Cassandra Khaw
Cassandra Khaw | |
Tavalludi |
1984-yil 31-avgust Malayziya |
Fuqaroligi | Malayziya |
Janr | Ilmiy fantastika |
Cassandra Khaw (1984-yil 31-avgustda tugʻilgan) - malayziyalik dahshatli va ilmiy fantastika yozuvchisi.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Cassandra Khaw 1984-yil 31-avgustda Malayziyada Zoe Khaw Joo Ee sifatida tavallud topgan. Ular qisqa hikoyalar, romanlar, videooʻyinlar uchun daxshatli va fantastik uslubda yozuvchi sifatida ishlagan. Ularning maqola va hikoyalari, Clarkesworld, Fireside Fiction, Uncanny Magazine, Nature kabi jurnallarda chop etilgan. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7].
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Gods & Monsters
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Rupert Wong
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Rupert Wong, Cannibal Chef (2015)
- Rupert Wong and the Ends of the Earth (2017)
- The Last Supper Before Ragnarok (2019)
- Food of the Gods (2017)
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Southeast Asian Urban Anthologies
- Flesh: A Southeast Asian Urban Anthology (2016) with Angeline Woon
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Rupert Wong, Cannibal Chef (2015)
- Hammers on Bone (2016)
- Rupert Wong and the Ends of the Earth (2017)
- Bearly a Lady (2017)
- A Song for Quiet (2017)
- Baby Shower (2018)
- Dreadnought (2018)
Qisqa fantastik ( qismlar )
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Born to the Blade
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Baby Shower (2018)
- Dreadnought (2018)
Persons Non Grata
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Hammers on Bone (2016)
- A Song for Quiet (2017)
Qisqa fantastika
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Disconnect (2014)
- What the Highway Prefers (2015)
- Red String (2015)
- An Ocean of Eyes (2015)
- In the Rustle of Pages (2015)
- Her Pound of Flesh (2015)
- The Man Who Buys Giggles (2015)
- When We Die on Mars (2015)
- Clown Shoes (2016)
- Every Instance of You (2016)
- The Games We Play (2016)
- Breathe (2016)
- Some Breakable Things (2016)
- Speak (2016)
- The Price of Small Joys (2016)
- Degrees of Beauty (2016)
- And in Our Daughters, We Find a Voice (2016)
- For the Things We Never Said (2016)
- Hungry Ghosts (2016)
- What to Do When It's Nothing but Static (2017)
- Goddess, Worm (2017)
- The Ghost Stories We Tell Around Photon Fires (2017)
- Radio Werewolf (2017)
- The Day They Found the Train (2017)
- Saudade (2017)
- Bearly a Lady (2017)
- Custom-Made (2017)
- I Built This City for You (2017)
- Masterclass (2017)
- These Deathless Bones (2017)
- The Truth That Lies Under Skin and Meat (2017)
- Degrees of Ellision (2017)
- Don't Turn on the Lights (2017)
- Kiss, Don't Tell (2017)
- A Secret of Devils (2017)
- Landmark (2017)
- The Quiet Like a Homecoming (2018)
- A Priest of Vast and Distant Places (2018)
- You Do Nothing but Freefall (2018) with A. Maus
- She Who Hungers, She Who Waits (2018)
- How the Spider Got Her Legs (2018)
- Four Revelations from the Rusalka Ball (2018)
- Recite Her the Names of Pain (2018)
- And Was Jerusalem Builded Here? (2018)
- Shooting Iron (2018) with Jonathan L. Howard
- Bargains by the Slant-Light (2018)
- Monologue by an unnamed mage, recorded at the brink of the end (2018)
- Nepenthe (2019)
- What We Have Chosen to Love (2019)
- Mighty Are the Meek and the Myriad (2019)
- Nothing But Blackened Teeth (2021)
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Protestations Against the Idea of Anglicization (2017)
- My Mama (2017)
- Apathetic Goblin Nightmare Woman (2017)
- Found Discarded: A Love Poem, Questionably Addressed. (2018)
- Octavia's Letter to Marcus Anthony on the Discovery of His Faithlessness (2018)
- A Letter from One Woman to Another (2019)
- Instructions for When You've Endured as Much as You Can (2019)
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
- World of Horror (co-writer, 2020)[8].
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- ↑
- ↑ Doherty Associates. p. 152. ISBN 978-0-7653-9430-9. 2019-yil 8-oktabrda olindi.
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