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Eswatini or Esvatini?

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Hello @Malikxan:, thank you for moving the article "Swazilend" and that the country no longer has to live with its colonialist name at uzWP.

  • However, I am a little surprised that you chose the spelling "Esvatini" and not "Eswatini". Because I wasn't sure myself which spelling is the correct one, I did a Google search to see which spelling is more commonly used in Uzbekistan. To do this, I used the advanced Google search exclusively for domains with the TLD ".uz". Apart from the fact that the country seems to be very little known in Uzbekistan, the spelling "Eswatini" is clearly more common than the spelling "Esvatini". Do you really want to keep the spelling "Esvatini"?
  • But regardless of how you decide this for uzWP, the official spelling in most languages of the world with Latin script is "Eswatini" So also in English. And English is also the official language actually and mainly used in Eswatini. See the official homepage of the government. All international organisations also use the spelling "Eswatini" without exception. Here are a few examples:
  • This means that when citing English-language texts and names in uzWP (for example, in itemised references), the corresponding English spelling "Eswatini" should also be used.
  • By the way, WickiData and Commons also use the spelling "Eswatini".
  • And one more thing. It would be far too nice and too easy to replace the name "Swaziland" with "Eswatini" everywhere. Some media, institutions and businesses have not changed their names, at least not yet. For example, while the Swazi Observer newspaper has changed its name to the Eswatini Observer, the Times of Swaziland has so far kept its name. Unfortunately, there is nothing left to do but to check in each individual case what the current name is.

Many greetings--Bestoernesto (munozara) 05:15, 8-Iyul 2021 (UTC)

Hey! You wrote above that the spelling "Eswatini" is clearly more common than "Esvatini". Are you sure about that? 0 results for spelling "Eswatini". Malikxan munozara 08:16, 8-Iyul 2021 (UTC)
Sorry Malikxan. I had linked you to my last Google results page. Apparently, the Google search results are also partly dependent on the country from which the query comes. Since it shows one page less for you than for me, my link obviously went to nowhere for you. Here are my search results again with a link to the first page.
  • I suspect the reason for the origin of the spelling used in part in the Uzbek language is the Russian language. According to Wikipedia, Russian is still a widespread lingua franca in Uzbekistan and continues to be of great importance as a language of education and business.
  • It looks as if the English word "Eswatini" was adopted into the Russian language in accordance with its sound, and thereby as a transcription into the Cyrillic script as "Эсватини". But if someone now goes and converts the Russian Cyrillic word "Эсватини" into Latin letters by official transliteration according to ISO 9, it will look like this:
    • Э = E / с = s / в = v / а = a / т = t / и = i / н = n / и = i
  • Perhaps there is also a recognised dictionary or lexicon in Uzbekistan with the current official country name in Latin script.
  • That's just my thoughts. I do not want to interfere in this. I am only interested in helping out a little with the Wikipedia language versions that have not yet been able to separate themselves from the colonialist and anachronistic spelling. Thanks to your kind cooperation, I have succeeded in doing that with uzWP. Many thanks again.--Bestoernesto (munozara) 16:52, 8-Iyul 2021 (UTC)
You're welcome! :) Malikxan munozara 16:26, 9-Iyul 2021 (UTC)