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Venom (film)

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(Venom (2018 film)dan yoʻnaltirildi)

Film posteri
Rejissyor(lar) Ruben Fleischer
  • Jeff Pinkner
  • Scott Rosenberg
Bastakor(lar) Ludwig Göransson
Kinematografiya Matthew Libatique
Distribyutor Sony Pictures Releasing
Chiqarilgan sanasi
Davomiyligi 112 daqiqa
Mamlakat Qoʻshma Shtatlar AQSh
Til inglizcha
Byudjeti $100–116 million
Daromadi $856,1 million[2]
Keyingi film „Venom: Let There Be Carnage“ (2021)

Venom“ — 2018-yilda chiqarilgan superqahramonlik filmi[3]. Marvel komikslaridagi ayni nomli personajga asoslangan. Filmga Ruben Fleischer rejissyorlik qilgan. Bosh rollarni Tom Hardy, Michelle Williams, Riz Ahmed, Scott Haze, Reid Scott ijro etgan.

Film premyerasi 2018-yilning 1-oktyabrida Los-Anjeles shahrida boʻlib oʻtgan.

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 „Film releases“ (inglizcha). Variety Insight. Qaraldi: 10-fevral 2018-yil.
  2. „Venom (2018)“. Box Office Mojo. Qaraldi: 4-noyabr 2018-yil.
  3. Ha, Anthony „Tom Hardy's 'Venom' has a lot to say in his new trailer“ (inglizcha). TechCrunch (1-avgust 2018-yil). — „By the way, you may have noticed the "In Association With Marvel" card at the beginning the trailer. That phrasing is a little hint at the film's convoluted connection to the Marvel Cinematic Universe: While a deal between Sony (which controls the film rights to Spider-Man and associated characters) and Disney/Marvel allowed the studios to collaborate on Spider-Man: Homecoming, Venom is meant to kick off a new cinematic universe for Sony, built around Spider-Man's supporting characters like Black Cat and Silver Sable.“. Qaraldi: 11-avgust 2018-yil.