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Caroline Blakiston

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Caroline Blakiston
Caroline Georgiana Blakiston

13-fevral 1933-yil (1933-02-13) (92 yosh)
Fuqaroligi Birlashgan Qirollik
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1961-hozirgacha
Turmush oʻrtogʻi Russell Hunter
(turm. 1970; ajr. 19??)
Bolalari 2 nafar

Caroline Georgiana Blakiston[1] (1933-yil 13-fevralda tugʻilgan) – angliyalik aktrisa. U oʻzining vatani Buyuk Britaniyada Brass telekomedik teleserialidagi roli, xalqaro tomoshabinlarga Yulduzli jangi koʻp qismli filmidagi Jedayning qaytishi qismidagi Mon Mothma hamda Poldarkdagi Agata xola roli bilan tanilgan.

Blakiston Londonda „Angliyada oʻz avlodining eng mashhur arxivchisi“ nomini qoʻlga kiritgan arxivchi va muallif Hugh Noel Blakiston hamda advokat Harold John Hastings Russell (Bedford 6-gersogining avlodi) va otasi davlat arbobi boʻlgan Granville Leveson-Gower, ikkinchi Earl Granville boʻlgan Victoria Alberta Leveson-Gower xonimning qizi (Rachel) Georgiana (1903-1995)larning oilasida kenja qiz farzand sifatida tugʻilgan[2]. Blakiston oilasi Durham okrugidan kelib chiqqan va Blakiston baronetlari bilan bogʻliq nasl-nasabga borib taqaladi[3].

1960-yillarda Blakiston "The Avengers" ning uchta epizodida, shuningdek,The Saint, Department S va 1969-yilgi Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)dagi Never Trust a Ghost kabi bir qator ITC spektakllarida paydo boʻlgan. U 1967-yilda Galsworthyning The Forsyte Sag asarining BBC televizion moslashuvida Marjorie Ferrar sifatida ijro etgan roli uchun katta eʼtirofga sazovor boʻladi.

1977-yilda aktrisa Rafflesda Lady Paulton rolida, shuningdek, Murder Most English filmida Helen Carobleat rolida paydo boʻlgan. 1980—1981-yillarda u BBC/Avstraliya televideniyesi Ikkinchi jahon urushi komediya seriali Private Schulzda Grafinya rolini oʻynagan.

1986-yilda Blakiston BBC kanali efirga uzatgan Miss Marple serialining At Bertram's Hotel epizodida Joan Hickson ijro etgan Miss Marple obraziga qarshi yovuz qahramon Bess Sedgwick rolini gavdalantiradi. U, shuningdek, As Time Goes By teleserialidagi bir epizodida Lionel Hardcastlening sobiq rafiqasi sifatida paydo boʻladi. Aktrisa va Geoffrey Palmer (Lionel) bundan oʻn yil avval Carla Lanening The Last Song serialida birgalikda bir biridan uzoqlashgan turmush oʻrtoqlarni oʻynashgan. 2015-yildan 2018-yilgacha Blakiston BBCning Poldark moslashuvida Agata xola rolini tasvirlagan.

Shaxsiy hayoti

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

1970-yilda Blakiston aktyor Russell Hunterga turmushga chiqdi, ular Regent bogʻidagi Ochiq osmon ostidagi teatrda A Midsummer Night's Dream filmida birga suratga tushishgan. Ularning bir oʻgʻil va bir qiz farzandlar bor edi, lekin keyin ajrashishgan[4].

Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1966 The Idol Second Woman at Party
The Trygon Factor White Nun
1969 The Magic Christian Honourable Esther Grand
1971 Sunday Bloody Sunday Rowing Wife
1978 Saturday Sunday Monday Elena TV film
Les Misérables Madame Thenardier TV film
1979 Yanks Golfing Friend
1983 Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi Mon Mothma
1987 Miss Marple: At Bertram’s Hotel Bess Sedgwick TV film
The Fourth Protocol Angela Berenson
1998 The Children of the New Forest Aunt Judith TV film
2003 The War of the Starfighters Operative Ovoz roli
2006 Coup! Margaret Thatcher TV film
Scoop Mrs. Quincy
2008 The Commander: Abduction Mary Henson TV film
2011 For Elsie Mama Kilov Qisqa metrajli film
2013 Round and Round the Garden Woman Qisqa metrajli film
2018 Mary Anning Molly Anning Qisqa metrajli film
2019 The Leaving Party Joy Qisqa metrajli film

Televizion rollari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1961 The Avengers Elaine Bateman Epizod: „Dance with Death“
1962 City Beneath the Sea Dr. Ann Boyd Muntazam serial
1963 No Hiding Place Annette Rosser Epizod: „Tell Them Upstairs“
ITV Play of the Week Nurse Epizod: „For King and Country #1: Out There“
No Cloak – No Dagger Pat Penmore Muntazam serial
Emergency Ward 10 Susan Chambers 3ta epizod
1964-1965 Lena Hyde Muntazam serial
1965 Story Parade W. P. C. Anne Cunningham Epizod: „The Make-Believe Man“
Love Story Brenda Epizod: „After Hours“
The Avengers Miss Thirlwell Epizod: „The Gravediggers“
Public Eye Eva Garston Epizod: „Nobody Kills Santa Claus“
1966 The Saint Eleanor Bastion Epizod: „The Convenient Monster“
Out of the Unknown Dr. Odile Keppler Epizod: „Second Childhood“
The Baron Felicia Talbot Epizod: „So Dark the Night“
1967 The Forsyte Saga Marjorie Ferrar Takroriy rol
Love Story Zoe Epizod: „The Swordfighter“
The Avengers Cynthia Wentworth-Howe Epizod: „The Positive Negative Man“
Meeting Point Mandy Pride Epizod: „The House by the Stable“
1968 The Wednesday Play Matilda Boff Epizod: „Coincidence“
Public Eye George Epizod: „Mercury in an Off-White Mac“
Armchair Theatre Jessa Epizod: „Unscheduled Stop“
The Queen Street Gang Auntie Cuthbert 4ta epizod
The Champions Marion Grant Epizod: „The Experiment“
The Caesars Agrippina Miniserial
1969 The Power Game Margot Fellowship Epizod: „The Goose Chase“
Fraud Squad Kay Pilgrim Epizod: „Run for Your Money“
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) Karen Howarth Epizod: „Never Trust a Ghost“
Department S Kate Mortimer Epizod: „The Shift That Never Was“
Strange Report Louise Epizod: „Report 2493: Kidnap – Whose Pretty Girl Are You?“
1970 Paul Temple Judy Saire Epizod: „Right Villain“
Play for Today Esther Epizod: „The Lie“
1971 Man at the Top Maureen Binsey Epizod: „Too Good for This World“
Shadows of Fear Maureen Epizod: „Return of Favours“
Wives and Daughters Lady Harriet Miniserial
1972 His and Hers Felicity Farrell Epizod: „Diet“
Villains Rene Epizod: „Chas“
1973 Then and Now Erica Epizod: „In Memoriam“
1976 Murder Elizabeth Epizod: „A Variety of Passion“
Well Anyway Cornelia de Vance Epizod: „There Again“
1977 Raffles Lady Paulton Epizod: „An Old Flame“
The Sunday Drama Deborah Epizod: „The Late Wife“
Murder Most English: A Flaxborough Chronicle Mrs. Helen Carobleat 2ta epizod
The Children of the New Forest Judith Villiers 1ta epizod
1977-1982 Crown Court Kathleen Fenton QC Muntazam serial
1978 Wilde Alliance Elena Epizod: „Well Enough Alone“
The Lively Arts Narrator Epizod: „A Haunted Man“
ITV Sunday Night Drama Emily Epizod: „The Last Romantic“
The Many Wives of Patrick Princess Poliakoff Epizod: „One of the Smart Set in a Smart Setting“
The Sweeney Hildegarde Epizod: „Hearts and Minds“
1979 Kids Fay Wilkins Epizod: „Diana“
Prince Regent Lady Frances Jersey Miniserial
The Dick Francis Thriller: The Racing Game Sylvia Guiccoli Epizod: „Gambling Lady“
1979-1980 The Mallens Anna Brigmore Muntazam serial
1980 Shoestring Monica Epizod: „Looking for Mr Wright“
1981 Nanny Adela Quinn 2ta epizod
Private Schulz Countess 1ta epizod
1981-1983 The Last Song Alice Bannister Muntazam serial
1982 Play for Today Josie Epizod: „Life After Death“
1983 All for Love Narrator Epizod: „Miss A and Miss M“
1983-1990 Brass Lady Patience Hardacre Muntazam serial
1984-1985 Mr. Palfrey of Westminster Co-Ordinator Muntazam serial
1985 Charters and Caldicott Margaret Mottram Muntazam serial
1987 The Refuge Helen Crichton-Crick
1987 Agatha Christieʼs Miss Marple Bess Sedgwick

Epizod: „At Bertram’s Hotel“

1989 Till We Meet Again Madame Courdet Miniserial
1990 Chancer Mary Douglas 3ta epizod
1991 Shrinks Lady Dyer 1ta epizod
Lovejoy Miss Hemmingway Epizod: „Sugar & Spice“
Murder Most Horrid Dr. Rachel Vine Epizod: „A Determined Woman“
1992-1993 Mulberry Adele Farnaby 2ta epizod
Rides Scarlett Muntazam serial
1993 Harry Natasha Lee 1ta epizod
1994 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Dowager Duchess Epizod: „The Three Gables“
1996 As Time Goes By Margaret Epizod: „Lionel’s Ex-Wife“
1998 The Grand Isobel Crawford 1ta epizod
1999 Sunburn Mrs. Armitage 1ta epizod
2005 Heartbeat Hildy Dressler Epizod: „Picture This“
Midsomer Murders Angela Hartley Epizod: „Bantling Boy“
2006 The Line of Beauty Lady Partridge Miniserial
2008 Small Dark Places Lady Welling TV short
2009 Midsomer Murders Hilary Compton Epizod: „Small Mercies“
2011 Doctors Geraldine Crofte Epizod: „The Good Daughter“
2012 Holby City Kathleen Pennington Epizod: „Through the Darkness“
2013 Agatha Christieʼs Poirot Julia Carstairs Epizod: „Elephants Can Remember“
2014 Father Brown Lady Lavinia Pryde Epizod: „The Pride of the Prydes“
2015 Casualty Frances Barrett Epizod: „The Long Haul“
2015-2018 Poldark Aunt Agatha
2016 Midsomer Murders Sylvia Lennard Epizod: „The Village That Rose from the Dead“
  1. Burkeʼs Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage 107th edition, vol. 1, ed. Charles Mosley, Burkeʼs Peerage Ltd, 2003, p. 320
  2. Ellis, Roger; Hutton, Brian; Hampson, Jill (1985). "Obituaries". Journal of the Society of Archivists 7 (8): 560–564. doi:10.1080/00379818509514282. 
  3. Burkeʼs Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage 107th edition, vol. 1, ed. Charles Mosley, Burkeʼs Peerage Ltd, 2003, p. 320
  4. „Russell Hunter : Obituaries“. The Independent (2004-yil 28-fevral). Qaraldi: 2015-yil 24-dekabr.