Elizabeth Ashley
Elizabeth Ashley | |
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Tavalludi |
Elizabeth Ann Cole 30-avgust 1939 |
Fuqaroligi | AQSh |
Kasbi | Aktrisa |
Faoliyat yillari | 1960–hozirgacha |
Turmush oʻrtogʻi |
James Farentino (turm. 1962; ajr. 1965) George Peppard (turm. 1966; ajr. 1972) James McCarthy (turm. 1975; ajr. 1981) |
Bolalari | 1 nafar |
Elizabeth Ann Cole, professional sifatida Elizabeth Ashley nomi bilan tanilgan, amerikalik teatr, kino va televidenie aktrisasi. U uch marotaba Tony mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan. 1962-yilda bir marta Take Her, She's Mine filmi uchun Tony Awards gʻolibi boʻlgan. Ashley shuningdek, The Carpetbaggers (1964) filmidagi yordamchi roli uchun BAFTA va Oltin Globus mukofotlariga nomzod boʻlgan va 1991-yilda Evening Shade filmi uchun Emmy mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan. Elizabeth Johnny Carson bilan „Tonight Show“da 24 marta mehmon boʻlgan. U In the Heat of the Night serialining bir nechta epizodlarida Maybelle Chesboro rolida ishtirok etgan.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Ashley musiqa oʻqituvchisi[1] oilasida tugʻilgan va Luiziana shtatining Baton-Ruj shahrida oʻsib ulgʻaygan.
Ashley birinchi kursdan keyin Luiziana shtati universitetini tark etadi va New Yorkka koʻchib oʻtadi. U oʻsha yerdagi teatr maktabi aktyorlik boʻyicha tahsil oladi va Jell-O teledasturida koʻrgazma zalida model sifatida faoliyat yuritadi[2].
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]U birinchi marta Burt Reynolds bilan „Love, American Style“ 1969-yilgi fasl epizodida, keyinchalik 1981-yilda „Paternity“ filmida, 1989-yilda „B.L. Stryker“ teleserialida mehmon yulduzi sifatida va nihoyat oʻzining soʻnggi teleseriali Evening Shadeda aktrisa sifatida, 1990-yildan 1994-yilgacha Frieda Evans xola rolida ishtirok etgan[3].
Ashley 1970-yillarning oʻrtalarida NBC telekanalida namoyish etilgan olti qismdan iborat Sandburg's Lincoln filmida Kate rolini ijro etgan[3]. Uning boshqa televizion chiqishlari orasida 1987-yilgi "The Two Mrs " mini-seriali ham bor. Grenvilles hamda mehmon sifatida Ben Casey; Route 66; Sam Benedict; Stoney Burke; The Six Million Dollar Man; Family; Miami Vice; Caroline in the City; Mission: Impossible; Murder, She Wrote; Dave's World; Law & Order; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Touched by an Angel; The Larry Sanders Show; Homicide: Life on the Street; Russian Doll; Better Things kabi seriallar va koʻrsatuvlarda ham chiqishlar qilgan. U HBO telekanali tomonidan suratga olingan Treme serialining 14-qismida Mimi xola rolida suratga tushgan.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Ashleyning avtobiografik asari boʻlmish Actress: Postcards from the Road nomli kitobi 1978-yil 1-iyunda M. Evans & Co (hozirda Rowman & Littlefield nashriyot guruhining bir qismi) tomonidan qattiq muqovada nashr etilgan. 1979-yil 12-oktyabrda Fawcett nashriyoti orqali qogʻozli nashr paydo boʻladi[4].
Shaxsiy hayoti
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Ashley uch marta turmush qurgan va ajrashgan. Uning birinchi va ikkinchi turmush oʻrtoqlari aktyorlar James Farentino va George Peppardlar boʻlishgan[5]. Ikkinchi eri oʻzining birinchi filmi „The Carpetbaggers“ (1964) filmidagi yetakchi aktyorlardan biri boʻlgan. Er-xotinning Christian ismli oʻgʻli bor[6].
25 yoshida Ashley eriga kechki ovqatni oʻz vaqtida tayyorlash va oʻzini ayol sifatida anglash uchun aktyorlik faoliyatini yakunlaganini eʼlon qiladi. Christian Peppard tugʻilgandan keyin toʻrt yil oʻtgach, u oʻz faoliyatini davom ettiradi[7].
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Filmlarda
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Yil | Sarlavha | Rol | Izohlar |
1964 | The Carpetbaggers | Monica Winthrop | |
1965 | Ship of Fools | Jenny Brown | |
1965 | The Third Day | Alexandria Mallory | |
1971 | The Marriage of a Young Stockbroker | Nan | |
1973 | Paperback Hero | Loretta | |
1974 | Golden Needles | Felicity | |
1975 | Rancho Deluxe | Cora Brown | |
1975 | 92 in the Shade | Jeannie Carter | |
1976 | The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday | Nancy Sue | |
1976 | One of My Wives Is Missing | Elizabeth | |
1978 | Coma | Mrs. Emerson | |
1980 | Windows | Andrea Glassen | |
1981 | Paternity | Sophia Thatcher | |
1982 | Split Image | Diana Stetson | |
1986 | Stagecoach | Dallas | |
1987 | Dragnet | Jane Kirkpatrick | |
1988 | Vampireʼs Kiss | Dr. Glaser | |
1988 | Dangerous Curves | Miss Reed | |
1989 | A Man of Passion | Gloria | |
1996 | Shoot the Moon | Mrs. Comstock | |
1997 | Sleeping Together | Mrs. Tuccinini | |
1998 | Happiness | Diane Freed | |
1999 | Just the Ticket | Mrs. Paliski | |
2000 | Labor Pains | Janice | |
2001 | Home Sweet Hoboken | Beth Flowers | |
2002 | Hey Arnold!: The Movie | Mrs. Vitello (voice) | |
2007 | The Cake Eaters | Marg Kaminski | |
2017 | Fry Day | Deirdre | Qisqa metrajli film |
2017 | Just Getting Started | Lily | |
2018 | Severance | Francesca | Qisqa metrajli film |
2018 | Ocean's 8 | Ethel |
Televizion rollari
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Yil | Sarlavha | Rol | Izohlar |
1961 | The Defenders | Joyce Harkavy | "The Prowler" |
1962 | The Nurses | Barbara Bowers | "The Barbara Bowers Story" |
1962 | Ben Casey | Jane Brewster | "And Even Death Shall Die" |
1963 | Route 66 | Maria Cardenas | "The Cage Around Maria" |
1963 | Sam Benedict | Cindy Messerman | "Season for Vengeance" |
1963 | Stoney Burke | Donna Weston | "Tigress by the Tail" |
1966 | Run for Your Life | Dina Fuller | "The Grotenberg Mask" |
1966 | Hawk | Donna | "H Is for a Dirty Letter" |
1969 | The Skirts of Happy Chance | Laddie Turnbow | TV film |
1969 | The File on Devlin | Sally Devlin | TV film |
1970 | Love, American Style | Penny Dunbar | "Love and the Banned Book"(with Burt Reynolds) |
1970 | The Virginian | Faith Andrews | "The West vs. Colonel MacKenzie" |
1970 | Medical Center | Anne Forley | "Brink of Doom" |
1971 | Insight | Sally | "The War of the Eggs" |
1971 | Harpy | Marian | TV film |
1971 | The Face of Fear | Sally Dillman | TV film |
1971 | Mission: Impossible | Lois Stoner | "Encounter" |
1972 | When Michael Calls | Helen Connelly | TV film |
1972 | Second Chance | Ellie Smith | TV film |
1972 | Ghost Story | Karen Dover | "At the Cradle Foot" |
1972 | The Heist | Diane Craddock | TV film |
1972 | Your Money or Your Wife | Laurel Plunkett | TV film |
1973 | Mission: Impossible | Andrea | "The Question" |
1973 | The Magician | Sally Baker | "Pilot" |
1973 | Police Story | Jannette Johnson | "Dangerous Games" |
1973 | The Six Million Dollar Man: The Solid Gold Kidnapping | Dr. Erica Bergner | TV film |
1974 | Mannix | Karen Winslow | "The Dark Hours" |
1974 | Ironside | Laura Keyes | "Close to Your Heart" |
1974 | The F.B.I. | Claire | "Diamond Run" |
1975 | Lincoln | Kate Chase Sprague | "Sad Figure, Laughing" |
1976 | One of My Wives Is Missing | Elizabeth Corban | TV film |
1977 | Family | Elizabeth Kraft | "Lovers and Strangers" |
1977 | The War Between the Tates | Erica Tate | TV film |
1978 | Tom and Joann | Joan Hammil | TV film |
1978 | A Fire in the Sky | Sharon Allan | TV film |
1982 | Saturday Night Live | Herself (host) | "Elizabeth Ashley/Hall & Oates" |
1983 | Freedom to Speak | Jane Addams / Dorothea Dix | TV kichik qismli serial |
1983 | Svengali | Eve Swiss | TV film |
1984 | Heʼs Fired, Sheʼs Hired | Freddie Fox | TV film |
1985 | The Love Boat | Nancy Bricker | 2 ta epizod |
1985 | Cagney & Lacey | Michelle Zal | "The Psychic" |
1985 | The Hitchhiker | Mrs. Baxter | "Out of the Night" |
1986 | Stagecoach | Dallas | TV film |
1987 | The Two Mrs. Grenvilles | Babette Van Degan | TV kichik qismli serial |
1987 | Warm Hearts, Cold Feet | Blanche Webster | TV film |
1987 | Miami Vice | D.E.A. Agent Linda Colby | "Knock, Knock… Whoʻs There?" |
1988 | Eisenhower and Lutz | Eleanor | "Pride and Prejudice" |
1989 | Alfred Hitchcock Presents | Karen Lawson / Kate Lawson | "Mirror Mirror" |
1989 | B.L. Stryker | Althea Campbell | "Blues for Buder" |
1989 | Hunter | Felicia Green | "A Girl Named Hunter" |
1989 | American Playwrights Theater: The One-Acts | Annie Sweeney | "The Rope" |
1989 | Murder, She Wrote | Vera Gerakaris | "Truck Stop" |
1990 | Blue Bayou | Lolly Fontenot | TV film |
1990 | Another World | Emma Frame Ordway | TV series |
1990-1994 | Evening Shade | Freida Evans | Main role |
1991 | Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story | Vicky | TV film |
1991 | Love and Curses… And All That Jazz | Emmalina | TV film |
1992 | In the Best Interest of the Children | Carla Scott | TV film |
1993 | The Larry Sanders Show | Elizabeth Ashley | "Off Camera" |
1993 | Harnessing Peacocks | Grandmother | TV film |
1994 | In the Heat of the Night | Maybelle Cheseboro | "Maybelle Returns" |
1994 | Law & Order | Gwen Young | "Second Opinion" |
1995 | The Buccaneers | Mrs. Closson | TV kichik qismli serial |
1995 | Burkeʼs Law | Mary Burton | "Who Killed the Motor Car Maverick?" |
1995 | Women of the House | Elizabeth Ashley | "Women in Film" |
1995 | Murder, She Wrote | Emily Broussard Renwyck | "Big Easy Murder" |
1995 | Touched by an Angel | Sandy Latham | "Angels on the Air" |
1996 | Daveʼs World | Jeanette | "Double Fault" |
1996 | The Big Easy | Larissa Fontaine | "A Dead Man Is Hard to Find" |
1996 | All My Children | Madge Sinclair | TV serial |
1996 | Hey Arnold! | Mrs. Vitello (voice) | "Arnold’s Hat/Stoop Kid" |
1996-97 | Caroline in the City | Natalie Karinsky | "Caroline and Richard’s Mom", „Caroline and the Bad Trip“ |
1997 | The Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Margaret Lipton | "May and June: Part One" |
1998 | Hey Arnold! | Mrs. Vitello (voice) | "Part Time Friends/Biosquare" |
1999 | Homicide: Life on the Street | Madeline Pitt | "Truth Will Out" |
1999 | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit | Serena Benson | "Payback" |
2010-2013 | Treme | Aunt Mimi | |
2015 | Understudies | Dotty Buggett | TV film |
2019-present | Russian Doll | Ruth Brenner | Bosh rol |
2020 | The Bold Type | Pam Sheard | "#Scarlet" |
2020 | Better Things | Miss Louise | "New Orleans" |
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- ↑ 1940 United States Federal Census
- ↑ Reed, Rex. „Two First-Rate Talents On Second-Hand Broadway“. New York Daily News (22-sentabr 1974-yil), s. Leisure-5. Qaraldi: 27-aprel 2018-yil.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Terrace, Vincent. Encyclopedia of Television Shows, 1925 through 2010, 2nd, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 10-yanvar 2014-yil — 313-bet. ISBN 978-0-7864-8641-0. Qaraldi: 27-dekabr 2020-yil.
- ↑ Actress: Postcards from the Road. Fawcett Crest, 1978. ISBN 978-0-4492-4104-2.
- ↑ Manners, Dorothy. George Peppard retains his image as a loner. The News and Courier (29-may 1966-yil).
- ↑ Gates, Anita. „The Unsinkable Elizabeth Ashley“. The New York Times (20-yanvar 2008-yil). Qaraldi: 27-dekabr 2020-yil.
- ↑ Smith, Cecil. „Elizabeth Ashley Returns to Acting“. Los Angeles Times (21-noyabr 1969-yil), s. Part IV - 25. Qaraldi: 27-dekabr 2020-yil.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Elizabeth Ashley IMDbda
- InnerVIEWS with Ernie Manouse: Elizabeth Ashley (Wayback Machine saytida 4-iyun 2011-yil sanasida arxivlangan) (TV Intervyu)