Joseph Vitale
Joseph Vitale | |
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Tavalludi | 29-dekabr 1953[1][2] |
Fuqaroligi | AQSh |
Kasbi | Motivator |
Veb-sayti | |
Joseph Vitale (inglizcha: Joseph «Joe» Vitale oʻqilishi: Jozef Vitale; 1953-yil 29-dekabr, AQSh ning Ogayo shtatida tugʻilgan) — Motivator, shaxsiy rivojlanish kitoblari muallifi. Asosiy kitoblar: Kalit, Xaridorni qanday transga solish kerak, Savdo va marketingning yangi psixologiyasi va Har daqiqada tugʻilgan yana bir xaridor.
Uning mijozlari orasida Qizil Xoch, Jamoat teleradiokompaniyasi|Jamoat eshittirish xizmati, Bolalar Memorial Hermann kasalxonasi mavjud. Zamonaviy dunyoda maʼnaviyatning yangi shakli rivojlanishining izdoshi. Yangi fikrlash okkultizm harakati uslubidagi oʻqituvchi . Vitalening ishi ommaviy axborot vositalarida, jumladan Business Week va Success jurnallarida, Larri King Live tok-shoularida va Opra Uinfri shoularida namoyish etilgan. Butun dunyodagi onlayn nashrlar u haqida yozadi. Jo Vitale toʻrtta filmda, jumladan, „Sir“ filmida mehmon yulduz rolida ishtirok etgan.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Joseph Vitale 1953-yil 29-dekabrda Ogayo shtatining Niles shahrida tug‘ilgan. Keyinchalik u Ogayo shtatining Kent shahriga koʻchib oʻtdi va u yerda Kent Davlat Universitetiga oʻqishga kirdi. Ilk faoliyatini Texas shtatining Xyuston shahrida kopirayter sifatida boshlagan. Asosiy asari „Kalit“ (Kalit, 2008-yil).
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]1. Zen and The Art of Writing: A New Approach to Creative Expression, 1983[3].
2. AMA Complete Guide to Small Business Advertising (with Anne Knudsen), November 1994[4].
3. Cyber Writing: How to Promote Your Product or Service Online (Without Being Flamed), September 6, 1996[5].
4. There’s a Customer Born Every Minute: P.T. Barnum’s Secrets to Business Success, January 30, 1998[6].
5. The E-Code: 33 Internet Superstars Reveal 43 Ways to Make Money Online Almost Instantly—Using Only E-Mail! (with Jo Han Mok), May 19, 2005[7]
6. There’s a Customer Born Every Minute: P.T. Barnum’s Amazing 10 «Rings of Power» for Creating Fame, Fortune, and a Business Empire Today — Guaranteed! (with Jeffrey Gitomer), April 14, 2006[8]
7. Meet and Grow Rich: How to Easily Create and Operate Your Own «Mastermind» Group for Health, Wealth, and More (with Bill Hibbler), August 18, 2006.
8. The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out, October 27, 2006.
9. Hypnotic Writing: How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words, December 22, 2006.
10. Life’s Missing Instruction Manual : The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth, February 24, 2006.
11. Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing, March 16, 2007.
12. How to Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as Little as 7 Days (with Jim Edwards), April 1, 2007.
13. The Seven Lost Secrets of Success: Million Dollar Ideas of Bruce Barton, America’s Forgotten Genius, September 28, 2007.
14. Inspired Marketing!: The Astonishing Fun New Way to Create More Profits for Your Business by Following Your Heart… (with Craig Perrine), March 21, 2008.
15. Your Internet Cash Machine: The Insiders Guide to Making Big Money, Fast! (with Jillian Coleman Wheeler), January 2, 2008.
Expect Miracles, October 1, 2008.
16. Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More (with Ihaleakala Hew Len), December 31, 2008.
17. The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want by Joe Vitale, December 2, 2009.
18. The Awakening Course: The Secret to Solving All Problems, December 20, 2011.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- ↑ (unspecified title)
- ↑ (unspecified title)
- ↑ Manjushri Joseph Vitale. Zen and the art of writing : a new approach to creative expression. Newport Beach, CA: Westcliff Publications, 1984. ISBN 0-932896-07-3, 978-0-932896-07-0.
- ↑ Joe Vitale. AMA complete guide to small business advertising. Lincolnwood, Ill., U.S.A.: NTC Business Books, 1995. ISBN 0-8442-3594-6, 978-0-8442-3594-3, 0-8442-3595-4, 978-0-8442-3595-0.
- ↑ Joe Vitale. Cyber writing : how to promote your product or service online (without being flamed). New York: AMACOM, 1997. ISBN 0-8144-7918-9, 978-0-8144-7918-6.
- ↑ Joseph G. Vitale. There's a customer born every minute : P.T. Barnum's secrets to business success. New York: AMACOM, 1998. ISBN 0-585-02839-7, 978-0-585-02839-2.
- ↑ Joe Vitale. The e-code : 33 internet superstars reveal 43 ways to make money online almost instantly-- using only e-mail!. Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley, 2005. ISBN 0-471-71855-6, 978-0-471-71855-0.
- ↑ Joe Vitale. There's a customer born every minute : P.T. Barnum's amazing 10 "rings of power" for creating fame, fortune, and a business empire today--guaranteed!. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley, 2006. ISBN 978-1-119-20190-8, 1-119-20190-X, 0-470-03759-8, 978-0-470-03759-1, 1-280-44764-8, 978-1-280-44764-8, 9786610447640, 6610447640, 1-118-04076-7, 978-1-118-04076-8.