Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Anouk Aimée

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Anouk Aimée
Nicole Françoise Florence Dreyfus

27-aprel 1932-yil (1932-04-27) (92 yosh)
Parij, Fransiya
Vafoti 18-iyun 2024[1]
Fuqaroligi Fransiya
Faoliyat yillari 1947-yildan
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
Edouard Zimmermann
(turm. 1949; ajr. 1950)

Nikos Papatakis
(turm. 1951; ajr. 1954)

Pierre Barouh
(turm. 1966; ajr. 1969)

Albert Finney
(turm. 1970; ajr. 1978)
Bolalari 1
Onasi Geneviève Sorya

Nicole Françoise Florence Dreyfus[2] (1932-yil 27-aprelda tugʻilgan), professional sifatida Anouk Aimée (fransuzcha talaffuzi: ​[an'uk ɛm'e]) yoki Anouk — fransuz kino aktrisasi, u 1947-yildan beri 70 ta filmda rol oʻynagan, oʻzining kino karerasini 14 yoshida boshlagan. Yoshlik yillarida u oddiy taʼlimdan tashqari aktyorlik va raqsni ham oʻrgangan.

Yoshlik yillari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Aimée Parijda aktyor Genri Myurrey (1907-1984) [3] va aktrisa Jenevye Sorya (1912-2008) oilasida tugʻilgan. Bir tarixchining soʻzlariga koʻra, baʼzilar uning kelib chiqishi kapitan Alfred Dreyfus bilan bogʻliq boʻlishi mumkin deb taxmin qilishsa ham, bu hech qachon tasdiqlanmagan[3]. Uning otasi yahudiy, onasi esa katolik edi. U katolik boʻlib tarbiyalangan, lekin keyinchalik yahudiylikni qabul qilgan[3].

Anouk Aimee 8½ filmida, 1963 yil

Aimee (oʻsha paytda hali ham Fransuaza Dreyfus) oʻn toʻrt yoshida " La Maison sous la mer " (1946) filmidagi Anouk rolida oʻzining filmdagi rolini ijro etdi. Keyinchalik Anouk nomini saqlab qoldi. Jak Prevert o‘zi uchun maxsus " Les amants de Vérone „ (“Veronani sevuvchilar", 1949) asarini yozar ekan, unga ramziy Aimee familiyasini olishni taklif qildi[3]. Fransuz tilida bu „sevimli“ degan maʼnoni anglatadi[4][5].

Kino tarixchisi Yurgen Myuller: „Film kimgadir yoqadimi yoki yoʻqmi, Anouk Aimeening gʻamgin aurasiga qarshi turish hammaga qiyin“[6]. Oʻzining keyingi koʻplab filmlarida u „hissiyotlari koʻpincha sir saqlanadigan sezgir ayol“ rolini oʻynashda davom etadi[7].

2013-yil oxirida Kanadaning Monreal shahrida boʻlib oʻtgan Cinemania kinofestivalida Eymening karerasiga hurmat bajo keltirildi[8].

Shaxsiy hayoti

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

Aimée toʻrt marta turmush qurgan va ajrashgan: Eduard Zimmermann (1949-1950), rejissyor Niko Papatakis (1951-1954), aktyor va musiqiy prodyuser Per Baru (1966-1969) va aktyor Albert Finni (1970-1978). Uning ikkinchi turmushidan bir farzandi bor, Manuela Papatakis (1951-yilda tugʻilgan).

Tanlangan filmografiya

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yillar Sarlavha Rol Direktor
1947 La Maison sous la mer Anouk Henri Calef
1949 Les amants de Vérone („The Lovers Of Verona“) Georgia (a modern Juliet) André Cayatte
1950 Golden Salamander Anna Ronald Neame
1952 La Bergère et le ramoneur (animation film) Voice (the female shepherd) Paul Grimault
Le Rideau cramoisi Albertine Alexandre Astruc
1955 Contraband Spain Elena Vargas Lawrence Huntington
Les Mauvaises rencontres („Bad Liaisons“) Catherine Racan Alexandre Astruc
1956 Ich suche Dich Francoise Maurer O. W. Fischer
Nina Nina Iwanowa Rudolf Jugert
1957 Pot-Bouille Marie Julien Duvivier
Anyone Can Kill Me Isabelle Henri Decoin
1958 Les Amants de Montparnasse (Montparnasse 19) Jeanne Hébuterne Jacques Becker
1959 The Journey Eva Anatole Litvak
La tête contre les murs Stéphanie Georges Franju
Les Dragueurs Jeanne Jean-Pierre Mocky
1960 La Dolce Vita Maddalena Federico Fellini
The Joker Hélène Laroche Philippe de Broca
1961 Il giudizio universale („The Last Judgement“) Irene Vittorio De Sica
Lola Lola Jacques Demy
1962 Sodom and Gomorrah Queen Bera Robert Aldrich
Il giorno più corto („The shortest Day“) cameo appearance Sergio Corbucci
1963 Felliniʼs 8½ Luisa Anselmi Federico Fellini
1964 Le voci bianche („White Voices“) Lorenza Pasquale Festa Campanile
La fuga („The Escape“) Luisa Paolo Spinola
1965 The Dreamer Valeria Massimo Franciosa
1966 Un homme et une femme („A Man and a Woman“) Anne Gauthier Claude Lelouch
1968 Un soir, un train (One Night… A Train) Anne André Delvaux
1969 Model Shop Lola Jacques Demy
The Appointment Carla Sidney Lumet
Justine Justine George Cukor
1976 Si cʼétait à refaire („If I Had to Do It All Over Again“) Sarah Gordon Claude Lelouch
1978 Mon premier amour Jane Romain (the mother) Elie Chouraqui
1979 (Salto nel vuoto) („A Leap in the Dark“) Marta Ponticelli Marco Bellocchio
1981 La Tragedia di un uomo ridicolo („Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man“) Barbara Spaggiari Bernardo Bertolucci
1983 Il generale dellʼarmata morte („The General of the Dead Army“) Countess Betsy Mirafiore Luciano Tovoli
Viva la vie Anouk Claude Lelouch
1984 Success Is the Best Revenge Monique Jerzy Skolimowski
1986 Un Homme et une femme<span typeof="mw:DisplaySpace" id="mwAiY"> </span>: vingt ans déjà („A Man and a Woman: 20 Years Later“) Anne Gauthier Claude Lelouch
1990 Bethune: The Making of a Hero Marie-France Coudaire Phillip Borsos
Il y a des jours… et des lunes as herself Claude Lelouch
1994 Les Cent et une nuits („A Hundred and One Nights“) Anouk Agnès Varda
Prêt-à-Porter Simone Lowenthal Robert Altman
1996 Hommes, femmes<span typeof="mw:DisplaySpace" id="mwAkw"> </span>: mode d’emploi the widow Claude Lelouch
1998 L. A. Without a Map as herself Mika Kaurismäki
1999 Une pour toutes („One 4 All“) the musicianʼs wife Claude Lelouch
2001 Festival in Cannes Millie Marquand Henry Jaglom
2002 Napoléon Letizia Bonaparte Yves Simoneau
2003 Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup dʼenfants („Happily Ever After“) Vincentʼs mother Yvan Attal
2003 La Petite prairie aux bouleaux Myriam Marceline Loridan-Ivens
2010 Paris Connections Agnès Harley Cokeliss
2011 Tous les soleils Agathe Philippe Claudel
2012 Mince alors! mother Charlotte de Turckheim
2019 The Best Years of a Life Anne Gauthier Claude Lelouch
  1. (unspecified title)
  2. „Anouk Aimée“ (fr). L'encinémathèque. 2014-yil 9-avgustda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2014-yil 9-avgust.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Flitterman-Lewis, Sandy. „Anouk Aimée“, Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia
  4. Durham, Michael. „Aimée—It Means 'To Be Lovedʼ“, Life Magazine, 19 May 1967 pp. 85-86.
  5. „Aimee - Name Meaning, What does Aimee mean?“. www.thinkbabynames.com. 2022-yil 28-noyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 2022-yil 28-noyabr.
  6. Müller, Jürgen. Movies of the 60s, Taschen (2004) cover
  7. Unterburger, Amy L. (ed.) Actors and Actresses, International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers (3rd edition), St James Press (1997), pp. 9-11
  8. „Anouk Aimée: A charmed cinematic life“ (Wayback Machine saytida 2013-11-09 sanasida arxivlangan), The Gazette (Montreal), 8 November 2013.