Andoza:Country data Doubs

Andoza:Country data Doubs ichki maʼlumotlar konteyneri hisoblanadi, toʻgʻridan toʻgʻri kiritish uchun moʻljallanmagan. Bu bir qancha andozalar (Masalan: flag, flagicon, bayroq va boshqalar) tomonidan qoʻllaniladi.
![]() | This template is within the scope of WikiProject Flag Template, a collaborative effort to maintain flag templates on Wikipedia. A more thorough discussion of the flag template system, including parameters not described here, can be found on the project page. |

Standard parametrlar
Parametr nomi | Qiymati | Maʼnosi |
alias | Doubs | Asosiy maqola nomi (Doubs) |
flag alias | Proposed flag of Doubs.svg | Tasvir nomi (File:Proposed flag of Doubs.svg, shown above right) |
Example usage
- {{flag|Doubs}} →
- {{flagicon|Doubs}} →
This is the documentation for Template:Country data Doubs. It is automatically generated by Template:Country showdata. Please after making any changes to this template. Any categories and interlanguage links should be added to the template's /doc subpage, which does not exist yet. |