Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Andoza:Jang sanʼati ustasi bilgiqutisi

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
Script error: The function "claim" does not exist.
Script error: The function "getImageLegend" does not exist.
Documentation icon Andoza hujjati[koʻrib chiqish] [tahrirlash] [tarix] [yangilash]


[manbasini tahrirlash]
Tavalludi {{{birth_name}}}
Vafoti {{{death_date}}}
Asl ismi {{{native_name}}}
Taxallusi {{{other_names}}}
Istiqomat joy(lar)i {{{residence}}}
Millati {{{nationality}}}
Balandligi Andoza:Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi/balandligi{{{height_footnote}}}
Vazni Andoza:Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi/balandligi{{{weight_footnote}}}
Divizion {{{weight_class}}}
Oʻsishi Andoza:Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi/balandligi{{{reach_footnote}}}
Uslubi {{{martial_art}}}
Janglari {{{fighting_out_of}}}
Jamoasi {{{team}}}
Ustoz(lar)i {{{teacher}}}
Murabbiy(lar)i {{{trainer}}}
Darajasi {{{rank}}}
Kurashlari {{{wrestling}}}
Faoliyat yillari {{{years_active}}}
Professional boks qaydlari
Jami Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "&".
Gʻalaba {{{box_win}}}
Nokaut bilan {{{box_kowin}}}
Magʻlubiyat {{{box_loss}}}
Nokaut bilan {{{box_koloss}}}
Durang {{{box_draw}}}
Hisobsiz {{{box_nc}}}
Kikboks qaydlari
Jami Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "&".
Gʻalaba {{{kickbox_win}}}
Nokaut bilan {{{kickbox_kowin}}}
Magʻlubiyat {{{kickbox_loss}}}
Nokaut bilan {{{kickbox_koloss}}}
Durang {{{kickbox_draw}}}
Hisobsiz {{{kickbox_nc}}}
Aralash jang sanʼati ustasi qaydlari
Jami Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "&".
Gʻalaba 1
Nokaut bilan {{{mma_kowin}}}
Hisob bilan {{{mma_subwin}}}
Qaror bilan {{{mma_decwin}}}
Chetlatish bilan {{{mma_dqwin}}}
Nomaʼlum {{{mma_otherwin}}}
Magʻlubiyat 1
Nokaut bilan {{{mma_koloss}}}
Hisob bilan {{{mma_subloss}}}
Qaror bilan {{{mma_decloss}}}
Chetlatish bilan {{{mma_dqloss}}}
Nomaʼlum {{{mma_otherloss}}}
Durang {{{mma_draw}}}
Hisobsiz {{{mma_nc}}}
Havaskor sifatidagi qaydlari
Jami Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "&".
Gʻalaba {{{am_win}}}
Nokaut bilan {{{am_kowin}}}
Hisob bilan {{{am_subwin}}}
Magʻlubiyat {{{am_loss}}}
Nokaut bilan {{{am_koloss}}}
Hisob bilan {{{am_subloss}}}
Durang {{{am_draw}}}
Hisobsiz {{{am_nc}}}
Boshqa maʼlumotlar
Mansubligi {{{occupation}}}
Universitet {{{university}}}
Turmush oʻrtogʻi {{{spouse}}}
Bolalari {{{children}}}
Mashhur qarindoshlari {{{relatives}}}
Mashhur shogirdlari {{{students}}}
Mashhur klub(lar)i {{{club}}}
Mashhur maktab(lar)i {{{school}}}
Vebsayti {{{website}}}
Bokschi qaydlari BoxRec saytida
Jang sanʼati ustasi qaydlari Sherdog saytida
Medallari va yutuqlari


Last updated on: {{{updated}}}
{{Jang sanʼati ustasi bilgiqutisi
| name             = 
| image            = 
| image_size       = 
| alt              = 
| caption          = 
| birth_name       = 
| birth_date       = 
| birth_place      = 
| death_date       = 
| death_place      = 
| death_cause      = 
| native_name      = 
| native_name_lang = 
| other_names      = 
| residence        = 
| nationality      = 
| ethnicity        =
| height           = 
| height_ft        = 
| height_in        = 
| height_cm        = 
| height_footnote  = 
| weight           = 
| weight_lb        = 
| weight_kg        = 
| weight_footnote  = 
| weight_class     = 
| reach            = 
| reach_in         = 
| reach_cm         = 
| reach_footnote   = 
| martial_art      = 
| style            = 
| stance           = 
| fighting_out_of  = 
| team             = 
| teacher          = 
| trainer          = 
| rank             = 
| wrestling        = 
| years_active     = 
| box_win          = 
| box_kowin        = 
| box_loss         = 
| box_koloss       = 
| box_draw         = 
| box_nc           = 
| kickbox_win      = 
| kickbox_kowin    = 
| kickbox_loss     = 
| kickbox_koloss   = 
| kickbox_draw     = 
| kickbox_nc       = 
| mma_kowin        = 
| mma_subwin       = 
| mma_decwin       = 
| mma_dqwin        = 
| mma_otherwin     = 
| mma_koloss       = 
| mma_subloss      = 
| mma_decloss      = 
| mma_dqloss       = 
| mma_otherloss    = 
| mma_draw         = 
| mma_nc           = 
| am_win           = 
| am_kowin         = 
| am_subwin        = 
| am_loss          = 
| am_koloss        = 
| am_subloss       = 
| am_draw          = 
| am_nc            = 
| occupation       = 
| university       = 
| spouse           = 
| children         = 
| relatives        = 
| students         = 
| club             = 
| school           = 
| website          = 
| boxrec           = 
| sherdog          = 
| footnotes        = 
| medaltemplates   = 
| show-medals      = 
| updated          = 
| module           = 
| module2          = 

Embedding other templates

[manbasini tahrirlash]

The module and module2 parameters are used for embedding other templates into this infobox (see Wikipedia:Infobox modules and Category:Biographical templates usable as a module).

{{Jang sanʼati ustasi bilgiqutisi
| name = 
| <!-- etc. -->
| module = 
  {{Infobox ABC
  | embed = yes <!-- or child=yes / subbox=yes-->
  | <!-- etc. -->
| module2 = 
  {{Infobox ABC
  | embed = yes <!-- or child=yes / subbox=yes-->
  | <!-- etc. -->
Joe Schmo

Joe is a pirate.
Tavalludi Joseph Q. Schmo IV
1-yanvar 1970-yil
New York City, New York, U.S.
Vafoti 1-iyun 2007-yil(2007-06-01)
(37 yoshda)
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Heart attack
Asl ismi José Schmo
Taxallusi The Can
Istiqomat joy(lar)i Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Balandligi Andoza:Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi/balandligi
Vazni Andoza:Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi/balandligi
Divizion Light heavyweight
Oʻsishi Andoza:Shaxsiyat bilgiqutisi/balandligi
Uslubi Drunken boxing, Dim Mak
Jamoasi Kronk Gym
Ustoz(lar)i Schmo's teacher
Murabbiy(lar)i Emanuel Steward
Darajasi White belt karate
Kurashlari NCAA Division I Wrestling
Faoliyat yillari 2001–present
Professional boks qaydlari
Jami 4
Gʻalaba 1
Nokaut bilan 1
Magʻlubiyat 1
Nokaut bilan 1
Durang 1
Hisobsiz 1
Kikboks qaydlari
Jami 4
Gʻalaba 1
Nokaut bilan 1
Magʻlubiyat 1
Nokaut bilan 1
Durang 1
Hisobsiz 1
Aralash jang sanʼati ustasi qaydlari
Jami 12
Gʻalaba 5
Nokaut bilan 1
Hisob bilan 1
Qaror bilan 1
Chetlatish bilan 1
Nomaʼlum 1
Magʻlubiyat 5
Nokaut bilan 1
Hisob bilan 1
Qaror bilan 1
Chetlatish bilan 1
Nomaʼlum 1
Durang 1
Hisobsiz 1
Havaskor sifatidagi qaydlari
Jami 4
Gʻalaba 1
Nokaut bilan 1
Hisob bilan 1
Magʻlubiyat 1
Nokaut bilan 1
Hisob bilan 1
Durang 1
Hisobsiz 1
Boshqa maʼlumotlar
Mansubligi Taxicab driver
Universitet NYU
Turmush oʻrtogʻi Jane
Bolalari 3
Mashhur qarindoshlari John Schmo
Mashhur shogirdlari Joe Blow
Mashhur klub(lar)i Schmo's club
Mashhur maktab(lar)i Schmo's school
Vebsayti example.com
Bokschi qaydlari BoxRec saytida
Jang sanʼati ustasi qaydlari Sherdog saytida
Medallari va yutuqlari

Schmo's medal templates

Schmo's footnotes
Last updated on: May 1, 2005
{{Jang sanʼati ustasi bilgiqutisi
| name = Joe Schmo
| image = Piratey.svg
| image_size = 150
| alt = Man with red beard in pirate costume holding a sword.
| caption = Joe is a pirate.
| birth_name = Joseph Q. Schmo IV
| birth_date = {{birth date|1970|1|1}}
| birth_place = [[New York City]], New York, U.S.
| death_date = {{death date and age|2007|6|1|1970|1|1}}
| death_place = [[Chicago]], Illinois, U.S.
| death_cause = Heart attack
| native_name = José Schmo
| native_name_lang = Spanish
| other_names = The Can
| residence = [[Los Angeles]], California, U.S.
| nationality = 
| height = 6 ft 2 in <ref>footnote for height</ref>
| weight = 175 lb <ref>footnote for weight</ref>
| weight_class = [[Light heavyweight]]
| reach = 75 in <ref>footnote for reach</ref>
| style = [[Drunken boxing]], [[Dim Mak]]
| stance = orthodox
| fighting_out_of = 
| team = [[Kronk Gym]]
| teacher = Schmo's teacher
| trainer = [[Emanuel Steward]]
| rank = White belt [[karate]]
| wrestling = NCAA Division I [[Wrestling]]
| years_active = 2001&ndash;present
| box_win = 1
| box_kowin = 1
| box_loss = 1
| box_koloss = 1
| box_draw = 1
| box_nc = 1
| kickbox_win = 1
| kickbox_kowin = 1
| kickbox_loss = 1
| kickbox_koloss = 1
| kickbox_draw = 1
| kickbox_nc = 1
| mma_kowin = 1
| mma_subwin = 1
| mma_decwin = 1
| mma_dqwin = 1
| mma_otherwin = 1
| mma_koloss = 1
| mma_subloss = 1
| mma_decloss = 1
| mma_dqloss = 1
| mma_otherloss = 1
| mma_draw = 1
| mma_nc = 1
| am_win = 1
| am_kowin = 1
| am_subwin = 1
| am_loss = 1
| am_koloss = 1
| am_subloss = 1
| am_draw = 1
| am_nc = 1
| occupation = [[Taxicab driver]]
| university = [[NYU]]
| spouse = Jane
| children = 3
| relatives = John Schmo
| students = Joe Blow
| club = Schmo's club
| school = Schmo's school
| website = {{URL|www.example.com}}
| boxrec = 000352
| sherdog = 1500
| footnotes = Schmo's footnotes
| medaltemplates = Schmo's medal templates 
| show-medals = yes
| updated = May 1, 2005
| module = module
| module2 = module2
  1. footnote for height
  2. footnote for weight
  3. footnote for reach

Aralash Jang San'ati

Andoza parametrlari[„TemplateData“ni boshqarish]

No parameters specified