Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Salazarov/2023
![]() | Bu eski munozaralarning arxividir. Bu sahifani tahrir qilmang. Yangi muhokama boshlash yoki eski mavzuni yana koʻtarish uchun hozirgi munozara sahifasini tahrir qiling. |
Yangi 2023-yil muborak boʻlsin!
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Yangi 2023-yil bilan! |
Assalomu alaykum mening eng eng urishqoq va man bilan koʻpale urishadigan doʻstim! Sizni kirib kelgan yangi 2023-yil bilan chin qalbimdan tabriklayman! Kelayotgan yil barchamizga baxt, omad va quvonch keltirsin. Yakunlangan 2022-yilda siz bilan oʻzbekcha vikipediyada tanishganligimdan juda xursandman! Yangi yilda Vikipediyani birgalikda rivojlantirishimizga tilakdoshman!!! |
- Panpanchik; Rahmat, doʻstim. Sizga ham muborak boʻlsin. Salazarov (suhbat) 07:43, 1-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
- Assalomu alakum@Panpanchik GoPhy0709 (munozara) 18:15, 29-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Gold Ticket sahifasi ochirilmasligi sababi
Huddi click uz niki kabi qilib yozilgan sahifa nima sababdan ochirilganligini bilsam boladimi Muhammadiy.K (munozara) 11:48, 7-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
- Muhammadiy.K; Reklama, spam sahifa haqida xabar berganingiz uchun tashakkur! U ham o'chirildi. Iltimos, ensiklopedik ahamiyatga ega bo'lmagan reklama sahifalar yaratmang. Bu sizni bloklanishingizga olib kelishi mumkin. Rahmat! Salazarov (suhbat) 11:51, 7-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
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Oqkoʻngil tahrirchi yulduzi | |
Siz bilan tanishganimdan judayam xursandman ![]() Diwikiped (munozara) 17:35, 9-Yanvar 2023 (UTC) |
- Diwikiped; Rahmat, minnatdorman! Men ham tanishganimdan xursandman! Salazarov (suhbat) 17:57, 9-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-02
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can use tags to filter edits in the recent changes feed or on your watchlist. You can now use tags to filter out edits you don't want to see. Previously you could only use tags to focus on the edits with those tags. [1]
- Special:WhatLinksHere shows all pages that link to a specific page. There is now a prototype for how to sort those pages alphabetically. You can see the discussion in the Phabricator ticket.
- You can now use the thanks function on your watchlist and the user contribution page. [2]
- A wiki page can be moved to give it a new name. You can now get a dropdown menu with common reasons when you move a page. This is so you don't have to write the explanation every time. [3]
- Matrix is a chat tool. You can now use
to create Matrix links on wiki pages. [4] - You can filter out translations when you look at the recent changes on multilingual wikis. This didn't hide translation pages. You can now also hide subpages which are translation pages. [5]
Changes later this week
- Realtime preview for wikitext is a tool which lets editors preview the page when they edit wikitext. It will be enabled for all users of the 2010 wikitext editor. You will find it in the editor toolbar.
Some wikis will be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. It will be performed on 10 January at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis) and on 12 January at 07:00 UTC (targeted wikis).
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 10 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 11 January. It will be on all wikis from 12 January (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:08, 10-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-03
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
The URLs in "oxirgi" links on page history now contain
diff=prev&oldid=[revision ID]
in place ofdiff=[revision ID]&oldid=[revision ID]
. This is to fix a problem with links pointing to incorrect diffs when history was filtered by a tag. Some user scripts may break as a result of this change. [6]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 17 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 18 January. It will be on all wikis from 19 January (calendar).
- Some changes to the appearance of talk pages have only been available on
andFoydalanuvchi munozarasi:
namespaces. These will be extended to other talk namespaces, such asVikipediya munozarasi:
. They will continue to be unavailable in non-talk namespaces, includingVikipediya:
pages (e.g., at the Village Pump). You can change your preferences (beta feature). [7] - On Wikisources, when an image is zoomed or panned in the Page: namespace, the same zoom and pan settings will be remembered for all Page: namespace pages that are linked to a particular Index: namespace page. [8]
- The Vector 2022 skin will become the default for the English Wikipedia desktop users. The change will take place on January 18 at 15:00 UTC. Learn more.
Future changes
- The 2023 edition of the Community Wishlist Survey, which invites contributors to make technical proposals and vote for tools and improvements, starts next week on 23 January 2023 at 18:00 UTC. You can start drafting your proposals in the CWS sandbox.
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:11, 17-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-04
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, for ~15 minutes, all wikis were unreachable for logged-in users and non-cached pages. This was caused by a timing issue. [9]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 24 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 25 January. It will be on all wikis from 26 January (calendar).
- If you have the Beta Feature for DiscussionTools enabled, the appearance of talk pages will add more information about discussion activity. [10][11]
- The 2023 edition of the Community Wishlist Survey (CWS), which invites contributors to make technical proposals and vote for tools and improvements, starts on Monday 23 January 2023 at 18:00 UTC.
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:46, 23-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-05
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, for ~15 minutes, some users were unable to log in or edit pages. This was caused by a problem with session storage. [12]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 31 January. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 February. It will be on all wikis from 2 February (calendar).
Future changes
Wikis that use localized numbering schemes for references need to add new CSS. This will help to show citation numbers the same way in all reading and editing modes. If your wiki would prefer to do it yourselves, please see the details and example CSS to copy from, and also add your wiki to the list. Otherwise, the developers will directly help out starting the week of February 5.
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MediaWiki message delivery 00:05, 31-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-06
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Vector 2022 skin, logged-out users using the full-width toggle will be able to see the setting of their choice even after refreshing pages or opening new ones. This only applies to wikis where Vector 2022 is the default. [13]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 7 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 February. It will be on all wikis from 9 February (calendar).
- Previously, we announced when some wikis would be in read-only for a few minutes because of a switch of their main database. These switches will not be announced any more, as the read-only time has become non-significant. Switches will continue to happen at 7AM UTC on Tuesdays and Thursdays. [14]
- Across all the wikis, in the Vector 2022 skin, logged-in users will see the page-related links such as "What links here" in a new side menu. It will be displayed on the other side of the screen. This change had previously been made on Czech, English, and Vietnamese Wikipedias. [15]
- Community Wishlist Survey 2023 will stop receiving new proposals on Monday, 6 February 2023, at 18:00 UTC. Proposers should complete any edits by then, to give time for translations and review. Voting will begin on Friday, 10 February.
Future changes
Gadgets and user scripts will be changing to load on desktop and mobile sites. Previously they would only load on the desktop site. It is recommended that wiki administrators audit the gadget definitions prior to this change, and add
for any gadgets which should not load on mobile. More details are available.
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MediaWiki message delivery 10:21, 6-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
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„Oʻchirishlar uchun“ ordeni |
Vikipediyani turli axlat maqolalardan tozalashda qilayotgan xizmatlaringiz uchun sizga ushbu ordenni taqdim etaman. Yoqimli tahrirlar! — Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 08:39, 9-Fevral 2023 (UTC) |
Salom! Abatbay Daniyarov maqolasining mavzusi VP:OʻCHda EAga ega ekanligi bildirib oʻtildi. Shunday boʻlsada nima sababli uni oʻchirgan boʻlsangiz? — Kagansky (munozarasi) 14:43, 10-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Kagansky; Assalamu alaykum! Sahifani oʻchirish paytida doim bitta asosga tayangan holda qaror qabul qilaman. Oʻchirilgan sahifa ayanchli ahvolda va manba borligi munozarada keltirilganligi bilan 2 kun muddat ichida tayinli tahrir qilinmagani uchun oʻchirildi. Asos va izoh keltirganman. Uni bu yerda koʻrishingiz mumkin. Salazarov (suhbat) 14:49, 10-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Sizga boʻlgan cheksiz hurmatim asosida shuni aytmoqchimanki, men manbasi bor va maqolasifat sahifani emas, tartibsiz gaplar va agʻdar-toʻntar tuzilishga ega boʻlgan sahifani oʻchirdim. Va buni Vandalizm deb hisoblamasligingizni xohlardim. Salazarov (suhbat) 14:51, 10-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Misol sifatida aytishim mumkinki, mana bu sahifa "odambashara" qilinganligi uchun asrab qolindi. Salazarov (suhbat) 14:53, 10-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Agar EAga molikligi 200% aniq boʻlsa va VP:OʻCHda konsensusga erishilmasa nafaqat Xulosa chiqaruvchi, balki Administratorning ham ushbu maqolani oʻchirishga haqqi yoʻq. Xulosa chiqaruvchi faqatgina VP:TOʻM kriteriylariga mos boʻlgan sahifalarni oʻchirishga haqqi bor. VP:OʻCHda esa ehtiyotkor boʻlishi zarur. VP:OʻCHdagi xulosasini esa tajribali admin asosli inkor etish huquqiga ega! Xullas, maqolani qayta tiklash kerak edi. Bu ish hozirda amalga oshirilgan. Maqola axlat yoki yoʻqligi ikkinchi masala. Konsensus kerak. Deputatlarga kelsak, ular 200% EAga ega. Hatto choʻpon boʻlsin. — Kagansky (munozarasi) 18:24, 11-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-07
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- On wikis where patrolled edits are enabled, changes made to the mentor list by autopatrolled mentors are not correctly marked as patrolled. It will be fixed later this week. [16]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 14 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 February. It will be on all wikis from 16 February (calendar).
- The Reply tool and other parts of DiscussionTools will be deployed for all editors using the mobile site. You can read more about this decision. [17]
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 1. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [18][19][20]
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:49, 14-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-08
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, during planned maintenance of Cloud Services, unforeseen complications forced the team to turn off all tools for 2–3 hours to prevent data corruption. Work is ongoing to prevent similar problems in the future. [21]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 21 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 February. It will be on all wikis from 23 February (calendar).
- The voting phase for the Community Wishlist Survey 2023 ends on 24 February at 18:00 UTC. The results of the survey will be announced on 28 February.
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 1. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [22][23][24]
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:58, 21-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-09
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, in some areas of the world, there were problems with loading pages for 20 minutes and saving edits for 55 minutes. These issues were caused by a problem with our caching servers due to unforseen events during a routine maintenance task. [25][26]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 28 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 March. It will be on all wikis from 2 March (calendar).
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 1. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. [27]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:47, 27-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
Timur Alixonov
Timur Alixonov haqidagi wiki nega o’chirilda ma’lumotlarni qo’shimcha kiritmoqchi edim. Rus vikipediyasida u haqida ma’lumot bor 07:11, 28-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Salom va Vikipediyaga xush kelibsiz! Bu kishi haqidagi maqola ruwikida o'chirishga berilgan va katta ehtimol bilan o'chiriladi. Bunaqa aylanma yo'l bilan vaynerlarni Vikipediyaga olib kirishga urinishgan. Demoqchimanki, avval ruwikida yaratsak, keyin uzwikida yaratisak, ular anglamaydi va maqola E/Aga ega bo'lmasa ham qoldirladi deb o'ylamanglar. Maqola har doim obdon tekshiriladi. Sizga maslahatim ruwikida o'chirishga berilgan maqolani saqlab qolishga harakat qilib ko'ring. Albatta, reklamadan yiroq nufuzli manbalar topa olsangiz. Yoqimli tahrirlar. Salazarov (suhbat) 07:19, 28-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-10
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Community Wishlist Survey 2023 edition has been concluded. Community Tech has published the results of the survey and will provide an update on what is next in April 2023.
- On wikis which use LanguageConverter to handle multiple writing systems, articles which used custom conversion rules in the wikitext (primarily on Chinese Wikipedia) would have these rules applied inconsistently in the table of contents, especially in the Vector 2022 skin. This has now been fixed. [28]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 7 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 March. It will be on all wikis from 9 March (calendar).
- A search system has been added to the Preferences screen. This will let you find different options more easily. Making it work on mobile devices will happen soon. [29]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:50, 6-Mart 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-11
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 14 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 March. It will be on all wikis from 16 March (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Chavacano de Zamboanga Wikipedia, Min Dong Chinese Wikipedia, Chechen Wikipedia, Cebuano Wikipedia, Chamorro Wikipedia, Cherokee Wikipedia, Cheyenne Wikipedia, Central Kurdish Wikipedia, Corsican Wikipedia, Kashubian Wikipedia, Church Slavic Wikipedia, Chuvash Wikipedia, Welsh Wikipedia, Italian Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [30][31]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:20, 13-Mart 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-12
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Last week, some users experienced issues loading image thumbnails. This was due to incorrectly cached images. [32]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 21 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 March. It will be on all wikis from 23 March (calendar).
A link to the user's Maxsus:CentralAuth page will appear on Maxsus:Contributions — some user scripts which previously added this link may cause conflicts. This feature request was voted #17 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey.
The Maxsus:AbuseFilter edit window will be resizable and larger by default. This feature request was voted #80 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey.
- There will be a new option for Administrators when they are unblocking a user, to add the unblocked user’s user page to their watchlist. This will work both via Maxsus:Unblock and via the API. [33]
- You can join the next meeting with the Wikipedia mobile apps teams. During the meeting, we will discuss the current features and future roadmap. The meeting will be on 24 March at 17:00 (UTC). See details and how to join.
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:26, 21-Mart 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-13
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The AbuseFilter condition limit was increased from 1000 to 2000. [34]
- Some Global AbuseFilter actions will no longer apply to local projects. [35]
- Desktop users are now able to subscribe to talk pages by clicking on the Subscribe link in the Asboblar menu. If you subscribe to a talk page, you receive notifications when new topics are started on that talk page. This is separate from putting the page on your watchlist or subscribing to a single discussion. [36]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 28 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 March. It will be on all wikis from 30 March (calendar).
Future changes
- You will be able to choose visual diffs on all history pages at the Wiktionaries and Wikipedias. [37]
The legacy Mobile Content Service is going away in July 2023. Developers are encouraged to switch to Parsoid or another API before then to ensure service continuity. [38]
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:14, 28-Mart 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-14
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The system for automatically creating categories for the Babel extension has had several important changes and fixes. One of them allows you to insert templates for automatic category descriptions on creation, allowing you to categorize the new categories. [39][40][41][42][43]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 4 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 April. It will be on all wikis from 6 April (calendar).
- Some older Web browsers will stop being able to use JavaScript on Wikimedia wikis from this week. This mainly affects users of Internet Explorer 11. If you have an old web browser on your computer you can try to upgrade to a newer version. [44]
The deprecated
module has been removed. This module could be used by gadgets and user scripts, to create an artificial delay in how JavaScript responds to a hover event. Gadgets and user scripts should now use jQueryhover()
instead. Examples can be found in the migration guide. [45]- Some of the links in Maxsus:SpecialPages will be re-arranged. There will be a clearer separation between links that relate to all users, and links related to your own user account. [46]
- You will be able to hide the Reply button in archived discussion pages with a new
magic word. There will also be a
CSS class for hiding the Reply button in individual sections on a page. [47][48][49]
Future changes
- The Vega software that creates data visualizations in pages, such as graphs, will be upgraded to the newest version in the future. Graphs that still use the very old version 1.5 syntax may stop working properly. Most existing uses have been found and updated, but you can help to check, and to update any local documentation. Examples of how to find and fix these graphs are available.
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:40, 3-Aprel 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-15
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
In the visual editor, it is now possible to edit captions of images in galleries without opening the gallery dialog. This feature request was voted #61 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [50]
You can now receive notifications when another user edits your user page. See the "Edits to my user page" option in your Preferences. This feature request was voted #3 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [51]
- There was a problem with all types of CentralNotice banners still being shown to logged-in users even if they had turned off specific banner types. This has now been fixed. [52]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 11 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 April. It will be on all wikis from 13 April (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Moroccan Arabic Wikipedia, Danish Wikipedia, Dinka Wikipedia, Lower Sorbian Wikipedia, Ewe Wikipedia, Greek Wikipedia, Emiliano-Romagnolo Wikipedia, Esperanto Wikipedia, Estonian Wikipedia, Basque Wikipedia, Extremaduran Wikipedia, Tumbuka Wikipedia, Fulah Wikipedia, Finnish Wikipedia, Võro Wikipedia, Fijian Wikipedia, Faroese Wikipedia, Arpitan Wikipedia, Northern Frisian Wikipedia, Friulian Wikipedia, Irish Wikipedia, Guianan Creole Wikipedia, Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia, Galician Wikipedia, Gilaki Wikipedia, Guarani Wikipedia, Goan Konkani Wikipedia, Gothic Wikipedia, Gujarati Wikipedia, Manx Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [53][54]
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MediaWiki message delivery 20:05, 10-Aprel 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-16
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now see nearby articles on a Kartographer map with the button for the new feature "Show nearby articles". Six wikis have been testing this feature since October. [55][56]
The Special:GlobalWatchlist page now has links for "mark page as read" for each entry. This feature request was voted #161 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [57]
- At Wikimedia Commons, some thumbnails have not been getting replaced correctly after a new version of the image is uploaded. This should be fixed later this week. [58][59]
For the last few weeks, some external tools had inconsistent problems with logging-in with OAuth. This has now been fixed. [60]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 18 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 April. It will be on all wikis from 20 April (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:54, 18-Aprel 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-17
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The date-selection menu on pages such as Maxsus:Contributions will now show year-ranges that are in the current and past decade, instead of the current and future decade. This feature request was voted #145 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [61]
- Due to security issues with the Graph extension, graphs have been disabled in all Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia Foundation teams are working to respond to these vulnerabilities. [62]
- For a few days, it was not possible to save some kinds of edits on the mobile version of a wiki. This has been fixed. [63][64][65]
Changes later this week
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on April 26. This is planned for 14:00 UTC. [66]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 25 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 26 April. It will be on all wikis from 27 April (calendar).
Future changes
- The Editing team plans an A/B test for a usability analysis of the Talk page project. The planned measurements are available. Your wiki may be invited to participate. Please suggest improvements to the measurement plan at the discussion page.
- The Wikimedia Foundation annual plan 2023-2024 draft is open for comment and input until May 19. The final plan will be published in July 2023 on Meta-wiki.
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MediaWiki message delivery 22:03, 24-Aprel 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-18
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The content attribution tools Who Wrote That?, XTools Authorship, and XTools Blame now support the French and Italian Wikipedias. More languages will be added in the near future. This is part of the #7 wish in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [67][68][69]
- The Video2commons tool has been updated. This fixed several bugs related to YouTube uploads. [70]
- The Maxsus:Preferences page has been redesigned on mobile web. The new design makes it easier to browse the different categories and settings at low screen widths. You can also now access the page via a link in the Settings menu in the mobile web sidebar. [71]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 2 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 3 May. It will be on all wikis from 4 May (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:45, 2-May 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-19
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Last week, Community Tech released the first update for providing better diffs, the #1 request in the 2022 Community Wishlist Survey. This update adds legends and tooltips to inline diffs so that users unfamiliar with the blue and yellow highlights can better understand the type of edits made.
When you close an image that is displayed via MediaViewer, it will now return to the wiki page instead of going back in your browser history. This feature request was voted #65 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [72]
- The SyntaxHighlight extension now supports
as a selected language. Old alternatives that were used to highlight wikitext, such ashtml5
, andhtml+handlebars
, can now be replaced. [73] - Preloading text to new pages/sections now supports preloading from localized MediaWiki interface messages. Here is an example at the Czech Wikipedia that uses
. [74]
- Graph Extension update: Foundation developers have completed upgrading the visualization software to Vega5. Existing community graphs based on Vega2 are no longer compatible. Communities need to update local graphs and templates, and shared lua modules like de:Modul:Graph. The Vega Porting guide provides the most comprehensive detail on migration from Vega2 and here is an example migration. Vega5 has currently just been enabled on to provide a test environment for communities. [75]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 9 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 10 May. It will be on all wikis from 11 May (calendar).
Until now, all new OAuth apps went through manual review. Starting this week, apps using identification-only or basic authorizations will not require review. [76]
Future changes
- During the next year, MediaWiki will stop using IP addresses to identify logged-out users, and will start automatically assigning unique temporary usernames. Read more at IP Editing: Privacy Enhancement and Abuse Mitigation/Updates. You can join the discussion about the format of the temporary usernames. [77]
- There will be an A/B test on 10 Wikipedias where the Vector 2022 skin is the default skin. Half of logged-in desktop users will see an interface where the different parts of the page are more clearly separated. You can read more. [78][79]
will be removed from the MediaWiki core. This will affect some user scripts. Many lines with.tipsy(
can be commented out.OO.ui.PopupWidget
can be used to keep things working like they are now. You can read more and read about how to find broken scripts. [80]
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MediaWiki message delivery 00:36, 9-May 2023 (UTC)
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WikiTabrik |
Assalomu alaykum! Vikipediyada hisob yaratganingizga bir yil toʻlgani bilan tabriklayman :) Bundan keyingi faoliyatingizda bundan ham katta marralarni zabt etishingizda tilakdoshman va omadlar tilayman :D Diwikiped (munozara) 08:04, 13-May 2023 (UTC) |
Tech News: 2023-20
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Citations that are automatically generated based on ISBN are currently broken. This affects citations made with the VisualEditor Automatic tab, and the use of the citoid API in gadgets and user scripts. Work is ongoing to restore this feature. [81]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 16 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 17 May. It will be on all wikis from 18 May (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Gorontalo Wikipedia, Hausa Wikipedia, Hakka Chinese Wikipedia, Hawaiian Wikipedia, Fiji Hindi Wikipedia, Croatian Wikipedia, Upper Sorbian Wikipedia, Haitian Creole Wikipedia, Interlingua Wikipedia, Interlingue Wikipedia, Igbo Wikipedia, Iloko Wikipedia, Ingush Wikipedia, Ido Wikipedia, Icelandic Wikipedia, Inuktitut Wikipedia, Jamaican Patois Wikipedia, Javanese Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [82]
Future changes
- There is a recently formed team at the Wikimedia Foundation which will be focusing on experimenting with new tools. Currently they are building a prototype ChatGPT plugin that allows information generated by ChatGPT to be properly attributed to the Wikimedia projects.
Gadget and userscript developers should replace
. Thejquery.cookie
library will be removed in ~1 month, and staff developers will run a script to replace any remaining uses at that time. [83]
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MediaWiki message delivery 21:45, 15-May 2023 (UTC)
Salom, 13-may kuni foydalanuvchi Abdulaziz03.12ning foydalanuvchi sahifasini asossiz oʻchirib yuborganingiz vandallik sifatida baholanadi. Keyingi safar bunday ish qaytarilsa yoki avval ham shu kabi foydalanuvchi sahifalarini oʻchirganingiz ochiqlanib qolsa, sizga berilgan ayrim huquqlardan mahrum qilinishingiz va biroz muddatga Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyadan chetlatilishingiz mumkin. iltimos, foydalanuvchi sahifalarini oʻchirishda oʻta ehtiyotkor boʻling. Ezgu maqsadni koʻzlang! Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 08:02, 16-May 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-21
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The "recent edits" time period for page watchers is now 30 days. It used to be 180 days. This was a Community Wishlist Survey proposal. [84]
Changes later this week
- An improved impact module will be available at Wikipedias. The impact module is a feature available to newcomers at their personal homepage. It will show their number of edits, how many readers their edited pages have, how many thanks they have received and similar things. It is also accessible by accessing Special:Impact. [85]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 23 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 24 May. It will be on all wikis from 25 May (calendar).
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16:55, 22-May 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-22
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Citations can once again be added automatically from ISBNs, thanks to Zotero's ISBN searches. The current data sources are the Library of Congress (United States), the Bibliothèque nationale de France (French National Library), and K10plus ISBN (German repository). Additional data source searches can be proposed to Zotero. The ISBN labels in the VisualEditor Automatic tab will reappear later this week. [86]
The page Maxsus:EditWatchlist now has "Barchasini belgilash" options to select all the pages within a namespace. This feature request was voted #161 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [87]
- For a few days earlier this month, the "Add interlanguage link" item in the Tools menu did not work properly. This has now been fixed. [88]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 30 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 31 May. It will be on all wikis from 1 June (calendar).
- VisualEditor will be switched to a new backend on small and medium wikis this week. Large wikis will follow in the coming weeks. This is part of the effort to move Parsoid into MediaWiki core. The change should have no noticeable effect on users, but if you experience any slow loading or other strangeness when using VisualEditor, please report it on the phabricator ticket linked here. [89]
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MediaWiki message delivery 22:04, 29-May 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-23
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The RealMe extension allows you to mark URLs on your user page as verified for Mastodon and similar software.
Citation and footnote editing can now be started from the reference list when using the visual editor. This feature request was voted #2 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [90]
- Previously, clicking on someone else's link to Recent Changes with filters applied within the URL could unintentionally change your preference for "Natijalarni sahifaga koʻra guruhlash". This has now been fixed. [91]
- For a few days last week, some tools and bots returned outdated information due to database replication problems, and may have been down entirely while it was being fixed. These issues have now been fixed. [92]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 6 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 7 June. It will be on all wikis from 8 June (calendar).
- Bots will no longer be prevented from making edits because of URLs that match the spam blacklist. [93]
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MediaWiki message delivery 22:52, 5-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Assalomu alaykum Salazarov ! Xatolar toʻgʻirlandi va toʻgʻirlash davom ettirilyapti. E'tibor berib tekshirganingiz uchun tashakkur.
Keyin bir iltimosim bor edi mana shu oʻzingiz tekshirgan - Akbar Maxsumov tarjimamning xatosini topolmadim ref tegi qoʻyish kerak deyapti lekin teglar qoʻyilgan. Vaqtingiz borida qarab menga xatoyimni ayta olasizmi? Mirishkorlik (munozara) 22:35, 7-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Mirishkorlik; Menimcha, xato tuzatilib boʻlingan. Salazarov 18:42, 9-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Rahmat kattakon xatoni topdim Mirishkorlik (munozara) 18:48, 9-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Orifjon Toshmatov
Assalomu alaykum men Orifjon Toshmatov va Abdugʻani Qodirov maqolamni qayta yana tahrirlasam hatolarni toʻgʻirlasam bal oʻzgaradimi.Hatolarimi koʻrib oʻz ustimda ishlayabman qolgan maqolalarda hato qilmaslikga harakat qilaman.Xasanboy off (munozara) 00:53, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Toʻgʻirlab, tahrirlab qoʻyishingizga eʼtiroz yoʻq. Ammo, jadval fountaindagi baho xatolik oʻtmagan boʻlsa, oʻzgartirilmaydi. Salazarov 06:26, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
UzAutoMotors avtomobillari
Assalomu alaykum. Andijon loyihasiga, xususan, Hududiy oyliklar tanlovida UzAutoMotors maqolasini kiritsam boʻladi. Lekin u kompaniya tomonidan ishlab chiqariladigan avtomobillar ham marafon uchun kiritilsa boʻladimi? Javob uchun oldindan rahmat. Anjaniy#suhbat 02:48, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Anjaniy; Avtomobil rusumi haqidagi maqola Vodiy doirasiga kirmaydi. Salazarov 06:27, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-24
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The content attribution tools Who Wrote That?, XTools Authorship, and XTools Blame now support the Dutch, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Polish and Portuguese Wikipedias. This was the #7 wish in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [94]
- The Search Preview panel has been deployed on four Wikipedias (Catalan, Dutch, Hungarian and Norwegian). The panel will show an image related to the article (if existing), the top sections of the article, related images (coming from MediaSearch on Commons), and eventually the sister projects associated with the article. [95]
- The RealMe extension now allows administrators to verify URLs for any page, for Mastodon and similar software. [96]
- The default project license has been officially upgraded to CC BY-SA 4.0. The software interface messages have been updated. Communities should feel free to start updating any mentions of the old CC BY-SA 3.0 licensing within policies and related documentation pages. [97]
- For three days last month, some Wikipedia pages edited with VisualEditor or DiscussionTools had an unintended
(or its localized form) added during an edit. There is a listing of affected pages sorted by wiki, that may still need to be fixed. [98] - Currently, the "Bu sahifani boshlangʻich holatga quyidagicha saralash" feature in VisualEditor is broken. Existing
keywords incorrectly appear as missing templates in VisualEditor. Developers are exploring how to fix this. In the meantime, those wishing to edit the default sortkey of a page are advised to switch to source editing. [99] Last week, an update to the delete form may have broken some gadgets or user scripts. If you need to manipulate (empty) the reason field, replace
with#wpReason > input
. See an example fix. [100]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 13 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 14 June. It will be on all wikis from 15 June (calendar).
- VisualEditor will be switched to a new backend on English Wikipedia on Monday, and all other large wikis on Thursday. The change should have no noticeable effect on users, but if you experience any slow loading or other strangeness when using VisualEditor, please report it on the phabricator ticket linked here. [101]
Future changes
- From 5 June to 17 July, the Foundation's Security team is holding a consultation with contributors regarding a draft policy to govern the use of third-party resources in volunteer-developed gadgets and scripts. Feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome at Third-party resources policy on meta-wiki.
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MediaWiki message delivery 14:52, 12-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Apostroflar va okinalar
Assalomu alaykum, hurmatli Salazarov. Menga apostroflar va okinalarning farqini tushuntirib bera olmaysizmi, iltimos. Yoki qaysi sahifadan ularning farqi ishlatish oʻrinlari haqida maʼlumot olishim mumkin. Javob uchun rahmat. ANJANIY!!#suhbat 04:32, 17-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Anjaniy; Salom! Shu sahifadan. Salazarov 10:23, 17-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-25
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
- There is now a toolbar search popup in the visual editor. You can trigger it by typing
or pressingctrl + shift + p
. It can help you quickly access most tools in the editor. [104][105]
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MediaWiki message delivery 20:09, 19-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-26
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The Action API modules and Special:LinkSearch will now add a trailing
to allprop=extlinks
responses for bare domains. This is part of the work to remove duplication in theexternallinks
database table. [106]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 27 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 28 June. It will be on all wikis from 29 June (calendar).
The Minerva skin now applies more predefined styles to the
CSS class. This enables support for mbox templates that use divs instead of tables. Please make sure that the new styles won't affect other templates in your wiki. [109][110]Gadgets will now load on both desktop and mobile by default. Previously, gadgets loaded only on desktop by default. Changing this default using the
parameter is also deprecated and should not be used. You should make gadgets work on mobile or disable them based on the skin (with the|skins=
parameter in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition) rather than whether the user uses the mobile or the desktop website. Popular gadgets that create errors on mobile will be disabled by developers on the Minerva skin as a temporary solution. [111]- All namespace tabs now have the same browser access key by default. Previously, custom and extension-defined namespaces would have to have their access keys set manually on-wiki, but that is no longer necessary. [112]
- The review form of the Flagged Revisions extension now uses the standardized user interface components. [113]
Future changes
How media is structured in the parser's HTML output will change in the coming weeks at group2 wikis. This change improves the accessibility of content. You may need to update your site-CSS, or userscripts and gadgets. There are details on what code to check, how to update the code, and where to report any related problems. [114]
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MediaWiki message delivery 16:19, 26-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Ovoz bering!
Salom. Xabaringiz bor, Alisher Usmonov nomli maqolani yaxshi statusi uchun soʻrovga qoʻygan edim. Iltimos, ovoz berish orqali oʻz fikringizni bildiring. Rahmat.ANJANIY!!#suhbat 11:45, 1-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Assalomu alaykum. „Xushsifat maqola“ statusi uchun nomzodlikka qoʻygan edim Saidjamshid Jafarov maqolasini koʻrib chiqib, mana bu sahifada o'z fikringizni bildirgan holda ovoz berish jarayonida qatnashishingizni so'rayman! Hurmat bilan, Xasanboy off (munozara) 04:05, 3-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Can you protect my talk page
Good days. Recently I got a lot of harassments on my user talk pages. It really burdens when cleaning these mess, mind you protect it for a while?
Thanks. Lemonaka (munozara) 01:07, 2-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Assalomu alaykum. Men Andoza:Bloger andozasidan foydalanmoqchi edim. Lekin toʻliq yaratilmagan ekan. YouTubedagi Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya kanalida ham andoza yaratish boʻyicha videodarsliklar yoʻq ekan. Qayerdan oʻrgansam boʻladi andozani toʻgʻri va toʻliq yaratish boʻyicha? Yoki oʻzingiz yordam berib yubora olmaysizmi vaqtingiz borida ruscha Vikipediyadagidek qilib toʻliq tahrirlab bera olasizmi, iltimos.Thezoomerkid (munozara) 09:26, 4-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Thezoomerkid; Unday darslik mavjud emas. Yaratib bo'lib, xabar beraman. Salazarov 10:50, 4-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Maqola boʻyicha
Salom. AQSh iqtisodiyoti maqolasining tahririga aralashmasligingizni soʻrayman. Chunki maqola status maqola tanlovi uchundir. Rahmat Diwikiped (munozara) 13:54, 4-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Diwikiped; Salom! Maqolani men tahrirlashim status olishi uchun zararli emas. Maqolaga {{thr}} andozasini qo'yib qo'ysangiz, men kabi boshqa foydalanuvchilar sahifaga tegmay turishardi. Yordam kerak bo'lsa, bemalol! Salazarov 13:57, 4-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
WikiStipendiya marafoni marosimlari
Assalomu alaykum. WikiStipendiya marafoni doirasidagi oyliklar tanlovi taqdirlash marosimi qayerda va qachon boʻlishi qayerda eʼlon qilinadi? Va istalgan odam ishtirok etsa boʻladimi? Iyun oyinikini endi boʻladimi yoki oʻtib ketdimi? theZOOMERkid (talk) 07:20, 5-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Va alaykum assalom! Bu haqida WikiStipendiya rasmiy kanalida ma'lumot ulashiniladi. Barcha tanlovlar tugagadigan so'ng, marafon yakunida bo'lsa kerak. Istalgan odam qarnashishi mumkin. Barcha oyni bir qilib, oxirida taqdirlashsa kerak. Salazarov 07:25, 5-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- WikiStipendiyaning telegramidagi kanaliga tashlangan postda har oy taqdirlash marosimi boʻlib oʻtadi deyilgan edi (1:15 - 1:20 daqiqalar orasida).theZOOMERkid (talk) 08:44, 5-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Page protection
Hi Salazarov, you might want to protect Afroamerikaliklar and Oqlar (allow only autoconfirmed users). I revdeleted many vandalism edits containing hate speech. Best regards --Johannnes89 (munozara) 14:02, 7-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Johannnes89; Hi! Have a good morning/day/night/evening! Thank you for reporting to protect these pages! Actually, UzWiki hasn't got only autoconfirmed users protection. We have 3 types of protection levels. They are: all, registered users, admins. I did both of them only registered users and added my watchlist them. If vandalism edits happen again, I will protect only admin level of protection. Salazarov 14:16, 7-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Don't think admin level protection is needed, registered users (showing as „autoconfirmed“ at my interface) is what I meant! :) Thanks for protecting and adding the pages to your watchlist. Unfortunately the articles are affected by a crosswiki LTA, who frequently targets a number of articles globally with hate speech. Have a nice morning/day/night/evening as well (it's day for me) ;) Johannnes89 (munozara) 14:50, 7-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Salom. Ushbu maqolani ko'rib chiqsangiz plagiatligi yuqori Ibrohimjon (munozara) 10:44, 18-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- OʻzME maqolalari ayrim saytlar tomonidan oʻzlashtirilganligi sababli plagiat darajasi koʻrsatilishi mumkin Mahmud Hamrayev (munozara) 10:51, 18-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Adiutorda 0 foiz. Adabiyotlardan copy & paste yoki unday emasligini tekshirib ko'ramiz. Xabar qilganingiz uchun tashakkur! Salazarov 11:12, 18-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Foydalanuvchi:Salazarov Ibrohimjon men to'ldirgan yana bir maqolaga tezda o'chirish andozasini qo'yibdilar. U ham O'zME maqolalaridan. Lekin O'zME ma'lumotlaridan ko'chirib foydalangan. Plagiat chiqmoqda. Men maqolaga qo'shimcha ma'lumotlar, rasmlar yuklaganman. O'zME maqolalari tahrirlanganda plagiat chiqsa shunaqa vaziyatlarda qanday yo'l tutiladi?
- Mahmud Hamrayev; Imzo qo'ymapsiz! Foydalanuvchi munozaralarida imzo qo'yish esdan chiqmasin! Foydalanuvchi hissasini tekshirib, uni ogohlantiraman. Salazarov 22:23, 23-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Translation request
Can you create the article en:Laacher See, which is the third most powerful volcano in Europe after Campi Flegrei and Santorini, in Uzbek Wikipedia?
Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (munozara) 20:38, 23-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Farishtalar va iblislar
shu maqolamni "Farishtalar va shaytonlar" muqobili borligi uchun o‘chiribsiz, lekin mening maqolam havolalar bilan to‘ldirilgan va keng qamrovli ma'lumotlarni qamrab olgan edi. Qayta ko‘rib chiqishingizni so‘rar edim, hurmat va ehtirom ila S.N.K Santuagara (munozara) 14:40, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Avvalambor, salom! Mavjud sahifaning nusxasini yaratish emas, bor maqolani to'ldirgan ma'qul. Bu maqolani avvalroq yaratgan muallifning ham huquqlarini hurmat qilishni talab qiladi. Siz maqolani boyitishingiz mumkin. Salazarov 14:56, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Tahrirlay olmaganim uchun yangisini yaratgan edim, vaqtinchalikka tiklab bersangiz, avval mavjud bo‘lgan maqolani o‘zim yaratgan sahifadagi ma'lumotlar orqali to‘ldirib olar edim, 1 soatga bo‘lsa ham. Santuagara (munozara) 15:14, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Santuagara; 1-soatga qayta tiklandi: Farishtalar va iblislar. Salazarov 15:51, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Rahmat, minnatdorman S.N.K Santuagara (munozara) 15:55, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Maqolani tahrirlab oldim, yana bir bor rahmat, mehnatimni zoye qilmaganingiz uchun. Hurmat va ehtirom ila S.N.K Santuagara (munozara) 16:12, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Santuagara; Arzimaydi! Nuqtalarni manbalardan keyin qo'yishingiz kerak. Salazarov 16:39, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Tushunarli, rahmat Santuagara (munozara) 18:37, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Santuagara; Arzimaydi! Nuqtalarni manbalardan keyin qo'yishingiz kerak. Salazarov 16:39, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Santuagara; 1-soatga qayta tiklandi: Farishtalar va iblislar. Salazarov 15:51, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Tahrirlay olmaganim uchun yangisini yaratgan edim, vaqtinchalikka tiklab bersangiz, avval mavjud bo‘lgan maqolani o‘zim yaratgan sahifadagi ma'lumotlar orqali to‘ldirib olar edim, 1 soatga bo‘lsa ham. Santuagara (munozara) 15:14, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Xushsifat maqola nomzodi
Assalomu alaykum. Mana bu yerda xushsifat maqola uchun nomzod koʻrsatilgan. Ovoz berishda faollikka chaqiraman. Hurmat bilan, Mrjavokh1r (munozara) Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 22:31, 29-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
TM nomzodi
Assalomu alaykum. Mana bu yerda tanlangan maqola uchun nomzod koʻrsatilgan. Ovoz berishda faollikka chaqiraman. Hurmat bilan, Mrjavokh1r (munozara) Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 08:20, 30-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tanlangan maqola uchun nomzod
Assalamu alaykum xurmatli admin va faol foydalanuvchi. Men Inson yuragi nomli maqolamni TM uchun nomzod qilib koʻrsatmoqchiman. Bu jarayonda sizning ovozingiz katta ahamiyatga ega hisoblanadi. Fikr-mulohazalaringizni kutib qolaman. Hurmat bilan Wikisurgery94 (munozara) 09:42, 30-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Giuseppe Conte
Guiseppe Conte 16:25, 31-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Guiseppe Conte
Guiseppe Conte 16:26, 31-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Hududiy oyliklar boʻyicha
Hududiy oyliklar boʻyicha tahrirlangan maqolalarga rasm qoʻshsa ball beriladimi. Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 18:43, 1-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
- Mrjavokh1r; Albatta! Mana bu linkka qarang. Salazarov 18:45, 1-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Ro'yxatdan o'tish 16:56, 2-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Issiq kunda muzdek vikiyogurt:)
Hasan Alimov (☎) sizga bir kosa qatiq yogurt berdi! Yogurt mazali boʻlib, u xotirani yaxshilash, vandalizmga qarshi kurashish va sifatli maqola yozishda sezgirlikni oshirish hamda WikiSevgi ulashishga yordam beradi. Umid qilamanki, bu noz-neʼmat kuningizga biroz yaxshi kayfiyat qoʻshadi.
Doʻstona xabar bilan birovning muloqot sahifasiga {{subst:Yogurt}} qo'shish orqali yaxshilik ulashing! Yogurtni ilgari orangizda kelishmovchiliklar boʻlib oʻtgan insonga yoki yaqin doʻstingizga bering.
—Hasan Alimov (☎) 14:02, 5-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
- Katta rahmat, xursand bo'ldim. :) Salazarov 14:04, 5-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Tinch qo'ying
Muhtaram Salazarov. Mening munozara sahifamdagi tahrirlarni qaytarishni bas qilsangiz. Yoki munozara sahifasi boshida siz qo'ygan xabar turishi kerak deb qayerdadir yozilganmi? Adabiyot sevarni shaxsan taniydigan qiz (munozara) 03:39, 14-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
- Adabiyot sevarni shaxsan taniydigan qiz Kimlarnidir trolling qilishni bas qilsangiz, iltimos. Vikipediya maynavozchilik qiladigan joy emas. Siz qo'yayotgan andoza maqola munozaralari uchun mo'ljallangan. Yozilganiga kelsa, ha, yozilgan. Qarang en:WP:USERPAGE. Salazarov 02:07, 15-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
XM nomzodi
Assalomu alaykum. Mana bu yerda XM uchun nomzod koʻrsatilgan. Ovoz berishda faollikka chaqiraman. Hurmat bilan, Mrjavokh1r (munozara) Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 16:00, 14-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Iqtisodiy maqola
Assalomu alaykum. YM statusi uchun qoʻyilgan ushbu maqola boʻyicha fikr bildirishingizni soʻrab qolaman. Sizning istalgan maqolani yaxshi tahlil qila olish qobiliyatingiz maqolani YM statusigacha olib chiqish uchun muhimdir. E'tibor uchun tashakkur! Young Economist7 (munozara) 10:57, 16-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Salom 12-avgust kuni siz hech bir munozarasiz oʻchirib yuborgan Suv ombori bilgiqutisi andozasi 13 ta maqolaga bogʻlangan, ulardan ikkitasi „Xushsifat maqola“ statusini olgan. Siz andozani oʻchirganingizdan keyin shu maqolalar oʻz strukturasini yoʻqotib, koʻrimsiz holga kelib qolgan va bir necha kun (men bilib qolgunimcha) shunday turavergan. Andozani oʻchirish — axlat maqolani oʻchirishdek joʻn ish emasligini tushunasiz degan umiddaman. Biror andozani oʻchirishdan oldin undan yaxshirogʻini yaratish va barcha maqolalarga shu yangi (yaxshiroq) andozani kiritib chiqish kerak, administratorlik mansab emas, masʼuliyat ekanini, ayrim hollarda oʻchirish emas, ongli, progressiv qarorlar qabul qilish yaxshi yechim ekanini tushunib yetasiz degan umiddaman. Bu soʻzlarimni ogohlantirish oʻlaroq qabul qiling, keyingi safar chora koʻrilishi mumkin! Yoqimli tahrirlar. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 19:23, 19-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
TM statusi
TM statusi uchun qoʻyilgan ushbu maqolamga izoh bildirishingizni, xatolarini koʻrsatib oʻtishingiz, hamda loyiq koʻrsangiz, rozilik ishoratini qoldirishingizni soʻrab qolgan boʻlar edim! Mahmud Hamrayev (munozara) 10:41, 22-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
YM statusiga nomzod
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YM statusiga nomzod | |
Assalomu alaykum! Ushbu maqola Turkshohiylar sulolasi haqida. Chap tarafda turgan tamgʻa esa mazkur sulola tamgʻasi hisoblanadi. Mazkur maqolani Yaxshi maqola statusiga nomzod qilib koʻrsatdim! Ovoz berishda ishtirok etishingizni soʻrab qolaman! Elbek Yozish 22:19, 8-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC) |
TM statusi
Assalomu alaykum! Zamonaviy tarixda oʻtkazilgan ilk Yozgi Olimpiada oʻyinlari haqidagi „1896-yilgi Yozgi Olimpiada oʻyinlari“ maqolasini ingliz tilidan tarjima qilgan holda TM statusiga nomzodlikka qoʻygandim. Oʻqib chiqib, ovoz berishda ishtirok etishingizni soʻrayman. Oldindan rahmat. Hurmat bilan Sitora Oblakulova (munozara) 05:32, 9-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)!
![]() | Bu eski munozaralarning arxividir. Bu sahifani tahrir qilmang. Yangi muhokama boshlash yoki eski mavzuni yana koʻtarish uchun hozirgi munozara sahifasini tahrir qiling. |