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Patience Collier

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Patience Collier
Tavalludi 19-avgust 1910-yil (1910-08-19) (114 yosh)
Vafoti 13-iyul 1987-yil(1987-07-13)
(76 yoshda)
London, Angliya
Fuqaroligi Birlashgan Qirollik va United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Kasbi Aktrisa

Patience Collier (Irene Marjorie Ritscher; 1910-yil 19-avgustda tugʻilgan – 1987-yil 13-iyulda vafot etgan) – britaniyalik sobiq aktrisa[1].

Patience Collier teatrdagi faoliyatini Manchesterda boshlagan[2]. 1956-yilda u Phoenix teatrida Denis Cannan va Pierre Bostning The Power and the Glory filmida Maria rolini oʻynadi[3]. Oʻsha yili u sentabr oyida Dublinda paydo boʻlgan Noël Cowardning Nude with Violin filmida John Gielgudning qarshisida „delightful vignette“ sifatida paydo boʻladi[4].

1966-yil 25-maydan boshlab u Sławomir Mrożekning Aldwych teatrida Tango spektaklida Ursula Mohan, Mike Pratt, Peter Jeffrey hamda Dudley Sutton bilan birga rejissor Trevor Nunn qoʻl ostida paydo boʻladi[5]. Televideniyeda u Who Pays the Ferryman filmida Katerina Matakis va Sapphire & Steel filmidagi Emma Mullrine rolida paydo boʻladi[6][7]. U 1973-yilda ITV (televidenie)ning „The Frighteners“ filmida Clive Swift bilan „The Classroom“ epizodida isteʼfodagi maktab oʻqituvchisi rolini oʻynagan.

Collier, shuningdek, The Third Secret (1964), Decline and Fall… of a Birdwatcher (1968), Baby Love (1969), House of Cards (1969), Perfect Friday (1970), Every Home Should Have One (1970), Fiddler on the Roof (1971), Countess Dracula (1971), Endless Night (1972) kabi filmlarda ham suratga tushgan.

Shaxsiy hayoti

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Aktrisa olim Henry Oswald Jackson Collier bilan turmush qurgan va undan uch farzand dunyoga keltirgan[8]. Uning qizlari Susan va Sarah taniqli toʻqimachilik dizaynerlari boʻlib, Collier Campbell kompaniyasiga asos solishgan. Irenening oʻgʻli Joe Collier, klinik farmakolog sifatida faoliyat koʻrsatadi[9][10].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1962 The Girl on the Boat xonim Millican
1964 The Third Secret xonim Pelton
1965 The Wild Affair Sayohat agentligidagi ayol
1969 Baby Love xonim Carmichael
1969 House of Cards Gabrielle de Villemont
1968 Decline and Fall… of a Birdwatcher Flossie Fagan
1968 Mystery and Imagination Madame de la Rougierre epizod: „Uncle Silas“
1970 Every Home Should Have One xonim Monty Levin
1970 Perfect Friday Enaga
1971 Countess Dracula Julie
1971 Fiddler on the Roof Grandma Tzeitel
1972 Endless Night xonim Townsend
1973 The National Health Mehmon ayol
1981 The French Lieutenantʼs Woman xonim Poulteney
  1. „Patience Collier – Broadway Cast & Staff | IBDB“. www.ibdb.com.
  2. Peter Gill. Apprenticeship. Oberon Books, 2008 — 97-bet. ISBN 978-1-78319-359-2. [sayt ishlamaydi]
  3. "Phoenix Theatre." The Times (London, England) 6 April 1956: p. 3; retrieved 10 October 2014.
  4. "'Nude with Violinʼ." The Times (London, England) 25 September 1956: p.3. Retrieved 10 October 2014.
  5. "Lively Choice of Plays for Aldwych." The Times (London, England) 22 April 1966: pg. 17; retrieved 9 October 2014.
  6. „Patience Collier“. www.aveleyman.com. 2022-yil 5-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 5-avgust.
  7. „Sapphire & Steel Adventure Five Episode 5 (1981)“. BFI. 2020-yil 24-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 5-avgust.
  8. New Scientist. Reed Business Information, 29 August 1957 — 35-bet. 
  9. Horwell, Veronica. „Susan Collier obituary“. The Guardian (2011-yil 15-may). Qaraldi: 2016-yil 11-oktyabr.
  10. Levy, Paul. „Susan Collier: Award-winning textile designer best known for her work for Liberty and Habitat“. The Independent (2011-yil 30-iyun). 2022-yil 25-mayda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2020-yil 14-noyabr.