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Scratch My Arse Qoyasi

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Scratch My Arse Rock (shuningdek, Kiss Me Arse Rock deb ham tanilgan) – Palmerston orolining [1] sohilidan tashqarida mashhur baliq ovlash joyidir, Kuk orollari arxipelagiga tegishli atoll [2]. Qoyaning nomi, 19-asrdagi Marsters oilasining avlodi William Marsters tomonidan berilgan, bugungi kunda Palmerston orolida ham yashaydi va boshqaradi [3]. Scratch My Arse qoyasiningning suvlarida koʻpgina toʻtiqush baliqlari mavjud.

Qoʻshma Shtatlarning Merilend shtati Bethesda shahridagi Milliy Geospatial-Intellegence agentligi tomonidan tosh haqida geografik maʼlumotlar mavjud [4].

  1. Nash, Joshua (2 April 2016). "One Man is an Island: the speech community William Marsters begat on Palmerston Island". The Journal of Pacific History 51 (2): 223–225. doi:10.1080/00223344.2016.1181858. "...along with other humorous narrations, the author tells about ‘Kiss Me Arse Rock’, also known as ‘Scratch My Arse Rock’. The name of this popular fishing location off the coast of Palmerston Island was reputedly conferred by William Marsters." 
  2. Queenʼs Baton Relay: Finding part of the West Country in the Pacific (Article from BBC News, 10 December 2013)
  3. Weʼre always asking for it (paywalled)(Article from Cook Islands News, 14 February 2010)
  4. Geographical Names http://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=9213843&fid=1506&c=cook_islands

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