Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Modul:Location map/data/CanadaTerrain

Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya

Location map of Canada
name Canada
x 51.3688770752693 - 2.08993734501698*($1 - 89.1948328371273)*sin(0.0146738856952723*($2 - ($2 > 0)*360 + 88.6496582505060))
y -6.11618556585059 - 2.08993734501698*($1 - 89.1948328371273)*cos(0.0146738856952723*($2 - ($2 > 0)*360 + 88.6496582505060))
image Canada topo.jpg

Modul:Location map/data/CanadaTerrain joylashuv xaritasi taʼrifi boʻlib, an equirectangular projection Canadadagi markerlar va yorliqlarni joylashtirish uchun foydalaniladi. :Modul:Location map/data/CanadaTerrain|1|3}}|ism}}]]}}}. Markerlar standart xaritada yoki shunga o'xshash xarita tasvirida kenglik va uzunlik koordinatalari bo'yicha joylashtiriladi.


Ushbu ta'riflar parametr bilan chaqirilganda quyidagi andozalar tomonidan qo'llaniladi „CanadaTerrain“:

Xarita tavsifi

  • name = Canada
    Standart xarita sarlavhasida foydalanilgan ism
  • image = Canada topo.jpg
    Standart xarita tasviri, “Rasm:” yoki “Fayl:”siz
  • x = 51.3688770752693 - 2.08993734501698*($1 - 89.1948328371273)*sin(0.0146738856952723*($2 - ($2 > 0)*360 + 88.6496582505060))
    An expression to calculate a location on the map via its longitude; evaluates as 0 along the left edge and 100 along the right edge
  • y = -6.11618556585059 - 2.08993734501698*($1 - 89.1948328371273)*cos(0.0146738856952723*($2 - ($2 > 0)*360 + 88.6496582505060))
    An expression to calculate a location on the map via its latitude; evaluates as 0 along the top edge and 100 along the bottom edge

Xaritalar joylashuvi andozalariga misollar

Some common label background colors are: #CCCC55 for dim yellow,

  • #44EE44 for lime green, #BBBBBB for gray,
  • #44CCDD for light aqua, #DDDDDD for light gray (almost white),
  • PaleGreen for pale green, PaleTurquoise, DarkOrange, etc.
  • By default, the label is transparent overwriting the image.

For small lettering use label_size=80, for tiny words use 55. Note that the words in the label will wrap unless using "nbsp": DO NOT WRAP.

When specifying image "width=270" be sure to OMIT "px" (which causes the image to span the width of the screen) because "px" cannot (yet) be detected by the (new) MediaWiki language which processes those mapping templates.

WARNING: Having too much text in Template:Location_map_CanadaTerrain can kill mapping templates that use it, even inside "<noinclude>".

See each specific mapping template for other parameters to pass.

Simple example

Ottawa is located in Canada
Ottawa in Canada
{{Location map
| CanadaTerrain
| caption = Ottawa in Canada
| width=270
| label=Ottawa
| label-size=90
| background = #DDDD44
| position=right
| lat = 45.42
| long= -75.67
| mark=X_sheer_red_17.gif
| marksize=17
| float=right

Location map many

Location map/data/CanadaTerrain is located in Canada
Quebec City
Quebec City
Vancouver, Whitehorse, Alert, Churchill, Winnipeg, Quebec & Halifax
{{Location map many
  |top   =86.1
  |pos =top
  |lat = 49.25
  |marksize= 5
| label2=Alert
  |lat2 =82.50
  |bg2 =Orange
| label3=
  |lat3 =60.72
  |pos3= top
| label4=
  |lat4 =49.90
| label5=Halifax | lat5 = 44.85 | long5 = -63.20
  | bg5 = #77EE77 | pos5 = top
  | mark5=Blue_pog.svg | mark5size=5
| label6=Churchill,_MB
  | lat6 = 58.76 | long6 = -94.17
  | bg6 = #CCCC55
  | pos6 = right 
  | mark6=Blue_pog.svg | mark6size=5 |label6_size=75
| label7=Quebec City
  | lat7=46.82 | long7= -71.38
  | mark7=Blue_pog.svg | mark7size=5
| caption = Vancouver, Whitehorse, Alert, Churchill, Winnipeg, Quebec & Halifax
| width=430 <!--map width-->
| float=right <!--left/center-->
Quebec City is located in Canada
Quebec City
Quebec City
Quebec east, Yellowknife in northwest
{{Location map
| CanadaTerrain
| width=320 <!--omit "px"-->
|label=Quebec City
 | label_size=75
 | background=DarkOrange
 | position=right
 | lat=46.48 | long= -71.38
 | mark=Green_pog.svg
 | marksize=10
 | label2_size=75
 | bg2 = #DDDD44
 | pos2=top
 | lat2= 62.45
 | long2= -114.40
 | mark2=Blue_pog.svg
 | mark2size=5
| float=right
| caption = Quebec east, Yellowknife in northwest

Yana qarang

Xaritalar joylashuvi andozalari

Creating new map definitions

return {
	name = 'Canada',
	image = 'Canada topo.jpg',
	x = '51.3688770752693 - 2.08993734501698*($1 - 89.1948328371273)*sin(0.0146738856952723*($2 - ($2 > 0)*360 + 88.6496582505060))',
	y = '-6.11618556585059 - 2.08993734501698*($1 - 89.1948328371273)*cos(0.0146738856952723*($2 - ($2 > 0)*360 + 88.6496582505060))'