Afg'on (etnonimi)
Afgʻon etnonimi (forscha / pashtucha : افغان) tarixan pushtunlar aʼzolariga nisbatan qoʻllangan[1]. Biroq, yigirmanchi asrning ikkinchi yarmidan boshlab, " afgʻon " atamasi Afgʻonistonning har qanday mahalliy aholisi yoki aholisiga, shu jumladan pushtun etnik guruhidan tashqariga nisbatan ham qoʻllanila boshladi [2].
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Baʼzi zamonaviy olimlarning fikriga koʻra, „Afgʻon“ soʻzi avesto tilidagi awajan/apajan va sanskrit tilidagi ava-Xan/apa-Xan soʻzlaridan kelib chiqqan boʻlib, „oʻldirish, urish, otish va qarshilik koʻrsatish yoki himoya qilish“ degan maʼnolarni anglatadi. Sosoniylar va ehtimol Parfiya imperiyasi davrida bu soʻz maʼlum bir fors mazhabiga mansub odamlarga nisbatan ishlatilgan [3].
Afgʻon (Abgân) nomi haqida eng birinchi eslatma eramizning 3-asrida Sosoniylar imperiyasi hukmdori Shopur I tomonidan qayd etilgan [4]. IV asrda Shimoliy Afgʻonistondan topilgan Baqtriya hujjatlarida maʼlum bir xalqqa ishora sifatida „Afgʻonlar/Afgʻona“ soʻzi tilga olingan[5][6].
Koʻpgina taniqli olimlar tomonidan qoʻllab-quvvatlangan etimologik nuqtai nazarga koʻra, afgʻon nomi sanskritcha Aśvakan, q.v Arrianlik Assakenoydan olingan. [7] Bu fikrni Kristian Lassen, [8] JV Makkrindi, [9] MV de Sent-Martin [10] va É Reclus kabi olimlar ilgari surgan. [11][12][13][14][15][16].

Miloddan avvalgi 630-644 yillar orasida Afgʻonistonga bir necha marta tashrif buyurgan xitoylik buddist, ziyoratchi Xiven Tsiang mintaqada yashovchi mahalliy qabilalar haqida maʼlumotlar qoldirgan [17].V. F. Minorskiy, W. K. Freyzer Tayler va M.C Gillet kabi olimlarning fikriga koʻra, afgʻon soʻzi 982-yildagi "Hudud al-Olam" da paydo boʻlgan, bu yerda qishloqqa ishora qilingan.
- Mamlakat nomlari etimologiyalari roʻyxati
- Afgʻoniston nomi
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- ↑ „Biases and controversies around the word "Afghan"“. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 18-yanvar.
- ↑ „AFGHAN | Definition of AFGHAN by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of AFGHAN“ (en). Lexico Dictionaries | English. 2021-yil 27-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2021-yil 29-mart.
- ↑ Fikrat & Umar 2008.
- ↑ Noelle-Karimi, Christine. Afghanistan -a country without a state?. University of Michigan, United States: IKO, 2002 — 18-bet. ISBN 3-88939-628-3. Qaraldi: 2010-yil 24-sentyabr. „The earliest mention of the name 'Afghan' (Abgan) is to be found in a Sasanid inscription from the 3rd century, and it appears in India in the form of 'Avagana'...“
- ↑ Balogh, Dániel. Hunnic Peoples in Central and South Asia: Sources for their Origin and History (en). Barkhuis, 12 March 2020 — 144-bet. ISBN 978-94-93194-01-4. „[ To Ormuzd Bunukan, ... greetings and homage from ... ), Pithe ( sot ] ang ( ? ) of Parpaz ( under ) [ the glorious ) yabghu of [ Heph ] thal, the chief ... of the Afghans“
- ↑ Sims-Williams, Nicholas. Bactrian documents from northern Afghanistan. Oxford: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press, 2000. ISBN 1-874780-92-7.
- ↑ Arrian writes them Assakenoi. Strabo also calls them Assakanoi, but Curtius calls them Assacani.
- ↑ Indische Alterthumskunde, Vol I, fn 6; also Vol II, p 129, et al.
- ↑ "The name Afghan has evidently been derived from Asvakan, the Assakenoi of Arrian… „ (Megasthenes and Arrian, p 180. See also: Alexander’s Invasion of India, p 38; J. W. McCrindle).
- ↑ Etude Sur la Geog Grecque & c, pp 39-47, M. V. de Saint Martin.
- ↑ The Earth and Its Inhabitants, 1891, p 83, Élisée Reclus — Geography.
- ↑ “Even the name Afghan is Aryan being derived from Asvakayana, an important clan of the Asvakas or horsemen who must have derived this title from their handling of celebrated breeds of horses" (See: Imprints of Indian Thought and Culture abroad, p 124, Vivekananda Kendra Prakashan).
- ↑ cf: "Their name (Afghan) means „cavalier“ being derived from the Sanskrit, Asva, or Asvaka, a horse, and shows that their country must have been noted in ancient times, as it is at the present day, for its superior breed of horses. Asvaka was an important tribe settled north to Kabul river, which offered a gallant resistance but ineffectual resistance to the arms of Alexander „(Ref: Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1999, p 275, Royal Scottish Geographical Society).
- ↑ “Afghans are Assakani of the Greeks; this word being the Sanskrit Ashvaka meaning 'horsemenʼ „ (Ref: Sva, 1915, p 113, Christopher Molesworth Birdwood).
- ↑ Cf: “The name represents Sanskrit Asvaka in the sense of a cavalier, and this reappears scarcely modified in the Assakani or Assakeni of the historians of the expedition of Alexander" (Hobson-Jobson: A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian words and phrases, and of kindred terms, Henry Yule, AD Burnell).
- ↑ See few more references on Asvaka = Afghan: The Numismatic Chronicle, 1893, p 100, Royal Numismatic Society (Great Britain); Awq, 1983, p 5, Giorgio Vercellin; Der Islam, 1960, p 58, Carl Heinrich Becker, Maymūn ibn al-Qāsim Tabarānī; Journal of Indian History: Golden Jubilee Volume, 1973, p 470, Trivandrum, India (City), University of Kerala. Dept. of History; Literary History of Ancient India in Relation to Its Racial and Linguistic Affiliations, 1970, p 17, Chandra Chakraberty; Stile der Portugiesischen lyrik im 20 jahrhundert, p 124, Winfried Kreutzen.; See: Works, 1865, p 164, Dr H. H. Wilson; The Earth and Its Inhabitants, 1891, p 83; Chants populaires des Afghans, 1880, p clxiv, James Darmesteter; Nouvelle geographie universelle v. 9, 1884, p.59, Elisée Reclus; Alexander the Great, 2004, p.318, Lewis Vance Cummings (Biography & Autobiography); Nouveau dictionnaire de géographie universelle contenant 1o La géographie physique … 2o La .., 1879, Louis Rousselet, Louis Vivien de Saint-Martin; An Ethnic Interpretation of Pauranika Personages, 1971, p 34, Chandra Chakraberty; Revue internationale, 1803, p 803; Journal of Indian History: Golden Jubilee Volume, 1973, p 470, Trivandrum, India (City). University of Kerala. Dept. of History; Edinburgh University Publications, 1969, p 113, University of Edinburgh; Shi jie jian wen, 1930, p 68 by Shi jie zhi shi chu ban she. Cf also: Advanced History of Medieval India, 1983, p 31, Dr J. L. Mehta; Asian Relations, 1948, p 301, Asian Relations Organization („Distributed in the United States by: Institute of Pacific Relations, New York.“); Scottish Geographical Magazine, 1892, p 275, Royal Scottish Geographical Society — Geography; The geographical dictionary of ancient and mediaeval India, 1971, p 87, Nundo Lal Dey; Nag Sen of Milind Paṅhö, 1996, p 64, P. K. Kaul — Social Science; The Sultanate of Delhi, 1959, p 30, Ashirbadi Lal Srivastava; Journal of Indian History, 1965, p 354, University of Kerala Dept. of History, University of Allahabad Dept. of Modern Indian History, University of Travancore — India; Mémoires sur les contrées occidentales, 1858, p 313, fn 3, Stanislas Julien Xuanzang — Buddhism.
- ↑ Dawn News, The cradle of Pathan culture