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Veronica Cartwright

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Veronica Cartwright
Tavalludi 20-aprel 1949-yil (1949-04-20) (75 yosh)
Fuqaroligi AQSh va Birlashgan Qirollik
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1958-hozirgacha
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
  • Richard Gates
    (turm. 1968; ajr. 1972)
  • Stanley Goldstein
    (turm. 1976; ajr. 1980)
  • Richard Compton
    (turm. 1982; vaf. 2007)

Veronica Cartwright (20-aprel, 1949-yil, Bristolda tugʻilgan)[1] – britaniyalik-amerikalik aktrisa. U ilmiy fantastika va qoʻrqinchli filmlarda suratga tushishi bilan tanilgan hamda koʻplab mukofotlarga, jumladan, Primetime Emmy mukofotining uchta nominatsiyasiga sazovor boʻlgan.

Cartwright Bristol shahrida tugʻilgan va Los Angelesda oʻsib ulgʻaygan, singlisi aktrisa Angela Cartwright tugʻilgandan koʻp oʻtmay oila AQShga hijrat qilgan.

1958-yilda uning yosh aktrisa sifatidagi karyerasi In Love and War filmidagi roli bilan boshlandi. Uning dastlabki chiqishlari orasida Leave It to Beaver teleserialidagi takroriy roli (Beaverning sinfdoshlari Violet Rutherford va keyinroq Peggy MacIntosh rolida), One Step Beyond (1960)ning bir qancha epizodlari hamda The Twilight Zone (1962) teleserialidagi I Sing the Body Electric epizodida koʻrinish bergan[2]. 1963-yilda u maxsus mehmon sifatida NBC telekanalining psixiatriya haqidagi tibbiyotga aloqador dramatik The Eleventh Hour nomli teleserialida "„The Silence of Good Men“ hamda „My Name is Judith, I’m Lost, You See“ epizodlarida ikki marta rol oʻynagan.

Cartwright (chapdan ikkinchi) The Birds (1963) filmining aktyorlari bilan 2006-yilgi xayriya tadbirda

Uning keyingi filmdagi rollari: The Right Stuff (1983), Flight of the Navigator (1986), The Witches of Eastwick (1987), Money Talks (1997), Scary Movie 2 (2001), Kinsey (2004) hamda Straight-Jacket (2004). U yana Witches of Eastwick filmi uchun ikkinchi plandagi eng yaxshi aktrisa uchun Saturn mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan.

U Invasion of the Body Snatchers filmining toʻrtinchi versiyasi, The Invasion (2007) filmida rol oʻynagan. Aktrisa Scissor Sisters kartinasining 2006-yildagi „I Donʼt Feel Like Dancin“ singlining muqovasida, shuningdek, ularning ikkinchi Ta-Dah albomida paydo boʻladi. 2014-yilda Cartwright oʻzining Joan Lambert rolini takrorlagan holda Alien: Isolation asl filmga asoslangan DLC epizodlarida hamda The Town That Dreaded Sundown filmining remeykida paydo boʻlgan[3][4]. U 2019-yil 8-iyuldan 2019-yil 16-iyulgacha General Hospitalda psixoz Sibley Gamble rolini oʻynagan[5].

Cartwrightning koʻplab teatr shartnomalari orasida Electra, Tallys Folly, The Bat[6] va The Master Builder[7] kabi filmlar mavjud hamda ular uchun u ajoyib sharhlar olgan. Uning The Hands of its Enemy,[8] The Triplet Collection va Homesteaders filmlaridagi chiqishlari unga "Eng yaxshi aktrisa" uchun Drama-Logue mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan[9].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1958 In Love and War Allie OʻNeill Akkredatsiya qilinmagan
1961 The Childrenʼs Hour Rosalie Wells
1963 The Birds Cathy Brenner
Spencer’s Mountain Becky Spencer Akkredatsiya qilinmagan
1964 One Manʼs Way Mary
1975 Inserts Harlene
1978 Goinʼ South Hermine
Invasion of the Body Snatchers Nancy Bellicec
The Kid from Not-So-Big Corinne
1979 Alien Joan Lambert
1983 Nightmares Claire Houston (segment: „Night of the Rat“)
The Right Stuff Betty Grissom
1984 Terror in the Aisles Nancy Bellicec Arxiv lavhalari
1985 My Man Adam Elaine Swit
1986 Flight of the Navigator Helen Freeman
1987 Wisdom Samantha Wisdom
The Witches of Eastwick Felicia Alden
1989 Valentino Returns Patricia „Pat“ Gibbs
1990 False Identity Vera Errickson
1991 Walking the Dog Nomaʼlum Short film
1992 Man Trouble Helen Dextra
1994 Mirror, Mirror 2: Raven Dance Aja opa
Speed Sumka koʻtargan xonim Akkredatsiya qilinmagan
On Hope Baqqollikdagi ayol Qisqa metrajli film
Two Over Easy Molly Qisqa metrajli film
1995 Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh Octavia Tarrant
1996 Shoot the Moon xonim Thomas
1997 Money Talks Connie Cipriani
Sparkler Dottie Delgato
1998 My Engagement Party Sarah Salsburg
1999 A Slipping-Down Life xonim Casey
Trash Principal Evans
2001 In the Bedroom Televizion vazir
Critic’s Choice Watkins Qisqa metrajli film
Scary Movie 2 Ona
2002 Mackenheim Eleanor Qisqa metrajli film
2003 Just Married xonim „Pussy“ McNerney Akkredatsiya qilinmagan
2004 Twisted Uy egasi Akkredatsiya qilinmagan
Straight-Jacket Jerry Albrecht
Kinsey Sara Kinsey
2005 Barry Dingle Eleanor Dingle
2007 Mommy’s House Ona Qisqa metrajli film
The Invasion Wendy Lenk
2009 Call of the Wild Sheriff Taylor
2010 Neowolf xonim Belakov
2011 InSight Patricia
Montana Amazon Margaret
2012 The Yellow Wallpaper Catherine Sayer
2013 The Odd Way Home Francine
2014 The Town That Dreaded Sundown Lillian
2015 The Dark Below Tess
2019 Limbo Louise
2019 The Field Edith
2020 Breaking Fast Judy

Televizion rollari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1959 Zane Grey Theater Sarah Butler Epizod: „The Lone Woman“
Make Room for Daddy pyessadagi Qiz Epizod: „Bob Hope and Danny Become Directors“
1959-1961 Leave It to Beaver Violet Rutherford Epizod: „The Tooth“

Epizod: „Beaver and Violet“

Epizod: „Beaver’s Rat“
1960 Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond Gillian Epizod: „The Haunting“
The Betty Hutton Show Soxta tarbiyalanuvchi Akkredatsiya qilinmagan, Epizod: „Gullible Goldie“
1960-1961 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Judy Davidson Epizod: „The Schwartz-Metterklume Method“

Epizod: „Summer Shade“
1961 Make Room for Daddy Veronica Epizod: „Teacher for a Day“
1962 Route 66 Miriam – 9 yosh Epizod: „Love Is a Skinny Kid“
The Twilight Zone Anne Rogers – 11 yosh Epizod: „I Sing the Body Electric“
1963 The Dick Powell Theatre Nomaʼlum Epizod: „The Third Side of a Coin“
Leave It to Beaver Peggy MacIntosh Epizod: „Don Juan Beaver“
The Eleventh Hour Judith Cameron / Jan Ellendale Epizod: „My Name Is Judith, I’m Lost, You See“

Epizod: „The Silence of Good Men“
1964 Tell Me Not in Mournful Numbers Unknown Televizion film
1964-1966 Daniel Boone Jemima Boone 37ta epizod
1965 Dr. Kildare Nancy Hiller Epizod: „Take Care of My Little Girl“
Who Has Seen the Wind? Kiri Radek Televizion film
1968 Mannix xonim Goldberg Akkredatsiya qilinmagan, Epizod: „Edge of the Knife“
The Name of the Game Nancy Robins Epizod: „High on a Rainbow“
1969 Family Affair Jo-Ann Epizod: „Flower Power“
Dragnet 1970 Melissa Stevens Epizod: „Personnel: The Shooting“
Mod Squad Gail Whitney Epizod: „The Girl in Chair Nine“
1970 Death Valley Days Nomaʼlum Epizod: „Simple Question of Justice“
The Bold Ones: The Lawyers Mary Epizod: „Point of Honor“
Then Came Bronson Petey Traine Epizod: „Still Waters“
My Three Sons Ruth Fletcher Episode: „The Honeymoon“
1973 Here We Go Again Nancy Epizod: „Sunday, Soggy Sunday“
1976 Bernice Bobs Her Hair Marjorie Televizion film
Serpico Lucy Epizod: „Dawn of the Furies“
1980 Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones Marceline „Marcy“ Jones Miniserial
1981 The Big Black Pill Sister Theresa Televizion film
1982 Prime Suspect Janice Staplin Televizion film
1985 The New Leave It to Beaver Violet Rutherford Epizod: „Violet Rutherford Returns“
Robert Kennedy & His Times Ethel Skakel Kennedy Miniserial
1986 Intimate Encounters Emily Televizion film
1987 Miami Vice Jamiyat qizi Epizod: „By Hooker by Crook“
1988 Tanner '88 Molly Hark Shartnoma rol
1989 Desperate for Love Betty Petrie Televizion film
Baywatch Mrs. Harris Akkredatsiya qilinmagan, Epizod: „Panic at Malibu Pier“
1989-1992 L. A. Law Assistant District Attorney Margaret Flanagan Takroriy rol
1990 A Sonʼs Promise Dorothy Donaldson Televizion film
Hitler’s Daughter Patricia Benedict Televizion film
1991 CBS Schoolbreak Special Caroline Morris Epizod: „Abby, My Love“
Dead in the Water Victoria Haines Televizion film
1992 Lincoln & Seward Nomaʼlum Televizion film
Lincoln and the War Within Nomaʼlum Televizion film
1993 Itʼs Nothing Personal Barbara Televizion film
Triumph Over Disaster: The Hurricane Andrew Story Carla Hulin Televizion film
1994 Dead Air Qoʻngʻiroq qiluvchi Televizion film
1995 My Brother’s Keeper Pat Televizion film
1996 American Gothic Angela Epizod: „Dr. Death Takes a Holiday“
The Lottery Maggie Dunbar Televizion film
Sliders The Flame Ovoz, Epizod: „The Fire Within“
1997 ER Norma Houston Epizod: „Whose Appy Now?“

Epizod: „Faith“
Boston Common Betty Epizod: „Hereʼs to You, Mrs. Byrnes“
Quicksilver Highway Myra Televizion film
1997-1998 George & Leo Anna Epizod: „The Wedding“

Epizod: „The Nine Wives of Leo Wagonman“
1998 The Rat Pack Rocky Cooper Televizion film
1998-2018 The X-Files Cassandra Spender Takroriy rol; 4ta epizod
1999 The Last Man on Planet Earth Direktor Elizabeth Riggs Televizion film
Chicago Hope Karen Flanders Epizod: „Team Play“
Will & Grace Judith McFarland Epizod: „Homo for the Holidays“
2001 Inside the Osmonds Olive Osmond Televizion film
Touched by an Angel Shirlee Gibbons Epizod: „Famous Last Words“
2002 Family Law Norma Benson Epizod: „Arleneʼs Choice“
Judging Amy Dorothea Mitchell Epizod: „A Pretty Good Day“
2003 Without a Trace xonim Beckworth Episode: „There Goes the Bride“
2004 Dr. Vegas Evelyn Epizod: „All In“
2004-2005 Six Feet Under Peg Kimmel Takroriy rol
2005 The Closer Vera Mathers Epizod: „Good Housekeeping“
Without a Trace Susan Epizod: „John Michaels“
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Virginia Kennison Epizod: „Starved“
Nip/Tuck Mother Mary Claire Episode: „Quentin Costa“
2005-2006 Invasion Valerie Shenkman Takroriy rol
2006 Boston Legal Judge Peggy Zeder Epizod: „Helping Hands“
Cold Case Mary Ryan Epizod: „Dog Day Afternoons“
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Diane Chase Epizod: „Rashomama“
7th Heaven xonim Fitzhenry Epizod: „A Pain in the Neck“
2006-2007 The Nine Barbara Dalton Epizod: „Brother’s Keeper“

Epizod: „Confessions“

Epizod: „The Inside Man“
2007 October Road Lynn Farmer Epizod: „Deck the Howls“
2008 The Mr. Men Show Kichik xonim Elderly / Kichik xonim Jotünheim / Kichik xonim Scarlett Ovoz
2009 Eastwick Bun Waverly Shartnoma rol
2010 Drop Dead Diva Marian Porter Epizod: „Back from the Dead“
Memphis Beat Miranda Epizod: „I Shall Not Be Moved“
2010-2012 Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil xonim Dominic Takroriy rol
2012 Revenge sudya Elizabeth Blackwell Epizod: „Scandal“

Epizod: „Justice“
2013 Non-Stop Rose Televizion film
2014 Resurrection Helen Edgerton Takroriy rol
2015 Bosch Irène Sakson, Reynard Waitsning onasi 1-mavsum
2016 The Loud House Sue Ovoz, Epizod: „The Old and the Restless“
Criminal Minds Flora Martin Epizod: „The Bond“
2017 Mommy, I Didnʼt Do It Judge Tannin Televizion film
2018 Supernatural Lily Sunder Epizod: „Byzantium“
2019 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina xonim McGarvey Epizod: „Doctor Cerberus’s House of Horror“
General Hospital Sibley Gamble Mehmon roli
2021 The Good Doctor Maxine Stanley Epizod: „Dr. Ted“
2021 The Resident Celeste Crisforth Epizod: „Old Dogs,New Tricks“


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
2014 Alien: Isolation Joan Lambert Ovoz; Nostromo nashri
2015 Fallout 4 Axlat qutisini tituvchi Carla, Doctor Anderson, Jackie Hudson, barmen, koʻchmanchilar, Vault 81 aholisi

Mukofotlar va nominatsiyalari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Mukofot Kategoriya Sarlavha Natija
1980 Saturn Awards Best Supporting Actress Alien Gʻolib
1984 Drama-Logue Awards Outstanding Performance The Hands of its Enemy Gʻolib
1988 Saturn Awards Best Supporting Actress The Witches of Eastwick Nominatsiya
1997 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series ER Nominatsiya
1998 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series The X-Files Nominatsiya
1999 Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series The X-Files Nominatsiya
2003 DVD Exclusive Awards Best Audio Commentary Alien Gʻolib
2005 Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival Best Supporting Actress Barry Dingle Gʻolib
2005 Glitter Awards Best Supporting Actress Straight-Jacket Gʻolib
2005 Online Film & Television Association Best Ensemble in a Motion Picture or Limited Series Kinsey Nominatsiya
  1. Rubin, Steven Jay. The Twilight Zone Encyclopedia. Chicago Review Press, 2017. ISBN 9781613738887. 
  2. „The 60-year legacy of The Twilight Zone“. KCRW (31-oktabr 2019-yil).
  3. The Town That Dreaded Sundown
  4. „ʻTown That Dreaded Sundown’ Casts Trio (Exclusive)“. The Hollywood Reporter (7-may 2013-yil).
  5. „General Hospital casts Alien actress Veronica Cartwright in secret role“. Entertainment Weekly (11-iyun 2019-yil).
  6. „Theater review: ʻThe Bat’ at Theatre 40“. The Los Angeles Times (2-avgust 2012-yil).
  7. „Is It Ibsen? Or Is It Stephen King?“. The New York Times (20-yanvar 1991-yil). 20-yanvar 2022-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  8. „Deft handling of difficult story in new Mark Medoff play“. The Christian Science Monitor (10-yanvar 1985-yil).
  9. „Mark Taper Forum Awards“ (2007-yil dekabr).