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Munozara:Ravshan Ermatov

Sahifa kontenti boshqa tillarda dastaklanmaydi.
Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya

Dear friends,
I turn for you because the official website of the Uzbekistan Football Federation has different spellings of a well-known name. My question is: Why is the spelling of your referee’s name "Ravshan Ermatov" on the sides in Russian and English different from den Uzbekian side? Which of the spellings “Ermatov” or “Irmatov” or “Ирматов“ is the right?

I think only the uzbekian form can be decisive. Are the other form an error or they are an official guideline to write Uzbekian name in other languages? It cannot be a problem of the linguistics. If it is an error you should write on that official website the right spelling on all subsites.

I have told the German football journal “Kicker” that “Ermatov” is the home name of this referee but they do not accept that because the FIFA spelling is “Irmatov”.

I would be glad about an answer, and a guideline for such cases, or an correction for the international official spelling by the Uzbekistan Football Federation.

PS. Look on the German Wikipedia side "Ravshan Ermatov" too.

HeBB, German wikipedia

The correct spelling is Ravshan Ermatov. The word Ravshan is translated as "bright", "clear", and his second name is a combination of Ermat and Russian suffix -ов (-ov; so in German, his name would look like Ravshan von Ermat). And the name Ermat itself is a short form of Ermuhammad, again, a combination of Er (translated as "a man", as in "adult male human"), and Muhammad.
As with the incorrect spelling of his second name elsewhere, it's because of Russian transliteration of ex-Soviet citizens' names in their passports. Clerks at civil registry bureaus still think in a Soviet way, and our names in the English section of our passports are transformed from Uzbek to Russian, and only then into English. That's why we have screwed up norms with spelling names.
With my best regards, Abdullamunozara 05:18, 9 iyul 2010 (UTC)

Ravshan Ermatov haqida munozara boshlang

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