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Shahzoda Edward oroli madhiyasi

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The Island HymnKanadaning Shahzoda Edward oroli provinsiyasining vatanparvarlik qoʻshigʻi hisoblanadi.

Madhiyaning ilk koʻrinishi 1908-yil boshida Charlottetown musiqa maktabining professori Harry Watts tomonidan yaratilgan.

Toʻliq asar keyingi 29-iyun kuni maktab yopilish tadbirlarida ijro etila boshlandi[1].

Ingliz tilida Fransuz tilida

Fair Island of the sea,
We raise our song to thee,
The bright and blest;
Loyally now we stand
As brothers, hand in hand,
And sing God save the land
We love the best.

Upon our princely Isle
May kindest fortune smile
In coming years;
Peace and prosperity
In all her borders be,
From every evil free,
And weakling fears.

Prince Edward Isle, to thee
Our hearts shall faithful be
Whereʼer we dwell;
Forever may we stand
As brothers, hand in hand,
And sing God save the land
We love so well.

Toi, bercée sur les flots,
Terre fière et champs si beaux,
Îlot béni;
Entonnons tous en chœur
Ta gloire, ton honneur,
Pour toutes les faveurs,
À l’infini.

Notr'île Saint-Jean au Cœur,
Nous gardons les valeurs
De nos aïeux:
Paix et tranquillité,
Foi et prospérité,
Unis en amitié,
Loyaux, heureux.

Chantons sans fin ta gloire,
Notre patrie;
Entonnons tous en chœur
Ta gloire, ton honneur,
Pour toutes les faveurs,
À l’infini.

  1. Kendall, John (Fall–Winter 1998). „Fair Island of the Sea“. The Island Magazine. № 44. 35–39-bet. Qaraldi: 1-may 2020-yil.{{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: date format ()