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Pauline Suij

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Pauline Suij
Haqiqiy ismiPauline Suij
Tavalludi 23-may 1863-yil
Vafoti 25-sentyabr 1949-yil(1949-09-25)
(86 yoshda)
Amsterdamda vafot etgan

Pauline Suij (1863-yil 23-mayda tavallud topgan) — Gaagadagi Qirollik sanʼati akademiyasida qatnashgan rassom. U Gaaga maktabi va Amsterdam impressionizmining ikkinchi avlodiga mansub.[1] U Gollandiyadagi impressionizmning ikki harakati aʼzosi edi.

Pauline Suij 23 yoshida rassom sifatida ishlay boshlagan. Toʻrt yil oʻtgach, u Gaaga Qirollik sanʼat akademiyasining ayollar sinfiga qabul qilindi. U yerda 1882- yildan 1884- yilgacha tahsil olgan.[2] Amsterdamda u Hendrik Iogannes Havermann,[3] Jon Gijsbert Vogel[4] va Yan Hillebrand Wijsmullerning shaxsiy shogirdi boʻlgan.[5][6]

1889- yilgacha uning Amersfortda shaxsiy studiyasi bor edi. Keyin u Amsterdamga ketdi. Uning ishiga Allebe maktabining muhiti va Amsterdam impressionizmi oqimi, koʻplab darslari taʼsir koʻrsatdi. Uning janri landshaft rasmi edi, garchi shahar yuzi boʻlsa ham. Intiluvchan, gullab-yashnagan Amsterdam poytaxti koʻplab yosh rassomlarga katta taʼsir koʻrsata boshladi. Motivatsiyalari deyarli bitmas darajada edi.[7] U chizmachilik va yogʻli rasm sanʼatidan foydalangan.

Pauline Suijlan Arti et Amicitiae sanʼat jamiyatining aʼzosi boʻlgan (qisqacha mashhur: Arti).[8]


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
  • 30.05.-18.08.2012, Apeldoorn, jamoaviy koʻrgazma — Penseelprinsessen I Kunstenaressen aan en rond het hof.[9]
  • 18.02.-27.05.2012, Gaaga, jamoaviy koʻrgazma — Penseelprinsessen II, Schilderen beroep sifatida[10]
  • Xanna Klarenbek: Penseelprinsessen en broodschilderessen: 1808-yildan 1913-yilgacha de beeldende sanʼatida Vrouwen. Uitgeverij Thoth, 2012-yilISBN 978-90-6868-588-6.
  • Viktorin Xefting: Yoxan Bartold Jongkind, oʻgʻil ijodi, oʻgʻli. Publishing Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Parij 1975-yilOCLC 251 469 312.
  • Georges Pillement: . Les Pre-impressionistlar poyezdi 1972-yilOCLC 251 779 014.
  • Norma Broude: Impressionizm — 1860-yildan 1920-yilgacha boʻlgan xalqaro harakat. Dumond Verlag Kyoln 1990-yilISBN 3-8321-7454-0.
  • Freda Konstebl: Jon Konstebl, Biografiya, 1776-1837. Lavenham, Dalton, 1975-yil.ISBN 0-900963-54-9ISBN 0-900963-54-9.
  • Patrik Peshin: . Jon Parker Bonington — Balding + Mansell boʻyash zavqi haqida, 1991-yil,ISBN 0-300-05108-5.
  • Jon Sillevis, Hans Kraan, Roland Dorn: Gaaga maktabi, Haags Gemeentemuseumdan 19-asr Gollandiya rasmining durdonalari, exh. Kunsthalle Mannheim. Braus nashri, 1987-yil,ISBN 3-925835-08-3.


  • Joop Versteegle: De Tachtiger HJHoverman bilan shartnoma imzoladi (1857-1928). Art en Antiekjourneelda. 2008-yil marti.

Amsterdamga Rijksacademie arxivi

  • Scheen 1969-1970
  • Scheen 1981, 506-bet (masalan: Suij, Pauline)
  • Klaarenbeek 2012 S. 212-chi
  1. The Amsterdam Impressioniamus is also known as the School of Allebé.
  2. After the foundation of art academies in the 19th century artists who had not undergone training at such educational institutions were called dilettantes. The new womenʼs classes were a breakthrough of women being accepted by society as artists. This development had prevailed throughout Europe.
  3. Hendrik Johannes Havermann lived from 1857 to 1928. He is assigned to the Hague School. In addition to the genre of the portrait he had laid on the landscape, especially the city face.
  4. John Gijsbert Vogel lived from 1828 to 1915. His painting style was influenced by Andreas Schelfhout. And he followed the tradition of Dutch landscape painting and its construction of the image subject and the proportions.
  5. Jan Hillebrand Wijsmuller lived from 1855 to 1925. After his training as an artist, he settled in Amsterdam. According to his œuvre, he is attributed to the chief representatives of the 2nd generation of the Hague School. His Œuvre is ranging from landscape painting with different subgenres, the genre and still-life. His works are including the cityface alternating between calm and dynamics of everyday life, the social links of its inhabitants and the change in the relationship of color and light — they are essential characteristic of the Amsterdam Impressionism and their composition grow. The brushwork of the Pre-Impressionist Johan Jongkind (1819-1891) can be found on his paintings, too. He used the technique of a Frans Hals (1582-1666) and partly the thick paint application of Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (1609-1669).
  6. She was one of the well-known pupils of Wijsmuller.
  7. The active art cooperative „Maatschappij Arti et Amicitiae“ had great influence on the young painters.
  8. The Maatschappij Arti et Amicitiae was the social integration into the cultural life of the city of Amsterdam. Here, the artist also exhibited his own works. He came in contact with art dealers and private buyers. About Arti also newspaper articles in the daily newspapers were published and helped the artist to fame.
  9. Name of the exhibition „Penseelprinsessen“ exhibitions Penseelprinsessen (Wayback Machine saytida 2021-01-23 sanasida arxivlangan)
  10. Name of the exhibition „Penseelprinsessen“ exhibitions Penseelprinsessen (Wayback Machine saytida 2021-01-23 sanasida arxivlangan)