Vikipediya:Forum/Arxiv/Bosh sahifa/2014
Bu sahifa Vikipediya forumining bir qismidir. Iltimos, bu yerga oʻzgartirishlar kiritmang.
Система автоматического перевода письменности
[manbasini tahrirlash]Здравствуйте, уважаемые участники Узбекской Википедии. Я, участник Азербайджанской Википедии Мурад 97. В АзВики существует давняя проблема с алфавитами: у нас есть статьи на латинице (которая используется в Азербайджанской Республике) и арабице (которая используется в Южном Азербайджане). Подобная система неудобна и радикально отличается от той, которая используется у вас или, к примеру, в Казахской Википедии. У нас, в отличии от вас статьи на арабице и латинице не являются переводом друг друга и их количество сильно разнится. Общее же количество статей суммируется из статей на арабице и латинице, в то время как у вас каждая отдельная статья имеет три версии и при этом, эти три версии не суммируются при вычислении общего количества статей. Мы понимаем, что нам нужна такая же система, однако мы до сих пор не можем найти программиста, который смог бы реализовать подобное в АзВики.
Поэтому, очень прошу вас связать нас тем(и), кто реализовал такую систему в Узбекской Википедии что бы мы избавились от этой давней проблемы. Заранее благодарю. --Мурад 97 (munozara) 17:33, 3 yanvar 2014 (UTC)
- Его программировал SPQRobin. Вот ссылка на обсуждение: --Xusinboy Bekchanov (munozara) 13:52, 3 yanvar 2014 (UTC).
Using only UploadWizard for uploads
[manbasini tahrirlash]
Hello! Sorry for writing in English. It was noted that on this wiki upload is not fully functional for users, who will experience a very difficult and/or illegal uploading. In fact, the licenses/copyright tags dropdown is empty, making it hard or impossible to comply with copyright requirements during upload itself.
Presumably, you don't have interest nor energies to have hundreds templates with the now required HTML, even less a local EDP. I propose to have
- local "Fayl yuklash" restricted to the "Administratorlar" group (for emergency uploads) and
- the sidebar point to commons:Special:UploadWizard,
so that you can avoid local maintenance and all users can have a functioning, easy upload interface in their own language. All registered users can upload on Commons and existing files will not be affected.
All this will get done around 2014-07-03.
- If you disagree with the proposal, just remove your wiki from the list. Remember also to create MediaWiki:Licenses locally with any content (see a simple example), or uploads will be soon disabled anyway by MediaWiki itself (starting in version 1.24wmf11).
- To make the UploadWizard even better, please tell your experience and ideas on commons:Commons:Upload Wizard feedback.
Nemo 13:09, 19-iyun 2014 (UTC)
- I'm okay with the change. In fact, our community voted in favor on it more than a year ago. Abdulla munozara 07:51, 3-iyul 2014 (UTC)
Tarjima: yuklash uchun faqat UploadWizard ishlatish
[manbasini tahrirlash]Salom! Inglizcha yozganim uchun uzr. Ushbu vikida yuklash foydalanuvchilar uchun toʻlaqonli funksiyalarsiz ekani diqqatni tortdi, natijada fayllarni yuklash qiyin va/yoki noqonuniy boʻlishi mumkin. Hatto litsenziya/mualliflik huquqlari roʻyxati boʻsh ekan, bu yuklash jarayonida mualliflik huquqlariga amal qilishni qiyinlashtirishi yoki ilojsiz qilishi mumkin.
Taxminimcha, sizda endilikda talab qilinayotgan HTML bilan yuzlab andoza yasashga, yoki hatto mahalliy Istisno Doktrinasi Qoidalari tayyorlashga na ishtiyoq, na istak ham yoʻq. Taklif etamanki
- mahalliy "Fayl yuklash" faqat "Administratorlar" guruhiga ruxsat etilsin (favqulodda holatlar uchun) va
- yonquti commons:Special:UploadWizard sahifasiga olib borsin,
shunda mahalliy xizmatlardan voz kechib, barcha foydalanuvchilarni tanish tildagi ishlovchi, qulay yuklash interfeysi bilan taʼminlash mumkin boʻladi. Barcha roʻyxatdan oʻtgan foydalanuvchilar VikiOmborga yuklay oladilar, mavjud fayllar esa joyida qoladi.
Bu ishlar 2014-07-03 atrofida qilinadi.
- Taklifga qarshi boʻlsangiz, roʻyxatdan vikingizni olib tashlang. Bunda MediaWiki:Licenses sahifasini mahalliy vikingizda yaratishni unutmang (sodda misolga qarang), aks holda yuklash MediaWiki tomonidan yopib qoʻyiladi (1.24wmf11-versiyadan boshlab).
- UploadWizard'ni yaxshilash uchun tajriba va fikrlaringizni commons:Commons:Upload Wizard feedback sahifasida qoldiring.
Nemo 13:09, 19-iyun 2014 (UTC)
IMPORTANT: Admin activity review
[manbasini tahrirlash]Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was recently adopted by global community consensus (your community received a notice about the discussion). According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the new admin activity review here.
We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):
- Ismanov (administrator)
These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.
However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Rschen7754 06:50, 11-iyul 2014 (UTC)
Help for translate
[manbasini tahrirlash]Hello and sorry for writing in English. Can anyone help me translate a small article (2 paragraphs) from English to your language and create the article in your wiki? Please, fell free to answer in my talk page in your wiki anytime. Thanks! Xaris333 (munozara) 00:31, 13-Avgust 2014 (UTC)
Selamlar, bir kullanıcı biçok dilde aynı sayfa yazdı (spam cross-wiki). Fransızca Vikipedi versyonunda bu sayfa kurallarımıza uygun değil, uzbekçe öyle değilse rahat rahat sayfayı kaybedibilirsiniz. İyi günler, Kumkum (munozara) 21:58, 3-oktabr 2014 (UTC)
Hello, Dear wikipedians. I invite you to edit and improve this article and to add information about your and other country.--Kaiyr (munozara) 13:45, 31-Oktabr 2014 (UTC)
Можете на узбекскую википедию перевести ? --Kaiyr (munozara) 06:39, 28-Noyabr 2014 (UTC)
[manbasini tahrirlash]Приглашаю всех в вики-сабантуй который пройдет 24-26 апреля 2015 года в Уфе. Регистрация тут. Срок подачи заявок: до 31 марта 2015 года включительно. --Kaiyr (munozara) 17:10, 2-Dekabr 2014 (UTC)