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Brenda Vaccaro

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Brenda Vaccaro
Brenda Buell Vaccaro

18-noyabr 1939-yil (1939-11-18) (84 yosh)
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1961-hozirgacha
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Martin Fried
(turm. 1965; ajr. 1970)

William Bishop
(turm. 1977; ajr. 1978)

Charles Cannizzaro
(turm. 1981; ajr. 1982)

Guy Hector (turm. 1986)

Brenda Buell Vaccaro (talaffuzi: Brenda Biel Vakkaro; 18-noyabr, 1939-yil, New York, AQSh da tugʻilgan) — amerikalik sahna, televideniye va kino aktrisasi. Yarim asrdan ortiq davom etgan faoliyati davomida u bir marta Oscar mukofotiga, uch marotaba Oltin globus mukofotiga (bittasi gʻalaba), toʻrt marotaba Primetime Emmy mukofotiga (bittasi gʻalaba) va uch marotaba Tony mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan.

Vaccaro New Yorkning Brooklyn shahrida italyan-amerikalik ota-onasi Christine M. va restoranchi Mario A. Vaccarolar oilasida tugʻilgan[1]. U Dallas (Texas)da oʻsib ulgʻaygan va u yerda Thomas Jefferson oʻrta maktabini tamomlagan[2]. Shaharda 1943-yilda uning ota-onasi „Marioʻs Restaurant“ (tarj. Mario restorani)ga asos solgan[3].

U 17 yoshida Neighbourhood Playhouseda Sanford Meisner rahbarligi ostida aktyorlik mahoratini oʻrganish uchun New York shahriga qaytib keladi. 1961-yilda qisqa muddatli Broadwayda Everybody Loves Opal komediyasida oʻz debyutini amalga oshiradi. Buning uchun u Theatre World mukofotiga sazovor boʻladi[4].

Vaccaroning Broadwaydagi chiqishlari orasida The Affair (1962), Cactus Flower (1965), musiqali How Now, Dow Jones (1967), The Goodbye People (1968), The Odd Couple (1985) hamda Jake's Women (1992) kabi pyessalari mavjud[5]. Xirillagan ovozli aktrisa Tony mukofotigaPyesadagi eng yaxshi aktrisa“ (Cactus Flower), „Myuzikldagi eng yaxshi aktrisa“ (Dow Jones) va „Pyesadagi eng yaxshi aktrisa“ (The Goodbye People) nominatsiyalari uchun uch karra nomzod boʻlgan[6]. U 1970-yil 29-mayda Life jurnalining muqovasida tasvirlangan.

Vaccaro 1980-yilda Andrea Martin tomonidan suratga olingan hamda SCTV telekanalida efirga uzatilgan ayollar gigiyena vositalarining yangi tijorat reklamasida paydo boʻlgan[7]. U animatsion multserial Johnny Bravoda bosh qahramoning onasi Bunny Bravoning ovozini dublyajlashtirgan. U The Critic teleserialida bosh qahramon Jayning (Jon Lovitz) sobiq rafiqasi Ardet uchun dublyajda ovoz beradi. U The Smurfs (1981) filmida Paul Winchell ijro etgan Gargamel obrazining shogirdi Scruple rolida koʻrinish beradi.

Valerie Harper sogʻligʻi yomonlashganidan soʻng, Ogunquit Playhouse (Meyn)da Nice Work If You Can Get It musiqiy asarida ishtirok etishdan voz kechishga majbur boʻladi. Vaccaro 2015-yilning 4—15-avgust kunlari oʻtishi rejalashtirilgan spektaklning qolgan qismida Millicent Winter rolini ijro etishni oʻz zimmasiga oladi[8]. Aktrisa You Don't Know Jack (2010) filmida Al Pacinoning singlisi rolini ijro etgan. U And Just Like That nomli televizion serialning qayta ishlangan versiyasi Sex and the Cityda Gloria Marquette rolini ham gavdalantirgan[9].

Shaxsiy hayoti

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Vaccaro 1971-yilda Summertree kartinasi hammuallifi Michael Douglas bilan qariyb yetti yillik ishqiy munosabatlar davomiyligini boshlagan[10]. U Barbra Streisand bilan doʻst boʻlgan. Ularning doʻstligiga sabab ikkalasi ham 1960-yillarning boshida Broadwayda birga faoliyat olib borishgan. Aktrisa dugonasi Streisand rejissorlik qilgan The Mirror Has Two Faces filmida rol ijro etgan[11][12].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavaha Rol Izohlar
1969 Where Itʼs At Molly Hirsch Nominatsiya—Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year — Actress
1969 Midnight Cowboy Shirley Nominatsiya—Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress — Motion Picture
1970 I Love My Wife Jody Burrows
1971 Going Home Jenny
1972 Summertree Vanetta
1975 Once Is Not Enough Linda Riggs Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress — Motion Picture

Nominatsiya—Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
1976 Death Weekend Diane
1977 Capricorn One Kay Brubaker Nominatsiya—Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress
1977 Airport '77 Eve Clayton
1979 Fast Charlie… the Moonbeam Rider Grace Wolf
1980 First Deadly Sin, TheThe First Deadly Sin Monica Gilbert
1981 Zorro, The Gay Blade Florinda
1984 Supergirl Bianca
1985 Water Dolores Thwaites
1988 Heart of Midnight Betty
1989 Ten Little Indians Marion Marshall
1989 Cookie Bunny
1990 Lethal Games Stella Hudson
1991 Masque of the Red Death Elaina Hart
1994 Love Affair Nora Stillman
1996 Mirror Has Two Faces, TheThe Mirror Has Two Faces Doris
2002 Sonny Meg
2003 Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure Xonim Hirsch
2005 Boynton Beach Club Marilyn
2016 Kubo and the Two Strings Kameyo Dublyaj
2017 The Clapper Ida Krumble
2017 30-Love Hellen
2019 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Mary Alice Schwarz

Televizion rollari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1961 Naked City Rosa Alloro Epizod: „The Corpse Ran Down Mulberry Street“
1963 Fugitive, TheThe Fugitive Joanne Spencer Epizod: „See Hollywood and Die“
1966 Vacation Playhouse Jenny Penny Epizod: „My Lucky Penny“
1969 The F.B.I. Gerri Coates, the waitress Epizod: „Scapegoat“
1971 Whatʼs a Nice Girl Like You…? Shirley Televizion film
1972 Marcus Welby, M.D. Marilyn Hoffman Epizod: „House of Mirrors“
1972 Streets of San Francisco Police Officer Sherry Reese Epizod: „Act of Duty“
1972 McCloud Police Officer Margaret Sereno Epizod: „The Park Avenue Rustlers“
1972 Banacek Sharon Clark Epizod: „To Steal a King“
1973 Honor Thy Father Rosalie Bonnano Televizion film
1974 The Shape of Things nomaʼlum rol Televizion film

Primetime Emmy Award for Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program
1974 Streets of San Francisco Hit Woman Sidney (yana bir nomi: Sally Banning) Epizod: „The Most Deadly Species“
1976 Sara Sara Yarnell 12ta epizod

Nominatsiya—Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
1976 Territorial Men Sara Yarnell Televizion film — compiled from footage shot for the television series Sara
1979 Dear Detective Kate Hudson 4ta epizod
1980 Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones Jane Briggs Televizion film
1981 A Long Way Home Lillian Jacobs Televizion film
1981 The Star Maker Dolores Baker Televizion film
1981 The Pride of Jesse Hallam Marion Galucci Televizion film
1983 Fame Oʻzi Epizod: „Blood Sweat & Circuits“
1984 Paper Dolls Julia Blake 13ta epizod
1984 St. Elsewhere Rose Orso Epizod: „The Women“
1984 Love Boat, TheThe Love Boat Eleanor Savage 2ta epizod
1985 Deceptions Helen Adams Televizion film
1985 Care Bears Auntie Freeze 2ta epizod; ankredited
1986-1989 The Smurfs Scruple, qoʻshimcha ovozlar 16ta epizod
1987 Jetsons Meet the Flintstones, TheThe Jetsons Meet the Flintstones Didi Televizion film
1988 Murder, She Wrote Mimi Harcourt Epizod: „Just Another Fish Story“
1990 Murder, She Wrote Didi Blair Epizod: „The Fixer-Upper“
1990 Murder, She Wrote Sheila Kowalski Finley Epizod: „The Family Jewels“
1990 Golden Girls, TheThe Golden Girls Angela Petrillo Epizod: „Ebbtideʼs Revenge“

Nominatsiya—Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
1990 Columbo Jess McCurdy Epizod: „Murder in Malibu“
1990 Stolen: One Husband Lisa Jarrett Televizion film
1992 Civil Wars Actress Epizod: „Oceans White the Phone“
1992 Red Shoe Diaries Martha Televizion film
1994 Following Her Heart Cecile Televizion film
1994 The Critic Ardeth 5ta epizod
1995 Friends Gloria Tribbiani Epizod: „The One with the Boobies“
1996 Touched by an Angel Al Epizod: „Out of the Darkness“
1997 What a Cartoon! Melissa Epizod: „Johnny Bravo and the Amazon Women“
1997 Ally McBeal Karen Horowitz Epizod: „The Attitude“
1997-2004 Johnny Bravo Bunny Bravo, Nunchuck Chicks, Sally, Lady (1), Waitress (1), Robo Mama, Woman (11) 55ta epizod
1998 King of Queens, TheThe King of Queens Sheila Rednester Epizod: „Paternal Affairs“
2001 Becker Bobning onasi Epizod: „The Ghost of Christmas Presents“
2002 Just a Walk in the Park Selma Williams Televizion film
2004 Just Desserts Lina Televizion film
2005 American Dad! Strip-klub menejeri Epizod: „Stan Knows Best“
2006 Nip/Tuck Beatrice Madsen Epizod: „Diana Lubey“
2006 War at Home, TheThe War at Home Barbara Epizod: „The West Palm Beach Story“
2010 You Donʼt Know Jack Margo Janus Televizion film

Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress — Series, Miniseries or Television Film

Nominatsiya—Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Movie
2017 Gypsy Claire Rogers 8ta epizod
2017 Superior Donuts Ellen Epizod: „Get It, Arthur“
2018 Summer Camp Island Godmonster Epizod: „Monster Visit“
2021-2022 And Just Like That… Gloria Marquette 3ta epizod
Yil Sarlavha Rol (lar) Sahna Izohlar Havl.
1961 Everybody Loves Opal Gloria Longacre Theatre Broadwayda debyut [13][14]
1962 The Affair Laura Howard Henry Miller’s Theater [15]
1963 Children From Their Games Melissa Peabody Morosco Theatre [16]
1965 Cactus Flower Toni Royale Theatre Tony mukofoti uchun nomzod [17]
1967 The Natural Look Reedy Harris Longacre Theatre [18]
1967 How Now, Dow Jones Cynthia Lunt-Fontanne Theatre Tony mukofoti uchun nomzod [19]
1968 The Goodbye People Nancy Scott Ethel Barrymore Theatre Tony mukofoti uchun nomzod [20]
1971 Father’s Day Louise John Golden Theatre [21]
1985 The Odd Couple Olive Madison Broadhurst Theatre [22]
1992 Jakeʼs Women Karen Neil Simon Theatre [23]
2015 Nice Work If You Can Get It Millicent Winter Ogunquit Playhouse [24]
  1. „Brenda Vaccaro profile“. Yahoo! Movies. 2011-yil 22-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  2. Wuntch. „'Boynton' star Brenda Vaccaro's still got the sass“. The Dallas Morning News via The Providence Journal (17-avgust 2006-yil). 2006-yil 3-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2-avgust 2015-yil.
  3. „Texas Obituaries July 1999 - July 2001: Vaccaro, Christine Pavia“. TexasAlmanac.com. Qaraldi: 3-iyul 2018-yil.
  4. „Past Recipients“. Theatre World Awards. 4-oktabr 2015-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 3-may 2015-yil.
  5. Miller, Daryl H.. „Vivacious With a Capital 'V'“. Los Angeles Times (22-mart 1998-yil). Qaraldi: 3-may 2015-yil.
  6. „Brenda Vaccaro“. Playbill. Qaraldi: 3-may 2015-yil.
  7. „Brenda Vaccaro is having a good time“ (inglizcha). www.cbsnews.com. Qaraldi: 16-yanvar 2022-yil.
  8. Gans. „Brenda Vaccaro Will Replace Valerie Harper in Nice Work. Playbill (2-avgust 2015-yil). Qaraldi: 3-noyabr 2021-yil.
  9. Holmes. „‘And Just Like That…’ Casts Brenda Vaccaro and Ivan Hernandez In Recurring Roles“ (inglizcha). TV Insider. Qaraldi: 16-yanvar 2022-yil.
  10. „Brenda Vaccaro is having a good time“ (inglizcha). www.cbsnews.com. Qaraldi: 16-yanvar 2022-yil.„Brenda Vaccaro is having a good time“. www.cbsnews.com. Retrieved January 16, 2022.
  11. „Brenda Vaccaro Talks Friendship With Longtime Pal Barbra Streisand: 'We Grew Up Together' on Broadway“ (inglizcha). Closer Weekly (6-sentabr 2019-yil). Qaraldi: 16-yanvar 2022-yil.
  12. Talk. „Brenda Vaccaro: “Actors can bring so much that you never even thought about”“ (inglizcha). FILM TALK (20-aprel 2015-yil). Qaraldi: 16-yanvar 2022-yil.
  13. „The Theatre: Everybody Loves Eileen“ (inglizcha). Time (20-oktabr 1961-yil). Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  14. „Everybody Loves Opal – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  15. „The Affair – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  16. „Children From Their Games – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  17. „Cactus Flower – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  18. „The Natural Look – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  19. „How Now, Dow Jones – Broadway Musical – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  20. „The Goodbye People – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  21. „Father's Day – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  22. „The Odd Couple – Broadway Play – 1985 Revival | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  23. „Jake's Women – Broadway Play – Original | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com. Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.
  24. Gans. „Brenda Vaccaro Will Replace Valerie Harper in Nice Work“. Playbill (2-avgust 2015-yil). Qaraldi: 13-iyun 2022-yil.