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Susan Brown

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Susan Brown
Susan Elizabeth Brown

6-may 1946-yil (1946-05-06) (78 yosh)
Fuqaroligi Birlashgan Qirollik
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1971-hozirgacha

Susan Elizabeth Brown (1946-yil 6-mayda tugʻilgan) – angliyalik sahna va televideniye aktrisasi[1][2]. U The Iron Lady (2011) filmida va Taxtlar oʻyini teleserialining birinchi mavsumida (2011) rollarni ijro etgan. Brown 2018-yilda Angels in America spektaklini qayta jonlantirishdagi ijrosi uchun Tony mukofotiga va 2018-yilda Home, I'm Darling spektaklidagi ijrosi uchun Laurence Olivier mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan.

Brown Angliyaning Bristol shahrida tugʻilgan. Professional faoliyatini boshlashdan oldin Braun Rose Bruford Collegeda tahsil olgan. U The Wild Duck (Donmar Warehouse), Henry IV Parts 1 & 2, Playing with Fire, Cardiff East[3] va The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other (National Theatre)[4], Easter, Romeo and Juliet, Richard III hamda Bad Weather (RSC), Road[5], Shirley, Downfall, Gibraltar Straight and Seagulls (Royal Court), Butterfly Kiss (Almeida), The House of Bernarda Alba va The Chairs (Gate Theatre), You Be Ted and I’ll Be Sylvia (Hampstead), Playing Sinatra (Croydon Warehouse and Greenwich Theatre), The Beaux' Stratagem, Back to Methuselah, The Vortex, The Way of the World va A Woman of No Importance (Cambridge Theatre Company), Twelfth Night (English Touring Theatre), Small Change[6][7], Iphigenia (Sheffield Crucible) and Angels in America kabi pyessalarda ham ishtirok etgan.

Brown 1993-yil oktabr oyida Lovejoyning The Peking Gun epizodida sharqona toʻpga duch kelgan beva ayol „Dimmock xonim“ rolini oʻynaydi. Xalqaro tomoshabinlar uchun aktrisa, ehtimol, Taxtlar oʻyinining birinchi seriyasidagi Septa Mordane roli bilan tanilgan. Uning qahramoni serialning yakuniy epizodlarida oʻldirilgan. U The Iron Lady filmida Margaret Thattcherning tirik qoʻriqchisi sifatida ikkinchi darajali rol oʻynagan va BBCning Call the Midwife va Torchwood seriallarida kichik rollarni oʻynagan.


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1960 The Road to Carey Street Rosemary TV film
1987 Hope and Glory xonim Evans
1989 Work Experience xonim Percival Qisqa metrajli film
1998 Anorak of Fire xonim Gascoigne TV film
2002 A Matter of Taste Qisqa metrajli film
2003 The Brides in the Bath xonim Crossley TV film
2004 When Hitler Invaded Britain Clara Milburn TV film
2006 Pinochet in Suburbia Female Lawyer TV film
2008 Brideshead Revisited Nurse
2011 The Iron Lady June
2012 Now Is Good Shirley
2013 Belle Baroness Vernon
2017 National Theatre Live: Angels in America: Perestroika Hannah Pitt
National Theatre Live: Angels in America: Millennium Approaches

Televizion rollari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1959 Private Investigator Mary Epizod: „A Shield for Caroline“
Ask for King Billy Girl Epizod: „Part 5“
1960 ITV Play of the Week Theresa Epizod: „All Summer Long“
1971 Public Eye Girl in Garage Epizod: „And When You’ve Paid the Bill, You’re None the Wiser“
1972 Man at the Top Mrs. Naughton Epizod: „High Stakes“
Armchair Theatre Naafi Girl Epizod: „The Breaking of Colonel Keyser“
New Scotland Yard Jean Gorton Epizod: „Papa Charlie“
1973 Then and Now Annie Epizod: „In Memoriam“
1973-1974 The Kids from 47A Miss Hayes 9ta epizod
1974 Within These Walls Joan Harrison Epizod: „One Step Forward, Two Steps Back“
1975 The Hanged Man Anna Kreidner Epizod: „The Bridge Maker“
1976 The Duchess of Duke Street Ivy 2ta epizod
1977 Rooms Pat Spooner 3ta epizod
1979 The Other Side Joyce Epizod: „Underdog“
1981 Fanny by Gaslight Mrs. Hopwood Miniserial
1985 Up the Elephant and Round the Castle Mrs. Fowler Epizod: „The Pied Piper of Hamlet“
Coronation Street Connie Clayton Muntazam serial
1986 Kit Curran Wendy Lowe Epizod: „Blind Date“
Slinger’s Day Gladys Singer Epizod: „Going Bananas“
1987 ScreenPlay Helen Epizod: „Road“
1988 Andy Capp Ruby Series regular
This is David Lander Joan Trescot Epizod: „The Rocketing Cast of Defence“
1989 ScreenPlay Tracy Epizod: „Loving Hazel“
1990 Chain Mrs. Elliott Epizod: „Vicky Elliott“
Kappatoo Mrs. Cotton 2ta epizod
The Paradise Club Audrey Epizod: „Old Pals“
1990-1991 Making Out Avril Muntazam serial
1991 The Bill Margaret Randle Epizod: „Too Many Chiefs“
Prime Suspect Linda Epizod: „Price to Pay: Part 2“
The Sharp End Mrs. Swales 1ta epizod
Screen One Mrs. Tribbly Epizod: „Prince“
Performance Maria Epizod: „Nona“
1992 The Ruth Rendell Mysteries Brenda Harrison Epizod: „Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter: Part One“
The Bill Mary Cox Epizod: „A Friend in Need“
Casualty Julie Epizod: „Will You Still Love Me?“
1993 Stay Lucky Barbara 2ta epizod
Lovejoy Mrs. Dimmock Epizod: „The Peking Gun“
The Bill Janie Pickett Epizod: „Outbreak“
1993-1995 September Song Cilla Muntazam serial
1994 Ben Elton: The Man from Auntie Glenda Toughbitch 1ta epizod
A Pinch of Snuff Betsy Heppelwhite Miniserial
The Riff Raff Element Maggie Belcher Muntazam serial
1995 A Touch of Frost Stella Boxley Epizod: „No Refuge“
Casualty Joan Hawley Epizod: „Heartbreak Hotel“
1997 Wokenwell Jacqui Clovis 1ta epizod
The Bill Cheryl Walker Epizod: „Heartbreak Hotel“
1998 Taggart Jan Dickson Epizod: „Out of Bounds“
1999 Where the Heart Is June Wrekin Epizod: „Moving On“
The Bill Jan Beckett Epizod: „Cracked Up“
Dangerfield Mrs. Bassett Epizod: „Forbidden Fruit“
2000 Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) Deirdre Hope Epizod: „A Blast from the Past“
Peak Practice Clare Bain Epizod: „Walls of Jericho“
2001 The Vice Brothel Madam Epizod: „Out of Mind“
Best of Both Worlds Annie Sullivan Miniserial
Holby City Avril Welbeck Epizod: „Family Ties“
2002 Wire in the Blood Jean Lawson Epizod: „Justice Painted Blind“
2003 Blue Dove Sylvie Brennan Miniserial
2004 Dalziel and Pascoe ACC Alex Lawrence Epizod: „The Price of Fame“
La Femme Musketeer Cecile D’Artagnan Miniserial
Rose and Maloney Wendy Sillery Muntazam serial
2006 Coronation Street Maureen Tully 2ta epizod
2007 Holby City Nora Simpson Epizod: „Paranoid Android“
2009 Torchwood Bridget Spears Torchwood: Children of Earth
2010 Doctors Brenda Napier Epizod: „Ghosts“
Holby City Rachel Jacoby Epizod: „Together Alone“
2011 Waking the Dead Sue Myers Epizod: „Harbinger“
Game of Thrones Septa Mordane 6ta epizod
Midsomer Murders Leticia Clifford Epizod: „The Sleeper Under the Hill“
2012 Stella Senior Magistrate 1ta epizod
Silent Witness Judge Royston Epizod: „Paradise Lost“
2013 Call the Midwife xonim. Peacock 1ta epizod
Broadchurch Liz Roper Muntazam serial
2014 Father Brown Ethel Fernsley Epizod: „The Shadow of the Scaffold“
Casualty Pauline Heggarty Epizod: „Who Cares?“
Atlantis Pemphredo Epizod: „The Grey Sisters“
2015 Partners in Crime xonim Harrison Epizod: „N or M?“
2017 Holby City xonim. Birdie Thompson 2ta epizod
2019 Good Omens Mother Superior Epizod: „In the Beginning“
2021 Itʼs a Sin xonim Bowen 2ta epizod

Mukofotlar va nominatsiyalari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Mukofot Kategoriya Nomzod Natija Manba(lar)
2018 Tony Awards Best Featured Actress in a Play Angels in America Nominatsiya
2019 Laurence Olivier Awards Best Actress in a Supporting Role Home, I’m Darling Nominatsiya

  1. „Susan Brown profile“. Brainyhistory.com (6-may 1946-yil). Qaraldi: 1-yanvar 2012-yil.
  2. Profile, imdb.com; accessed 30 January 2016.
  3. „Cardiff East by Peter Gill, Cottesloe, 1997“. Dspace.dial.pipex.com. 2011-yil 5-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-yanvar 2012-yil.
  4. „Company Members: Susan Brown“. National Theatre. 2012-yil 7-fevralda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-yanvar 2012-yil.
  5. „Susan Brown“. Corrie.net (6-may 1946-yil). Qaraldi: 1-yanvar 2012-yil.
  6. John Pavel. „Sheffield Star interview with Susan Brown“. Dspace.dial.pipex.com. 2012-yil 5-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-yanvar 2012-yil.
  7. John Pavel. „Small Change by Peter Gill, Crucible Studio, Sheffield, 2002“. Dspace.dial.pipex.com. 2012-yil 5-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 1-yanvar 2012-yil.