Foydalanuvchi Ziv hissasi
402 ta tahrirga sohib foydalanuvchi. Hisob 2024-yil 8-dekabrda yaratilgan.
2025-yil 12-mart
- 16:1416:14, 2025-yil 12-mart farq tarix +1 Hirschbach (Bavariya) → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 16:0116:01, 2025-yil 12-mart farq tarix +1 Hauneck → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 10-mart
- 16:0016:00, 2025-yil 10-mart farq tarix 0 k Poʻlat dubulgʻa (GR) File renamed: File:Der Stahlhelm OF-1b - Oberzugführer (1918-1933).gif → File:Der Stahlhelm OF-1a - Oberzugführer (1918-1933).gif Criterion 3 (obvious error) joriy
- 15:5615:56, 2025-yil 10-mart farq tarix 0 k Poʻlat dubulgʻa (GR) File renamed: File:Der Stahlhelm OF-1a - Zugführer (1918-1933).gif → File:Der Stahlhelm OF-1b - Zugführer (1918-1933).gif Criterion 3 (obvious error)
2025-yil 9-mart
- 16:1116:11, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix −10 Kapitan Haddock → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 15:3615:36, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +1 k Schoonloo (GR) File renamed: File:Schoonloo vlag.gif → File:Schoonoord vlag.gif Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy
- 10:5710:57, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +5 Garching bei München → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 10:4410:44, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +9 Hausen (bei Forchheim) → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 09:2809:28, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +3 Dornstetten → File replacement: update to new version joriy
- 08:5308:53, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +16 Pfaffenhofen (Württemberg) → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 08:1408:14, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +1 Hausham → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 07:3207:32, 2025-yil 9-mart farq tarix +1 Hausen (bei Aschaffenburg) → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 8-mart
- 18:4618:46, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix −3 Hainsfarth → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 18:0818:08, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix −3 Haiming (Bavariya) → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:4216:42, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +1 Heimbuchenthal → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 16:0716:07, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +1 Bad Buchau → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 15:0315:03, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +13 Oberweißbach/Thüringer Wald → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 14:4114:41, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +25 k Midlum (Land Wursten) (GR) File renamed: File:Midlum-Wappen.jpg → File:DEU Midlum (Wurster Nordseeküste) COA.jpg Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 14:0514:05, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +1 k Oberhaid (Westerwald) (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Oberhaid (Westerwald).svg → File:DEU Oberhaid (Westerwald) COA.svg Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 13:3513:35, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix −3 Hallstadt → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 13:2513:25, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix −3 Haidmühle → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 12:4512:45, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +44 k Kanada — Tayvan munosabatlari (GR) File renamed: File:TRTC CITYFLO650 IN Wenhu Line.jpg → File:Innovia APM 256 coming into Zhongshan Junior High School Station 20130601.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) joriy
- 10:4610:46, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix −3 Hallbergmoos → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 10:2810:28, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +1 Hagenbüchach → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 02:1202:12, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +1 k Linkenheim-Hochstetten (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Linkenheim-Hochstetten.svg → File:DEU Linkenheim-Hochstetten COA.svg Criterion 4 · Harmonisation of a fileset joriy
- 01:5001:50, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +1 Flörsheim am Main → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 01:2401:24, 2025-yil 8-mart farq tarix +2 k Bobil muhofazasi (GR) File renamed: File:Flag of Babil Governorate.png → File:Flag of Babylon Governorate.png Criterion 3 · corr. joriy
2025-yil 7-mart
- 19:3119:31, 2025-yil 7-mart farq tarix +1 k Loosdorf (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen loosdorf.png → File:AUT Loosdorf COA.png Criterion 4 (harmonizing names of file set) joriy
- 18:4218:42, 2025-yil 7-mart farq tarix −6 Rauenberg → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 18:0418:04, 2025-yil 7-mart farq tarix +1 Erbach (Odenwald) → File replacement: update to new version joriy
2025-yil 4-mart
- 06:3006:30, 2025-yil 4-mart farq tarix +41 k Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlarida ayollarning saylov huquqi (GR) File renamed: File:Iht319630cm1.jpg → File:1913 Chicago Daily Tribune photograph of Ida B. Wells.jpg Criterion 2 (meaningless or ambiguous name) · gibberish to sense joriy
2025-yil 3-mart
- 17:0317:03, 2025-yil 3-mart farq tarix +1 Bebra → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 16:2816:28, 2025-yil 3-mart farq tarix +12 Garching an der Alz → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 16:1016:10, 2025-yil 3-mart farq tarix +1 Gaimersheim → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 15:2515:25, 2025-yil 3-mart farq tarix −3 Gattendorf (Oberfranken) → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 2-mart
- 13:4313:43, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +1 Frontenhausen → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 12:5712:57, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +1 Neckargemünd → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 09:1209:12, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix −3 Dentlein am Forst → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 08:2608:26, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +9 Frickenhausen am Main → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 07:5807:58, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +10 Freising → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 07:1007:10, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +1 Gablingen → File replacement: jpg/png/gif to svg vector image (c:GR) joriy
- 02:3502:35, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +3 Hemsbach → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 01:1201:12, 2025-yil 2-mart farq tarix +1 Gotha → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
2025-yil 1-mart
- 18:2318:23, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix +5 St. Leon-Rot → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:2916:29, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix +1 Zuzenhausen → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 16:1316:13, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix +1 Reilingen → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 11:3411:34, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix +1 Apolda → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 08:1808:18, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix −3 Fichtelberg (Oberfranken) → File has been renamed on Commons (c:GR) joriy
- 07:5907:59, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix −3 k Finsing (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen von Finsing.svg → File:DEU Finsing COA.svg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy
- 07:4307:43, 2025-yil 1-mart farq tarix +1 k Forstinning (GR) File renamed: File:Wappen Forstinning.svg → File:DEU Forstinning COA.svg Criterion 1 (original uploader’s request) joriy