Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Foydalanuvchi munozarasi:Abdulla/Arxiv 2

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Vikipediya, erkin ensiklopediya
  • Arxivlangan munozara

Barnstar Award

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Thankyou very very much Abdulla my wonderful friend for your Brilliant and Outstanding translation effort!

I am very very Grateful.

The Original Barnstar
For your many months of service to Wikipedia, I, Jose77, hereby award you this barnstar. --Joseph, 21:21, 12 sentabr 2007 (UTC)
Thank you! I'm very glad for barnstar :-) though I feel I did nothing worth to be awarded. Whatever, thank you very much for the star. --Abdulla 13:32, 16 sentabr 2007 (UTC)

Can you please help me for the last time by translating these passages into the Fantastic and Superb O‘zbek language?

Thankyou very much

[manbasini tahrirlash]
THANKYOU SO MUCH Abdulla for your Excellent Translation help!
Your help is very Gratefully Appreciated.
May you be Blessed and prosper in life!
Yours Sincerely, From Jose77 00:11, 17 sentabr 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for editting Freddie Mercury article! I'm a big fan of both Queen and Mercury from Japan. There's a request to you! I wish you create Queen article in Uzbek language not only editting Mercury article. Is it OK? -- 05:48, 13 sentabr 2007 (UTC)

The stub article was created. --Abdulla 13:57, 16 sentabr 2007 (UTC)

Türkiye'den Selamlar

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Merhaba Abdulla, Türkiye Türkçesi'ni de rahat konuşabildiğin için daha rahat yazabiliyorum :) ÖzbekVikipediya'ya katkıda bulunmak isterim, ancak benim için Özbek Türkçesinde yazmak hakikaten Türkiye Türkçesinde yazmaktan çok daha zor. Ancak her türlü şablon, tablo gibi konularda yardım edebileceğim bir şey olursa lütfen tr:Kullanıcı mesaj:Khutuck'den bana bildirin, size yardım etmekten çok memnun olurum.

Not:Half-Life babil kutusunu ödünç alıyorum, tr.wiki'ye aktarıyorum :)) Khutuck 23:30, 17 sentabr 2007 (UTC)

Hurmatli Abdulla kirill yozuvida yozilgan Abduwali qori Mirzaev wa Obidxon qori Nazarovlar haqidagi matnlarni kirillcha yozilgani uchun o'chiribsiz. Men ularni lotinchaga o'girib qo'ydim. O'chirib yuborishdan oldin matnni qo'ygan kishiga aytishingiz odobdan bo'lardi...

Xoʻp, agar oʻsha oʻgirilgan matningiz tayyor boʻlsa, boshqatdan maqola yozishingiz mumkin. Lekin Abduwali emas, balki Abduvali deb yozganingiz maʼqul. Qolaversa, imzo qoʻyishni oʻrganing. --Abdulla 06:40, 10 oktabr 2007 (UTC)

Salom Abulla, Viki Majlisda nimalar bo`lganligi, nima hulosalarga kelganlaringiz haqida yozishning imkoni bormi? Manzuma 10:04, 11 oktabr 2007 (UTC)

I?m sorry, I didn't know about the other one. Should I copy the content into the old one? Drini 14:50, 17 oktabr 2007 (UTC)

Don't worry :-) If there are new links in new page, then you may copy into the old one. --Abdulla 15:05, 17 oktabr 2007 (UTC)

mediawiki messagge

[manbasini tahrirlash]

I'm sorry. User:.snoopy. 19:52, 1 noyabr 2007 (UTC)

Bot comment translations

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Sure! As I can't speak Uzbek language, can you translate this for me? I need translation for:

  • Robot - Bot
  • Adding - Qoʻshdi
  • Modifying - Tuzatdi
  • Removing - Oʻchirdi

I'll put them into pywikipedia framework so every bot will have correct edit summary ;) Regards. --AlleborgoBot 17:21, 8 noyabr 2007 (UTC)

Done (written in italic). Abdulla 19:12, 8 noyabr 2007 (UTC)
Thank you, translations are implemented now on my bot. Other bots will change their translations too with the first update. Regards. -- AlleborgoBot 13:30, 9 noyabr 2007 (UTC)

Hurmatli Abdulla! Men ochgan sahifa matni qayoqqa yo'qolib qolganini tushunmadim. Saatbag 17:28, 24 noyabr 2007 (UTC)

Saluton! Cxu vi povas traduki tio artikolo al mi en la lingvo de tio Vikipedio? Danke pro via helpo!

Please, could you translate this article onto the language of this Wikipedia? Thanks for your help. -- 15:33, 11 dekabr 2007 (UTC)

Saluton! Oops, mi preskaux forgesis esperanton :-( Mi iel tradukis tio artikolon sed pensas mi kreis la infobokson tre lama. Abdullamunozara 08:24, 12 dekabr 2007 (UTC)

Saluton Abdulla :)

[manbasini tahrirlash]
Done. Abdullamunozara 06:33, 26 dekabr 2007 (UTC)
Thanks so much Abdulla! I am very grateful and happy for your help :) Ruxandra 17:44, 26 dekabr 2007 (UTC)

Союз Советских Социалистических Республик

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Дорогой Abdulla, я работаю в грузинской Википедии и желаю улучшить нашу статью о СССР.

Для этого мне нужно официальное название „Союза Советских Социалистических Республик“ на узбекском языке в виде тогдашней кирилицы.

Прошу помочь, напиши мне, пожалуйста, тут. С уважением – Гурам (гиперссылка с подписью не срабатывает, найди меня по имени გურამ).

К сожалению, я не смог найти такого юзера в ka.wiki, поэтому отвечу здесь:
Совет Социалистик Республикалари Иттифоқи (в принципе, можно было найти здесь). Abdullamunozara 07:44, 30 yanvar 2008 (UTC)

O‘zbek viki cansız?

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Bu viki maalesef fazla hareketli değilmiş - nedeni ne?
Bir de "Qalin matn", "ichki ishorat" v.b. tuşları çalışmıyorlar... --Katpatuka 08:50, 7 fevral 2008 (UTC)

Oʻzbek Vikipedisi Oʻzbekistonda ban etilgan :( Proxy kullanarak bu mesaji yaziyorum. Abdullamunozara 07:27, 12 fevral 2008 (UTC)
O çok kötü! :-/ Neden?
Meta'nin haberi varmı?
Proxy yerinde twdns kullanmayı tavsiye ediyorum (XP için). --Katpatuka 15:29, 12 fevral 2008 (UTC)
Nedeni belli degil. Meta'nin bence haberi yok. Proxy icin tesekkur :) Abdullamunozara 07:33, 13 fevral 2008 (UTC)
irc.freenode.net#wikipedia dün haber verdim (IRC kullanıyor musun?)
Nedeni sordular... Ne zamandan beri blok edindi? --Katpatuka 08:10, 13 fevral 2008 (UTC)
Hayir, IRC kullanmiyorum :( Block - 10. Ocak'dan beri. Abdullamunozara 11:23, 13 fevral 2008 (UTC)

Puoi parlare italiano? o hai un dizionaro?:) El Quebrado 19:49, 19 mart 2008 (UTC)

Ты можеш гаварит по италянску, небо имаеш словник?:) El Quebrado 19:49, 19 mart 2008 (UTC)

Пока абдулла, ј в узбечтине дж небо ж?спосибо El Quebrado 23:16, 19 mart 2008 (UTC)

Salom abdulla, j o'zbek tilida yoki ʒ?rahmat El Quebrado 23:16, 19 mart 2008 (UTC)

Please, coul you translate this article onto Uzbec, please? A stub is enough. If you want to translate any article onto Spanish, Catalonian or Galician, tell it to me please. Chabi

Done. Abdullamunozara 07:57, 2 iyun 2008 (UTC)
. Thanks for your help. Chabi

Shundo http://uz.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shablon:Infobox_musiqachi/hCard_class ni o'chirvoring, shablon o'xshami qoldi. Rahmat. Casual 19:41, 5 iyun 2008 (UTC).

Oʻchirildi. Abdullamunozara 07:01, 6 iyun 2008 (UTC)
Rahmat. Yana bir iltimos, kategoriyani podkategoriyalarga bo'lish qanday amalga oshiriladi? Masalan, Futbol kategoriyasiga Futbolchilar podkategoriyasini qo'shish kerak. Futbolchilarni esa o'z navbatida yana Portugaliya futbolchilari, Olmoniya futbolchilari qilib bo'lib chiqish kerak. Casual 11:40, 9 iyun 2008 (UTC).
Futbolchilar kategoriyasini ochib, ichiga [[Category:Futbol]] deb yozib qoʻysa, Futbol kategoriyasiga "Futbolchilar" kategoriyasi qoʻshiladi. Abdullamunozara 15:11, 9 iyun 2008 (UTC)
Kotta rahmat! Casual 15:34, 9 iyun 2008 (UTC).

Merhaba Abdulla, nasılsınız?. Selamlar. HASAN SAMİ BOLAK

Rasmlarni qanday qilib qo'shaman? — Bu xabarni Sherzod Hotamov (munozara · hissasi) yozdi, lekin imzo qo‘ymadi

Lotin alifbosi

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Abdulla, anu lotin alfaviti haqidagi maqolalar to`g`ri shaklga ko`chirildi. Lekin bitta savol: ularning "xarf" muqobili(masalan, A (xarf)) ham saqlab qolinadimi yoki o`chirib yuboriladimi? Chunki saqlab qolinsa, imlo jihatdan xato yozilgan, o`chirib yuborilsa, boshqa tillardagi botlarda "xarf" tarzida berilgan. Nima deysiz?Asror 14:24, 12 iyul 2008 (UTC).

Botlar intervikilarni toʻgʻrilab chiqishini kutish kerak, keyin oʻchirsa boʻladi. Abdullamunozara 20:39, 13 iyul 2008 (UTC)

Translation request

[manbasini tahrirlash]

The translation request
Hi! Could I ask you to translate the article which you can find below into Uzbek? Please help me to show our language to the world – the article is quite short and has been selected from English and Silesian article and shortened as possible to contain only the basic informations. If you would finish, please, make me know on my Silesian or Polish discussion. Thanks in advance.
PS. If you want me to translate any article into Polish or Silesian, contact me without hesistation.
So, here’s the text to translation:

The Silesian language (Silesian: ślůnsko godka, ślůnski, sometimes also pů našymu) is a language spoken by people in the Upper Silesia region in Poland, but also in Czech Republic and Germany. In 2002 about 56 000 declared Silesian as their native language, but the number of speakers is estimated on 1 250 000.

Silesian is closely related to Polish language, that’s why it is considered as a dialect of Polish by some linguistics.

There’s not one Silesian alphabet. The Silesian speakers are used to write their language with the Polish characters. In 2006 was invented the new Silesian alphabet, based on all of the Silesian scripts (there’s 10 of them). It is widely used on the Internet, as well as in the Silesian Wikipedia.

Aa Bb Cc Ćć Čč Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Ńń Oo Pp Rr Řř Ss Śś Šš Tt Uu Ůů Ww Yy Zz Źź Žž

And some digraphs: Ch Dz Dź Dž.

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Thank you once again, Timpul 10:06, 16 iyul 2008 (UTC)

Done. Ja zwykle uważam, że ten język nie jest tak prawdziwe. Pomysł wygląda jak projet syberyjskogo języka. pů našymu - w naszym? :) Abdullamunozara 17:00, 16 iyul 2008 (UTC)
Hi, you think it's a constructed language? For God's sake, no! The Silesian is spoken in Poland by a lot of people as long as the Polish does. Pů našymu means "in our way", but this naming of Silesian is used among the village people. Greetings, Timpul 10:40, 5 Avgust 2008 (UTC)

Kullanıcı Sayfası...

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Merhaba. Sizden bir ricam olacak. Özbek dili benim ana dilim değil. Fakat kullanıcı sayfamı Özbekçeye çevirmek istiyorum. Siz çevirebilir misiniz ? Şimdiden teşekkürler, Kolay gelsin :) ZoRCoCuK 20:51, 15 Avgust 2008 (UTC)

Çok teşekkür ederim.. ZoRCoCuK 19:24, 4 sentabr 2008 (UTC)

Hisob yaratish

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Salom Abdulla, maqola yozish (tahrirlash) uchun manimcha hisob yaratish zaruriyat qilib qo`yish kerakmikin deb o`ylayman. Shunga nima deysiz? Chunki ko`rib turibsiz, hisob yaratmasdan "mehmon"lar yaratilgan maqolalarni tahrirlashmoqda va keraksiz maqolalar kiritishmoqda. Asror 14:07, 4 noyabr 2008 (UTC).

Assalomu alaykum Abdulla, please can You have a look at this category, if You have some time, it is already beginning to grow quite big. Ko'p rahmat, xayr, --qush (:> )=| 18:21, 21 mart 2009 (UTC)

Request for Help

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Hi! Could you translate and add this article into your wonderful wikipedia? You can reach me here. Thanks. With Kind Regards --Warayupay 12:52, 19 iyun 2009 (UTC)


Tacloban is a port city in the Philippines. It is approximately 360 miles southeast of Manila. It is the capital of the province of Leyte. It is also the regional center of Eastern Visayas.


Translation request

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Greetings Abdulla!Could I ask you to translate the first paragragh of this article into your language?It is listed in m:List of articles every Wikipedia should have.If you want me to translate any article into Vahcuengh,tell me. Thank you very much!--za:User:Biŋhai

Hello, can you rename GNU/Linux in Linux ? Thanks in advance, regards — Neustradamus () 03:08, 8 oktabr 2009 (UTC)

Check request for Şalom.

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Could you check the article Şalom. There is already an article about Şalom, a Jewish weekly newspaper in Turkey, in Uzbek, but could you check it, and if necessary translate it from the other Wikipedia language sites, if you have the time and patience to do so. The reason is that the newspaper Şalom is written (alas one page only) in a highly endangered language called Ladino or Judeo-Spanish, the Spanish of the 15th century. Perhaps this might gain your interest and sympathy.

Thank you.

request of translation for en:Mérida, Mérida, and en:Feria del Sol (Mérida) in Uzbek and Turkish..thank you so much♥--Lodewijk Vadacchino 07:42, 23 iyun 2010 (UTC)

[manbasini tahrirlash]

Good Evening to you, Greeting from Calabria and from Venezuela, write you, if kindly you could translate the article of Mérida in Uzbek and Turkish, on the base of the English.... and if kindly you could translate in Uzbek and Turkish the Feria del Sol, festival typically of this Maravillouse City, that is receiving great international success. In Change I will translate you in Italian, Spanish and other Italian dialects on Wikipedia, an article of your interest, I deal me with biographies, history, some religion and geography, and other gendres. I am sure that we will find us in full accord. In a wait him of one certain answer of yours I thank you in advance of true heart♥♥♥.Thanks So Much)--Lodewijk Vadacchino 07:42, 23 iyun 2010 (UTC)

this is my simple gift for you a Most Famous Song on Mérida with most Famous Merideña on The World Miss Univers 2009 Stefania Fernandez♥--Lodewijk Vadacchino 07:42, 23 iyun 2010 (UTC)
thank you for the welcome messanger..you could helping to this requests?thank you so much--Lodewijk Vadacchino 20:36, 28 iyun 2010 (UTC)

Thank you Abdulla. I will distribute your link to other addressees and hope to achieve the truth slowly. Greetings from Germany. HeBB

Dear Abdulla, Thank you for translating the Core Messages for the fundraiser. In order to build the landing page, I would like to ask you to translate the Jimmy Appeal into O'zbek. Please let me know if you have any questions :) Klyman 18:20, 22 noyabr 2010 (UTC)

Thank you for translating!Klyman 18:43, 29 noyabr 2010 (UTC)

Oka manga bitta strantica ochib berin iltimos , bog`lanish uchun england-boy-zi@mail.ru oka kutaman