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Fotosurat uchun Pulitzer mukofoti

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Fotosurat uchun Pulitser mukofoti har yili jurnalistika uchun beriladigan Amerika Pulitser mukofotlaridan biri hisoblanadi. U 1942-yilda ta'sis etilgan va 1968-yilda ikkita fotojurnalistika mukofoti bilan almashtirilgan: Badiiy fotosuratlar uchun Pulitser mukofoti va "Spot yangiliklar fotosurati uchun Pulitser mukofoti", keyinchalik bu mukofot 2000-yilda eng yangi fotosuratlar uchun Pulitser mukofoti deb o'zgartirildi.

Pulitser mukofotlari Jozef Pulitserning vasiyatiga ko'ra ta'sis etilgan bo'lib, u to'rtta jurnalistika mukofotini taklif qilgan va 1917-yildan boshlab ochilgan. 1942-yilga kelib, jurnalistika uchun sakkizta Pulitser bor edi; Endi esa bir necha yillardan buyon bu mukofot 14 tabo'lib, shu jumladan, ikkitasi fotojurnalistika uchun.

26 yil davomida 26 ta oddiy foto mukofotlari, shu jumladan 1944-yilda ikkitasi (1943-yilgi ish uchun) va 1946-yilda birortasi ham berilmagan[1].

Year Image Photographer News agency Title / Description
1942-yil Brooks, MiltonMilton Brooks Detroit News "Ford Strikers Riot"
1943-yil Noel, FrankFrank Noel Associated Press "Water!"
1944-yil Bunker, Earle L.Earle L. Bunker World-Herald

(Omaha, Nebraska)
Filan, FrankFrank Filan Associated Press "Tarawa Island"
1945-yil Rosenthal, JoeJoe Rosenthal Associated Press "Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima"
1946-yil No award
1947-yil Hardy, ArnoldArnold Hardy Amateur photographer

(Distributed by AP)
A woman leaping from a fire in the Winecoff Hotel.[2]
1948-yil Cushing, FrankFrank Cushing Boston Traveler "Boy Gunman and Hostage", in which a 15-year-old boy held another boy hostage in an alley.[3][4]
1949-yil Fein, NathanielNathaniel Fein New York Herald-Tribune "Babe Ruth Bows Out", of Babe Ruth at his number retirement by the Yankees.
1950-yil Crouch, BillBill Crouch Oakland Tribune "Near Collision at Air Show"
1951-yil Desfor, MaxMax Desfor Associated Press For his photographic coverage of the Korean War, an example of which is Flight of Refugees Across Wrecked Bridge in Korea.[5]
1952-yil Robinson, JohnJohn Robinson and Ultang, DonDon Ultang Des Moines Register A sequence of six pictures of a Drake University–Oklahoma A&M football game in which Drake player Johnny Bright's jaw was deliberately broken.
1953-yil Gallagher, William M.William M. Gallagher Flint Journal

Ex-Governor Adlai Stevenson with a hole in his shoe, taken during the 1952 presidential campaign.
1954-yil Schau, VirginiaVirginia Schau Amateur photographer "Rescue on Pit River Bridge", a photograph of a thrilling rescue at Redding, California.
1955-yil Gaunt, Jr., John L.John L. Gaunt, Jr. Los Angeles Times "Tragedy by the Sea", showing a young couple standing together beside the Pacific Ocean in Hermosa Beach, California, in which only a few minutes earlier their nineteen month-old son had perished.[4]
1956-yil Staff New York Daily News For consistently excellent news picture coverage in 1955, an outstanding example of which is "Bomber Crashes in Street", a photo of a B-26 bomber crash in a neighborhood.[4]
1957-yil Trask, Harry A.Harry A. Trask Boston Traveler Photographic sequence of the sinking of the liner SS Andrea Doria, the pictures being taken from an airplane flying at a height of 75 feet nine minutes before the ship sank. (The second picture in the sequence is cited as the key photograph.)
1958-yil Beall, William C.William C. Beall The Washington Daily News (D.C.) "Faith and Confidence", showing a policeman patiently reasoning with a two-year-old boy trying to cross a street during a parade.[6]
1959-yil Seaman, WilliamWilliam Seaman Minneapolis Star "Wheels of Death", his photograph of the sudden death of a child in the street.
1960-yil Lopez, AndrewAndrew Lopez United Press International Series of four photographs of a corporal of dictator Fulgencio Batista's army, who was executed by a Fidel Castro firing squad, the principal picture showing the condemned man receiving last rites.
1961-yil Nagao, YasushiYasushi Nagao Mainichi Shimbun


(Distributed by UPI)
"Tokyo Stabbing", showing 17-year-old Otoya Yamaguchi stabbing Inejiro Asanuma, the chairman of the Japanese Socialist Party.
1962-yil Vathis, PaulPaul Vathis Associated Press "Serious Steps", showing John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower walking together at Camp David.
1963-yil Fayl:Aid from the Padre.jpg Rondón, HéctorHéctor Rondón La República

(Caracas, Venezuela)

(Distributed by AP)
"Aid from the Padre", picture of a priest holding a wounded soldier in the 1962 El Porteñazo insurrection in Venezuela.
1964-yil Jackson, Robert H.Robert H. Jackson Dallas Times-Herald Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald.
1965-yil Faas, HorstHorst Faas Associated Press For his combat photography of the war in South Vietnam during 1964.
1966-yil Sawada, KyoichiKyoichi Sawada United Press International For his combat photography of the war in Vietnam War during 1965. "Flee to Safety", depicting a Vietnamese family wading across a river to escape an attack, was cited as a noted example of his work.[7]
1967-yil Thornell, Jack R.Jack R. Thornell Associated Press Civil rights activist James Meredith lying wounded on a road in Mississippi after having been shot by a roadside gunman.
  1. „Photography“. The Pulitzer Prizes. Qaraldi: 2021-yil 2-yanvar.
  2. Heys, Sam. „Pulitzer Photo - Georgia Tech student was the first photographer at the scene of Atlanta's worst hotel fire“. Georgia Tech Alumni Association. 2013-yil 22-dekabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2012-yil 18-aprel.
  3. „Archived copy“. 2012-yil 6-martda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2010-yil 18-may.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 The Pulitzer Prize Photographs Rubin: . Newseum Inc., 2011. ISBN 978-0-9799521-3-5. 
  5. Hartzenbusch, Lara. „US photographer Max Desfor relives Korean War“. BBC News (2010-yil 25-iyun). Qaraldi: 2021-yil 2-yanvar.
  6. „Archived copy“. 2011-yil 26-iyunda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2011-yil 29-may.
  7. „Boston newspaper wins Pulitzer Prize“. Quad-City Times. AP (1966-yil 3-may).