Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Ture (jurnalist)

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Touré (born Touré Neblett; March 20, 1971) is an American writer, music journalist, cultural critic, podcaster, and television personality. He was a co-host of the TV show The Cycle on MSNBC. He was also a contributor to MSNBC's The Dylan Ratigan Show, and the host of Fuse's Hiphop Shop and On the Record. He serves on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominating Committee.[2] He taught a course on the history of hip hop at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music, part of the Tisch School of the Arts in New York. 

Ture (tug'ilgan Touré Neblett ; 1971-yil 20-mart) - amerikalik yozuvchi, musiqa jurnalisti, madaniyat tanqidchisi, podkaster va televizion shaxs. U MSNBC telekanalidagi The Cycle teleko'rsatuvining boshlovchisi bo'lgan. U, shuningdek, MSNBC ning The Dylan Ratigan Show ko'rsatuvida ishtirokchi va Fuse 's Hiphop Shop va On the Record dasturlarining boshlovchisi bo'lgan. U Rok-n-Roll shon-shuhrat zaliga nomzodlar qo'mitasida ishlaydi. [3] U Nyu-Yorkdagi Tisch san'at maktabining bir qismi bo'lgan Klayv Devis nomidagi Yozilgan musiqa institutida xip-xop tarixidan dars bergan. [4]

Ture bir nechta kitoblarning muallifi, jumladan, "Ko'chma va'da qilingan er" (2003), "Soul City " (2005), "Kim post-qoralikdan qo'rqadi?" Endi qora bo'lish nimani anglatadi (2011) va men o'lardim 4 U: Nima uchun shahzoda ikonaga aylandi (2013). U, shuningdek, The Daily Beast gazetasida tez-tez qatnashadi. [5]

  1. Toure (Wayback Machine saytida 2014-04-13 sanasida arxivlangan), Faculty directory, Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music. Retrieved April 12, 2013.
  2. Menz, Wonders, Petey E., Jeannie Sui „Critic Touré Reveals Prince's Religious Roots“ (2012-yil 27-mart).
  3. Menz, Wonders. „Critic Touré Reveals Prince's Religious Roots“ (2012-yil 27-mart).
  4. Toure (Wayback Machine saytida 2014-04-13 sanasida arxivlangan), Faculty directory, Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music. Retrieved April 12, 2013.
  5. „Author Page Touré“. thedailybeast.com. The Daily Beast. Qaraldi: 2017-yil 23-oktyabr.