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Fayl:Lady of Auxerre Louvre Ma3098 n1.jpg

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Ushbu fayl Vikiomborga yuklangan boʻlib, boshqa loyihalarda ham qoʻllanilishi mumkin. Uning tavsif sahifasidan olingan maʼlumot quyida keltirilgan.

Qisqa izoh

Unknown artistUnknown artist
English: So-called Lady of Auxerre, a female statuette in the Daedalic style. Limestone with incised decoration, formerly painted, ca. 640–630 BC, made in Crete?
Français : Dame d'Auxerre, statuette féminine de style dédalique. Calcaire à décor incisé, autrefois peint, vers 640-630 av. J.-C., réalisé en Crète ?
Dimensions H. 75 cm (29 ½ in.)
institution QS:P195,Q19675
Current location
Department of Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities, Denon, lower ground floor, room 1, case 12
Accession number
Ma 3098
Credit line Exchanged with the museum of Auxerre, 1909
Source/Photographer Jastrow (2007)


I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
w:en:Creative Commons
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.
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  • ulashishga – ishlanmani nusxalash, tarqatish va uzatish
  • remiks qilishga – ishni moslashtirishga
Quyidagi shartlar asosida:
  • atribut – Siz tegishli litsenziyaga havolani taqdim etishingiz va oʻzgartirishlar kiritilganligini koʻrsatishingiz kerak. Siz buni har qanday oqilona yoʻl bilan qilishingiz mumkin, lekin litsenziar Sizni yoki Sizning foydalanishingizni ma'qullashini taklif qiladigan tarzda emas.

You are free to use this picture for any purpose as long as you credit its author, Marie-Lan Nguyen (user:Jastrow).

Example:  © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons

If you use this image outside of the Wikimedia projects, I would be happy to hear from you (mail jastrow pip-pip DOT org).



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0,025 soniya

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29 millimetr

Fayl tarixi

Faylning biror paytdagi holatini koʻrish uchun tegishli sana/vaqtga bosingiz.

joriy17:18, 2021-yil 27-dekabr17:18, 2021-yil 27-dekabr dagi versiya uchun tasvir819 × 2 048 (945 KB)IsmoonClearer: it's limestone
20:32, 2007-yil 28-oktyabr20:32, 2007-yil 28-oktyabr dagi versiya uchun tasvir1 250 × 3 125 (2,29 MB)Jastrow== Description == {{Information Louvre |artist=Unknown |description= {{en|So-called Lady of Auxerre, a female statuette in the Daedalic style. Limestone with incised decoration, formerly painted, ca. 640–630 BC, made in Crete?}} {{Fr|Dame d'Auxerre,

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