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Vebsayti likee.video

Likee (talaffuzi: Layki)— 2014-yilda Bigo tomonidan yaratilgan videolarni yaratish va ulashish platformasi[4][5][6][7]. U aynan iOS va Android telefonlari uchun moʻljallangan. Videolarni yuklab olish va videoga olish, effekt qoʻshish funksiyalari ham bor[8][9].

  1. „TikTok becomes the top downloaded social media app on App Store in July, fails to beat Facebook overall“. BGR (2019-yil 19-avgust). 2019-yil 28-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.
  2. Paul Barnwell. „What are deepfake videos?“. Pocono Record (2019-yil 8-sentyabr).
  3. „Likee to complete 2 years of successful journey in India“. International Business Times (2019-yil 26-iyul).
  4. „Likee to pay you for bringing friends on board“. The Siasat Daily (2019-yil 11-avgust).
  5. „NSW digital driver licences now available on smartphones“. The Daily Telegraph (2019-yil 29-oktyabr).
  6. Paul Barnwell. „What parents need to teach kids about deepfake videos“. The Washington Post (2019-yil 11-sentyabr).
  7. „YY to Announce Second Quarter 2019 Financial Results on August 13, 2019“. The New York Times (2019-yil 5-avgust). 2020-yil 3-iyulda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 7-sentyabr.
  8. „Likee launches Independence Day campaign for Indians across the globe“. The Asian Age (2019-yil 13-avgust).
  9. „Aam Aadmi Party turns to Likee to connect with Indian youth“. Deccan Chronicle (2019-yil 26-sentyabr).