Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Laziz Baxtiyorov/2023
Assalomu alaykum, munozara sahifamga xush kelibsiz! Assalomu alaykum. Sizga yozishimni Wikipedia admini tavsiya qildi. Man WikiHogwardsga qatnashish maqsadida otgan hafta Ataxanova Sojida db yangi ozimni faoliyatimni boshlagandim. Lekin kecha fountionga ozim yozgan maqolalarimni qoshmoqchi edim qosha olmadm. Sz bloklangansz ddi. Xabarda etilishicha mani IP manzilimdan kmdr foydalangan ekan oldin bloklangan inson. Shunga maniyam blok qilishibdi.szdan blokdan chiqarishni soʻrayman
Yangi 2023-yil muborak boʻlsin!
[manbasini tahrirlash]![]() |
Yangi 2023-yil bilan! |
Assalomu alaykum Laziz aka Sizni kirib kelgan yangi 2023-yil bilan chin qalbimdan tabriklayman! Kelayotgan yil barchamizga baxt, omad va quvonch keltirsin. Yakunlangan 2022-yilda siz bilan oʻzbekcha vikipediyada tanishganligimdan juda xursandman! Yangi yilda Vikipediyani birgalikda rivojlantirishimizga tilakdoshman!!! |
- Tashakkur! Yangi yil sizga ham muborak boʻlsin. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:33, 1-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
your signature
[manbasini tahrirlash]as far as i know there is a rule about signature in both english and turkish wikipedia, about not putting images in signatures of users. but i see your signature contain an image. how rules are working about this in uzbek wikipedia? thanks...... Modern primat (munozara) 23:20, 19-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
- excuse me, i don't understand you. my signature hasn't any image? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 11:29, 20-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
- assalomu alaykum. men hozir sizga telegram orqali yozgan edim fountainga maqola yuklay olmayapman shunga meni blokdan ochib bera olasizmi XayrinisoJorayeva (munozara) 13:03, 20-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
IP chetlashishdan mustasno
[manbasini tahrirlash]Hayrli kun, @Laziz Baxtiyorov. Proxydan foydalanayotganim tufayli bloklanish ehtimolim bor. Shuning uchun IP chetlatishdan mustasno qilishingizni soʻrayman.
Muzaffar Murodovichmunozaramga yozish 06:30, 23-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
IP manzil proxy manzildan foydalanishi tufayli bloklanish ehtimoli
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom, xayrli kun! Iltimos meni IP bloklashdan holi foydalanuvchilar roʻyxatiga qoʻshsangiz. Sababi men foydalanayotgan IP asosiy proxy si vpn dan foydalanadi va bu mening sahifam bloklanishiga ham sabab boʻlishi mumkin. PanPanChik #yozish 06:31, 23-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
IP manzil proxy manzildan foydalanishi tufayli bloklanish ehtimoli
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom! Iltimos, meni IP bloklashdan holi foydalanuvchilar roʻyxatiga kiritishingizni soʻrayman. Sababi men foydalanayotgan IP manzil proxy dan foydalanadi va bu mening ham bloklanishimga sabab boʻladi. Sitora Oblakulova (munozara) 06:36, 23-Yanvar 2023 (UTC)
Respublika ta'lim markazi maqolasi yuzasidan
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum! aynan nima yuzasidan maqolada mualliflik huquqi buzilgan deyapsiz? Xatoni ayting to'g'irlayman. Asilbek0123 (munozara) 06:28, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Maqola 50% plagiatdan iborat Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 06:31, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Qaysi qismlar to'g'irlanishi kerakligini ayting to'g'irlayman Asilbek0123 (munozara) 06:34, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Plagiatga qayta tekshirib ko'ring ayrim bandlar rasmiy shakldagi nizomdan olinganligi sabab 46.8% plagiat deb o'ylagan tizim. Sozladim. Asilbek0123 (munozara) 06:59, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Plagiat 15 foizgacha kamayibdi. Maqola nomini ham qayta nomlash kerak. Qaysi respublika ekanligi yozilmagan Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:03, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Tashkilot nomlanishi Respublika ta'lim markazi, aynan hujjatlarda O‘zbekiston Respublika ta'lim markazi deyilmagani sabab hujjatlarda nomlanishi bo'yicha olgandim. Asilbek0123 (munozara) 07:07, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Buni bilaman. Disambig qoʻyish kerak. Izlovchilar adashmasligi uchun Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:56, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Tashkilot nomlanishi Respublika ta'lim markazi, aynan hujjatlarda O‘zbekiston Respublika ta'lim markazi deyilmagani sabab hujjatlarda nomlanishi bo'yicha olgandim. Asilbek0123 (munozara) 07:07, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Plagiat 15 foizgacha kamayibdi. Maqola nomini ham qayta nomlash kerak. Qaysi respublika ekanligi yozilmagan Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:03, 4-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]![]() |
Afgʻoniston ordeni |
Afgʻoniston mavzusida yaratgan maqolalaringiz uchun sizni ushbu orden bilan taqdirlayman. Jamshid Nurqul (munozara) 01:33, 10-Fevral 2023 (UTC) |
- Assalomu alaykum. Rahmat. Munosib boʻlishga harakat qilaman Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 17:46, 10-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom! Rangsiz tushlar sahifasida muallif huquqlari buzilmaganligi Adiutor asbobi yordamida aniqlandi. Nega TOʻMning U11 bandi bilan oʻchirishga berdingiz? Tahriringiz qaytarildi. Salazarov (suhbat) 04:58, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Salom. Avval aytganimdek, yana takrorlayman men tekshirmasdan hech bir maqolani ushbu band bilan oʻchirishga bermayman. Siz bir nechta maqolalarda tahrirlarni nima sababdan qaytarib chiqqanligingizni izohlab bersangiz Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:17, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Tahrirlaringiz yana oʻz holiga qaytarildi. Salazarov (suhbat) 07:24, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, Salazarov. Shu oʻrinda yana bir savol paydo boʻlmoqda. Qaysi asosga koʻra, {{Delete}} andozasi qoʻyishni vandalizm sifatida baholamoqdasiz. Tushuntirib bera olasizmi? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 09:26, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Avval aytganimdek, mualliflik huquqlari buzilmagan maqolaga aynan shu ayb bilan tezda oʻchirishga andozasini qoʻyish vandalizm hisoblanadi. Lekin, adiutor sababli anglashilmovchilik boʻlgan. Siz vandalizm qilmagansiz, ayblov asossiz. Bu texnik nosozlik boʻlgan. Salazarov (suhbat) 11:03, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Ayblov asossizligi emas, aynan {{Delete}} andozasi qoʻyishni vandalizm sifatida baholashda qaysi qoidaga asoslangansiz? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 11:11, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Bu qoidaga: Vikipediya:Vandalizm -> Ogohlantirish andozasi vandalizmi. Yomon niyat bilan sahifalarga ogohlantirish andozasini qoʻshish yoki mavjud ogohlantirishni olib tashlash. Salazarov (suhbat) 11:54, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Yomon niyat ekanligini asoslab bera olasizmi? Aniq dalillar bilan. Juda keskin ayblov qo'ygan ekansiz? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 12:07, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Andozani munozarasiz olib tashlashga qaysi qoidaga asoslangansiz? Adashmasam, birinchi marta emas? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 12:08, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Menga andoza doim munozara bilan olib tashlanadi degan qoidani ko'rsatsangiz. Salazarov (suhbat) 12:11, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Andozaning o'zida uni munozarasiz olib tashlamaslik kerakligi keltirilgan. Siz menga nisbatan bergan ayblovlaringizni asoslab berishingizni, agar asoslay olmagan taqdiringizda munozara sahifamda amalga oshirgan vandallik harakatlaringiz va yomon niyatli degan asossiz ayblovingiz tufayli huquqlaringizdan mahrum qilinishini so'rab murojaat qilaman Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 12:23, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Qayerda keltirilgan? Salazarov (suhbat) 12:41, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- {{Delete}} andozasini maqolada qo'yganda o'chirish kerak emas deb hisoblanganda munozara sahifasida yozish keltirilgan. Agar sizni bu qoniqtirmasa, forumda muhokama qilib ko'rishimiz mumkin. Alohida qoidani Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 12:44, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Qayerda keltirilgan? Salazarov (suhbat) 12:41, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Andozaning o'zida uni munozarasiz olib tashlamaslik kerakligi keltirilgan. Siz menga nisbatan bergan ayblovlaringizni asoslab berishingizni, agar asoslay olmagan taqdiringizda munozara sahifamda amalga oshirgan vandallik harakatlaringiz va yomon niyatli degan asossiz ayblovingiz tufayli huquqlaringizdan mahrum qilinishini so'rab murojaat qilaman Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 12:23, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Menga andoza doim munozara bilan olib tashlanadi degan qoidani ko'rsatsangiz. Salazarov (suhbat) 12:11, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Nataev, Jamshid Nurkulov, Kagansky, Malikxan qoidalardagi Vandalizm -> Ogohlantirish andozasi vandalizmi. Yomon niyat bilan sahifalarga ogohlantirish andozasini qoʻshish yoki mavjud ogohlantirishni olib tashlash. punkti umum kelishilgan holda qabul qilinganmi? Tarixiga qaraganda kimningdir shaxsiy ambitsiyasiga o'xshayapti Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 12:26, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Bu qoidaga: Vikipediya:Vandalizm -> Ogohlantirish andozasi vandalizmi. Yomon niyat bilan sahifalarga ogohlantirish andozasini qoʻshish yoki mavjud ogohlantirishni olib tashlash. Salazarov (suhbat) 11:54, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Ayblov asossizligi emas, aynan {{Delete}} andozasi qoʻyishni vandalizm sifatida baholashda qaysi qoidaga asoslangansiz? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 11:11, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Avval aytganimdek, mualliflik huquqlari buzilmagan maqolaga aynan shu ayb bilan tezda oʻchirishga andozasini qoʻyish vandalizm hisoblanadi. Lekin, adiutor sababli anglashilmovchilik boʻlgan. Siz vandalizm qilmagansiz, ayblov asossiz. Bu texnik nosozlik boʻlgan. Salazarov (suhbat) 11:03, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, Salazarov. Shu oʻrinda yana bir savol paydo boʻlmoqda. Qaysi asosga koʻra, {{Delete}} andozasi qoʻyishni vandalizm sifatida baholamoqdasiz. Tushuntirib bera olasizmi? Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 09:26, 1-Mart 2023 (UTC)
- Tahrirlaringiz yana oʻz holiga qaytarildi. Salazarov (suhbat) 07:24, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
Vandalizm (1.2)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Tanho qayiq(film)da ham yuqoridagidek vandalizm holatini qayd etgansiz. Tezda o'chirishga berishdan oldin yaxshilab tekshirishingizni iltimos qilaman. Behudadan behudaga TO'Mga beravermasdan. Salazarov (suhbat) 05:07, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Salom. Salazarov. Ushbu tahrirlarni nima sababdan qaytarganligingizni tushuntirib bersangiz. Chunki, sarlavhada juda jiddiy ayblov bilan munozara ochgansiz Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:15, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Adiutor bilan menda muammo kuzatildi. Avval, plagiat chiqmadi, keyin tekshirilganda yana plagiat chiqdi. Mana bu faylga qarang:
. Salazarov (suhbat) 07:21, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Shu kabi holatlar kuzatilmasligi uchun yaxshiroq tekshirishni tavsiya qilaman Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:25, 16-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Adiutor bilan menda muammo kuzatildi. Avval, plagiat chiqmadi, keyin tekshirilganda yana plagiat chiqdi. Mana bu faylga qarang:
IP chetlashtirish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom, Laziz Baxtiyorov. Ba'zi saytlarga kirishda VPNdan foydalanishga to‘g‘ri kelayotgani sababli, meni IP chetlashtirishlardan mustasno qilib berishingizni so‘rayman. Hilola Jurakulova (munozara) 12:07, 20-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
- Salom. Sizni bir oy muddatga IP chetlashtirishdan mustasnolar guruhiga qo'shdim. O'ylaymanki, foydali tahrirlarni berilgan muddatda tugata olasiz. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:35, 21-Fevral 2023 (UTC)
IP chetlashtirish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Xayrli kech, Laziz Baxtiyorov. O‘zbekcha Vikipediyani yangi maqolalar bilan boyitish hamda mavjud maqolalar sifatini yaxshilash borasida tez-tez proksi-serverlar bilan ishlashga ehtiyoj tug‘ilmoqda. Bizning mintaqa va mamlakatdan tashqaridagi nufuzli hamda betaraf manbalar bilan ishlash imkoniga ega bo‘lishim uchun mening akkauntimni IP chetlashtirishdan mustasno qilib berishingizni so‘rayman. Kamol Azzam (munozara) 13:40, 17-Mart 2023 (UTC)
IP chetlashtirish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Xayrli kun, Laziz Baxtiyorov, meni IP chetlashtirishdan mustasno foydalanuvchilar roʻyxatiga kiritishingizni soʻrayman. Sababi men foydalanayotgan IP manzil proxy dan foydalanadi va bu mening ham bloklanishimga sabab boʻldi va hozir IP manzilim blokda. Miss Kamola (munozara) 14:36, 20-sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
help me
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum men yaqinda maqola yaratdim, ammo uni qanday vikilashtirishni bilmayapman nomi Darveshona iltimos yordam bering Sarvinoz Toshmamatova (munozara) 13:25, 8-Aprel 2023 (UTC)
Mualliflik huquqi yuzasidan qoʻyilgan cheklovga eʼtiroz
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum,Oʻzbekiston yoshlar ittifoqi maqolasini tezda oʻchirishga qoʻyilganiga eʼtirozim bor. Nega mualliflik huquqining buzilishi deyapsiz? Prezidentning PF-5106 dagi qaroriga muvofiq, tashkilot vazifalarini yozgandim, unga manbaa ham keltirganman. Vazifalarni osmondan olib yozmayman-ku axir. Mirfayzbekabdullayev. (munozara) 03:54, 17-May 2023 (UTC)
- Toʻliq plagiat holida boʻlishi kerak emas. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 07:24, 17-May 2023 (UTC)
- Vazifalarni toʻgʻri koʻchirganlikni qanday plagiat boʻlishini bilmadim. U tashkilot vazifasida, qolgan joyida hech qanday plagiat yoʻq edi-ku, axir. Mirfayzbekabdullayev. (munozara) 13:17, 17-May 2023 (UTC)
Shaxsiy sahifani yaratish bo'yicha
[manbasini tahrirlash]Sizga tekshiruv chiqganda shaxsiy sahifani spam deya baholagansiz. Men shaxsiy sahifanmi ochishim uchun nima qilsam bo'ladi? Shohrux Aralov|Shohrux_Aralov (munozara) 17:58, 23-May 2023 (UTC)
- Shaxsiy sahifani asosiy nomfazoda yaratish mumkin emas. Foydalanuvchi nomfazosidan foydalaning Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 18:10, 23-May 2023 (UTC)
TM statusi
[manbasini tahrirlash]![]() |
Qizil panda maqolasi | |
TM statusi uchun qoʻyilgan ushbu maqola haqida oʻz fikrlaringizni muhokama boʻlimida qoldirishingizni va uni statusga olib chiqishda oʻz maslahatlaringiz bilan oʻrtoqlashishingizni soʻragan boʻlar edim. Eʼtiboringiz uchun TASHAKKUR!!! PanPanChik #yozish 09:46, 28-May 2023 (UTC) |
- Assalomu alaykum. TM statusi uchun nomzodlikka qoʻyilgan Futbol boʻyicha 1930-yilgi jahon chempionati maqolasini koʻrib chiqib, mana bu sahifada o'z fikringizni bildirgan holda ovoz berish jarayonida qatnashishingizni so'rayman! Hurmat bilan, Hasan Alimov (Munozara) 08:30, 27-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-22
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Citations can once again be added automatically from ISBNs, thanks to Zotero's ISBN searches. The current data sources are the Library of Congress (United States), the Bibliothèque nationale de France (French National Library), and K10plus ISBN (German repository). Additional data source searches can be proposed to Zotero. The ISBN labels in the VisualEditor Automatic tab will reappear later this week. [1]
The page Maxsus:EditWatchlist now has "Barchasini belgilash" options to select all the pages within a namespace. This feature request was voted #161 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [2]
- For a few days earlier this month, the "Add interlanguage link" item in the Tools menu did not work properly. This has now been fixed. [3]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 30 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 31 May. It will be on all wikis from 1 June (calendar).
- VisualEditor will be switched to a new backend on small and medium wikis this week. Large wikis will follow in the coming weeks. This is part of the effort to move Parsoid into MediaWiki core. The change should have no noticeable effect on users, but if you experience any slow loading or other strangeness when using VisualEditor, please report it on the phabricator ticket linked here. [4]
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MediaWiki message delivery 22:04, 29-May 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-23
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The RealMe extension allows you to mark URLs on your user page as verified for Mastodon and similar software.
Citation and footnote editing can now be started from the reference list when using the visual editor. This feature request was voted #2 in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [5]
- Previously, clicking on someone else's link to Recent Changes with filters applied within the URL could unintentionally change your preference for "Natijalarni sahifaga koʻra guruhlash". This has now been fixed. [6]
- For a few days last week, some tools and bots returned outdated information due to database replication problems, and may have been down entirely while it was being fixed. These issues have now been fixed. [7]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 6 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 7 June. It will be on all wikis from 8 June (calendar).
- Bots will no longer be prevented from making edits because of URLs that match the spam blacklist. [8]
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MediaWiki message delivery 22:52, 5-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Sahifani qaytarish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom. Oʻchirish andozasi qoʻyilganligi sababli, munozara ketayotgan 41-maktab (Namangan) sahifasini oʻchirib yuboribman. Shuni qaytarib qoʻyishingizni soʻrayman. Hilola Jurakulova (munozara) 17:34, 6-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Bajarildi Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 19:10, 6-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Vodiy oyligi
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salon. Marafonda boshqa viloyatda tugʻilib, vodiyda yashab vafot etgan shaxslarni maqolasini qoʻysa boʻladimi? Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon (munozara) 11:14, 8-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, Vodiy oyligi davomida vodiy viloyatlari Namangan, Andijon, Fargʻonaga aloqador boʻlgan shaxslar haqida maqola yaratish mumkin. Ular koʻrsatilgan viloyatlarda tugʻilib, boshqa joyda yashab, vafot etganlari yoki boshqa joyda tugʻilib, koʻrsatilgan hududlarda yashab, vafot etgan boʻlishlari mumkin. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 03:38, 9-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Rahmat. Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon (munozara) 15:50, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Soʻrovnomada qatnashing!
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom! Mana bu sahifada administratorlik bayrogʻini qabul qilib olish uchun nomzodimni qoʻygan edim. Iltimos, soʻrovnomada oʻz ovozingiz bilan ishtirok etsangiz! Hurmat bilan, Salazarov 18:04, 9-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Hayrli kech! Masjidlar hadiqa qayerdan malumot olsam boʻladi. Oʻzbekiston Musilmonlar idorasida masjidlar haqida kitob bormi? Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon () 15:47, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, manbalar va kitoblardan izlab koʻring. Masjidlar oʻrganish sohani boʻlmagani va Musulmonlar idorasi bilan shaxsan aloqam boʻlmaganligi uchun savolning ikkinchi qismiga javob bera olmayman. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 15:56, 10-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-24
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The content attribution tools Who Wrote That?, XTools Authorship, and XTools Blame now support the Dutch, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Polish and Portuguese Wikipedias. This was the #7 wish in the 2023 Community Wishlist Survey. [9]
- The Search Preview panel has been deployed on four Wikipedias (Catalan, Dutch, Hungarian and Norwegian). The panel will show an image related to the article (if existing), the top sections of the article, related images (coming from MediaSearch on Commons), and eventually the sister projects associated with the article. [10]
- The RealMe extension now allows administrators to verify URLs for any page, for Mastodon and similar software. [11]
- The default project license has been officially upgraded to CC BY-SA 4.0. The software interface messages have been updated. Communities should feel free to start updating any mentions of the old CC BY-SA 3.0 licensing within policies and related documentation pages. [12]
- For three days last month, some Wikipedia pages edited with VisualEditor or DiscussionTools had an unintended
(or its localized form) added during an edit. There is a listing of affected pages sorted by wiki, that may still need to be fixed. [13] - Currently, the "Bu sahifani boshlangʻich holatga quyidagicha saralash" feature in VisualEditor is broken. Existing
keywords incorrectly appear as missing templates in VisualEditor. Developers are exploring how to fix this. In the meantime, those wishing to edit the default sortkey of a page are advised to switch to source editing. [14] Last week, an update to the delete form may have broken some gadgets or user scripts. If you need to manipulate (empty) the reason field, replace
with#wpReason > input
. See an example fix. [15]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 13 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 14 June. It will be on all wikis from 15 June (calendar).
- VisualEditor will be switched to a new backend on English Wikipedia on Monday, and all other large wikis on Thursday. The change should have no noticeable effect on users, but if you experience any slow loading or other strangeness when using VisualEditor, please report it on the phabricator ticket linked here. [16]
Future changes
- From 5 June to 17 July, the Foundation's Security team is holding a consultation with contributors regarding a draft policy to govern the use of third-party resources in volunteer-developed gadgets and scripts. Feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome at Third-party resources policy on meta-wiki.
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MediaWiki message delivery 14:52, 12-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
"Navbahor" klubi
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum! Men Vodiy oyligi doirasida maqola yaratayotgan edim. Rus vikipediyasidagi Namanganning „Navbahor“ klubi futbolchilari toʻgʻrisidagi maqolalarni tarjima qilish jarayonida ayrim chet ellik futbolchilar ushbu klub safida oʻyin olib borganligi toʻgʻrisida bir yoki ikkitagina gap berilgan. Shunday boʻlsa-da, ushbu maqolalarni tarjima qilib, Vodiy oyligi doirasidagi maqolalar joylanadigan fountainga joylasam, maqolalarim baholanadimi? Rahmat! Sitora Oblakulova (munozara) 06:03, 13-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Salom. Bemalol yarataverishingiz mumkin. Tanlov qoidalarida Fargʻona vodiysining uch viloyati Namangan, Fargʻona, Andijonga aloqador mavzular boʻlishi kerakligi keltirilgan.
- Yoqimli tahrirlar! Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 06:26, 13-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Rasm boʻyicha
[manbasini tahrirlash]@Laziz Baxtiyorov assalomu aleykum Laziz aka. Vodiy oyligi davomida yaratilgan maqolalarga oʻzi tomonidan qoʻshilgan Noerkin mediafayllarga ball beriladimi? Misol uchun ushbu maqola Yevgeniy Chernishyov. Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 05:08, 14-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Salom. Yoʻq. Noerkin mediafayllarga ball berilishi koʻzda tutilmagan. Faqatgina oʻzingiz suratga olgan hamda saytiga yuklangan fayllarga qoʻshimcha ball beriladi. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 05:42, 14-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom Laziz aka O‘n bir Ahmad ziyoratgohi maqolasini koʻrib bersangiz ziyoratgohlar qay tartibda boʻlishligini qolganini shunga qarab yozaman Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon (munozara) 05:09, 15-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, yaxshimisiz. Maqolani betaraflashtirish kerak. Ensiklopedik ohangda yozilishi kerak maqolalar. Bilgiqutini sozlash kerak. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 06:09, 15-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Xoʻp, ziyoratgohlarga shu jumlani ishlatsa boʻladimi „ Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining qarori bilan 2019-yil 4-oktabrda Moddiy madaniy merosning koʻchmas mulk obyektlari milliy roʻyxatiga kiritilgan va davlat muhofazasiga olingan“ lekin manbada koʻrsatilgan. Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon (munozara) 14:25, 15-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Manbada kelgan boʻlsa boʻlaveradi. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 20:53, 15-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Xoʻp, ziyoratgohlarga shu jumlani ishlatsa boʻladimi „ Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining qarori bilan 2019-yil 4-oktabrda Moddiy madaniy merosning koʻchmas mulk obyektlari milliy roʻyxatiga kiritilgan va davlat muhofazasiga olingan“ lekin manbada koʻrsatilgan. Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon (munozara) 14:25, 15-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Film bo‘yicha
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu aleykum Laziz aka ushbu Qo‘qon voqeasi (film)da rol ijro etgan aktyorlar haqida maqolani vodiy oyligi marafoniga qosh‘shib bo‘ladimi. Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 08:34, 16-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
- Faqat vodiyda tugʻilgan yoki vodiyda faoliyat olib borganlarini kiritasiz. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 09:10, 16-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-25
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
- There is now a toolbar search popup in the visual editor. You can trigger it by typing
or pressingctrl + shift + p
. It can help you quickly access most tools in the editor. [19][20]
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MediaWiki message delivery 20:09, 19-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom Oʻroq va bolgʻa medali Andozasi ishlamayapti ko'rib bering. Bilgiqutida chiqmayapti shu tarzda Abdufattohov Ibrohimjon (munozara) 12:00, 23-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-26
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The Action API modules and Special:LinkSearch will now add a trailing
to allprop=extlinks
responses for bare domains. This is part of the work to remove duplication in theexternallinks
database table. [21]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 27 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 28 June. It will be on all wikis from 29 June (calendar).
The Minerva skin now applies more predefined styles to the
CSS class. This enables support for mbox templates that use divs instead of tables. Please make sure that the new styles won't affect other templates in your wiki. [24][25]Gadgets will now load on both desktop and mobile by default. Previously, gadgets loaded only on desktop by default. Changing this default using the
parameter is also deprecated and should not be used. You should make gadgets work on mobile or disable them based on the skin (with the|skins=
parameter in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition) rather than whether the user uses the mobile or the desktop website. Popular gadgets that create errors on mobile will be disabled by developers on the Minerva skin as a temporary solution. [26]- All namespace tabs now have the same browser access key by default. Previously, custom and extension-defined namespaces would have to have their access keys set manually on-wiki, but that is no longer necessary. [27]
- The review form of the Flagged Revisions extension now uses the standardized user interface components. [28]
Future changes
How media is structured in the parser's HTML output will change in the coming weeks at group2 wikis. This change improves the accessibility of content. You may need to update your site-CSS, or userscripts and gadgets. There are details on what code to check, how to update the code, and where to report any related problems. [29]
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MediaWiki message delivery 16:19, 26-Iyun 2023 (UTC)
Sayyid Muhammad Fansurullohbek
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalom-u alaykum. Sayyid Muhammad Fansurullohbek maqolasida ichki vikilinklar qolib ketgan degan ekansiz, shunga tushunmadim. U yangi yaratilgan maqola edi. Ichki havolalarini o‘zim qo‘yganman DMahmudova (munozara) 06:57, 3-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Salom DMahmudova. Oʻzbekcha vikipediyaga qoʻshayotgan hissangiz uchun rahmat. Ichki havolalar faqatgina tarjima qilingan maqolalarda boʻlmaydi. Yangi yaratilgan maqolalarda ham boʻladi. Vikihavola qoʻyilishi kerak boʻlgan soʻzlarda qoʻyilmay qolgani nazarda tutilgan. Hurmat bilan Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 05:52, 4-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- Tushundim, rahmat DMahmudova (munozara) 12:08, 4-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-27
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
As part of the rolling out of the audio links that play on click wishlist proposal, small wikis will now be able to use the inline audio player that is implemented by the Phonos extension. [30]
From this week all gadgets automatically load on mobile and desktop sites. If you see any problems with gadgets on your wikis, please adjust the gadget options in your gadget definitions file. [31]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 4 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 July. It will be on all wikis from 6 July (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery 22:51, 3-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Wiki Maqola
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alekum, Iltimos Toshkent Gullari haqidagi maqolani qayta ko'rib chiqishingizni so'rayman reklama sabab o'chirilgan lekin bu faqatgina ma'lumot edi, yoki ko'proq ma'lumot bering, rahmat EldorSS (munozara) 07:44, 6-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
- @Laziz Baxtiyorov Iltimos Javob bering EldorSS (munozara) 08:02, 6-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-28
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Section-level Image Suggestions feature has been deployed on seven Wikipedias (Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, Catalan, Hungarian, Finnish and Norwegian Bokmål). The feature recommends images for articles on contributors' watchlists that are a good match for individual sections of those articles.
- Global abuse filters have been enabled on all Wikimedia projects, except English and Japanese Wikipedias (who opted out). This change was made following a global request for comments. [32]
- Maxsus:BlockedExternalDomains is a new tool for administrators to help fight spam. It provides a clearer interface for blocking plain domains (and their subdomains), is more easily searchable, and is faster for the software to process for each edit on the wiki. It does not support regex (for complex cases), nor URL path-matching, nor the MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist, but otherwise it replaces most of the functionalities of the existing MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist. There is a Python script to help migrate all simple domains into this tool, and more feature details, within the tool's documentation. It is available at all wikis except for Meta-wiki, Commons, and Wikidata. [33]
- The WikiEditor extension was updated. It includes some of the most frequently used features of wikitext editing. In the past, many of its messages could only be translated by administrators, but now all regular translators on translatewiki can translate them. Please check the state of WikiEditor localization into your language, and if the "Completion" for your language shows anything less than 100%, please complete the translation. See a more detailed explanation.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 11 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 12 July. It will be on all wikis from 13 July (calendar).
- The default protocol of Maxsus:LinkSearch and API counterparts has changed from http to both http and https. [34]
- Maxsus:LinkSearch and its API counterparts will now search for all of the URL provided in the query. It used to be only the first 60 characters. This feature was requested fifteen years ago. [35]
Future changes
- There is an experiment with a ChatGPT plugin. This is to show users where the information is coming from when they read information from Wikipedia. It has been tested by Wikimedia Foundation staff and other Wikimedians. Soon all ChatGPT plugin users can use the Wikipedia plugin. This is the same plugin which was mentioned in Tech News 2023/20. [36]
- There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed Third-party resources policy. The proposal will impact the use of third-party resources in gadgets and userscripts. Based on the ideas received so far, policy includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, some best practices and exemption requirements such as code transparency and inspectability. Your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on on the policy talk page.
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MediaWiki message delivery 19:54, 10-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-29
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
We are now serving 1% of all global user traffic from Kubernetes (you can read more technical details). We are planning to increment this percentage regularly. You can follow the progress of this work.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 18 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 July. It will be on all wikis from 20 July (calendar).
MediaWiki system messages will now look for available local fallbacks, instead of always using the default fallback defined by software. This means wikis no longer need to override each language on the fallback chain separately. For example, English Wikipedia doesn't have to create
subpages with a transclusion of the base pages anymore. This makes it easier to maintain local overrides. [37]The
API will be deprecated with the new MediaWiki version. Bots or scripts calling that API should use theaction=growthmanagementorlist
API now. [38]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:08, 17-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-30
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
On July 18, the Wikimedia Foundation launched a survey about the technical decision making process for people who do technical work that relies on software that is maintained by the Foundation or affiliates. If this applies to you, please take part in the survey. The survey will be open for three weeks, until August 7. You can find more information in the announcement e-mail on wikitech-l.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 25 July. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 26 July. It will be on all wikis from 27 July (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery 02:20, 25-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
XM statusi
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum. XM statusi uchun nomzodlikka qoʻyilgan Chayon zarbasi maqolasini koʻrib chiqib, mana bu sahifada o'z fikringizni bildirgan holda ovoz berish jarayonida qatnashishingizni so'rayman! Hurmat bilan, Hasan Alimov (munozara) 11:28, 26-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
TM nomzodi
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum. Mana bu yerda tanlangan maqola uchun nomzod koʻrsatilgan. Ovoz berishda faollikka chaqiraman. Hurmat bilan, Mrjavokh1r (munozara) Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 08:14, 30-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tanlangan maqola uchun nomzod
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalamu alaykum xurmatli admin va faol foydalanuvchi. Men Inson yuragi nomli maqolamni TM uchun nomzod qilib koʻrsatmoqchiman. Bu jarayonda sizning ovozingiz katta ahamiyatga ega hisoblanadi. Fikr-mulohazalaringizni kutib qolaman. Hurmat bilan Wikisurgery94 (munozara) 09:42, 30-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-31
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
The Synchronizer tool is now available to keep Lua modules synced across Wikimedia wikis, along with updated documentation to develop global Lua modules and templates.
- The tag filter on Maxsus:NewPages and revision history pages can now be inverted. For example, you can hide edits that were made using an automated tool. [39][40]
- The Wikipedia ChatGPT plugin experiment can now be used by ChatGPT users who can use plugins. You can participate in a video call if you want to talk about this experiment or similar work. [41]
- It was not possible to generate a PDF for pages with non-Latin characters in the title, for the last two weeks. This has now been fixed. [42]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 1 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 2 August. It will be on all wikis from 3 August (calendar).
- Starting on Tuesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Georgian Wikipedia, Kara-Kalpak Wikipedia, Kabyle Wikipedia, Kabardian Wikipedia, Kabiyè Wikipedia, Kikuyu Wikipedia, Kazakh Wikipedia, Khmer Wikipedia, Kannada Wikipedia, Kashmiri Wikipedia, Colognian Wikipedia, Kurdish Wikipedia, Cornish Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [43]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:54, 31-Iyul 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-32
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Mobile Web editors can now edit a whole page at once. To use this feature, turn on "⧼Mobile-frontend-mobile-option-amc⧽" in your settings and use the "Butun sahifani tahrirlash" button in the "Yana" menu. [44]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
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MediaWiki message delivery 21:21, 7-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-33
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Content translation system is no longer using Youdao's machine translation service. The service was in place for several years, but due to no usage, and availability of alternatives, it was deprecated to reduce maintenance overheads. Other services which cover the same languages are still available. [45]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 15 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 16 August. It will be on all wikis from 17 August (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Latin Wikipedia, Ladino Wikipedia, Luxembourgish Wikipedia, Lak Wikipedia, Lezghian Wikipedia, Lingua Franca Nova Wikipedia, Ganda Wikipedia, Limburgish Wikipedia, Ligurian Wikipedia, Lombard Wikipedia, Lingala Wikipedia, Latgalian Wikipedia, Latvian Wikipedia, Maithili Wikipedia, Basa Banyumasan Wikipedia, Moksha Wikipedia, Malagasy Wikipedia, Armenian Wikipedia, Kyrgyz Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [46]
Future changes
- A few gadgets/user scripts which add icons to the Minerva skin need to have their CSS updated. There are more details available including a search for all existing instances and how to update them.
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MediaWiki message delivery 06:00, 15-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Maqolani qaytarish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum ustoz, yaxshimisiz? Ustoz men yaratgan va chala qilingan "Koʻz toʻr pardasi" va "Ko'z tomirli pardasi" maqolamni "juvornamag" qilibsiz. Agar yana imkoniyat bersangiz qaytadan EA va wikipediya qoidalariga mos qilib tahrirlab beraman albatta. Oldindan rahmat! Wikisurgery94 (munozara) 16:19, 18-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-34
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The GDrive to Commons Uploader tool is now available. It enables securely selecting and uploading files from your Google Drive directly to Wikimedia Commons. [47]
- From now on, we will announce new Wikimedia wikis in Tech News, so you can update any tools or pages.
- Since the last edition, two new wikis have been created:
- To catch up, the next most recent six wikis are:
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 22 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 23 August. It will be on all wikis from 24 August (calendar).
Future changes
There is an existing stable interface policy for MediaWiki backend code. There is a proposed stable interface policy for frontend code. This is relevant for anyone who works on gadgets or Wikimedia frontend code. You can read it, discuss it, and let the proposer know if there are any problems. [56]
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15:25, 21-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-35
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
As part of the changes for the better diff handling of paragraph splits, improved detection of splits is being rolled out. Over the last two weeks, we deployed this support to group0 and group1 wikis. This week it will be deployed to group2 wikis. [57]
All Maxsus:Contributions pages now show the user's local edit count and the account's creation date. [58]
- Wikisource users can now use the
label to denote Bengali currency characters as page numbers inside the<pagelist>
tag. [59] - Two preferences have been relocated. The preference "Enable the visual editor" is now shown on the "Tahrirlash" tab at all wikis. Previously it was shown on the "Beta-funksiyalar" tab at some wikis. The preference "Use the wikitext mode inside the visual editor, instead of a different wikitext editor" is now also shown on the "Tahrirlash" tab at all wikis, instead of the "Beta-funksiyalar" tab. [60][61]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 29 August. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 30 August. It will be on all wikis from 31 August (calendar).
New signups for a Wikimedia developer account will start being pushed towards, rather than going via Wikitech. Further information about the new system is available.
- All right-to-left language wikis, plus Korean, Armenian, Ukrainian, Russian, and Bulgarian Wikipedias, will have a link in the sidebar that provides a short URL of that page, using the Wikimedia URL Shortener. This feature will come to more wikis in future weeks. [62]
Future changes
- The removal of the DoubleWiki extension is being discussed. This extension currently allows Wikisource users to view articles from multiple language versions side by side when the
symbol next to a specific language edition is selected. Comments on this are welcomed at the phabricator task. - A proposal has been made to merge the second hidden-categories list (which appears below the wikitext editing form) with the main list of categories (which is further down the page). More information is available on Phabricator; feedback is welcome!
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MediaWiki message delivery 14:00, 28-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
E/A bo'yicha
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu aleykum viloyat hokimi o'rinbosarlari E/Aga ega emasmi Mrjavokh1r (munozara) 17:59, 31-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
- E/Aha ega mavzular oʻchirilmaydi.
- Yoqimli tahrirlar Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 18:02, 31-Avgust 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalom aleykum. Meni fountaindagi 4 ta moqlam o'chib ketipti sababini bilmoqchi edim Yormatov Javohir (munozara) 08:54, 1-Sentabr 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, vaqt bilan bogʻliq tushunmovchilik sabab oʻchirilgan sahifalar qaytarib, baholandi Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 09:13, 1-Sentabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-36
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- EditInSequence, a feature that allows users to edit pages faster on Wikisource has been moved to a Beta Feature based on community feedback. To enable it, you can navigate to the beta features tab in Preferences. [63]
As part of the changes for the Generate Audio for IPA and Audio links that play on click wishlist proposals, the inline audio player mode of Phonos has been deployed to all projects. [64]
- There is a new option for Administrators when they are changing the usergroups for a user, to add the user’s user page to their watchlist. This works both via Maxsus:UserRights and via the API. [65]
- One new wiki has been created:
- The LoginNotify extension was not sending notifications since January. It has now been fixed, so going forward, you may see notifications for failed login attempts, and successful login attempts from a new device. [67]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 5 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 September. It will be on all wikis from 7 September (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Eastern Mari Wikipedia, Maori Wikipedia, Minangkabau Wikipedia, Macedonian Wikipedia, Malayalam Wikipedia, Mongolian Wikipedia, Marathi Wikipedia, Western Mari Wikipedia, Malay Wikipedia, Maltese Wikipedia, Mirandese Wikipedia, Erzya Wikipedia, Mazanderani Wikipedia, Nāhuatl Wikipedia, Neapolitan Wikipedia, Low German Wikipedia, Low Saxon Wikipedia, Nepali Wikipedia, Newari Wikipedia, Norwegian Nynorsk Wikipedia, Novial Wikipedia, N'Ko Wikipedia, Nouormand Wikipedia, Northern Sotho Wikipedia, Navajo Wikipedia, Nyanja Wikipedia, Occitan Wikipedia, Livvi-Karelian Wikipedia, Oromo Wikipedia, Oriya Wikipedia, Ossetic Wikipedia, Punjabi Wikipedia, Pangasinan Wikipedia, Pampanga Wikipedia, Papiamento Wikipedia, Picard Wikipedia, Pennsylvania German Wikipedia, Palatine German Wikipedia, Norfuk / Pitkern Wikipedia, Piedmontese Wikipedia, Western Punjabi Wikipedia, Pontic Wikipedia, Pashto Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [68][69]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:34, 4-Sentabr 2023 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum! Bezovta qilganim uchun uzr! Wikipedia bo'yicha yordamingiz kerak edi.
Wikipediada bir nechta maqolalar chop etgandim, yaxshilab ko'rib tekshirib qoidalarga amal qilgan holda yozib chiqdim. Shu maqolalarni siz ham bir ko'rib bersangiz degan edim, quyida havolalar ko'rsatib o'tilgan, Qandaydir xato-kamchiliklari bo'lsa agar, munozara sahifamda yozib qoldirsangiz ko'rib to'g'irlab chiqmoqchiman. Asosiy maqsadim Wikipedia, ona tilimiz rivojiga kichkina bo'lsa-da o'z hissamni qo'shmoqchiman. Yordamingiz uchun rahmat!
Havolalar(Barcha maqolalar ingliz Wikipediasidan tarjima qilingan)
3. Simsiz tarmoq interfeys kontrolleri
Inglizcha asli:
3. Wireless Network Interface Controller
5. Pip (package manager). @Laziz Baxtiyorov Zarifboyev (munozara) 10:37, 11-Sentabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-37
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- ORES, the revision evaluation service, is now using a new open-source infrastructure on all wikis except for English Wikipedia and Wikidata. These two will follow this week. If you notice any unusual results from the Recent Changes filters that are related to ORES (for example, "Contribution quality predictions" and "User intent predictions"), please report them. [70]
- When you are logged in on one Wikimedia wiki and visit a different Wikimedia wiki, the system tries to log you in there automatically. This has been unreliable for a long time. You can now visit the login page to make the system try extra hard. If you feel that made logging in better or worse than it used to be, your feedback is appreciated. [71]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 12 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 September. It will be on all wikis from 14 September (calendar).
The Technical Decision-Making Forum Retrospective team invites anyone involved in the technical field of Wikimedia projects to signup to and join one of their listening sessions on 13 September. Another date will be scheduled later. The goal is to improve the technical decision-making processes.
As part of the changes for the Better diff handling of paragraph splits wishlist proposal, the inline switch widget in diff pages is being rolled out this week to all wikis. The inline switch will allow viewers to toggle between a unified inline or two-column diff wikitext format. [72]
Future changes
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on 20 September. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [73]
- The Enterprise API is launching a new feature called "breaking news". Currently in BETA, this attempts to identify likely "newsworthy" topics as they are currently being written about in any Wikipedia. Your help is requested to improve the accuracy of its detection model, especially on smaller language editions, by recommending templates or identifiable editing patterns. See more information at the documentation page on MediaWiki or the FAQ on Meta.
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MediaWiki message delivery 21:08, 11-Sentabr 2023 (UTC)
Rollback flag
[manbasini tahrirlash]@Laziz Baxtiyorov Hello, colleague! I applied for rollback status, but I’m afraid no one will see it (the last time the edits were in the summer). Can you give me rollback rights ahead of schedule? I am engaged in the fight against vandalism, I really need this status! 卂ㄥ丨乃乇Ҝ 卂ㄒㄒ卂爪ㄖ几ㄖᐯ (munozara) 15:34, 13-Sentabr 2023 (UTC)
Markaziy Oʻzbekiston oyligida baholash
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum, men yaratgan Vladimir Lisitsin maqolasida vikilinklar bor edi, lekin siz vikilink yoʻq deb 0 ball qoʻyibsiz. Lekin Visola Tangriyeva degan foydalanuvchining bir maqolasida umuman vikilink boʻlmasa-da izoh qoldirib, 1 baho qoʻygansiz. Nega bir xil holatda, ikki xil baho qoʻyilmoqda?
Foydalanuvchi sahifani oʻchirish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum, hurmatli Laziz aka. Men munozarasiga yozaman deb, adashib foydalanuvchi sahifasini yaratib qoʻyibman. Iltimos, ushbu sahifani oʻchirib bering. Rahmat. ANJANIY!!#suhbat 15:38, 17-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
Assalomu alaykum ustoz yaxshimisiz. Kech bo'lganda bezovta qildim. Oldindan UZR so'rayman. Men tarjima qilayotgan maqolalarni AT deb yozibsiz. Men maqolani endi yozishni boshladimda. Men ham oromgohga juda ham borishni xohlayabman ustoz Iloji bo'lsa qolib ketmaY, ozgina yordam qiling. Xudo xohlasa Oromgohga borsam nasib qilgan bo'lsa sizdan mukammal tarzda maqola yozishni o'rganib olar edim. Shunga hozir qiynalyabman. Hamma ham bilib tug'ilmaydiku to'g'rimi ustoz. Juda ham qiziqyabman oromgohga borishga, qanday tarzda bo'lishi haqida o'ylayabman. Shunga ustoz ball qo'yib yordam qiling, qolib ketmay, sizni yordamingiz orqali o'zbekcha vikipediyani sifatli maqolalar bilan rivojlantirishda hissam qo'shilib qolsa o'zimizga, kelajak avlodimizga ham foydali bo'ladiku albatta. Arxitektor.X (munozara) 17:19, 17-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, Arxitektor.X. Avvalambor, savolim bor. Menga yozyabsizmi yoki Foydalanuvchi:Laziz Baxtiyorovgami? Menga boʻlsa nega oʻzimning munozaramda emas, boshqa bir foydalanuvchining munozarasida? Foydalanuvchi:Laziz Baxtiyorovga boʻlsa nega alohida mavzu qoʻshib emas, meni xabarimga javob tarzda? Aytaylik, Foydalanuvchi:Laziz Baxtiyorovga yozdingiz. Birinchidan, Laziz aka hech qanaqasiga ball qoʻyib yordam qila olmaydi. Chunki xakamlar safida emas. Xakamlar ham sizga arzirli maqolangizga ball qoʻyishdan boshqa hech qanday yordam qila olmaydi. Sababi hamma narsa adolatli boʻlishi darkor. Agar har bir men hozir qiynalyabman, oromgohda oʻrganib yozaman degan foydalanuvchini olaversa, saralashning foydasi qolmaydi. Ikkinchidan, sizning bunday xabaringiz (iltimosnomangiz) oʻz kuchingiz bilan saralashdan oʻtgan taqdiringizda ham boshqa ishtirokchilarning shubhasi tufayli sizning zararingizga ishlashi mumkin. Shunday ekan, menga ball qoʻyishda yordam qiling mazmunidagi iltimosnomalar bilan emas, balki Vikipediya boʻyicha savollarni soʻrabgina murojaat qilishni tavsiya qilaman. ANJANIY!!#suhbat 17:43, 17-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-38
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
MediaWiki now has a stable interface policy for frontend code that more clearly defines how we deprecate MediaWiki code and wiki-based code (e.g. gadgets and user scripts). Thank you to everyone who contributed to the content and discussions. [74][75]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 19 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 September. It will be on all wikis from 21 September (calendar).
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on September 20. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. [76]
- All wikis will have a link in the sidebar that provides a short URL of that page, using the Wikimedia URL Shortener. [77]
Future changes
The team investigating the Graph Extension posted a proposal for reenabling it and they need your input.
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MediaWiki message delivery 19:20, 18-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
Assalomu Aleykum aka nega meni maqolalarimni AT deyapsiz hammasini tog'irlab chigman
[manbasini tahrirlash]assalomu alaykum. Og'ayni, kechirasizku, o'zbek adabiy til qoidalariga ko'ra "senytabr" emas, aksincha "sentabr" deb yoziladi. Men Naim Karimov sahifasida tuzatish kiritgan edim, qaytaribsiz. Kechirasizu, shuncha maqola yozib, foydali ish qilayotgan ekansiz, birato'la to'kis, xatosiz qiling. Bizdan keyingi avlodga xatoni qoldirmang. Hammamiz maktabda sentabr deb o'qiganmizmi, tamom sentabr! Abdulaziz Abduraxmon (munozara) 20:46, 20-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, avvalambor, Oʻzbekcha Wikipediaga beminnat hissa qoʻshishni maqsad qilganingizdan xursanmand. 2023-yilda chiqarilgan lotin yozuvidagi Oʻzbek tilining izohli lugʻatini ochib oʻqishni maslahat beraman. Iltimos, toʻliq xabardor boʻlmagan joyingizda tahrirlarga aralashmang.
- Yoqimli tahrirlar. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 01:00, 21-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
- 2023-yildagi izohli lug'at mukammal emasligi to'g'risida mutahasislar o'z e'tirozlarini bildirib bo'lganlar, vaholanki o'zini hurmat qilgan hamma OAVlar, nashriyotlar siz aytgan lug'atdan foydalanmaydi. Iltimos, ona tilingizga qattiq hurmatda bo'ling! Abdulaziz Abduraxmon (munozara) 21:12, 15-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
- Lugʻat tan olinib, nashr etilgan va biz unga amal qilamiz. Agar eʼtirozingiz boʻlsa, marhamat qilib tuzuvchilardan qayta nashr etishlarini soʻrang Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 15:29, 16-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
- 2023-yildagi izohli lug'at mukammal emasligi to'g'risida mutahasislar o'z e'tirozlarini bildirib bo'lganlar, vaholanki o'zini hurmat qilgan hamma OAVlar, nashriyotlar siz aytgan lug'atdan foydalanmaydi. Iltimos, ona tilingizga qattiq hurmatda bo'ling! Abdulaziz Abduraxmon (munozara) 21:12, 15-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
Орден для вас!
[manbasini tahrirlash]![]() |
Ma'muriy mukofot |
Tahrirlaringiz uchun katta rahmat 卂ㄥ丨乃乇Ҝ 卂ㄒㄒ卂爪ㄖ几ㄖᐯ (munozara) 13:55, 23-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC) |
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalom-alaykum. Amir Temur Samarqandda barpo etgan bogʻlari haqida maqolalar yaratayotgan edim. Qidiruvga berilganda Amir Temur bogʻlari sahifasiga yo'naltirilgan ekan. Shu yoʻnaltirishlarni oʻchirsam bo'ladimi. Umumiy maqolada maʼlumot kam berilgan ekan. ShHamrayev (munozara) 05:28, 25-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-39
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Vector 2022 skin will now remember the pinned/unpinned status for the Table of Contents for all logged-out users. [78]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 26 September. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 September. It will be on all wikis from 28 September (calendar).
The ResourceLoader
modules are now deprecated as part of the move to Vue.js and Codex. There is a guide for migrating from MediaWiki UI to Codex for any tools that use it. More details are available in the task and your questions are welcome there.- Gadget definitions will have a new "namespaces" option. The option takes a list of namespace IDs. Gadgets that use this option will only load on pages in the given namespaces.
Future changes
- New variables will be added to AbuseFilter:
. They are available only when an account is being created. You can use them to prevent blocking automatic creation of accounts when users with many edits elsewhere visit your wiki for the first time. [79][80]
- You can join the next meeting with the Wikipedia mobile apps teams. During the meeting, we will discuss the current features and future roadmap. The meeting will be on 27 October at 17:00 (UTC). See details and how to join.
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MediaWiki message delivery 16:51, 26-Sentyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-40
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There is a new user preference for "Always enable safe mode". This setting will make pages load without including any on-wiki JavaScript or on-wiki stylesheet pages. It can be useful for debugging broken JavaScript gadgets. [81]
Gadget definitions now have a new "contentModels" option. The option takes a list of page content models, like
. Gadgets that use this option will only load on pages with the given content models.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 3 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 4 October. It will be on all wikis from 5 October (calendar).
Future changes
The Vector 2022 skin will no longer use the custom styles and scripts of Vector legacy (2010). The change will be made later this year or in early 2024. See how to adjust the CSS and JS pages on your wiki. [82]
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MediaWiki message delivery 01:27, 3-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
YM nomzod
[manbasini tahrirlash]![]() |
YM statusiga nomzod | |
Assalomu alaykum! Ushbu maqola Turkshohiylar sulolasi haqida. Chap tarafda turgan tamgʻa esa mazkur sulola tamgʻasi hisoblanadi. Mazkur maqolani Yaxshi maqola statusiga nomzod qilib koʻrsatdim! Ovoz berishda ishtirok etishingizni soʻrab qolaman! Elbek Yozish 22:19, 8-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC) |
Tech News: 2023-41
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 10 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 11 October. It will be on all wikis from 12 October (calendar).
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Swahili Wikipedia, Walloon Wikipedia, Waray Wikipedia, Wolof Wikipedia, Kalmyk Wikipedia, Xhosa Wikipedia, Mingrelian Wikipedia, Yiddish Wikipedia, Yoruba Wikipedia, Zhuang Wikipedia, Zeelandic Wikipedia, Min Nan Wikipedia, Zulu Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [84]
- At some wikis, newcomers are suggested images from Commons to add to articles without any images. Starting on Tuesday, newcomers at these wikis will be able to add images to unillustrated article sections. The specific wikis are listed under "Images recommendations" at the Growth team deployment table. You can learn more about this feature. [85]
In the mobile web skin (Minerva) the CSS ID
will be replaced with#p-views
. This change is to make it consistent with other skins and to improve support for gadgets and extensions in the mobile skin. A few gadgets may need to be updated; there are details and search-links in the task.
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MediaWiki message delivery 14:39, 9-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-42
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Unified login system's edge login should now be fixed for some browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera). This means that if you visit a new sister project wiki, you should be logged in automatically without the need to click "Log in" or reload the page. Feedback on whether it's working for you is welcome. [86]
- Edit notices are now available within the MobileFrontend/Minerva skin. This feature was inspired by the gadget on English Wikipedia. See more details in T316178.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 17 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 18 October. It will be on all wikis from 19 October (calendar).
Future changes
- In 3 weeks, in the Vector 2022 skin, code related to
that was deprecated one year ago will be removed. If you notice tools that should appear next to the "Discussion" tab are then missing, please tell the gadget's maintainers to see instructions in the Phabricator task.
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:47, 16-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-43
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- There is a new Language and internationalization newsletter, written quarterly. It contains updates on new feature development, improvements in various language-related technical projects, and related support work.
Source map support has been enabled on all wikis. When you open the debugger in your browser's developer tools, you should be able to see the unminified JavaScript source code. [87]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 24 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 25 October. It will be on all wikis from 26 October (calendar).
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:16, 23-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
YM nomzodi
[manbasini tahrirlash]![]() |
Hazrati Imom majmuasi | |
YM statusi uchun qoʻyilgan ushbu maqola haqida oʻz fikrlaringizni muhokama boʻlimida qoldirib, ovoz berishda faol bo‘lishingizni soʻragan boʻlar edim. Eʼtiboringiz uchun rahmat! Creobek #yozish 09:46, 28-May 2023 (UTC) |
[manbasini tahrirlash]O'ylaymanki, buni xulosa qilish vaqti keldi, lekin hozircha mening hissamni tekshiring 卂ㄥ丨乃乇Ҝ 卂ㄒㄒ卂爪ㄖ几ㄖᐯ (munozara) 15:24, 30-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-44
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Structured Content team, as part of its project of improving UploadWizard on Commons, made some UX improvements to the upload step of choosing own vs not own work (T347590), as well as to the licensing step for own work (T347756).
- The Design Systems team has released version 1.0.0 of Codex, the new design system for Wikimedia. See the full announcement about the release of Codex 1.0.0.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 31 October. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 November. It will be on all wikis from 2 November (calendar).
- Listings on category pages are sorted on each wiki for that language using a library. For a brief period on 2 November, changes to categories will not be sorted correctly for many languages. This is because the developers are upgrading to a new version of the library. They will then use a script to fix the existing categories. This will take a few hours or a few days depending on how big the wiki is. You can read more. [88][89]
- Starting November 1, the impact module (Special:Impact) will be upgraded by the Growth team. The new impact module shows newcomers more data regarding their impact on the wiki. It was tested by a few wikis during the last few months. [90]
Future changes
- There is a proposed plan for re-enabling the Graph Extension. You can help by reviewing this proposal and sharing what you think about it.
- The WMF is working on making it possible for administrators to edit MediaWiki configuration directly. This is similar to previous work on Special:EditGrowthConfig. A technical RfC is running until November 08, where you can provide feedback.
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:21, 30-Oktyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-45
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- In the Vector 2022 skin, the default font-size of a number of navigational elements (tagline, tools menu, navigational links, and more) has been increased slightly to match the font size used in page content. [91]
- Last week, there was a problem displaying some recent edits on a few wikis, for 1-6 hours. The edits were saved but not immediately shown. This was due to a database problem. [92]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 7 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 November. It will be on all wikis from 9 November (calendar).
- The Growth team will reassign newcomers from former mentors to the currently active mentors. They have also changed the notification language to be more user-friendly. [93][94]
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MediaWiki message delivery 21:06, 6-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-46
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Four new wikis have been created:
- Last week, users who previously visited Meta-Wiki or Wikimedia Commons and then became logged out on those wikis could not log in again. The problem is now resolved. [99]
- Last week, some pop-up dialogs and menus were shown with the wrong font size. The problem is now resolved. [100]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 14 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 November. It will be on all wikis from 16 November (calendar).
Future changes
- Reference Previews are coming to many wikis as a default feature. They are popups for references, similar to the PagePreviews feature. You can opt out of seeing them. If you are using the gadgets Reference Tooltips or Navigation Popups, you won’t see Reference Previews. Deployment is planned for November 22, 2023.
Canary (also known as heartbeat) events will be produced into Wikimedia event streams from December 11. Streams users are advised to filter out these events, by discarding all events where
meta.domain == "canary"
. Updates to Pywikibot or wikimedia-streams will discard these events by default. [101]
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:52, 13-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)
TM statusi
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum! Zamonaviy tarixda oʻtkazilgan ilk Yozgi Olimpiada oʻyinlari haqidagi „1896-yilgi Yozgi Olimpiada oʻyinlari“ maqolasini ingliz tilidan tarjima qilgan holda TM statusiga nomzodlikka qoʻygandim. Oʻqib chiqib, ovoz berishda ishtirok etishingizni soʻrayman. Oldindan rahmat. Hurmat bilan Sitora Oblakulova (munozara) 05:37, 9-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)!
Status uchun maqola
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum. XM statusi uchun qoʻyilgan ushbu maqola boʻyicha fikr bildirishingizni soʻrab qolaman. Statusli maqolalarni yaratish va rasmiylashtirish boʻyicha katta tajribangiz maqola uchun muhim hisoblanadi. Eʼtibor uchun tashakkur! Young Economist7 (munozara) 19:12, 16-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-47
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. [102][103]
- Starting on Wednesday, a new set of Wikipedias will get "Add a link" (Quechua Wikipedia, Romansh Wikipedia, Romani Wikipedia, Rundi Wikipedia, Aromanian Wikipedia, Tarandíne Wikipedia, Rusyn Wikipedia, Kinyarwanda Wikipedia, Sanskrit Wikipedia, Sakha Wikipedia, Santali Wikipedia, Sardinian Wikipedia, Sicilian Wikipedia, Scots Wikipedia, Sindhi Wikipedia, Northern Sami Wikipedia, Sango Wikipedia, Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia, Sinhala Wikipedia, Slovak Wikipedia, Slovenian Wikipedia, Samoan Wikipedia, Somali Wikipedia, Albanian Wikipedia, Serbian Wikipedia, Sranan Tongo Wikipedia, Swati Wikipedia, Southern Sotho Wikipedia, Saterland Frisian Wikipedia, Sundanese Wikipedia, Silesian Wikipedia, Tamil Wikipedia, Tulu Wikipedia, Telugu Wikipedia, Tetum Wikipedia, Tajik Wikipedia, Thai Wikipedia, Turkmen Wikipedia, Tagalog Wikipedia, Tswana Wikipedia, Tongan Wikipedia, Tok Pisin Wikipedia, Turkish Wikipedia, Tsonga Wikipedia, Tatar Wikipedia, Twi Wikipedia, Tahitian Wikipedia, Tuvinian Wikipedia, Udmurt Wikipedia, Uyghur Wikipedia, Uzbek Wikipedia, Venda Wikipedia, Venetian Wikipedia, Veps Wikipedia, West Flemish Wikipedia, Volapük Wikipedia). This is part of the progressive deployment of this tool to more Wikipedias. The communities can configure how this feature works locally. [104][105][106]
- The Vector 2022 skin will have some minor visual changes to drop-down menus, column widths, and more. These changes were added to four Wikipedias last week. If no issues are found, these changes will proceed to all wikis this week. These changes will make it possible to add new menus for readability and dark mode. Learn more. [107]
Future changes
- There is an update on re-enabling the Graph Extension. To speed up the process, Vega 2 will not be supported and only some protocols will be available at launch. You can help by sharing what you think about the plan.
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MediaWiki message delivery 00:55, 21-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)
XM statusiga nomzod
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu alaykum. Men Vanadzor nomli maqolamni XM statusiga nomzod qilib qoʻygan edim. Iltimos, maqolamni koʻrib fikringizni bilan boʻlishing hamda ovoz berishda faol qatnashing. Hurmat bilan, Mirfayzbekabdullayev. (munozara) 15:43, 22-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-48
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 28 November. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 November. It will be on all wikis from 30 November (calendar). There is no new MediaWiki version next week. [108][109]
MediaWiki's JavaScript system will now allow
syntax in gadgets and user scripts. Gadget authors should remember that users' browsers may not support it, so it should be used appropriately. [110]- The deployment of "Add a link" announced last week was postponed. It will resume this week.
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:09, 27-Noyabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-49
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The spacing between paragraphs on Vector 2022 has been changed from 7px to 14px to match the size of the text. This will make it easier to distinguish paragraphs from sentences. [111]
- The "Bu sahifani boshlangʻich holatga quyidagicha saralash" feature in VisualEditor is working again. You no longer need to switch to source editing to edit
keywords. [112]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week. [113][114]
- On 6 December, people who have the enabled the preference for "Show discussion activity" will notice the talk page usability improvements appear on pages that include the
magic word. If you notice any issues, please share them with the team on Phabricator.
Future changes
The Toolforge Grid Engine shutdown process will start on December 14. Maintainers of tools that still use this old system should plan to migrate to Kubernetes, or tell the team your plans on Phabricator in the task about your tool, before that date. [115]
- Communities using Structured Discussions are being contacted regarding the upcoming deprecation of Structured Discussions. You can read more about this project, and share your comments, on the project's page.
- Registration & Scholarship applications are now open for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 that will take place from 3–5 May in Tallinn, Estonia. Scholarship applications are open until 5 January 2024.
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MediaWiki message delivery 23:50, 4-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-50
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- On Wikimedia Commons, there are some minor user-interface improvements for the "choosing own vs not own work" step in the UploadWizard. This is part of the Structured Content team's project of improving UploadWizard on Commons. [116][117]
- There was a problem showing the Newcomer homepage feature with the "impact module" and their page-view graphs, for a few days in early December. This has now been fixed. [118][119]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 12 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 December. It will be on all wikis from 14 December (calendar). [120][121]
Future changes
The 2023 Developer Satisfaction Survey is seeking the opinions of the Wikimedia developer community. Please take the survey if you have any role in developing software for the Wikimedia ecosystem. The survey is open until 5 January 2024, and has an associated privacy statement.
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MediaWiki message delivery 02:12, 12-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)
XM uchun Ovoz berish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Assalomu Alaykum. Men Usmon ota masjidi nomli maqolamni Xushsifat maqola nomzodligiga bergan edim. Mazkur maqolani o'qib chiqqan holda o'z fikr va tavsiyalaringizni berishingizni so'rab qolaman. Javob uchun oldindan rahmat. Wikisurgery94 (munozara) 12:11, 12-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)
Tech News: 2023-51
[manbasini tahrirlash]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News
- The next issue of Tech News will be sent out on 8 January 2024 because of the holidays.
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 19 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 December. It will be on all wikis from 21 December (calendar). There is no new MediaWiki version next week. [122][123]
- Starting December 18, it won't be possible to activate Structured Discussions on a user's own talk page using the Beta feature. The Beta feature option remains available for users who want to deactivate Structured Discussions. This is part of Structured Discussions' deprecation work. [124]
There will be full support for redirects in the Module namespace. The "Move Page" feature will leave an appropriate redirect behind, and such redirects will be appropriately recognized by the software (e.g. hidden from Maxsus:UnconnectedPages). There will also be support for manual redirects. [125]
Future changes
The MediaWiki JavaScript documentation is moving to a new format. During the move, you can read the old docs using version 1.41. Feedback about the new site is welcome on the project talk page.
- The Wishathon is a new initiative that encourages collaboration across the Wikimedia community to develop solutions for wishes collected through the Community Wishlist Survey. The first community Wishathon will take place from 15–17 March. If you are interested in a project proposal as a user, developer, designer, or product lead, you can register for the event and read more.
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MediaWiki message delivery 16:18, 18-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)
IP chetlashtirish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom, oʻqish va ish davomida VPNdan foydalanaman va shu vaqtda vikida tahrirlashga toʻgʻri kelib qolsa men foydalanayotgan IP bloklangan yoki u IP bilan VP:EHQ statusini ishlatishga imkon boʻlmayapti. Shuning uchun IP chetlatishdan mustasno qilishingizni soʻrayman. MrShaxas #Munozaracha 18:20, 21-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)
- Salom, ushbu status bir oy muddatga taqdim etildi. Agar shu vaqt tugagach, statusdan yana foydalanishda davom etsangiz, status uchun asoslantirilgan holda qayta murojaat qilishingiz mumkin. Laziz Baxtiyorov (munozara) 15:47, 22-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)
- Tushunarli, rahmat. MrShaxas #Munozaracha 15:55, 22-Dekabr 2023 (UTC)