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Oksitaniya milliy madhiyasi

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Oksitaniya milliy madhiyasi
Soʻz muallif(lar)i Gaston III Fébus
Qabul qilindi 2008-yil
Oksitaniya milliy madhiyasi

Se Canta (Oksitancha talaffuzi: [se ˈkantɔ]; mintaqaviy muqobil sarlavhalar: Se Chanta; Aqueras Montanhas) — Oksitaniya milliy madhiyasi hisoblanadi. Shuningdek, butun Oksitaniyada maʼlum boʻlgan juda qadimgi mashhur qoʻshiqdir. Afsonaga koʻra, uni Gaston III Febus (1331-1391), graf Foix va Baern yozgan.1993-yildan beri Aran vodiysida (Kataloniya, Ispaniyadagi komarka) Montanhes Araneses nomi bilan rasmiy maqomga ega. Madhiya 2010-yil 6-avgustdan beri „Tuluza“ futbol klubining rasmiy madhiyasi hisoblanadi[1][2].

Shuningdek, ushbu madhiya Aragonda (Ispaniya) Aqueras montanyas yoki Aqueras montañas kabi nomlar bilan mashhur boʻlib, aragon tilida kuylangan. U Aragon guruhi tomonidan tuzilgan.Se Canta koʻpincha butun Oksitaniyaning norasmiy madhiyasi sifatida qabul qilinadi va bu mintaqada yashovchi koʻpchilik odamlar oksitan tilida soʻzlashuvchi boʻlmasa ham, birinchi misra va xor soʻzlarini bilishadi.

2006-yil 10-fevralda Turindagi Qishki Olimpiya oʻyinlarining ochilish marosimi (L’Ange Gardien xori tomonidan) va 2003-yil 3-iyunda Fransiya Milliy Assambleyasida (Jan Lassal tomonidan, 2006-yil) kuylangan.

Se Canta tijoriy ravishda bir qator qoʻshiqchilar va guruhlar tomonidan ijro etilgan, ular orasida Lou Dalfin, Patric, André Dassary, Charé Moulâ, Calabrun (Germaniya davlatidan), Jean-Bernard Plantevin, Coriandre, Tòni de l’Ostal, Biella Nuei (Aragóndan), Crestian Almergue e lo Grop Tèst, Corrou de Berra and Dorothée kabi mashhur qoʻshiqchilar mavjud.

Qoʻshiq matni oksitan tilida yozilgan. Oʻn toʻrtta mavjud versiyaning barchasi quyidagi jadvalda transkripsiyalangan va tarjima qilingan[3]. 2002-yil 9-fevralda, bir necha misralarda tilga olingan Nimes favvorasi yonidagi bodom daraxti shu hududga ekildi. Koʻpgina matnlar asl Febusian sheʼriga bogʻlangan boʻlsa-da, choʻpon va toʻy versiyalari umumiy ohangga nisbatan turli mavzularga ega. Qavslar orasida eshitilishi mumkin boʻlgan, lekin oddiy qoʻshiq matnining bir qismi boʻlmagan turli qoʻshimcha misralar mavjud.

Compared lyrics and translations of all known versions
ASL MATN Inglizcha tarjima Narbonne versiyasi Inglizcha tarjima Provence versiyasi Inglizcha tarjima Valades versiyasi Inglizcha tarjima
Dejós ma fenèstra,
I a un aucelon
Tota la nuèch canta,
Canta sa cançon.
Outside my window,
There is a little bird
Singing all night,
Singing its song.
Al fons de la prada,
I a'n pibol traucat:
Lo cocut i canta,
Benlèu i a nisat.
Across the meadow,
There's a poplar with a hole
Where a cuckoo sings:
It must be nesting there.
Sota ma fenèstra,
I a un aucelon,
Tota la nuèch canta,
Canta sa cançon.
Outside my window
There is a little bird
Singing all night,
Singing its song.
Davant de ma fenèstra,
I a un aucelon,
Tota la nuèch chanta,
Chanta sa chançon.
Outside my window,
There is a little bird
Singing all night,
Singing its song.
Se canta, que cante,
Canta pas per ieu,
Canta per ma mia
Qu'es al luènh de ieu.
If it sings, let it sing,
It's not singing for me,
It sings for my love
Who's far away from me.
Se canta, que cante,
Canta pas per ieu,
Canta per ma mia,
Qu'es al luènh de ieu.
If it sings, let it sing,
It's not singing for me,
It sings for my love
Who's far away from me.
Se canta e recanta,
Canta pas per ieu:
Canta per ma mia
Qu'es au luènh de ieu.
If it sings and sings again,
It's not singing for me,
It sings for my love
Who's far away from me.
Se chanta, que chante,
Chanta pas per ieu,
Chanta per ma mia
Qu'es al luènh de ieu.
If it sings, let it sing,
It's not singing for me,
It sings for my love
Who's far away from me.
Aquelas montanhas
Que tan nautas son,
M'empachan de veire
Mas amors ont son.
Those mountains
That are so high
Keep me from seeing
Where my love has gone.
Dejós ma fenèstra,
I a un aucelon,
Tota la nuèit canta,
Canta sa cançon.
Outside my window,
There is a little bird
Singing all night,
Singing its song.
Aquelei montanhas
Que tant autas son,
M'empachan de veire
Meis amors ont son.
Those mountains
That are so high
Keep me from seeing
Where my love has gone.
Aquelas montanhas
Que tant autas son,
M'empachan de veire
Mas amors ont son.
Those mountains
That are so high
Keep me from seeing
Where my love has gone.
Baissatz-vos, montanhas,
Planas, levatz-vos,
Per que pòsca veire
Mas amors ont son.
Lay down, o mountains,
And rise up, o plains,
So I may see
Where my love has gone.
Aquelas montanhas,
Que tan nautas son,
M'empachan de veire,
Mas amors ont son.
Those mountains
That are so high
Keep me from seeing
Where my love has gone.
Autas, ben son autas,
Mai s'abaissaràn,
E meis amoretas
Vèrs ieu revendràn.
High, they're so high
But they will lay down
And my dear love
Will come back to me.
Aquelas montanhas
Lèu s'abaissaràn
E mas amoretas
Se raprocharàn.
Those mountains
Will soon lay down
And my dear love
Will come closer.
Aquelas montanhas
Tant s'abaissaràn,
Que mas amoretas
Se raprocharàn.
Those mountains
Will lay down so low
That my dear love
Will come closer.
Baissatz-vos, montanhas,
Planas, auçatz-vos,
Per que pòsca veire,
Mas amors ont son.
Lay down, o mountains,
And rise up, o plains,
So I may see
Where my love has gone.
Baissatz-vos, montanhas,
Planas auçatz-vos,
Per que pòsque veire
Meis amors ont son.
Lay down, o mountains
And rise up, o plains
So I may see
Where my love has gone.
Baissatz-vos, montanhas,
Planas, levatz-vos,
Per que pòsque veire
Mas amors ont son.
Lay down, o mountains,
And rise up, o plains,
So I may see
Where my love has gone.
Aquelas montanhas,
Tant s'abaissaràn,
Que mas amoretas,
Se raprocharàn.
Those mountains
Will lay down so low
That my dear love
Will come closer.
A la fònt de Nîmes,
I a un ametlièr
Que fa de flors blancas
Au mes de janvièr.
At the fountain of Nîmes,
There's an almond tree
That puts on white flowers
In the month of January.
Al fons de la prada,
I a'n pibol traucat:
Lo coguol i canta,
Benlèu i a nisat.
Across the meadow,
There's a poplar with a hole
Where a cuckoo sings:
It must be nesting there.
S'aquelei flors blancas
Èran d'ametlons,
Culhiriáu d'amètlas
Per ieu e per vos.
Shall those white flowers
Become green almonds,
I'd pick handfuls of them
For me and for you.
(Lei filhas de Valença
San pas far l'amor;
Quelei de Provença
Lo fan nuèch e jorn.)
(The girls from Valence
Can't make love;
Those from Provence
Do it night and day.)
Se canta e recanta,
Canta pas per ieu:
Canta per ma mia
Qu'es auprès de ieu.
If it sings and sings again,
It's not singing for me,
It sings for my love
Who's come back to me.

  1. „Toulouse FC anthem“. www.ladepeche.fr. Qaraldi: 30-avgust 2022-yil.
  2. „SE CANTO A LA FONT DE NIMES“. www.nimausensis.com. Qaraldi: 30-avgust 2022-yil.
  3. Sources: [1] (Wayback Machine saytida 2010-06-28 sanasida arxivlangan) [2] [3]