Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Akhemen/Arxiv 1
Hasan Ruhoniy
Hurmatli StatisksExpert! Qoʻshayotgan hissangiz hurmatga loyiq. Hasan Ruhani maqolasini Hasan Ruhoniyga yoʻnaltirganim sababi oʻzbekcha manbalarda uning ismi sharifi shunaqa yozilgan. Hurmat bilan! --Amir.Temur (munozara) 08:28, 5 fevral 2014 (UTC)
Bilgiquti aholi punkti
Salom StatisksExpert! Shaharlarni tahrirlayapganingizda {{Bilgiquti aholi punkti}}dan foydalaning!--Amir.Temur (munozara) 10:33, 15 fevral 2014 (UTC)
Ozodlik radiolsi bilan intervyu
Salom StatisksExpert! Shu kunlarda Vikipediyada juda ham faol tahrir qilayapsiz. Bu tahsinga sazovor. Shunday davom etasiz degan umiddamiz.
Ozodlik radiosi muxbirlari fevral oyidan beri faol Vikipediyachilardan intervyu olib kelyapti. Shu kungacha olingan intervyular bilan mana bu yerda (yoki mana bu yerda) tanishishingiz mumkin. Siz ham intervyu berishni xohlamaysizmi? Istasangiz suhbat davomida asl ismingizni oshkor qilmaysiz, faqat Vikipediyadagi loginingizni aytasiz. Bunday intervyular Vikipediyamizga koʻproq faol jalb qilishda yordam beradi. Javobingizni kutaman.
Yana bir masala. Bizda Vikipediyachilar uchun yaxshi bir aloqa vositasi bor. Bu Skype konferensiyadir. Istasangiz shu konferensiyaga qoʻshiling. Nataev munozara 05:46, 13 mart 2014 (UTC)
Salom. Iltimos oʻ va gʻ (ў, ғ) harflarini yozishda apostrofdan emas, okinadan foydalansangiz.
- apostrof: '
- okina: ʻ
--Sociologist--munozara-- 15:10, 15 mart 2014 (UTC)
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The Uzbekistan Barnstar of National Merit | |
Hurmatli StatisksExpert, qisqa vaqt ichida Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaga qoʻshgan salmoqli hissangiz uchun sizni ushbu orden bilan taqdirlayman! Bundan keyin ham faol tahrir qilishda davom etasiz deb umid qilaman. Nataev munozara 07:55, 29-mart 2014 (UTC) |
Bosh harflar imlosi
Hurmatli StatisksExpert, sizdan bosh harflar imlosi bilan tanishib chiqishni soʻrangan boʻlardim. Oʻzbek tilida atoqli otlar katta harf bilan yoziladi xolos (baʼzi istisnolardan tashqari). „Tofiq Bahromov nomidagi Respublika Stadioni“ emas, "Tofiq Bahromov nomidagi respublika stadioni yoziladi. Bu mavzu haqida mana bu kitobda koʻproq yozilgan. Mana bu yerdagi lugʻatlar ham juda foydali. Nataev munozara 16:52, 30-mart 2014 (UTC)
Xatolarimni tuzatganingiz uchun rahmat! Bundan buyon ushbu qoidaga amal qilaman. StatisksExpert (munozara)
Salom StatisksExpert! UzWikiga qo'shayotgan hissangiz uchun rahmat. Sportga oid maqola va tahrirlar ko'pligi sabab, sizga murojat qilmoqdaman. UzWikida Loyiha:Sport Loyihasi mavjud. Ushbu Loyihada ishtrok etishni taklif qilmoqchiman. Loyihani yangilash, qizil ranglardagi maqolalarni "ko'kartirish" lozim))).
Keyin, maqolalar yozayotganizda odatiy jadvallardan emas, infoboxdan foydalansangiz yaxshi bo'lardi. Maqolaga Turkumlar,
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Vikipediyada «Sport» loyihasi bor |
qo'shishni ham unutmang. Bu siz yozgan maqolani o'quvchilar qidirib o'qishida foydali.
Rahmat, kelgusi ishlarizda rivoj. MrErgashev (munozara) 05:30, 1-Aprel 2014 (UTC).
Andoza yaratish sal qiyinroq ish, to'g'risi o'zim hali mustaqil andoza yaratmaganman. UzWikidigi mavjud andozalardan foydalanaman. Misol Prezidentlar haqida maqola yozsangiz ushbu andozadan foydalaning. Sport haqida bo'lsa mana bu andoza. Bunda ishlatish degan jpoyini copy qilib yozayotgan maolangizga paste qilasiz. Barobardan keyin, parametrlarni yozib chiqasiz. MrErgashev (munozara) 08:07, 3-Aprel 2014 (UTC).
RuWiki dagi maqolada fayl Commons ga emas, RuWikini o'ziga joylangan shu sababdan siz joylaganizda xatolik yuz bergan. Men, Asboblar -> Fayl yuklash orqali usha rasmni UzWiki ga joyladim va fayl o'zbekcha maqolada aks etdi.
Umuman, Rasmlarni bu yerdan kirib qoʻshiladi (u yerda alohida roʻyxatdan oʻtish kerak). Lekin, bizda Commons’da yoʻq rasmlarni ishlatmaslikka kelishilgan. — Bu xabarni MrErgashev (munozara · hissasi) yozdi, lekin imzo qo‘ymadi
Hurmatli StatisksExpert! Sizdan bir iltimos qoʻshayotgan maqolalaringizga manba ham keltirsangiz nur ustiga aʼlo nur boʻlardi. Agarda maqolaga manba keltirishni bilmasangiz Vikipediya:Manbalarga ishoratlar bilan tanishib chiqing --Amir.Temur (munozara) 16:06, 4-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
- Amir.Temur juda toʻgʻri aytibdilar. Siz yaratgan koʻp maqolalarda manba umuman yoʻq. Hech boʻlmasa bir dona manba boʻlishi kerak har bir maqolada. Nataev munozara 08:11, 7-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Xoʻp boʻladi. Harakat qilaman. StatisksExpert (munozara) 08:55, 7-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
- Salom StatisksExpert! Manba qoʻshishni bilmasangiz Karles Koto maqolasidagi tahririni koʻzdan kechiring--Amir.Temur (munozara) 10:40, 7-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Manbani qo'yish shart narsa bo'lmasa vikipediyadagi maqola g'ildiraksiz avtomobilga o'xshab qoladi misol uchun Texas maqolasidagi mana bu satrni olaylik.
Texas - (inglizcha: Texas; talaffuzi: Teksas) AQSh shtatlaridan biri boʻlib, aholi va maydon jihatdan ikkinchi oʻrinda, qitʼa shtatlari orasida esa birinchi oʻrinda turadi. Nomi kaddo tilidagi „Tejas“ soʻzidan olingan boʻlib, „doʻstlar“ yoki „ittifoqdoshlar“ degan maʼnoni anglatadi. deb yozsangiz tagidagini manba qilasiz <r e f>[http:/ / Texas, origin of name] Handbook of Texas Online</re f >
Shunda mana bunday bo'ladi: Texas - (inglizcha: Texas; talaffuzi: Teksas) AQSh shtatlaridan biri boʻlib, aholi va maydon jihatdan ikkinchi oʻrinda, qitʼa shtatlari orasida esa birinchi oʻrinda turadi. Nomi kaddo tilidagi „Tejas“ soʻzidan olingan boʻlib, „doʻstlar“ yoki „ittifoqdoshlar“ degan maʼnoni anglatadi.[1] so'ngra ostiga
== Manba ==ni qo'yib {{reflist}}andozasini kiritasiz.
- ↑ Texas, origin of name Handbook of Texas Online
shu ko'rinish chiqadi. E'tiboringiz uchun rahmat!!--Mirzoulugʻbek (munozara) 17:05, 10-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Tushunarli. Rahmat. StatisksExpert (munozara) 11:13, 11-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Salom! Munozara yozib boʻlganingizdan keyin imzo sifatida ~~~~ bunday belgini qoʻyasiz, shunda avtomatik ravishda loginingiz yoziladi --Amir.Temur (munozara) 12:29, 6-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Salom, yahshimisiz? iltimos menga yordam bersayiz {{Bilgiquti pornoyulduz}ni ruschadagiday qib bera olasmi? (munozara) 11:44, 10-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Salom! Sizning taklifingizga binoan Aleksandr Lukashenko siz aytgan holda, hohlasangiz tahrirlayvering. Hurmat bilan--Amir.Temur (munozara) 13:05, 10-Aprel 2014 (UTC)
Salom! Maqolalarda VP:Turkum qoʻshing, iltimos. Masalan, Tojikiston davlat madhiyasi maqolasiga hech boʻlmasa Tojikiston va Madhiyalar turkumlarini qoʻshish kerak. Nataev munozara 14:03, 24-may 2014 (UTC)
Xoʻp. StatisksExpert (munozara) 10:27, 25-may 2014 (UTC)
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Xizmatlaringiz uchun | |
Hurmatli StatisksExpert! Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaga qoʻshayotgan salmoqli hissangiz uchun sizni shu yulduz bilan taqdirlashga ijozat bergaysiz. Xayrli va foydali ishingizni davom ettirasiz, deb umid qilaman. Abdulla munozara 10:39, 2-iyun 2014 (UTC) |
Hurmatli StatisksExpert menga bergan ordeningiz uchun katta tashakkur bildiraman va bundan keyin bu ragʻbatlar albatta keyingi ishlarimda kuch gʻayrat bagʻishlaydi. FarhodShaymanov (munozara) 12:57, 6-iyun 2014-yil (UTC-05:00) |}
Siz bu uzaytirish mumkin, rahmat: Amaro Pargo.-- 20:52, 22-Yanvar 2015 (UTC)
Skype konferensiya
Salom, StatisksExpert! Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaga qoʻshayotgan salmoqli hissangiz uchun katta rahmat! Bizda vikipediyachilar uchun yaxshi bir aloqa vositasi bor. Bu Skype konferensiyadir. U yerda har qanaqa savolga tez javob olishingiz mumkin. Istasangiz shu konferensiyaga qoʻshiling. Nataev munozara 07:21, 28-Fevral 2015 (UTC)
Bu atlasga vikipediyachi yashab turgan joyi koordinatasini kiritadimi? Kiritsa, keyin topish oson bo'ladimi yoki xaritani nima keragi bor shu haqida ma'lumot berib yo'boring, iltimos. --Химик1991 (munozara) 08:43, 12-Mart 2015 (UTC)
Ovoz bering
Mana bu yerda „Administratorlikka soʻrovlar“ andozasi muhokamaga qoʻyilgan. Sizning ovoz berishingiz kelajakda oʻzingizni ham administrator boʻlishingizga taʼsir qilishi mumkin. Shuning uchun aktiv boʻlishingizni soʻraymiz. —Химик1991 (munozara) 08:55, 12-Mart 2015 (UTC)
Nima uchun
Nikneymingizni almashtiribsiz. Shuni sababini va hamma proektlardan qanday almashtirishni bilmoqchi edim. --Ximik1991 (munozara) 16:35, 10-May 2015 (UTC)
- Oldingi niknomim yoqmas edi. Shuning uchun almashtirdim. Mana bu yerda zayavka qoldirib oʻz niknomingizni oʻzgartirishingiz mumkin. ---Farsizabon (munozara) 05:50, 11-May 2015 (UTC)
кропотливая работа
FarhodShaymanovga bildirgan iliq soʻzlaringizda xato borga oʻxshaydi. кровопотливая emasmi? Shuni toʻgʻrilab qoʻysangiz. --Химик1991 (munozara) 11:33, 18-May 2015 (UTC)
- Men xato qilganga oʻxshayman. Biror javob qoldirarsiz. --Химик1991 (munozara) 11:38, 18-May 2015 (UTC)
- Yoʻq, xato qilganim yoʻq. Кропотливая работа maʼno tarjimasi "mayda va qiyin ish" degani. Кровопотливая работа degani bu "qon aralash ter bilan ishlash" degani. Siz meni kuzatib turasizmi? ---Farsizabon (munozara) 11:50, 18-May 2015 (UTC)
Orden uchun katta rahmat
Hurmatli Farsizabon! Men uchun bildirgan iliq soʻzlaringiz, hamda, yaratgan maqolalarim uchun orden bilan taqdirlaganingiz uchun oʻz minnatdorchiligimni bildiraman. Ushbu taqdirlashingiz menga yanada ilhom bagʻishlaydi va kelgusida oʻzbek vikipediyasiga bundanda koʻp oʻz hissamni qoʻshaman. Hurmat bilan — Farhod Shaymanov (munozara) 06:45, 18-May 2015 (UTC-5)
- Salomat boʻling. Arzimaydi. ---Farsizabon (munozara) 07:17, 19-May 2015 (UTC)
Fikr bildiring
Salom hurmatli Cekli829! Ushbu sahifada yaxshi maqolaga yangi nomzod paydo boʻldi. Iltimos, ushbu sahifada oʻz fikringizni bildirsangiz. Oldindan rahmat! Hurmat bilan --Farsizabon (munozara) 11:55, 29-May 2015 (UTC)
Salmoqli hissangiz uchun rahmat !
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Salmoqli hissangiz uchun |
Hurmatli Farsizabon! Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaga qoʻshayotgan salmoqli hissangiz uchun rahmat. Oxirgi 30 kun ichida eng faol foydalanuvchilardan biri boʻlibsiz. Hissangiz uchun yan bir bora rahmat! —ITPRO.UZ (munozara) 16:20, 1-Iyun 2015 (UTC) |
- Eʼtibor uchun katta rahmat! Arzimaydi! Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyani boyitish har birimizning burchimizdir. Sizning ham mehnatlaringiz tahsinga sazovor! Yana bir bor rahmat! Hurmat bilan - Farsizabon (munozara) 12:44, 2-Iyun 2015 (UTC).
- Rahmat! Sizga ham! --Farsizabon (munozara) 13:18, 2-Iyun 2015 (UTC)
Salom, ishlar yaxshi-mi ? Facebookdagi manzilingiz bera olasiz-mi ? --ITPRO.UZ (munozara) 12:49, 21-Sentabr 2015 (UTC)
- @ITPRO.UZ:, manzilimni Nataevdan olsangiz bo'ladi. Bu yerda turli sabablarga koʻra oshkor qilmoqchi emasman. Hurmat bilan - Farsizabon (munozara) 13:07, 22-Sentabr 2015 (UTC).
- @Farsizabon: Tushunarli, rahmat !--ITPRO.UZ (munozara) 06:51, 23-Sentabr 2015 (UTC)
Wikipedia Asian Month update

Hi Farsizabon
After nearly three months of preparation, Wikipedia Asian Month will start in a few days. Here are some changes and action items that need to be done in the next few days before the event starts:
- As we discussed on meta, if the article is a list, it will not count. However, on the English Wikipedia, the rules have been changed so that a list that is promoted to a Featured List will be counted. Other Wikipedias that also have Featured Lists (BN, BA, FA, KO, HI, ID, JA, RU, UK, UR and ZH) are invited to consider and add this rule.
- There will be two CentralNotice banners used during the event. Please translate these into your language. It should take a maximum of 3 minutes. One is for Ongoing, another is for ending. It will generate huge impact!
- If you have any question regarding the banner in your language Wikipedia, free feel to leave a message on meta.
- Any Asian topic will be counted. Topics do not have to be about geopgraphy. You can make a clear statement so that participants understand this.
- For smaller communities, it is okay to reduce the standard from 3500 bytes and 300 words. I will suggest no lower than 2500 Bytes and 200 words. Please report this change on meta.
- I will make a short video demo about how to use the judging tool. This should be done no later than November 10. I would recommend organizers not start judging articles before that if you plan to use the judging tool.
- Ask some Wikipedians in your community to assist you if you are the only organizer. Tell them most work has already been done. There is only a little work for being an organizer from this point forward.
- For any questions or thought about Wikipedia Asian Month, you can leave a message here. I'm monitoring this page 12 hours everyday.
Thank you! Sent by User:AddisWang.
MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 22:01, 29-Oktabr 2015 (UTC)
Russian version
После почти трех месяцев подготовки через несколько дней начнётся Месяц Азии в Википедии. Ниже приведён список изменений и действий, которые нужно сделать перед началом марафона.
- Как мы уже обсуждали В Мета-Вики, если статья является списком, то её нельзя засчитывать. Но статью можно засчитать, если она позиционируется как Избранный список. Локальное сообщество может рассмотреть это предложение и добавить к своим правилам. Разделы BN, BA, FA, KO, HI, ID, JA, RU, UK, UR, ZH и Английская Википедия уже это сделали.
- Во время мероприятия будут использоваться два баннера в CentralNotice. Пожалуйста, переведите их на ваш язык. Это займёт максимум три минуты Один баннер для демонстрации после начала, другой для окончания. Они произведут огромный эффект!
- Если у вас есть вопросы по поводу баннера в Викиипедии (не отображается, содержит неправильные данные и т. д.), оставьте мне сообщение, можно писать на русском.
- Засчитываются статьи на любые темы, связанные с Азией, марафон не ограничен только географией. Это можно отдельно прописать в правилах.
- Для языковых разделов с небольшим количеством участников можно уменьшить требование размера в 3500 байтов и 300 слов. Я предлагаю сделать не меньше 2500 байт и 200 слов, чтобы статьи были качественными. Если вы поменяете этот пункт правил, сообщите об этом здесь.
- Я сделаю краткое демо-видео о том, как использовать инструмент для оценивания статей, он должен быть закончен не позднее 10 ноября. Я бы порекомендовал организаторам не начинать оценивать статьи до этого, если они планируют пользоваться нашим инструментом.
- Попросите других участников Википедии о помощи, если вы единственный организатор. Скажите им что бо́льшая часть работы уже сделана, и для того, чтобы быть локальным организатором, требуется совсем немного усилий.
- Если у вас есть вопросы и комментарии по поводу проведения Месяца Азии в Википедии, оставьте их здесь. Я просматриваю эту страницу 12 часов в сутки, если ваше сообщение на русском, начните сообщение с {{ping|Ochilov}}.
Спасибо! Переведено участником User:Ochilov и отправлено участником User:AddisWang.
--AddisWang (munozara) 22:05, 29-Oktabr 2015 (UTC)
Demo video for judging tool
Hi, here is the demo video that you can see how the tool works and how to judge the articles during the Wikipedia Asian Month. The template we use is here en:Template:WAM user. -- m:User:AddisWang
MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 20:04, 1-Noyabr 2015 (UTC)
1st week of WAM
I'm very excited that Wikipedia Asian Month has many great articles already in the first ten days. To better help us understand how we are we doing on Wikipedia Asian Month, here are some small tasks:
- Please update the data of your Wikipedia at m:Wikipedia Asian Month/Data, it does not need to be accurate.
- A few Wikipedia has join the WAM, you can update it on the local page. Azerbaijani Wikipedia, Bulgarian Wikipedia, Cantonese Wikipedia, French Wikipedia, Latvian Wikipedia, Sindhi Wikipedia, Spanish Wikipedia and Vietnamese Wikipedia.
- Try to get some media coverage on your local medias. Report the media coverage and find resources at here.
- There is a user box that you can encourage participants to put on their user page. m:Template:User Asian Month
— Addis Wang via MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 17:11, 9-Noyabr 2015 (UTC)
One Week Left!

Hi there!
Thank you for volunteering to organize Wikipedia Asian Month - we are doing something amazing! We are expecting to have 1,000 participants improving over 1,500 articles, possibly making Wikipedia Asian Month the largest long-term edit-a-thon ever. Here are a few tasks that need to be completed at the end of the event, as well as some tips you can take to achieve greater success.
- Check all submitted articles before 15th December, 2015, and send me a data set that includes: total number of submitted articles, number of qualified articles, total number of participants, and articles selected for DYK. For the few Wikipedias that allow article expansions, please also send me the number of new articles vs. improved articles. Use this page to submit results.
- List all qualified organizers, up to five on each Wikipedia. Qualified organizers are ones who work actively; those who only have their name on the page or just made a few constructive edits for the event (less than, say, 5-10 edits) will not be counted. Due 20th December, 2015. Use this page to submit organizers.
- List all qualified editors who can receive a postcard on here at meta. Also, please determine the Wikipedia Asian Ambassador of this year. For some Wikipedias, we are also honoring the second greatest contributor as an ambassador, as long as they have created at least 30 articles. Please talk with me about these potential additional Ambassadors. Due 25th December, 2015. Use this page to submit Ambassadors.
- Create a local results page. A sample page will be provided soon. Due 30th December, 2015.
Tips and Extras:
- Place {{WAM talk 2015}} on talk pages of qualified articles to record that it was created as a part of Wikipedia Asian Month. If your Wikipedia does not have an equivalent template, make one! See this talk page example to see the template in action.
- Translate the message at this page. This message will be sent to all participants on your local Wikipedia to encourage their participation. Let me know when you finish the translation. For some Wikipedias that have fewer editors, you can send it by yourself.
- If you haven't started to check articles, try to give at least one result to each participant to let them know their contribution are qualified, or why they do not qualify.
- If you find out that some editors on your local Wikipedia are editing Asian Content but haven't sign up yet, send them a short invitation to ask them join. All edits made in November will be counted regardless of when the editor signed up.
Rules Clarification:
- Since it is hard for organizers to keep the checking process very quickly, and may cause some editors who submit five articles being told one of their article does not qualified after the end November. We will still send postcards to those who submit five articles but one of those does not qualified with a minor problem. Minor problems include:
- Needs a few words to reach 300 words.
- Has a less-important issue tag.
- Needs to count one or two edits in the end of October or beginning of December to be qualified.
Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 04:22, 25-Noyabr 2015 (UTC)

Hi there!
We made it! The first edition of Wikipedia Asian Month has successfully ended! While your efforts are still needed since the wrap up stage is another big challenge for us. I understand everyone is busy in December, I will trying to cover everything we need in this message, hopefully can make this easier.
- Check all submitted articles before 15th December, 2015.
- When you do so, please make a category that includes all articles of WAM. My approach is using the {{WAM talk 2015}} on the talk page of all articles, and generate a category for talk page.
- If you already submitted result on this page, please take a look that I add another column for articles selected for DYK. It could take a while for DYK process, you can fill that column later.
- You don't need to provide bytes column since I'm looking for a easy way to not brother us too much.
- When you checking articles, if you ever find an article submitted about Bashkortostan, Russia, please list them out. Bashkortostan community would like to send a postcard to whoever create that article.
- List all qualified organizers, up to five on each Wikipedia. Qualified organizers are ones who work actively; those who only have their name on the page or just made a few constructive edits for the event (less than, say, 5-10 edits) will not be counted. Due 20th December, 2015. Use this page to submit organizers.
- As you submit the qualified participants on this page, please also use P, O and A to mark them so I can know how many postcards should they receive. P(Participant), O(Organizers), A(Ambassadors). Please review the page if you submitted already. This is due 25th December, 2015 as previously mentioned.
- We will make a barnstar for whoever contribute to Wikipedia Asian Month, a user box for whoever accomplish the mission, and a ribbon bar for Ambassadors. It will be distribute after we have all qualified editors.
- You can find me on Facebook as Addis Wang, easiest way to talk with me for any questions or need my assistance. Leaving a message on meta is another option.
Further Actions
- You are welcome to submit an blog post draft for Wikimedia Blog at here about Wikipedia Asian Month in your local community, a specific story is more welcomed. I will help on that, and maybe integrate stories from different communities together to make a enough length articles. So don't hesitate to submit a short paragraph.
- A specific story about WAM. Like how some volunteers contribute in the event makes them special.
- A one sentence statement from you or participants about how you feel about Wikipedia Asian Month; why you like the event; what do you think we need to improve next year
- A short introduction about your community if it has not been introduced yet on Wikimedia Blog. Goals, current problems, why your community special etc.
- Sorry for the rough pages on meta. I will make a more beautiful page for all organizers and Ambassadors to honor their great contribution for Wikipedia.
- Next year: Many communities show their interest to hold this event again next year. We want to plan it in advance. If you represent a Wikimedia affiliate in Asia, please considering to include around 100 U.S. dollars in your annual grant application or similar. So Wikipedians around world can have a taste on your country or region next year! A mail list will be set up and inform you in next update. We will definitely make this event easier to participant next year, and improve our tool to give a better experience for both organizers and participants.
My Best Wishes and appreciation,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 01:01, 2-Dekabr 2015 (UTC)
Final Stage

Happy New Year!
We are now at the final stage of the Wikipedia Asian Month, which means, we are collecting the address and ready to send postcards. There are basically three things left.
- The survey of address collecting is ready, please consider to translate the survey at this page if you are not sure all qualified participants have capability to finish this English survey.
- After you translate it, or not, please distribute the survey link with, or without, the page of tranlsation to qualifeid particpants on your Wikipedia. Please make sure the list are also in this page so we can know who is the qualified participants who are organizers. Please update this page once you finish the distribution.
- We have a barnstar for whoever submit one article in the event. Please consider to distribute this on your Wikipedia if it haven't done yet. And please update this page as well.
Sorry for all the delays and thank you for being part of it. Please subscribe the mail list for future collaboration in Asia, and for Wikipedia Asian Month in 2016.
Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 08:00, 13-Yanvar 2016 (UTC)
A barnstar for you!
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The Asian Month Barnstar |
Thanks for your great contribution in Wikipedia Asian Month 2015! --AddisWang (munozara) 05:30, 19-Yanvar 2016 (UTC) |
Wikipedia Asian Month
Hi, thank you for participation in Wikipedia Asian Month. Please fill out the survey that we use to collect the mailing address. All personal information will be only used for postcard sending and will be deleted immediately after the postcard is sent. If you have any question, you may contact me at Meta. Hope to see you in 2016 edition of Wikipedia Asian Month.--AddisWang (munozara) 05:31, 19-Yanvar 2016 (UTC)
Help please
Organizer feedback for WAM
Hi WAM organizers!
Please help us improve our judging tool of the Wikipedia Asian Month, and make it better to use in 2016 Edition. It may take around 5 minutes to Fill The Survey, and you will get an additional postcard if you submit your mailing address already. BTW, if you receive question regarding the postcard questions, here is a small updating page for your reference.
Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery (munozara) 23:20, 2-Mart 2016 (UTC)
Could you create the articles en:Visa policy of Azerbaijan and en:Visa requirements for Azerbaijani citizens in Uzbek?
Thank you.
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«Oltin qalam» ordeni | |
Hurmatli Farsizabon! Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaga qoʻshayotgan salmoqli hissangiz uchun, maqolalar sifatini yaxshilash uchun qilayotgan mehnatlaringiz uchun sizni ushbu orden bilan taqdirlashga qaror qildim. Oʻzbekcha Vikipediyani rivojlantirish yoʻlidagi ishlaringizni davom ettirasiz va ushbu yutuqlarda toʻxtab qolmaysiz degan umiddaman. Hurmat va ehtirom bilan — Umarxon III (munozara) 18:35, 12-Mart 2016 (UTC). |
- Kutilmagan syurpriz boʻldi! Kattakon rahmat! Harakat qilamiz :-) Farsizabon (munozara) 12:33, 13-Mart 2016 (UTC)
OvozHurmatli Farsizabon! Bu yerda yangi rasmiyatchilar uchun soʻrov bormoqda. Sizning fikringiz loyiha uchun muhim. Химик1991 (munozara) 10:45, 29-Mart 2016 (UTC)
QoidaBu qoidani qoʻshganingiz uchun rahmat, lekin bizda hali bu qoidalar muhokama qilinmagan-ku? --Химик1991 (munozara) 11:14, 30-Mart 2016 (UTC)
Ovoz 2Hurmatli Farsizabon! Bu yerda faol boʻlmagan administratorlarning administratorlik huquqlarini bekor qilish uchun soʻrov bormoqda. Iltimos, fikringizni bildiring. Sizning fikringiz loyiha uchun muhim. --Ximik1991Bot (munozara) 11:31, 30-Mart 2016 (UTC)
Turkum uchun soʻrovHurmatli Farsizabon! Bu yerda loyihani texnik jihatdan yaxshilash uchun soʻrov bormoqda. Iltimos, fikringizni bildiring. Sizning fikringiz loyiha uchun muhim. --Ximik1991Bot (munozara) 16:09, 31-Mart 2016 (UTC) Hurmatli Farsizabon! Ushbu test sahifa bilan tanishib chiqib, oʻz fikringizni aytin. Bu test sahifa bu yerda soʻrov berganda avtomatik yaratiladi. Yana takliflaringiz boʻlsa yuqoridagi sahifa munozarasida bayon qiling. Mumkin, fikringiz loyihani yuksalishiga turkki boʻlsa --Ximik1991Bot (munozara) 16:32, 7-Aprel 2016 (UTC) Shu andoza uzwikiga kerakmi? Agar kerak boʻlsa, bu yerga shunday koʻrinishda qoʻysak boʻladimi? Iltimos, shu andoza (matni, tasvirlari) haqida fikrlaringizni bildiring --Химик1991 (munozara) 15:01, 12-Aprel 2016 (UTC) SoʻrovHurmatli Farsizabon! bu yerda administratorlikka yangi soʻrov bormoqda. Iltimos, fikringizni bildiring. --Ximik1991Bot (munozara) 15:43, 12-Aprel 2016 (UTC) IntervikiXayrli kun. shu maaqolada interviki chiqmayapti. Qarab yuborsangiz. Umarxon III (munozara) 05:32, 20-Aprel 2016 (UTC).