James Prescott Joule
James Prescott Joule | |
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Tavalludi | 24-dekabr 1818 |
Vafoti | 11-oktyabr 1889 |
Fuqaroligi | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland |
Otasi | Ryann bezerra |
Onasi | Alice Prescott |
James Prescott Joule (talaffuzi: Jeyms Preskott Joul; 24-dekabr 1818-yil, Solford, Lankashir, Angliya – 11-oktabr 1889-yil, Seyl, Cheshir, Angliya) — ingliz fizigi. London Qirollik jamiyati aʼzosi (1850-yildan). Ilmiy ishlari elektromagnetizm va issiqlikka oid. Energiyaning saqlanish qonunini tajribada asoslagan. Issiqlikning mexanik ekvivalentini topgan. Joule oʻtkazgichdan tok oʻtganda ajralib chiqadigan issiqlik miqdori tok miqdori kvadratiga va elektr qarshiligiga toʻgʻri mutanosib ekanligini (Joule—Lenz qonunini, Emil Lenzdan mustaqil ravishda) asoslagan (1841), issiqlikning mexanik ekvivalentini aniqlagan (1843). Joule ingliz fizigi William Thomson bilan birga gaz gʻovak toʻsiqlardan oʻtganida uning temperaturasi oʻzgarishini tajribada koʻrsatib bergan (1854). Bu hodisa Joule–Thomson effekti deb ataladi va u gazlarni suyultirishda muhim oʻrin egallaydi. Joule termodinamik temperatura shkalasini hisobladi, temperatura tushunchasini fanga kiritdi, magnitning toʻyinishini payqadi va boshqa ishlar bilan shugʻullandi.[1]
Nashr etilgan ishlari
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]- Joule, J.P. (1841). "On the Heat evolved by Metallic Conductors of Electricity, and in the Cells of a Battery during Electrolysis". Philosophical Magazine 19 (124): 260. doi:10.1080/14786444108650416. https://books.google.com/books?id=hJEOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA260.
- Joule, J.P. (1843). "On the Calorific Effects of Magneto-Electricity, and on the Mechanical Value of Heat". Philosophical Magazine. 3 23 (154): 435–443. doi:10.1080/14786444308644766. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/20095#page/279/mode/1up.
- Joule, J.P. (1844). "On the Changes of Temperature Produced by the Rarefaction and Condensation of Air". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 5: 517–518. doi:10.1098/rspl.1843.0031. https://books.google.com/books?id=MfYrAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA517.
- Joule, J.P. (1845). "On the Changes of Temperature Produced by the Rarefaction and Condensation of Air". Philosophical Magazine. 3 26 (174): 369–383. doi:10.1080/14786444508645153. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/20067#page/382/mode/2up.
- Joule, J.P. (1845b). "On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat". Notices and Abstracts of Communications to the British Association for the Advancement of Science. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/46638#page/429/mode/1up. "read before the British Association at Cambridge, June 1845"
- Joule, J.P. (1845c). "On the Existence of an Equivalent Relation between Heat and the ordinary Forms of Mechanical Power". Philosophical Magazine. 3 27 (179): 205–207. doi:10.1080/14786444508645256. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/19987#page/219/mode/1up.
- Joule, J.P. (1850). "On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 140: 61–82. doi:10.1098/rstl.1850.0004. https://archive.org/stream/philtrans00608634/00608634#page/n0/mode/2up.
- Joule, J. P.. The Scientific Papers of James Prescott Joule. London: Physical Society, 1884.
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]![]() | Ushbu maqolada Oʻzbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi (2000-2005) maʼlumotlaridan foydalanilgan. |
![]() | Bu andozani aniqrogʻiga almashtirish kerak. |