Kontent qismiga oʻtish

Marcel Proust

Vikipediya, ochiq ensiklopediya
(Proust, Marceldan yoʻnaltirildi)
Marcel Proust

Proust 1900-yilda
Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust

10-iyul 1871-yil
Vafoti 18-noyabr 1922-yil(1922-11-18)
(51 yoshda)
Chaillot, Parij, Fransiya
Fuqaroligi Fransiya bayrogʻi Fransiya
Kasbi Novellist, esseist
Mashhur ishlari In Search of Lost Time
Otasi Adrien Achille Proust
Onasi Jeanne Clémence Weil

Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust (talaffuzi: Valenten Lui Jorj Ejen Marsel Prust; 1871-yil 10-iyul — 1922-yil 18-noyabr) — fransuz novellisti[1][2].

  1. Harold Bloom, Genius, pp. 191-225.
  2. „Marcel Proust“. New York Times. Qaraldi: 13-oktabr 2016.

Oʻqish uchun

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
  • Aciman, André (2004), The Proust Project. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
  • Adorno, Theodor (1967), Prisms. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press
  • Adorno, Theodor, "Short Commentaries on Proust, " Notes to Literature, trans. S. Weber-Nicholsen (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991).
  • Albaret, Céleste (Barbara Bray, trans.) (2003), Monsieur Proust. New York: New York Review Books
  • Beckett, Samuel, Proust, London: Calder
  • Benjamin, Walter, "The Image of Proust, " Illuminations, trans. Harry Zohn (New York: Schocken Books, 1969); pp. 201-215.
  • Bernard, Anne-Marie (2002), The World of Proust, as seen by Paul Nadar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press
  • Bersani, Leo, Marcel Proust: The Fictions of Life and of Art (2013), Oxford: Oxford U. Press
  • Bowie, Malcolm, Proust Among the Stars, London: Harper Collins
  • Capetanakis, Demetrios, „A Lecture on Proust“, in Demetrios Capetanakis A Greek Poet in England (1947)
  • Carter, William C. (2002), Marcel Proust: A Life. New Haven: Yale University Press
  • Carter, William C. (2006), Proust in Love. New Haven: Yale University Press
  • Chardin, Philippe (2006), Proust ou le bonheur du petit personnage qui compare. Paris: Honoré Champion
  • Chardin, Philippe et alii (2010), Originalités proustiennes. Paris: Kimé