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Estrone (dori)

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Estron ( E1 ), Estragyn, Kestrin va Theelin brendlari ostida sotiladi, menopauza (jinsiy bezlar faoliyatining to'xtashi)gormonlarini davolashda va boshqalarda qo'llaniladigan estrogen(ayollik garmoni) dori va tabiiy ravishda paydo bo'lgan steroid gormonidir .[1][2][3][4][5][6] U mushak ichiga inyeksiya yo'li bilan beriladigan suvli suspenziya yoki moyli eritma sifatida va vagina ichiga surtiladigan vaginal krem sifatida taqdim etilgan.[5][6][7][8] Bundan tashqari, og'iz orqali estradiol/estron/estriol (brend nomi Hormonin) va estropipat ( estron sulfat ; Ogen markasi) va konjugatsiyalangan estrogenlar (asosan estron sulfat; brend nomi Premarin) kabi oldingi dorilar shaklida ham olinishi mumkin.[1][6][9]

Estrogen kabi estrogenlarning nojo'ya ta'sirlari orasida ko'krakning nozikligi, kengayishi, bosh og'rig'i, ko'ngil aynishi, suyuqlikni ushlab turish va shish va boshqalar uchrab turadi.[1] Estron tabiiy ravishda paydo bo'lgan va biologik o'xshash estrogen yoki estrogen retseptorlarining teskarisi, endogen estradiol kabi estrogenlarning biologik maqsadi.[1] Bu nisbatan zaif estrogen bo'lib, estradiolga qaraganda ancha past faollikka ega.[1] Shu bilan birga, estron organizmda estradiolga aylanadi, bu uning estrogenik kuchining ko'p qismini yoki barchasini ta'minlaydi.[1][10] Shunday qilib, estron estradiolning oldingi dorisidir.[1]

Estrone birinchi marta 1929-yilda kashf etilgan va ko'p o'tmay tibbiy foydalanish uchun kiritilgan.[11][12][13] O'tmishda u klinik jihatdan qo'llanilgan bo'lsa-da, estron asosan to'xtatilgan va asosan hozir sotilmaydi.[3][14]

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 „Pharmacology of estrogens and progestogens: influence of different routes of administration“ (PDF). Climacteric. 8 Suppl 1-jild. 2005. 3–63-bet. doi:10.1080/13697130500148875. PMID 16112947.
  2. J. Elks. The Dictionary of Drugs: Chemical Data: Chemical Data, Structures and Bibliographies. Springer, 14 November 2014 — 899–-bet. ISBN 978-1-4757-2085-3. 
  3. 3,0 3,1 Index Nominum 2000: International Drug Directory. Taylor & Francis, 2000 — 407–-bet. ISBN 978-3-88763-075-1. 
  4. I.K. Morton. Concise Dictionary of Pharmacological Agents: Properties and Synonyms. Springer Science & Business Media, 6 December 2012 — 207–-bet. ISBN 978-94-011-4439-1. 
  5. 5,0 5,1 „Sex hormones and their modulators“, Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference, 36th Sweetman, Sean C.: , London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2009 — 2101-bet. ISBN 978-0-85369-840-1. 
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Guo, J. Z. „Hormones, Estrogens and Antiestrogens“, . Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2000. DOI:10.1002/0471238961.05192018072115.a01. ISBN 0471238961. 
  7. Speroff, Leon. Women's Hormonal Health Issues, 2015 — 341–354-bet. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-13832-9_28. ISBN 978-3-319-13831-2. 
  8. Richard A. Helms. Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006 — 397–-bet. ISBN 978-0-7817-5734-8. 
  9. H.J. Buchsbaum. The Menopause. Springer Science & Business Media, 6 December 2012 — 60, 62, 64-bet. ISBN 978-1-4612-5525-3. 
  10. Fishman, J. „New Concepts of Estrogenic Activity: the Role of Metabolites in the Expression of Hormone Action“, . The Menopause and Postmenopause N. Pasetto: , 1980 — 43–52-bet. DOI:10.1007/978-94-011-7230-1_5. ISBN 978-94-011-7232-5. 
  11. Vern L. Bullough. Science In The Bedroom: A History Of Sex Research. Basic Books, 19 May 1995 — 128–-bet. ISBN 978-0-465-07259-0. „When Allen and Doisy heard about the [Ascheim-Zondek test for the diagnosis of pregnancy], they realized there was a rich and easily handled source of hormones in urine from which they could develop a potent extract. [...] Allen and Doisy's research was sponsored by the committee, while that of their main rival, Adolt Butenandt (b. 1903) of the University of Gottingen was sponsored by a German pharmaceutical firm. In 1929, both terms announced the isolation of a pure crystal female sex hormone, estrone, in 1929, although Doisy and Allen did so two months earlier than Butenandt.27 By 1931, estrone was being commercially produced by Parke Davis in this country, and Schering-Kahlbaum in Germany. Interestingly, when Butenandt (who shared the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1939) isolated estrone and analyzed its structure, he found that it was a steroid, the first hormone to be classed in this molecular family.“ [sayt ishlamaydi]
  12. „Estrogenic Hormones: Their Clinical Usage“. Cal West Med. 49-jild, № 5. November 1938. 362–6-bet. PMC 1659459. PMID 18744783.
  13. Elizabeth Siegel Watkins. The Estrogen Elixir: A History of Hormone Replacement Therapy in America. JHU Press, 6 March 2007 — 21–-bet. ISBN 978-0-8018-8602-7. 
  14. „Estrone - Drugs.com“. 2018-yil 21-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2018-yil 21-iyun.