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Isabelle Adjani

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Isabelle Adjani
Isabelle Yasmina Adjani

27-iyun 1955-yil (1955-06-27) (69 yosh)
Parij, Fransiya
Fuqaroligi Fransiya[1][2]
Kasbi Aktrisa, qoʻshiqchi
Faoliyat yillari 1970-yildan
Bolalari 2
Otasi Mohammed Chérif Adjani
Onasi Emma Augusta Adjani
Mukofotlari Legion of Honour — Knight (2010)

Isabelle Yasmina Adjani (1955-yil 27-iyunda tugʻilgan) — kelib chiqishi jazoirlik va olmon boʻlgan fransuz aktrisasi va qoʻshiqchisi. U beshta Sezar mukofotini qoʻlga kiritgan tarixdagi yagona aktrisa. U 2010-yilda Fransiyaning Faxriy legioni ritsariga, 2014-yilda esa Sanʼat va adabiyot ordeni qoʻmondoni unvoniga sazovor boʻlgan.

Isabelle Yasmina Adjani 1955-yil 27-iyunda Parijning 17-okrugida Konstantinlik jazoirlik Muhammad Cherif Adjani va Bavariyalik olmon katolik Emma Augusta „Gusti“ Shvaynberger oilasida tugʻilgan[3][4][5][6][7].

Adjanining ota-onasi Ikkinchi Jahon urushi oxirida, otasi Fransiya armiyasida boʻlganida uchrashishdi. Ular turmush qurdilar va onasi fransuzcha bilmasa ham, u bilan Parijga keldi[8][9].

Izabel ikki tilda fransuz va nemis tillarida ravon soʻzlashgan[10][11]. Otasi Parijning shimoli-gʻarbiy chekkasida garajda ishlagan[12]. Maktabdagi tanlovda gʻolib chiqqanidan soʻng, Adjani 12 yoshida havaskorlar teatrida aktirisalik faoliyatini boshladi. U bakalavriyatni muvaffaqiyatli tugatdi va 1976-yilda Vinsen universitetida auditorlik darslarida qatnashdi.

Adjanining fotograf boʻlgan Eric ismli ukasi bor edi. U 2010-yil 25-dekabrda 53 yoshida vafot etdi[13][14].

Aktirisalik faoliyati

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Adjani 35-Sezar mukofotlari marosimida, 2010-yil 27-fevral

14 yoshida Adjani oʻzining birinchi „ Le Petit Bougnat“ (1970) filmida rol oʻynadi[15]. U birinchi marta 1972-yilda qoʻshilgan Komedi-Fransaiseda klassik aktrisa sifatida shuhrat qozondi. U Molyerning " L'École des Femmes " filmidagi asosiy ayol roli — Agnesni talqin qilgani uchun maqtovga sazovor bo‘ldi. Tez orada u kino karerasini davom ettirish uchun teatrni tark etdi.

1988-yilda u haykaltarosh Kamil Klodelning biopikasiga prodyuserlik qildi va rol oʻynadi. U filmdagi roli uchun uchinchi Sezar va ikkinchi Oskar nominatsiyasini oldi va ikkita Oskar nominatsiyasini olgan birinchi fransuz aktrisasiga aylandi. Film, shuningdek, xorijiy tildagi eng yaxshi film uchun Akademiya mukofotiga nomzod boʻlgan.

Shaxsiy hayoti

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1979-yilda Adjani kinematograf Bruno Nuyttendan Barnabe Said-Nuytten ismli oʻgʻil koʻrdi.

1989-yildan 1995-yilgacha u Daniel Day-Lyuis bilan munosabatda boʻlgan, bu 1995-yilda ularning oʻgʻli Gabriel-Kane Day-Lyuis tugʻilishidan oldin tugagan.

Adjani keyinchalik bastakor Jan-Mishel Jar bilan unashtirilgan; ular 2004 yilda ajralishdi.

Muayyan filmlar uchun maxsus mukofotlarga qoʻshimcha ravishda, Adjani sanʼatga qoʻshgan hissasi uchun 2010-yil 14-iyulda Fransiyaning Faxriy legioni ritsariga mukofotiga sazovor boʻldi[16].

Yil Film Rol Direktor Izohlar
1970-yil Le Petit bougnat Rose Bernard Toublanc-Michel
1972-yil Faustine et le bel été Camille Nina Companeez
1973-yil Lʼécole des femmes Agnès Raymond Rouleau TV movie produced by the Comédie-Française
1974-yil LʼAvare Mariane René Lucot TV movie produced by the Comédie-Française
Le Secret des Flamands Maria Robert Valey TV series
La Gifle [fr] Isabelle Doulean Claude Pinoteau Special David di Donatello
Ariane Ariane Pierre-Jean de San Bartolomé
1975-yil Story of Adèle H., TheThe Story of Adèle H. Adèle Hugo François Truffaut Cartagena Film Festival Golden India Catalina for Best Actress

David di Donatello for Best Foreign Actress

National Board of Review Award for Best Actress

National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Actress

New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actress

Nominated—Academy Award for Best Actress

Nominated—César Award for Best Actress
Ondine Ondine Raymond Rouleau TV movie
1976-yil Tenant, TheThe Tenant Stella Roman Polanski
Barocco Laure André Téchiné Nominated—César Award for Best Actress
1977-yil Violette et François [fr] Violette Clot Jacques Rouffio
1978-yil Driver, TheThe Driver The Player Walter Hill
1979-yil Nosferatu the Vampyre Lucy Harker Werner Herzog Bambi Award for Best Actress
Brontë Sisters, TheThe Brontë Sisters Emily Brontë André Téchiné
1981-yil Clara et les Chics Types Clara Jacques Monnet
Possession Anna/Helen Andrzej Żuławski Cannes Film Festival Best Actress Award

César Award for Best Actress
Quartet Marya Zelli James Ivory Cannes Film Festival Best Actress Award
L'Année prochaine... si tout va bien [fr] Isabelle Maréchal Jean-Loup Hubert
1982-yil Tout feu, tout flamme [fr] Pauline Valance Jean-Paul Rappeneau
The Last Horror Film Herself David Winters
Antonieta Antonieta Rivas Mercado Carlos Saura
1983-yil Mortelle randonnée Catherine Leiris/Lucie, 'Marieʼ Claude Miller
One Deadly Summer Eliane known as 'Elleʼ Jean Becker César Award for Best Actress
1984-yil Pull marine The Heroin Luc Besson Music Video
1985-yil Subway Héléna Luc Besson Nominated—César Award for Best Actress
1986-yil Tʼas de beaux escaliers tu sais Herself Agnès Varda Short
Princesse au petit pois Herself Jean-Paul Seaulieu Music Video
1987-yil Ishtar Shirra Assel Elaine May
1988-yil Camille Claudel Camille Claudel Bruno Nuytten César Award for Best Actress

Silver Bear for Best Actress at Berlin[17]

Nominated—Academy Award for Best Actress
1990-yil Lung Ta: Les cavaliers du vent Narrator Marie-Jaoul de Poncheville

Franz-Christoph Giercke
1993-yil Toxic Affair Pénélope Philomène Esposito
1994-yil Queen Margot Margot Patrice Chéreau César Award for Best Actress
1996-yil Diabolique Mia Baran Jeremiah S. Chechik
1998-yil Paparazzi Herself Alain Berbérian
2002-yil Repentie, LaLa Repentie Charlotte/Leïla Laetitia Masson
Adolphe Ellénore Benoît Jacquot Cabourg Romantic Film Festival Award for Best Actress
2003-yil Bon Voyage Viviane Denvers Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran The Star François Dupeyron
2004-yil Yʼa pas un homme qui soit né pour ça Herself Pascal Obispo Music Video Florent Pagny, Calogero, Pascal Obispo
2008-yil Figaro Countess Almaviva Jacques Weber TV movie
2009-yil journée de la jupe, LaLa journée de la jupe Sonia Bergerac Jean-Paul Lilienfeld César Award for Best Actress

Lumières Award for Best Actress

Globes de Cristal Award for Best Actress
2010-yil Mammuth The Lost Love of Serge Gustave de Kervern

Benoît Delépine
Entered into the 60th Berlin International Film Festival
2011-yil Aïcha Doctor Assoussa Yamina Benguigui TV series (Episode: „Job à tout prix“)
De Force Clara Damico Frank Henry
2012-yil David et Madame Hansen Madame Hansen-Bergmann Alexandre Astier
2013-yil Ishkq in Paris Marie Elise Prem Raj Bollywood movie
2014-yil Sous les jupes des filles Lili Audrey Dana
2016-yil Carole Matthieu Carole Matthieu Louis-Julien Petit
2017-yil Call My Agent! Herself Jeanne Herry TV series (Season 2, Episode: „Isabelle“)
2018-yil The World Is Yours Dany Romain Gavras Entered into the 50th Cannes Directorʼs Fortnight

Nominated—César Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Capitaine Marleau Isabelle Laumont Josée Dayan TV series (Episode: „Ne plus mourir jamais“)
2019-yil Meet Me by the Gates Herself Nicolas Bary Music Video with The Penelopes
2021-yil Soeurs Zorah Yamina Benguigui
2022-yil Peter von Kant Sidonie von Grassenabb François Ozon Entered into the 72nd Berlin International Film Festival
Quelques mots Herself Antoine Carlier Music Video with Malik Djoudi
Mascarade Martha Nicolas Bedos Entered into the 75th Cannes International Film Festival
Diane de Poitiers, la plus que reine Diane de Poitiers Josée Dayan TV movie
  1. (unspecified title)
  2. (unspecified title)
  3. Brennan. „Isabelle Adjani“. Allmovie. 2009-yil 25-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2009-yil 6-iyul.
  4. Michel David. Isabelle Adjani: la tentation sublime. Imago, 2008 — 55-bet. ISBN 978-2-84952-070-3. 
  5. Love Film. „French Heartbreakers“. 2013-yil 16-yanvarda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 23-mart.
  6. Chantal, Thompson; Phillips, Elaine (2012), „Trois grandes stars françaises: Isabelle Adjani“, Mais Oui!, Volume 1, Cengage Learning, 13-bet, ISBN 978-1-111-83582-8
  7. The Middle East Quarterly (March 1997). "Islam in France: The French Way of Life Is in Danger". Middle East Quarterly. http://www.meforum.org/337/islam-in-france-the-french-way-of-life-is-in. Qaraldi: 13 August 2014. Isabelle Adjani]]
  8. Isabelle Adjani : " Mon père, kabyle, s'était engagé dans l’armée française à 16 ans, et c’est en remontant d’Italie jusqu’en Bavière à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale qu’il rencontre et séduit ma mère „ Interview with Isabelle Adjani, Télérama, 31 March 2009
  9. “A German woman met in Bavaria who was married at the end of the Second World War by Mohammed Adjani, a Kabyle soldier in the French army", Jean de La Guérivière, Amère Méditerranée: Le Maghreb et nous, Seuil, 2004, p.391
  10. Kemp, Philip. „Isabelle Adjani“. Film Reference. Qaraldi: 2008-yil 8-sentyabr.
  11. Applefield, David. „Isabelle Adjani“. Paris Voice (2001-yil noyabr).
  12. Collins, Glenn. „The 'Hounding' of Isabelle Adjani“. New York Times (1990-yil 6-yanvar).
  13. „Isabelle Adjani: «Je suis passée à côté d'une partie de ma vraie vie» | Illustré“.
  14. „Isabelle Adjani, bouleversante : Son aveu d'échec face à son frère toxicomane - Gala“.
  15. Isabelle Adjani IMDbda
  16. „Légion d’honneur : Aubrac, Bouygues, Pérol, Adjani, Bolling parmi les promus“, Le Monde, 14 juillet 2010
  17. „Berlinale: 1989 Prize Winners“. berlinale.de. 2013-yil 15-oktyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2011-yil 10-mart.