻliqligicha oʻzbek tiliga oʻgirildi. Sahifaning qoralama variantini oʻqib, gʻalizliklar boʻlsa tuzatib, yoki fikrlaringizni aytib, tarjimani yanada takomillashtirishga baholi qudrat hissa qoʻshishingizni soʻrab qolaman. Mazkur munozara jarayoni yakunlangach, adminlar hamda rasmiyatchilardan qoidani amalga kiritishda amaliy yordamlarini ayamasliklarini soʻrayman. Rahmat. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 03:36, 17-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)

Baraka toping, juda katta ish qilgansiz. Boshqa foydalanuvchilardan fikr-mulohaza yoki taklif kelib tushmasa, xulosa chiqarsak ham boʻladi. Nataev munozara 22:11, 2-Mart 2024 (UTC)

Baʼzi abbreviaturalarning yozilishini standartlashtirish toʻgʻrisida

Hozirgi oʻzbek lotin alifbosining texnik va vizual kamchiliklari barcha sohalarga taʼsir oʻtkazadi. Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya shu taʼsirdan mustasno emas. Oʻzbek lotin alifbosidagi ayrim tamgʻalarni/harf birikmalarini oʻylab topganlar lotin harflarini qoʻllovchi boshqa xalqlarning yetti uxlab tushiga kirmagan bir yangilikni ijod qilganlar-ki, bundan haligacha butun millat aziyat chekmoqda, vizual qulay koʻrinishni tanlab, xato ustiga xatolar qilmoqda. Gap lotin alifbosiga asoslangan oʻzbek alifbosining Sh, sh va Ch, ch harf birikmalari haqida. Bilamizki, lotin alifbosi asosidagi oʻzbek alifbosida Sh, sh va Ch, ch harf birikmalari SH hamda CH koʻrinishidagi tamgʻaga ega emas, hech qachon ega boʻlmagan ham. Biroq, oʻzbek lotin alifbosida yozilgan kitoblar, saytlarda AQSH, SHHT, AYOQSH (Avtomobillarga YOqilgʻi Quyish Shahobchasi; aslida AYQSh boʻlishi kerak, chunki joriy alifbomizda Yo harf birikmasi yoʻq) koʻrinishida yozilishiga koʻnikib ham qoldik. Hozirda oʻzbekcha Vikipediyada mavjud aksar maqolalarda Amerika qoʻshma shtatlari, Shanhay hamkorlik tashkiloti kabi jumlalarning abbreviaturalari „AQSh“, „ShHT“ koʻrinishida yozilib kelayotganiga guvoh boʻlishimiz mumkin. Lekin, vizual jihatini, yozishda qulayroq ekanini hamda koʻplab manbalarda uchraydigan koʻrinishini hisobga olgan holda „Sh“ va „Ch“ (juda kam hollarda „Yo“) harf birikmalari mavjud abbreviaturalarda bu birikmalarni „SH“, „CH“ va „YO“ koʻrinishida yozishni va buni tegishli qoidalarda ham qayd etishni taklif qilaman. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 16:36, 2024-yil 28-oktyabr (UTC)[javob berish]


Qoʻllayman. Orif Tolib ham ayni fikrni izhor qilgan. Kitoblarda ham tez-tez katta harf bilan yozilganiga koʻzim tushyapti. Nataev munozara 17:34, 2024-yil 28-oktyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Roziman. Bir xil standart boʻlishi kerak. Umarxon III (munozara) 05:52, 2024-yil 29-oktyabr (UTC).[javob berish]

 Roziman Tatbigʻini kutayotgan muhim masala --Mirishkorlik (munozara) 10:10, 2024-yil 8-noyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Xulosa chiqaruvchi va Eski holiga qaytaruvchilarning huquqidan mahrum qilish

Hurmatli faol tahrirchilar Vikipediyaning o'zbek tilidagi bo'limida Xulosa chiqaruvchi va Eski holiga qaytaruvchi shuningdek Patrullovchi kabi statuslarining saylanish qoidalari qisqagina yozilgan ammo bu huquqlardan mahrum boʻlishi boʻyicha bizning til boʻlimimizda koʻrsatilmagan. Shu sababli biz ham qanday holatda ushbu huquqlardan mahrum qilishni qoidalarimizga kiritib qoʻysak. Men birinchi navbatda nofaol status egalarini bu huquqidan mahrum boʻlishini tarafdoriman. Shu sababli olti oy davomida kamida oʻnta tahrir qilmagan status egalarini huquqidan mahrum qilish zarur.   Mirzoulugʻbek |@  05:57, 2025-yil 10-fevral (UTC)[javob berish]

Qoʻshilaman. Nofaol foydalanuvchilardan ushbu status olinishi kerak. Humoyun Qodirov (munozara) 14:18, 2025-yil 10-fevral (UTC)[javob berish]

Texnik savollar


Turkumlarni tartibga keltirish haqida

  • Turkum:Mamlakatlarga koʻra oshxonalar,
  • Turkum:Mamlakatlarga binoan oshxonalar
  • Turkum:Mamlakatlar boʻyicha oshxonalar

Mana shu soʻzlarni birini tanlab hamma oʻz bilganidek yozmasdan bir kelishimga kelib turkumlarni tartibga keltirish kerak deb oʻylayman sizlar ham oʻz fikringizni bildirsangiz. Mening fikrimcha uchinchi variantni tanlab olishimiz toʻgʻri boʻladi. Sababi bu variant hudud-joy nomlari bilan birga kelib, harakat, hodisa yoki voqeaning shu joyga taalluqli ekanligini bildiradi.   Mirzoulugʻbek |@  14:18, 3-Iyun 2024 (UTC)

Shunindek Vas okrugidagi aholi punktlari kabi turkumlar ko'payib ketgan "dagi" qo'shimchasi qo'shilganidan so'ng Vas okrugidagi aholi punktlar bo'lishi kerak, yoki Vas okrugi aholi punktlari boʻladi mana shu kabi har kim oʻziga maqul kelganini yozishni toʻxtatib, bir kelishimga kelaylik.   Mirzoulugʻbek |@  05:58, 21-Iyun 2024 (UTC)
"boʻyicha" yaxshi variant. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 22:04, 6-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
„Boʻyicha“ variantiga toʻliq oʻtishni qoʻllayman. Hozirda „boʻyicha“ 3,5k, „koʻra“ esa 6,2k marta qoʻllanilgan. Bizga bir xillik kerak. Nataev munozara 23:34, 6-Iyul 2024 (UTC)


  1. „Boʻyicha“ variantiga  Roziman. Ibrohimjon 02:08, 7-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  2.  Roziman — „boʻyicha“ varianti menga ham maʼqul. BEKIPEDIYA [munozara] 05:08, 9-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  3. „Boʻyicha“ varianti ko'proq gaplarda qo'llashga mos kelar ekan  Roziman. Mirishkorlik (munozara) 13:30, 11-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  4.  Roziman„Boʻyicha“ varianti maqul, shuni qoʻllasak yaxshi — Axadjon1 (munozara) 03:22, 13-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  5.  Roziman — „Boʻyicha“ varianti maʼqul. Umarxon III (munozara) 07:09, 19-avgust 2024 (UTC).

Oʻzbekcha muqobili mavjud boʻlgan ismlar transliteratsiyasi boʻyicha yangi qoida/yoʻlkoʻrsatkich joriy qilish

Hammaga salom, hurmatli administratorlar (Abdulla, Alpasli, Amir.Temur, Artemev Nikolay, Casual, Kagansky, Laziz Baxtiyorov, Malikxan, Mirzoulugʻbek, Muxriddin Azimov, Nataev, Nataeva, Panpanchik, Xusinboy Bekchanov) va faol foydalanuvchilar, oʻzbekcha Vikipediyadagi koʻplab maqolalar asosan ingliz tilidan tarjima qilinishi hech kimga sir emas. Inglizcha Vikipediyada, umuman, ingliz tilida Yaqin Sharq, Markaziy Osiyo, Shimoliy Afrika (xususan, Afgʻoniston, Eron, Pokiston, arab mamlakatlari, Sharqiy Turkiston va b.) hududlaridan chiqqan mashhur shaxslarning (siyosiy arboblar, sportchilar va b.) ismlari ingliz tili qoidalari asosida lotinlashtirilishi ham barchamizga maʼlum. Shu hududlardan chiqqan Ensiklopedik ahamiyatga ega shaxslar/mavzular haqidagi maqolalarda ingliz tilidan oʻzbekcha muqobili mavjud, oʻzbeklar uchun begona boʻlmagan ismlar ham Gʻarbga xos koʻrinishda olib oʻtilmoqda. Masalan: Mohamed Salah, Sayed Tahir Shah, Nader Joukhadar, Rabia ibn Umayya, Kader Abdolah, Hossein Zamani. Lekin agar shaxs haqida oʻzbek OAVda yoritilgan boʻlsa, ismning inlizcha emas, oʻzbekcha muqobili olinmoqda, misollar: Abdul Gʻani Barodar (inglizchasi: Abdul Ghani Baradar), Haybatulloh Oxundzoda (inglizchasi: Hibatullah Akhundzada). EAga ega shaxsning ismi, agar oʻzbekcha muqobili mavjud boʻlsa-yu, oʻzbek OAVda u haqida yoritilmagan boʻlsa ham, ismning oʻzbekcha muqobilini yozsak, bu ishimiz VP:MTT qoidalariga zid boʻlmaydi, deb hisoblayman.

Yuqoridagi fikrlar asosida bir yoʻlkoʻrsatkich yaratsak, unda bir jadval qilib ismning inglizcha (yoki boshqa biror tilda) yozilishi va uning oʻzbekcha muqobili tavsiya tarzida yozib borilsa yaxshi boʻlardi. Biror foydalanuvchida jadvalga kiritilmagan ism borasida savol tugʻilganida oʻsha qoida munozarasida yozib munozara qilishi, munozara yakuniga koʻra oʻsha ismning hammaga maʼqul boʻlgan koʻrinishi jadvalga qoʻshib qoʻyilishi mumkin boʻladi.

Quyida jadval namunasi keltiriladi:

Boshqa tillarda uchrashi Oʻzbekcha muqobili
Abdul Kader Abdulqodir
Abdolah Abdulloh
Hossein Husayn
Kader Qodir
Mohamed Muhammad
Sayed Said (kam hollarda Sayyid)

Hurmat bilan, Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 22:16, 7-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

  • Yana bir holat, Kavkaz xalqlarida keng tarqalgan ayrim ismlar yozilishi boʻyicha ham kengashib olishimizga toʻgʻri kelarkan, masalan: Xabib Nurmagomedov (hozir maqola shunday nomlangan, yangi qoida kuchga kirsa sportchining ismini „Xabib“ emas, „Habib“ deb yozish kerak boʻladi) maqolasini „Xabib Nurmuhammadov“ deb oʻzgartirish, Magomed Nurbagandov maqolasini „Muhammad Nurbagandov“ deb oʻzgartirish xatolikdek tuyulyapti menga. Shu sababli ayrim ismlarga, ayniqsa avvaldan (SSSR davrida) transliteratsiya qilinmagan, aslicha yoki rus tilidan kirib kelganidek yozilgan ismlar roʻyxatini ham yigʻish kerak boʻlarkan. Rus tilida yozilishi Гамзатов shaklida boʻlgan familiya bizda avvaldan Hamzatov shaklida yozib kelingan, bunday holatlarni ham hisobga olishimiz kerak. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 23:05, 7-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
VP:MNKIga koʻra, originali lotin yozuvida yoziladigan ismlarni ayni damda oʻzidek yozamiz. Siz taklif qilayotgan qoida yaxshi, ammo originali lotin yozuvida boʻlgan ismlarini yozish boʻyicha qoidamizga zid. Masalan, London meri en:Sadiq Khan. Uning ism-sharifini siz taklif qilgandek Sodiq Xon oʻlaroq yozamizmi, VP:MNKI boʻyicha Sadiq Khan? Qachondir 2023-yil kelishilganidek ismlarni toʻliq transliteratsiya qilishga oʻtsak, bu muammolar qisman yechim topadi. Ungacha mana shunaqa boʻtqa boʻladi. Nataev munozara 18:36, 9-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Bu taklif originali arab va kirill alifbosida yoziladigan ismlar uchun. Originali lotin yozuvida yoziladigan ismlar uchun VP:MNKIga tayanaveramiz. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 18:15, 10-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Ideal yechim emas, ammo nachora. VP:MNKIga qoʻshish mumkin boʻlgan matnni hozirlay olalsizmi? Balki "Originali arab va fors yozuvlarida yoziladigan ismlar" deb nomlash mumkin. Nataev munozara 20:11, 18-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Mana bu sahifada hozircha test qilib qoralab qoʻyayapman, koʻproq ismlarni toʻplab, jadvalni ham optimalroq koʻrinishga olib kelsam, keyin asosiy nomfazoda eʼlon qilaman. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 21:22, 18-iyul 2024 (UTC)


  1. Ushbu qoida Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya uchun yuqori darajada dolzarbligi sabab  Roziman Mirishkorlik (munozara) 16:44, 8-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  2.  RozimanBEKIPEDIYA [munozara] 05:17, 9-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  3.  Roziman. Xuddi shu qoidaning bir qismi sifatida yoki alohida qoida sifatida Eron, Afgʻoniston kabi mamlakatlardagi joy nomlarining oʻzbekcha transliteratsiyasi boʻyicha qoida kiritish kerak. Masalan, Kazemabad (Kerman) shahri haqidagi maqolada inglizcha nom toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri olingan. Lekin forscha transliteratsiyasi qoidasini oʻzbekchaga moslashtirib, shu maqolani Kozimobod (Kirmon) shaklida yozilsa, ham tushunarli, ham toʻgʻri boʻladi, deb oʻylayman. Yoki Kobuldagi mana bu Chār Qala mahallasi haqidagi maqola. Bu yerda Char emas, Chor (forschadan toʻrt deb tarjima qilinadi), Qala emas, qalʼa deb yozish va maqolani Chor qalʼa shaklida nomlash toʻgʻri boʻladi. Fikrim fors tilidagi unlilar boʻyicha transliteratsiya qoidasini ham yuqoridagi jadvalga ilova qilish yoki alohida jadval koʻrinishda chiqarish kerak. Janob Mirzaolim (munozara) 06:11, 9-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  4.  Roziman Humoyun Qodirov (munozara) 17:45, 9-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  5.  Roziman   Mirzoulugʻbek |@  13:35, 10-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  6.  Roziman Ibrohimjon 13:45, 10-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  7.  Roziman - Zarifboyev (munozara) 03:13, 13-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  8.  Roziman — Koʻplab chalkashliklarni hal qiladi deb oʻylayman. Devona Jovliyev (munozara) 21:47, 19-iyul 2024 (UTC)

Xulosa oʻrnida

Hozir ushbu koʻrsatma (qoida) talablari ishlab chiqilmoqda, toʻliq tayyor boʻlgach muhokamaga qoʻyiladi, shu vajdan, ushbu munozarani davom ettirishga hojat qolmadi. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 11:19, 2025-yil 19-yanvar (UTC)[javob berish]

Baʼzi paytlarda maqolalarni oʻchirish tartibini biroz keskinlashtirish toʻgʻrisida

Hammaga salom, sir emaski 2022-yil 20-may kuni boshlangan marafonning uchinchi mavsumi hanuz davom etyapti. Bu vaqt oraligʻida oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaga yozilgan maqolalarning aksari avtomat tarjima uskunasi yordamida kiritilgan va ularning koʻpi oʻnglab boʻlmas holatdadir. Hozirgi faollarimiz soni kam boʻlgani uchun 2022-yildan buyon yaratilgan maqolalarni bitta-bittalab koʻrib chiqish, xatolarini tuzatib chiqish imkonsizligi ustiga marafonning yangi fasllar bilan davom etishi mavjud mushkulimizni karrasiga oshiradi. 2024-yilning 24–30-iyun kunlari boʻlib oʻtgan „Weekie Hogwarts II“ oromgohida sifat emas, yaqqol son uchun ishlandi. Shu 2024-yilda Oʻzbekiston Yoshlar ishlari agentligi tomonidan yana ikkita vikioromgoh rejalangan, ularda ham bir kunda minglagan maqola yozilishi, mavjud avtomat tarjima maqolalar kolleksiyamizni yanada boyitishi kutiladigan gap (tashkilotchilar sifatga ishlashni vaʼda berishayotgan boʻlsa ham). Shu faktorlarni, oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaning kelib qolgan manzilini hisobga olgan holda quyidagi takliflarni bildiraman:

1. 2022–2023-yilgi vikimarafon/vikioromgohlar davomida va 2024-yilning iyul oyigacha oʻnglab boʻlmas avtomat tarjima maqolalar yaratgan foydalanuvchilarning hissasini yoppasiga oʻchirish;

2. 2024-yilgi marafon/vikioromgohlar davomida kiritilajak maqolalarning sifatiga qattiqroq qarash va oʻnglab boʻlmas avtomat tarjima maqolalar yaratgan foydalanuvchilarning hissasini yoppasiga oʻchirish;

3. Kuniga 1000 ta va undan ortiq maqola kiritiladigan noodatiy kunlarda maqolalarni oʻchirish tartibini keskinlashtirish va oʻnglab boʻlmas avtomat tarjima maqolalar yaratgan foydalanuvchilarning hissasini yoppasiga oʻchirish.

Balki yuqoridagi uchta band bir-biriga oʻxshash tuyulayotgandir, „bularni bitta band bilan qisqaroq yozish mumkin edi“, deyishingiz mumkin. Lekin har qanday qoidadan „lazeyka“ (tuynuk, „fortochka“) topa oladiganlar uchun imkon boricha yoʻllarni yopish maqsadida shunday qilindi.
Hurmat bilan: Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 17:22, 12-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

Oromgohlar qachon boshlanib qachon tugashi haqida maʼlumotga egamiz, shu sababdan ayana shu davrda yaratilgan maqolalarni maʼlum turkumga avtomatik tarzda qoʻshib keta olamizmi? Keyinchalik qolib ketgan maqolalarni ham patrullash anchagina osonlik bilan boʻlar edi. MrShaxas #Munozaracha 20:47, 12-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Oromgoh davrida yaratilgan maqolalarni alohida turkumga olish imkonsiz. Sababi oromgoh davrida oromgohdan tashqarida turib ham maqola kirituvchi foydalanuvchilar boʻladi. Lekin oromgohda ishtirok etgan foydalanuvchilarning oʻzlarini alohida turkumga qoʻshish mumkin, bu ish avvalgi oromgohlarda amalga oshirilgan. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 22:17, 12-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
++. Turkumga qoʻshilgan foydalanuvchilarning hissalari orqali AT maqolalarni topish osonroq boʻladi Hasan Xamidovich (munozara) 20:40, 15-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Nataev, Kagansky, Artemev Nikolay, Laziz Baxtiyorov, Jamshid Nurkulov (Mirzoulug'bek aka, sizni teg qilolmadim.) Men Muhammadxon Yusupov, WikiStipendiya loyihasi menejeriman. "WikiStipendiya" marafoni uchinchi bosqichi (may-noyabr oylarida bo'lib o'tadi) doirasida haqiqatan ham uchta oromgoh rejalashtirilgan va ulardan birinchisi bo'lmish "WeekieHogwarts II" oromgohida juda katta salmoqda maqolalar kiritildi. Ulardan aksarini qisqa maqolalar tashkil qilishi ham bor gap. Ammo keyingi oromgohlarda ham shu masshtabda maqolalar kiritilishi, sifat sonning qurboniga aylanishi mumkinligi haqidagi fikrlar mutlaqo asossiz. Bundan tashkiliy jamoa ham manfaatdor emas: juda qisqa muddat ichida sonning bu qadar yuqorilashi maqolalar sifatiga shubha uyg'oatadi va bu loyiha imijiga yomon ta'sir qiladi. Buni jamoatchilik ham salbiy qarshilashi turgan gap. Shuni ko'ra-bila turib yana qisqa maqolalar yoziladigan ikkita oromgoh uyushtirish va unga ko'p pul sarf qilish "o'zi o'tirgan shoxni arralash"ga o'xshaydi. Biz undaylardan emasmiz.
Men va’da berganimdek keyingi ikki oromgohda nisbatan kattaroq, manbalari nufuzli, turkumlangan, bilgiqutilari saranjomlangan maqolalar kiritish va ayni shunday maqolalar kiritishni rag’batlantirish maqsad qilingan. Endigi oromgohlarda teranlik ko’rsatkichi, tahrirlar soni, faol foydalanuvchilar soni, maqolalar hajmi va mavzusining xilma-xilligi kabi ko’rsatkichlar uchun harakat qilinadi.
Yuqorida o’zbekcha vikipediyadagi qisqa maqolalarni o’chirishga asosiy sabablardan biri sifatida keltirilgan «Keyingi oromgohlarda ham songa urg’u berilishi va sifatga e’tibor bermaslik» haqidagi iddao asossiz ekan, maqolalarni yoppasiga o’chirishni ham to’g’ri qaror deb hisoblamayman.
WikiStipendiya marafoni o’zbekcha vikipediyani ham son, ham sifat jihatidan o’sishi, rivojlanishi tarafdori. Bulardan biriga ikkinchisini toptash evaziga erishilishiga yo’l qo’yilmaydi. MYDesigner (munozara) 13:03, 16-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Agar maqolalar sifatli yozilishiga ishonar ekansiz, unda bu taklif natijalaridan xavotir olmasangiz ham boʻladi. Bu yerda sifatli maqolalar oʻchirilishi toʻgʻrisida gap ketmayapti. Taklifga qarshilik oʻz soʻzlaringizni inkor qilishingizni bildirishi mumkin. Ushbu taklifga qiziqish bildirganingiz uchun rahmat. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 15:56, 16-Iyul 2024 (UTC)


  1. Batafsil va o'rinli taklif. Men  Roziman. --Hasan Xamidovich (munozara) 18:44, 12-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  2.  Roziman Lili (suhbat) 07:43, 18-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  3.  Roziman - Rabiga Shabatova (munozara) 13:19, 18-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
  4.  RozimanAnvarxonM (munozara) 20:05, 2024-yil 22-dekabr (UTC)[javob berish]


  1. Yuqorida keltirgan fikrlarimga ko'ra  Qarshiman. — MYDesigner (munozara) 13:05, 16-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

„Qumloq“ soʻzini „Qoralama“ga oʻzgartirish

Assalomu alaykum. Barcha soʻzlarning ham ingliz tilidan tarjima qilingan versiyasi yaxshi boʻlavermaydi. Unga nisbatan alternativ sinonimlar topish kerak. Qumloq balki sandbox uchun shakl jihatdan yaqin tarjimadir, ammo qoralama tarjimasi bajariladigan funksiyalar jihatidan ushbu qismga mos keladi va qoralama deganda yangi kelgan foydalanuvchilarning ham xayoliga birdaniga tajribalar oʻtkazadigan maydon keladi.

Bu taklifga befarq boʻlmaysiz degan umiddaman. Hurmat bilan, Hasan Xamidovich (munozara) 09:00, 16-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

Inglizcha Vikipediyada draft tushunchasi ham mavjud. Hali yetarlicha tajribaga ega boʻlmagan foydalanuvchilarning maqolalari draft oʻlaroq chop etiladi va asosiy fazoda koʻrinmaydi. Draft bizdagi qoralamaga mos kelishini hisobga olgan holda bu taklifni maʼqul deb hisoblamayman. Garchi ayni vaqtda oʻzvekcha Vikipediyada Qoralama tushunchasi boʻlmasa ham kun kelib yangi foydalanuvchilarga cheklov qpyish uchun bu atama Vikipediyaga kiritiladi. PanPanChik #yozish 10:24, 16-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
"Qumloq" oʻzi xato tarjima boʻlishi mumkin. Vikilugʻatga koʻra, песочница "qumloq" emas, "qumdon" boʻladi. Ruwikidagi kabi, "sandbox" soʻzini "qoralama" oʻlaroq olib, "draft" nomfazosini (yaratiladigan boʻlsa) esa "inkubator" oʻlaroq olish mumkin. Nataev munozara 02:32, 17-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Aynan. Ruwikida ham "qoralama" shaklida olingan. Hasan Xamidovich (munozara) 19:00, 17-Iyul 2024 (UTC)
Ammo hozir bunga katta ehtiyoj yoʻqdek. Birdaniga Maxsus:Search kabi sahifalarni ham oʻzbekchaga oʻgirish kerak. Buning uchun roʻyxat tuzish kerak boʻladi. Nataev munozara 20:14, 18-Iyul 2024 (UTC)





Vikipediya:Maqolalar indeksi sahifasining strukturasini oʻzgartirish

Hozirda Vikipediya:Maqolalar indeksi strukturasining vertikal holati oʻzbek lotin alifbosi, gorizontal holati oʻzbek kirill alifbosiga asoslangan. Ikkala holatini ham oʻzbek lotin alifbosiga mos tarzda oʻzgartirishni taklif etaman. — Kagansky munozara 10:54, 19-iyul 2024 (UTC)

  1. Ushbu taklifni  qoʻllab-quvvatlayman va bu ishni amalga oshirishga imkon qadar yordamlashaman. Rostdan ham oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaning asosiy interfeysi oʻzbek lotin alifbosi asosida boʻlganidan keyin Maqolalar indeksi ham shu alifbo boʻyicha tartiblanishi kerak. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 20:33, 26-iyul 2024 (UTC)
  2.  RozimanBEKIPEDIYA #yozishma 05:23, 2-avgust 2024 (UTC)
  3.  Roziman — Juda yaxshi taklif. Umarxon III (munozara) 07:01, 19-avgust 2024 (UTC).
  4.  Roziman. Humoyun Qodirov (munozara) 04:48, 20-avgust 2024 (UTC)
  5.  RozimanIbrohimjon 05:49, 20-avgust 2024 (UTC)
  6.  RozimanSaidakbar Baxtiboyev(munozara) 07:54, 2024-yil 10-dekabr (UTC)[javob berish]
  7.  RozimanDiwikiped muloqot :) 08:14, 2024-yil 10-dekabr (UTC)[javob berish]
  8.  Roziman — Bu boʻyicha nimadir yordam kerak boʻlsa, yordamga tayyorman. Janob Mirzaolim (munozara) 12:09, 2024-yil 10-dekabr (UTC)[javob berish]
  9.  RozimanAnvarxonM (munozara) 20:00, 2024-yil 22-dekabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Tahrir asboblari sahifasini yangilash

Hammaga salom. Edittools sahifasini kengaytirishni, masalan Oʻzbekcha Vikiiqtibosdagidek oʻzgartirishni taklif qilaman. Koʻrib chiqib fikringizni bildiring. Bu taklifga qoʻshimcha va oʻzgartirishlar kiritish kerak boʻlsa quyida yozishingizni soʻrayman. Umarxon III (munozara) 07:38, 19-avgust 2024 (UTC).


Ana shu asbobga yana {{Tashqi havolalar}}, {{commonscat}} va {{munozara}} andozalarini va „()“ qavsni qoʻshilsa ancha foydali boʻlardi. Mirishkorlik (munozara) 07:19, 2024-yil 1-noyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Bajarildi. Umarxon III (munozara) 09:57, 2024-yil 1-noyabr (UTC).[javob berish]
Vikifikator avtomatik qoʻshiladimi? Ushbu asbob ham qoʻshilsa soʻzsiz qoʻllashga tayyorman -- Mirishkorlik (munozara) 10:25, 2024-yil 8-noyabr (UTC)[javob berish]
Ha, avtomatik qoʻshiladi. Umarxon III (munozara) 06:46, 2024-yil 10-dekabr (UTC).[javob berish]


  1.  Roziman -- Mirishkorlik (munozara) 08:18, 2024-yil 10-dekabr (UTC)[javob berish]





The Signpost: 10 January 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

I am reaching out to you today to announce that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter is now open. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll now through 2 February 2024. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.

The current version of the U4C Charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.

Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.

On behalf of the UCoC Project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 18:08, 19-Yanvar 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 31 January 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Last days to vote on the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

I am reaching out to you today to remind you that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) charter will close on 2 February 2024. Community members may cast their vote and provide comments about the charter via SecurePoll. Those of you who voiced your opinions during the development of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines will find this process familiar.

The current version of the U4C charter is on Meta-wiki with translations available.

Read the charter, go vote and share this note with others in your community. I can confidently say the U4C Building Committee looks forward to your participation.

On behalf of the UCoC Project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 17:00, 31-Yanvar 2024 (UTC)

Request for global bot flag for CommonsDelinker


This is a notification to let you know that a new request for the global bot flag for CommonsDelinker has been started.

Please note that the request will remain open for 14 days starting today. You can leave a comment or opinion on the relevant page!

Best regards --Superpes15 (talk)

Announcing the results of the UCoC Coordinating Committee Charter ratification vote

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear all,

Thank you everyone for following the progress of the Universal Code of Conduct. I am writing to you today to announce the outcome of the ratification vote on the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee Charter. 1746 contributors voted in this ratification vote with 1249 voters supporting the Charter and 420 voters not. The ratification vote process allowed for voters to provide comments about the Charter.

A report of voting statistics and a summary of voter comments will be published on Meta-wiki in the coming weeks.

Please look forward to hearing about the next steps soon.

On behalf of the UCoC Project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 18:24, 12-Fevral 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 13 February 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

The Signpost: 2 March 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Robocontest javoblari

Robocontest saytidagi savollarga javobni


sayti orqali olishingiz mumkin.. Maqsudbeksila1 (munozara) 09:17, 4-Mart 2024 (UTC)

Report of the U4C Charter ratification and U4C Call for Candidates now available

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

I am writing to you today with two important pieces of information. First, the report of the comments from the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter ratification is now available. Secondly, the call for candidates for the U4C is open now through April 1, 2024.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members are invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Per the charter, there are 16 seats on the U4C: eight community-at-large seats and eight regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement.

Read more and submit your application on Meta-wiki.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 16:25, 5-Mart 2024 (UTC)

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees 2024 Selection

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Dear all,

This year, the term of 4 (four) Community- and Affiliate-selected Trustees on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees will come to an end [1]. The Board invites the whole movement to participate in this year’s selection process and vote to fill those seats.

The Elections Committee will oversee this process with support from Foundation staff [2]. The Board Governance Committee created a Board Selection Working Group from Trustees who cannot be candidates in the 2024 community- and affiliate-selected trustee selection process composed of Dariusz Jemielniak, Nataliia Tymkiv, Esra'a Al Shafei, Kathy Collins, and Shani Evenstein Sigalov [3]. The group is tasked with providing Board oversight for the 2024 trustee selection process, and for keeping the Board informed. More details on the roles of the Elections Committee, Board, and staff are here [4].

Here are the key planned dates:

  • May 2024: Call for candidates and call for questions
  • June 2024: Affiliates vote to shortlist 12 candidates (no shortlisting if 15 or less candidates apply) [5]
  • June-August 2024: Campaign period
  • End of August / beginning of September 2024: Two-week community voting period
  • October–November 2024: Background check of selected candidates
  • Board's Meeting in December 2024: New trustees seated

Learn more about the 2024 selection process - including the detailed timeline, the candidacy process, the campaign rules, and the voter eligibility criteria - on this Meta-wiki page, and make your plan.

Election Volunteers

Another way to be involved with the 2024 selection process is to be an Election Volunteer. Election Volunteers are a bridge between the Elections Committee and their respective community. They help ensure their community is represented and mobilize them to vote. Learn more about the program and how to join on this Meta-wiki page.

Best regards,

Dariusz Jemielniak (Governance Committee Chair, Board Selection Working Group)

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2021/Results#Elected

[2] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Committee:Elections_Committee_Charter

[3] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Minutes:2023-08-15#Governance_Committee

[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_committee/Roles

[5] Even though the ideal number is 12 candidates for 4 open seats, the shortlisting process will be triggered if there are more than 15 candidates because the 1-3 candidates that are removed might feel ostracized and it would be a lot of work for affiliates to carry out the shortlisting process to only eliminate 1-3 candidates from the candidate list.

MPossoupe_(WMF)19:57, 12-Mart 2024 (UTC)

Global ban proposal for Slowking4

Hello. This is to notify the community that there is an ongoing global ban proposal for User:Slowking4 who has been active on this wiki. You are invited to participate at m:Requests for comment/Global ban for Slowking4 (2). Thank you. Seawolf35 (munozara) 04:49, 15-Mart 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 29 March 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

The Signpost: 25 April 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Vote now to select members of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear all,

I am writing to you to let you know the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is open now through May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 20:20, 25-Aprel 2024 (UTC)

Sign up for the language community meeting on May 31st, 16:00 UTC

Hello all,

The next language community meeting is scheduled in a few weeks - May 31st at 16:00 UTC. If you're interested, you can sign up on this wiki page.

This is a participant-driven meeting, where we share language-specific updates related to various projects, collectively discuss technical issues related to language wikis, and work together to find possible solutions. For example, in the last meeting, the topics included the machine translation service (MinT) and the languages and models it currently supports, localization efforts from the Kiwix team, and technical challenges with numerical sorting in files used on Bengali Wikisource.

Do you have any ideas for topics to share technical updates related to your project? Any problems that you would like to bring for discussion during the meeting? Do you need interpretation support from English to another language? Please reach out to me at ssethi(__AT__)wikimedia.org and add agenda items to the document here.

We look forward to your participation!

MediaWiki message delivery 21:22, 14-May 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 16 May 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Feedback invited on Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear community members,

The Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees invites you to give feedback on a draft Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle. This draft Procedure outlines proposed steps and requirements for opening and closing Wikimedia Sibling Projects, and aims to ensure any newly approved projects are set up for success. This is separate from the procedures for opening or closing language versions of projects, which is handled by the Language Committee or closing projects policy.

You can find the details on this page, as well as the ways to give your feedback from today until the end of the day on June 23, 2024, anywhere on Earth.

You can also share information about this with the interested project communities you work with or support, and you can also help us translate the procedure into more languages, so people can join the discussions in their own language.

On behalf of the CAC,

RamzyM (WMF) 02:25, 22-May 2024 (UTC)

The Appearance menu and new default standard font size will be available for logged-out users

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Hi everyone! We are the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. We work on making it easier to read Wikimedia projects as part of the objective "Reading and media experience" of the current year’s annual plan. To achieve this goal, we have introduced the "Accessibility for Reading" beta feature. It adds a menu which works on the Vector 2022 skin and allows logged-in users to choose different font sizes and color schemes based on individual needs.

The menu introduces a new Standard font setting. It slightly increases the size and height of the font. It was selected based on multiple sources. You will find more information on this in the section "About the new Standard font setting".

What will change

  • We are now ready to make the new Appearance menu available for logged-out and logged-in users.
  • At the same time, we will also make the Standard option the new default for logged-out users only.
  • If no breaking technical issues are found, we plan on making this change within the next two weeks.
  • Later, this menu will also include the option to select dark mode, which for the time being will remain a beta feature. For more information, check out our project page.

Our works so far and next steps

Logged-in users will remain with the "small" setting for the time being as their default, but can change to any other setting at any time. In a few months, we will study how many logged-in users switch to standard and start a conversation on whether it makes sense for logged-in users to make the switch as well. From the early data from the beta feature, 55% of sessions who interacted with the feature chose to use a setting that was standard or larger.

If you'd like to help, we have a few simple requests for you:

  1. Please, turn on the beta feature ("Accessibility for Reading (Vector 2022)")
  2. Try out the new menu. Is anything confusing? Do you understand all the labels and how the menu works?
  3. Try out the small, standard, and large sizes, the color schemes, and the width toggle. Reach out to us if you notice any bugs, or have questions or concerns.

If you'd like to learn more about the project, see our FAQ. Comments and questions are most welcome. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (munozara) 00:19, 29-May 2024 (UTC)

Announcing the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language


The scrutineers have finished reviewing the vote results. We are following up with the results of the first Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) election.

We are pleased to announce the following individuals as regional members of the U4C, who will fulfill a two-year term:

  • North America (USA and Canada)
  • Northern and Western Europe
  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • Central and East Europe (CEE)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Middle East and North Africa
  • East, South East Asia and Pacific (ESEAP)
  • South Asia

The following individuals are elected to be community-at-large members of the U4C, fulfilling a one-year term:

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process and much appreciation to the candidates for your leadership and dedication to the Wikimedia movement and community.

Over the next few weeks, the U4C will begin meeting and planning the 2024-25 year in supporting the implementation and review of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. Follow their work on Meta-wiki.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 08:15, 3-Iyun 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 8 June 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now on Meta

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hi everyone,

The final text of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now up on Meta in more than 20 languages for your reading.

What is the Wikimedia Movement Charter?

The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a proposed document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.

Join the Wikimedia Movement Charter “Launch Party”

Join the “Launch Party” on June 20, 2024 at 14.00-15.00 UTC (your local time). During this call, we will celebrate the release of the final Charter and present the content of the Charter. Join and learn about the Charter before casting your vote.

Movement Charter ratification vote

Voting will commence on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. You can read more about the voting process, eligibility criteria, and other details on Meta.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment on the Meta talk page or email the MCDC at mcdc@wikimedia.org.

On behalf of the MCDC,

RamzyM (WMF) 08:45, 11-Iyun 2024 (UTC)

Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now open – cast your vote

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello everyone,

The voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is now open. The Wikimedia Movement Charter is a document to define roles and responsibilities for all the members and entities of the Wikimedia movement, including the creation of a new body – the Global Council – for movement governance.

The final version of the Wikimedia Movement Charter is available on Meta in different languages and attached here in PDF format for your reading.

Voting commenced on SecurePoll on June 25, 2024 at 00:01 UTC and will conclude on July 9, 2024 at 23:59 UTC. Please read more on the voter information and eligibility details.

After reading the Charter, please vote here and share this note further.

If you have any questions about the ratification vote, please contact the Charter Electoral Commission at cec@wikimedia.org.

On behalf of the CEC,

RamzyM (WMF) 10:52, 25-Iyun 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 4 July 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Voting to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter is ending soon

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello everyone,

This is a kind reminder that the voting period to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter will be closed on July 9, 2024, at 23:59 UTC.

If you have not voted yet, please vote on SecurePoll.

On behalf of the Charter Electoral Commission,

RamzyM (WMF) 03:46, 8-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

U4C Special Election - Call for Candidates

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

A special election has been called to fill additional vacancies on the U4C. The call for candidates phase is open from now through July 19, 2024.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members are invited to submit their applications in the special election for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

In this special election, according to chapter 2 of the U4C charter, there are 9 seats available on the U4C: four community-at-large seats and five regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement. No more than two members of the U4C can be elected from the same home wiki. Therefore, candidates must not have English Wikipedia, German Wikipedia, or Italian Wikipedia as their home wiki.

Read more and submit your application on Meta-wiki.

In cooperation with the U4C,

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 00:03, 10-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification voting results

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello everyone,

After carefully tallying both individual and affiliate votes, the Charter Electoral Commission is pleased to announce the final results of the Wikimedia Movement Charter voting.  

As communicated by the Charter Electoral Commission, we reached the quorum for both Affiliate and individual votes by the time the vote closed on July 9, 23:59 UTC. We thank all 2,451 individuals and 129 Affiliate representatives who voted in the ratification process. Your votes and comments are invaluable for the future steps in Movement Strategy.

The final results of the Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification voting held between 25 June and 9 July 2024 are as follows:

Individual vote:

Out of 2,451 individuals who voted as of July 9 23:59 (UTC), 2,446 have been accepted as valid votes. Among these, 1,710 voted “yes”; 623 voted “no”; and 113 selected “–” (neutral). Because the neutral votes don’t count towards the total number of votes cast, 73.30% voted to approve the Charter (1710/2333), while 26.70% voted to reject the Charter (623/2333).

Affiliates vote:

Out of 129 Affiliates designated voters who voted as of July 9 23:59 (UTC), 129 votes are confirmed as valid votes. Among these, 93 voted “yes”; 18 voted “no”; and 18 selected “–” (neutral). Because the neutral votes don’t count towards the total number of votes cast, 83.78% voted to approve the Charter (93/111), while 16.22% voted to reject the Charter (18/111).

Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation:

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees voted not to ratify the proposed Charter during their special Board meeting on July 8, 2024. The Chair of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, Nataliia Tymkiv, shared the result of the vote, the resolution, meeting minutes and proposed next steps.  

With this, the Wikimedia Movement Charter in its current revision is not ratified.

We thank you for your participation in this important moment in our movement’s governance.

The Charter Electoral Commission,

Abhinav619, Borschts, Iwuala Lucy, Tochiprecious, Der-Wir-Ing

MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 17:52, 18-Iyul 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 22 July 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Vote now to fill vacancies of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear all,

I am writing to you to let you know the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is open now through August 10, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

In cooperation with the U4C,

RamzyM (WMF) 02:48, 27-iyul 2024 (UTC)

Reminder! Vote closing soon to fill vacancies of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear all,

The voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is closing soon. It is open through 10 August 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility. If you are eligible to vote and have not voted in this special election, it is important that you vote now.

Why should you vote? The U4C is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community input into the committee membership is critical to the success of the UCoC.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

In cooperation with the U4C,

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 15:31, 6-avgust 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 14 August 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Coming soon: A new sub-referencing feature – try it!

Hello. For many years, community members have requested an easy way to re-use references with different details. Now, a MediaWiki solution is coming: The new sub-referencing feature will work for wikitext and Visual Editor and will enhance the existing reference system. You can continue to use different ways of referencing, but you will probably encounter sub-references in articles written by other users. More information on the project page.

We want your feedback to make sure this feature works well for you:

Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team is planning to bring this feature to Wikimedia wikis later this year. We will reach out to creators/maintainers of tools and templates related to references beforehand.

Please help us spread the message. --Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 10:36, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

Sign up for the language community meeting on August 30th, 15:00 UTC

Hi all,

The next language community meeting is scheduled in a few weeks—on August 30th at 15:00 UTC. If you're interested in joining, you can sign up on this wiki page.

This participant-driven meeting will focus on sharing language-specific updates related to various projects, discussing technical issues related to language wikis, and working together to find possible solutions. For example, in the last meeting, topics included the Language Converter, the state of language research, updates on the Incubator conversations, and technical challenges around external links not working with special characters on Bengali sites.

Do you have any ideas for topics to share technical updates or discuss challenges? Please add agenda items to the document here and reach out to ssethi(__AT__)wikimedia.org. We look forward to your participation!

MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 23:20, 22-avgust 2024 (UTC)

Announcing the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee

Original message at wikimedia-l. You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Hello all,

The scrutineers have finished reviewing the vote and the Elections Committee have certified the results for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) special election.

I am pleased to announce the following individual as regional members of the U4C, who will fulfill a term until 15 June 2026:

  • North America (USA and Canada)
    • Ajraddatz

The following seats were not filled during this special election:

  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • Central and East Europe (CEE)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • South Asia
  • The four remaining Community-At-Large seats

Thank you again to everyone who participated in this process and much appreciation to the candidates for your leadership and dedication to the Wikimedia movement and community.

Over the next few weeks, the U4C will begin meeting and planning the 2024-25 year in supporting the implementation and review of the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines. You can follow their work on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the U4C and the Elections Committee,

RamzyM (WMF) 14:06, 2-sentyabr 2024 (UTC)

Have your say: Vote for the 2024 Board of Trustees!

Hello all,

The voting period for the 2024 Board of Trustees election is now open. There are twelve (12) candidates running for four (4) seats on the Board.

Learn more about the candidates by reading their statements and their answers to community questions.

When you are ready, go to the SecurePoll voting page to vote. The vote is open from September 3rd at 00:00 UTC to September 17th at 23:59 UTC.

To check your voter eligibility, please visit the voter eligibility page.

Best regards,

The Elections Committee and Board Selection Working Group

MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 12:14, 3-sentyabr 2024 (UTC)

The Signpost: 4 September 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

The Signpost: 26 September 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper
Apologies for cross-posting in English. Please consider translating this message.

Hello everyone, a small change will soon be coming to the user-interface of your Wikimedia project. The Wikidata item sitelink currently found under the General section of the Tools sidebar menu will move into the In Other Projects section.

We would like the Wiki communities feedback so please let us know or ask questions on the Discussion page before we enable the change which can take place October 4 2024, circa 15:00 UTC+2. More information can be found on the project page.

We welcome your feedback and questions.
MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 18:57, 2024-yil 27-sentyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Preliminary results of the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees elections

Hello all,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election. Close to 6000 community members from more than 180 wiki projects have voted.

The following four candidates were the most voted:

  1. Christel Steigenberger
  2. Maciej Artur Nadzikiewicz
  3. Victoria Doronina
  4. Lorenzo Losa

While these candidates have been ranked through the vote, they still need to be appointed to the Board of Trustees. They need to pass a successful background check and meet the qualifications outlined in the Bylaws. New trustees will be appointed at the next Board meeting in December 2024.

Learn more about the results on Meta-Wiki.

Best regards,

The Elections Committee and Board Selection Working Group

MPossoupe_(WMF) 08:26, 2024-yil 14-oktyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Global bot approval request for Leaderbot


I apologize for sending this message in English. Please help translate to your language.

In accordance to the policy, this message is to notify you that there is a new approval request for a global bot.

The discussion is available at Steward requests/Bot status#Global bot status for Leaderbot on Meta.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards, EPIC (talk) 09:36, 2024-yil 15-oktyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

Seeking volunteers to join several of the movement’s committees

Each year, typically from October through December, several of the movement’s committees seek new volunteers.

Read more about the committees on their Meta-wiki pages:

Applications for the committees open on 16 October 2024. Applications for the Affiliations Committee close on 18 November 2024, and applications for the Ombuds commission and the Case Review Committee close on 2 December 2024. Learn how to apply by visiting the appointment page on Meta-wiki. Post to the talk page or email cst@wikimedia.org with any questions you may have.

For the Committee Support team,

-- Keegan (WMF) (talk) 23:08, 2024-yil 16-oktyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

The Signpost: 19 October 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Hello everyone, I previously wrote on the 27th September to advise that the Wikidata item sitelink will change places in the sidebar menu, moving from the General section into the In Other Projects section. The scheduled rollout date of 04.10.2024 was delayed due to a necessary request for Mobile/MinervaNeue skin. I am happy to inform that the global rollout can now proceed and will occur later today, 22.10.2024 at 15:00 UTC-2. Please let us know if you notice any problems or bugs after this change. There should be no need for null-edits or purging cache for the changes to occur. Kind regards, -Danny Benjafield (WMDE) 11:29, 2024-yil 22-oktyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

The Signpost: 6 November 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

The Signpost: 18 November 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Sign up for the language community meeting on November 29th, 16:00 UTC

Hello everyone,

The next language community meeting is coming up next week, on November 29th, at 16:00 UTC (Zonestamp! For your timezone <https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1732896000>). If you're interested in joining, you can sign up on this wiki page: <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Language_and_Product_Localization/Community_meetings#29_November_2024>.

This participant-driven meeting will be organized by the Wikimedia Foundation’s Language Product Localization team and the Language Diversity Hub. There will be presentations on topics like developing language keyboards, the creation of the Moore Wikipedia, and the language support track at Wiki Indaba. We will also have members from the Wayuunaiki community joining us to share their experiences with the Incubator and as a new community within our movement. This meeting will have a Spanish interpretation.

Looking forward to seeing you at the language community meeting! Cheers, Srishti 19:54, 2024-yil 21-noyabr (UTC)[javob berish]

The Signpost: 24 December 2024

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

The Signpost: 15 January 2025

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper

Universal Code of Conduct annual review: provide your comments on the UCoC and Enforcement Guidelines

My apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language.

I am writing to you to let you know the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines is open now. You can make suggestions for changes through 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 01:11, 2025-yil 24-yanvar (UTC)[javob berish]

Reminder: first part of the annual UCoC review closes soon

My apologies for writing in English. Please help translate to your language.

This is a reminder that the first phase of the annual review period for the Universal Code of Conduct and Enforcement Guidelines will be closing soon. You can make suggestions for changes through the end of day, 3 February 2025. This is the first step of several to be taken for the annual review. Read more information and find a conversation to join on the UCoC page on Meta. After review of the feedback, proposals for updated text will be published on Meta in March for another round of community review.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) (talk) 00:49, 2025-yil 3-fevral (UTC)[javob berish]

The Signpost: 7 February 2025

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's newspaper


Charos / Чарос

Салом ruwiki дан,

Мен ўзбек тилида ёк, лекин рус ва инглиз тилида (ва атакель биль араби калиль джидн).
Агар Чарос узум бепул расмини борми? Мен бизнинг мақолада уни киритиш истайман. --Neolexx (munozara) 17:33, 25-Avgust 2015 (UTC)

Salom, Neolexx! Собственно, коллега Carpodacus уже загрузил. Очень приятно слышать узбекскую речь от Вас :-). Но если что-то срочное, можете писать на русском — тут почти все знают его. --Sociologist--munozara-- 08:58, 5-Sentabr 2015 (UTC)

Приглашаю дополнить статью а также создать узбекскую версию.--Kaiyr (munozara) 13:43, 4-Sentabr 2016 (UTC)

Checking a draft

Hello, I wrote the draft https://uz.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foydalanuvchi:BarbaraLuciano13 of an article, concerning a well-known Italian artist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Benetti_(artist) Now I need someone to controll the text. Can you help me? I hope I did not write you wrong, otherwise I apologize. Thank you so much for your help, --BarbaraLuciano13 (munozara) 08:46, 12-Iyul 2021 (UTC)

Xayrli kun azizim!

Vikipediya qoidalariga toʻliq mos keladigan qozoq petitsiya sayti haqidagi maqolani tasodifan oʻchirib tashlaganga oʻxshaysiz. Men bilishimcha, boshqa tillarga tarjima qilish spam emas. Sizdan maqolani qayta ko'rib chiqishingizni va qayta tiklashingizni so'rayman, chunki u avval tajribali ishtirokchilar tomonidan tekshirilgan, yakunlangan va Vikipediyada qoldirilgan. 17:02, 26-Mart 2024 (UTC)