Kontent qismiga oʻtish


Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya

Ko‘pgina maqolalarni ingliz yoki boshqa tillardan maxsus Content Translation kengaytmasi orqali o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilishimiz mumkin. Tarjima guruhidan iltimos qilsak ular bizga bu kengaytmani yoqib berishlari mumkin. Bunga qarshiliklar bormi? — Bu xabarni 18:30, 28 Yanvar, 2015 (munozara · hissasi) 6ahodir yozdi, lekin imzo qo‘ymadi

  • Kengaytma sukut boʻyicha oʻchirilgan gadjet sifatida qoʻshilsa, man qarshi emasman. Lekin toʻgʻrisini aytganda bizning vikiga tarjima instrumentlaridan koʻra koʻproq tarjima qiluvchilar yetishmaydi :). --Sociologist--munozara-- 21:19, 28-Yanvar 2015 (UTC)
    • Ha bu sukut bo‘yicha o‘chiirlgan gadjet bo‘ladi. Tarjimonlarning yetishmasligi yaxshi tarjima asboblarining mavjud emasligiga bog‘liq bo‘lishi mumkin. — Bu xabarni 21:32, 29 Yanvar, 2015 (munozara · hissasi) 6ahodir yozdi, lekin imzo qo‘ymadi
    • Kengaytma administratordan yoqib berishini so‘radim. — Bu xabarni 21:42, 29 Yanvar, 2015 (munozara · hissasi) 6ahodir yozdi, lekin imzo qo‘ymadi
    • Phabricatordagi topshiriq — Bu xabarni 00:42, 30 Yanvar, 2015 (munozara · hissasi) 6ahodir yozdi, lekin imzo qo‘ymadi
    • Hello, Content Translation has now been enabled on http://en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:ContentTranslation for testing translations into Uzbek. You can translate any article from the available source languages (see list on the selector after you log in). You will need a new account on this wiki and have to enable the Content Translation beta-feature after you log-in. We currently do not have machine translation support for Uzbek. If no major issues are found during testing, we expect to activate Content Translation as a beta-feature in the Uzbek Wikipedia on 26 February 2014. Please let us know your comments and feedback through the Talk page or Phabricator. More information on how to use Content Translation can be found on this page or you can view a short screencast. My apologies for writing in English. Please feel free to translate this message for wider distribution. Thank you.--Runab WMF (munozara) 08:23, 20-Fevral 2015 (UTC)
      • My apologies, the date for the activation should read 26 February 2015 on the earlier message. Thank you.--Runab WMF (munozara) 08:34, 20-Fevral 2015 (UTC)
    • Hello, a quick reminder that tomorrow we will complete the beta-feature deployment on Uzbek Wikipedia. I will make another announcement when the deployment process completes. Thank you--Runab WMF (munozara) 11:53, 25-Fevral 2015 (UTC)

Oʻzbek Vikipediyasi uchun Visual Editorni tadbiq etish

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Hurmatli vikipediyachilar, Oʻzbek Vikipediyasi uchun Visual Editorni tadbiq etishda muammo yuzaga kelmoqda. Sababi, bizda maqolalar kirill va lotin alifbosida qoʻshilishi va koʻrilishi mumkin, Visual Editorni esa ikki shriftda tadbiq etish juda uzoq vaqt olishi mumkin. Shunga maqolalarni koʻrishni ikkala shriftda qoldirib, lekin tahrir qilishni faqat lotin alifbosida qoldirishga nima deysizlar? Kimdir maqolalarni tahrir qilishda kirill alifbosidan foydalanyaptimi? Visual Editor qulayliklari Vikipediyamizga kerakmi? Fikrlaringizni kutib qolaman. Casual (munozara) 16:54, 29-Yanvar 2015 (UTC)

VE qayerdan yoqilishi ko'rsatganingiz uchun rahmat! :) Casual (munozara) 17:25, 6-Fevral 2015 (UTC).

Content Translation beta-feature - now available

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Hello, We are very happy to let you all know that Content Translation has been enabled as a beta feature on the Uzbek Wikipedia. To start translating, enable the beta feature and go to Maxsus:ContentTranslation or to your contributions page and create a new translation by selecting the source language, the article name and target language. If the article already exists then a warning will be displayed. After you translate the article, you can publish it under your user namespace. If you are happy with the translated page, you can copy it over to the main namespace of the Wikipedia.

Content Translation can be configured on the wiki to publish the page directly in the main namespace but has not been enabled in this Wikipedia now. This is highly recommended to avoid additional manual steps in the publishing process. If no serious problems are observed, we will enable publishing to the main namespace within the next 7-10 days for the Uzbek Wikipedia. The list of published pages can be seen on the Content Translation stats page.

Since, this is the first time we have installed the tool on this Wikipedia, there are chances that there may be some problems or service disruptions which we are not yet aware of. We will be monitoring the usage to check for any failures or issues, but please do let us know on the Content Translation talk page or through Phabricator if you spot any problems that prevent you from using the tool. For more information, please read the release announcement and our blog post. You can also view a short screencast on how to use Content Translation. My apologies for writing this announcement only in English. Please feel free to translate this message for wider distribution. Thank you!--Runab WMF (munozara) 16:39, 26-Fevral 2015 (UTC)

Thank you very much for letting us know, Runab WMF! Nataev munozara 04:24, 27-Fevral 2015 (UTC)

Content Translation - Activating publishing to Wikipedia's main namespace on 5th March 2015

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Hello, since the availability of Content Translation beta-feature on the Uzbek Wikipedia few articles have already been published using the tool. We have been monitoring the system and have not found any major issues. On 5th March 2015 we are prepared to switch publishing newly translate pages directly into the main namespace from Content Translation. Please let us know through the project Talk Page or phabricator if there are any bugs/issues that would need immediate attention prior to this. My apologies for writing in English. Please feel free to translate this message for wider distribution. Thank you.--Runab WMF (munozara) 16:36, 2-Mart 2015 (UTC)

Thanks again! At this moment the feature seems to be working just fine. Nataev munozara 16:48, 2-Mart 2015 (UTC)
Hello, we have now changed the configuration that will allow editors to publish new articles written using Content Translation directly to the main namespace on the Uzbek Wikipedia. In case the article already exists in the Wikipedia, users will see an option to save the newly published translation under their user namespace. Please do test this feature and let us know on the Content Translation Talk Page or Phabricator if there are any issues that cause interruptions. Thank You.--Runab WMF (munozara) 17:26, 5-Mart 2015 (UTC)
I've tested the feature. It is working well. Nataev munozara 02:40, 11-Mart 2015 (UTC)

ContentTranslation - машинный перевод

[manbasini tahrirlash]


Обращаюсь к вам от имени группы Языка в фонде Викимедиа. Мы разработчики Перевода содержания (ContentTranslation), и мы хотели предложить вам включить здесь машинный перевод на ваш язык с помощью технологии Яндекс.Переводчик. Это будет работать примерно также, как в Русской Википедии при переводе с английского на русский. Что вы думаете об этом?

Спасибо! --Amir E. Aharoni (munozara) 18:43, 16-Dekabr 2015 (UTC)

Отличная идея! 07:24, 17-Dekabr 2015 (UTC)
Так как Яндекс.Переводчик (так же, как и Google Translate) пока очень плохо переводит с других языков на узбекский, этот инструмент можно включить только в качестве бета-функции, которая будет по умолчанию отключена. То есть, кому надо, тот включит себе. --Sociologist--munozara-- 18:50, 17-Dekabr 2015 (UTC)