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Terry Gurnett

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Terri Gurnett (1955-yilda tugʻilgan) - amerikalik, Rochesterdagi Rochester universitetida ayollar futboli boʻyicha bosh murabbiy boʻlgan. U 2009-yil sentyabr oyida 400 ta gʻalaba qozongan murabbiylik rekordini qoʻlga kiritgani bilan ajralib turadi.[1] Milliy Kollej Atletika Assotsiatsiyasida u ayollar futbolida 400 dan ortiq oʻyinlarda gʻalaba qozongan uchinchi murabbiy va u bu farqni qoʻlga kiritgan birinchi divizion III murabbiyidir. Uning jamoasi "Yellowjackets" 1986 va 1987-yillarda ikkita chempionlikni qoʻlga kiritdi va murabbiylik yillari davomida oʻnta Universitet atletika uyushmasi unvonini qoʻlga kiritdi. 2009-yilda u oʻzining 32-mavsumida murabbiylik qildi.[2] Gurnett 2010-yilda murabbiylikdan ketgan va uning oʻrniga uning uzoq yillik yordamchi murabbiyi Tomas "Sike" Dardaganis keldi.

Gurnett Spencerport oʻrta maktabini tugatgan va u yerda ikkita Seksiya chempionati jamoasida oʻynagan. U Monro Community Collegeda oʻqigan va u yerda milliy reytingdagi jamoalarda oʻynagan.[3] U Rochester universitetiga oʻtdi va u yerda ikki mavsum ish boshladi.[2][3] Universitetda oʻqiyotganda u Alpha Delta Phi birodarligi aʼzosi edi. 1977-yilda iqtisodchi mutaxassisligini tamomlagan.[2] Oʻqishni tugatgach, u Rochesterning ayollar futboli uchun murabbiy boʻldi.[4] Jamoa tez-tez Rochesterdagi Edvin Fauver stadionida oʻynadi. U 5000 oʻrinli, dala maydonchasi, chiroqlar, press-boks, kiyinish xonalari va mashgʻulot xonasiga ega. Gurnett murabbiylik qilayotgan paytda, Rochester ayollar futbol jamoalari doimiy ravishda milliy soʻrovlarda "eng yaxshi 25" oʻrinni egallab turishgan.[5] Yellowjackets 1986 va 1987-yillarda milliy chempionatda gʻolib chiqishgan.[6][5][7] Jamoa 33 yil ketma-ket mavsumda oʻn yoki undan ortiq gʻalaba qozongan.[8] 1980-yillarda u "1980-yillardagi oʻn yillikning III divizioni ayollar futboli murabbiyi" unvoniga sazovor boʻldi.[2] Gurnett 2002-yilda 24-yillik WHAM sportchi ayollari taqdirlash marosimida taqdirlangan.[9] 2008-yilgi futbol mavsumi oxirida u 397 ta gʻalabaga erishdi.[10] Gurnett Rochester universitetida murabbiylik qilgan va ishlagan, universitet prezidentining idorasi olti marta oʻzgargan.[8]

2009-yil 14-sentyabrda Gurnett oʻzining 400-gʻalabasini qoʻlga kiritdi.[2] Oʻsha paytda uning umumiy rekordi 400 gʻalaba, 127 magʻlubiyat va 60 durang edi.[2][10] 2009-yilning noyabrida uning jamoasi pley-off yoʻllanmasi uchun harakat qildi. 2010-yil sentyabr oyiga kelib, rekord 410 gʻalaba, 131 magʻlubiyat va 62 durang, jami 603 oʻyinni tashkil etdi.[8]

  1. Rochester's Gurnett marks womenʼs 400th victory, "...400 wins is a milestone for any coach at any level. And Coach Terry Gurnett of Rochester achieved this great milestone tonight... Gurnett is only the third womenʼs coach in all divisions to achieve 400 wins...", November 13, 2009
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 „Rochester coach becomes third 400-game winner“. National Collegiate Athletic Association (14-sentabr 2009-yil). 12-sentabr 2021-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „Rochester’s Terry Gurnett became only the third women’s soccer coach in any NCAA division, and the first in Division III, to win 400 games in the sport. He reached the milestone Friday in the Yellowjackets’ 1-0, sudden-death overtime victory over Penn State Behrend.“.. National Collegiate Athletic Association. September 14, 2009. Archived from the original on September 12, 2021. Retrieved 2009-11-13. Rochester’s Terry Gurnett became only the third women’s soccer coach in any NCAA division, and the first in Division III, to win 400 games in the sport. He reached the milestone Friday in the Yellowjackets’ 1-0, sudden-death overtime victory over Penn State Behrend.
  3. 3,0 3,1 „Women's Soccer Coaches“. University of Rochester Athletics (13-noyabr 2009-yil). 25-sentabr 2009-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „Terry Gurnett has enjoyed phenomenal success as Rochester’s coach for the past 31 years. He is the all-time leader in wins among Division III women’s soccer coaches and is third all-time in wins among women’s soccer coaches on all levels of NCAA competition.“.. University of Rochester Athletics. 2009-11-13. Archived from the original (Wayback Machine saytida 25-sentabr 2009-yil sanasida arxivlangan) on 2009-09-25. Retrieved 2009-11-13. Terry Gurnett has enjoyed phenomenal success as Rochester’s coach for the past 31 years. He is the all-time leader in wins among Division III women’s soccer coaches and is third all-time in wins among women’s soccer coaches on all levels of NCAA competition.
  4. „University of Rochester (women)“. D3Kicks.com (13-noyabr 2009-yil). — „University of Rochester Head Coach: Terry Gurnett Location:Rochester, NY“. 2008-yil 9-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil.
  5. 5,0 5,1 „University of Rochester–Soccer“. RocWiki (13-noyabr 2009-yil). Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „The women's team also has two NCAA Division III Championships to its name, winning back-to-back in 1986 and 1987. The women also reached the Final IV in 1991.“.
  6. „University Presents Goergen Awards to Faculty, Staff“. University of Rochester (31-avgust 2004-yil). 2023-yil 23-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „Terry Gurnett, associate director of alumni relations and development and also coach of the women's soccer team, will receive the Goergen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Learning in the College. ... Gurnett lives in Spencerport... In addition, Gurnett is associate director of athletics and oversees the Friends of Rochester Athletics.“.
  7. „NCAA Division III Women's Soccer“. SoccerTimes.com. 5-yanvar 2010-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „Year:1987 Champion:Rochester Coach:Terry Gurnett“.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 Scott Hauser. Goal Keeper: Terry Gurnett '77, the winningest women's soccer coach in NCAA Division III, begins his final season on the sidelines. University of Rochester (september–october 2010). „Rochester Review 397 – Terry Gurnett – Rochester-D-3, 1977–2008 … 397-125-60, 32 yrs--“.Scott Hauser (September–October 2010). "Goal Keeper: Terry Gurnett '77, the winningest womenʼs soccer coach in NCAA Division III, begins his final season on the sidelines". University of Rochester. Rochester Review 397 – Terry Gurnett – Rochester-D-3, 1977–2008 … 397-125-60, 32 yrs--
  9. „WHAM Sportswomen Luncheon April 29“. Westside News Inc. (25-fevral 2002-yil). 11-yanvar 2011-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „University of Rochester Women's Soccer Coach Terry Gurnett will be one of several people honored at the 24th Annual WHAM Sportswomen of the Year Awards Luncheon on Monday, April 29 at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel in Rochester.“.
  10. 10,0 10,1 Pete LaFleur. „NCAA Notebook–All-Time NCAA Women's Soccer Coaching Leaders (All Divisions) – Career Wins“. NCAA (2-dekabr 2008-yil). 9-iyun 2009-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 13-noyabr 2009-yil. „(3) 397 – Terry Gurnett (Rochester/D-3, 1977–2008 … 397-125-60, 32 yrs)“.Pete LaFleur (Dec 2, 2008). "NCAA Notebook–All-Time NCAA Women's Soccer Coaching Leaders (All Divisions) – Career Wins" (Wayback Machine saytida 3-mart 2016-yil sanasida arxivlangan). NCAA. Retrieved 2009-11-13. (3) 397 – Terry Gurnett (Rochester/D-3, 1977–2008 … 397-125-60, 32 yrs)