Kontent qismiga oʻtish


Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya
Ilk bora koʻringan Mickey's Revue (1932)
Muallif(lar) Walt Disney
Frank Webb
Art Babbitt
Ovoz bergan(lar) Pinto Colvig (1932–1938; 1944–1967)[1]
George Johnson[2] (1939–1943)
Hal Smith (1967–1987)
Tony Pope (1979–1988)
Will Ryan (1986–1988)
Bill Farmer (1987–bugun)
Boshqa ovozlar
Umumiy maʼlumotlar
Taxalluslari Super Goof
Laqablari Dippy Dawg
George G. Geef
Goofus D. Dawg
Goofy G. Goof
Turi Anthropomorphic dog[3]
Jinsi Male
Oilasi Goof family
Aloqador boshqa obraz(lar) Clarabelle Cow (occasionally)
Glory-Bee (1960s comics)
Zenobia (1980s comics)
Sylvia Marpole (An Extremely Goofy Movie)
Bolalari Max Goof (oʻgʻli)

Amos Goofy (otasi) Mother Goofy (onasi)

Grandma Goofy (buvisi)
Gilbert Goof (jiyani)
Arizona Goof (cousin)

Goofy, 1932-yilda Walt Disney Productions tomonidan yaratilgan animatsiya qahramoni.

  1. Hischak, Thomas S.. Disney Voice Actors: A Biographical Dictionary (en). McFarland, 2011-09-15. ISBN 9780786486946. 
  2. Canemaker, John. Paper Dreams: The Art And Artists Of Disney Storyboards. Disney Edition, 2006 — 85-bet. ISBN 978-0786863075. 
  3. Rachel Berman. „The Disney Dogs: Every Cute Canine From The 54 Animated Classics“ (2015-yil 24-noyabr). Qaraldi: 7-dekabr 2017-yil.