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Fayl:Herding sheep353 (edited).jpg

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Asl fayl (5 308 × 3 537 piksel, fayl hajmi: 14,12 MB, MIME tipi: image/jpeg)

Ushbu fayl Vikiomborga yuklangan boʻlib, boshqa loyihalarda ham qoʻllanilishi mumkin. Uning tavsif sahifasidan olingan maʼlumot quyida keltirilgan.

Qisqa izoh

English: Aerial view of a flock of sheep with a shepherd in China
بهاس ملايو: ڤندڠن اودارا سݢرومڤوق بيري٢ دڠن سأورڠ ݢمبالا دچينا
Čeština: Stádo ovcí s ovčákem při pohledu ze vzduchu v Číně
Deutsch: Luftbild einer Schafherde mit einem Hirten in China
Эрзянь: Реветь ды ваныця Китайсэ
Español: Vista aérea de un rebaño de ovejas con un pastor en China
Français : Un troupeau de moutons et son berger en Chine
Magyar: Légifelvétel egy birkanyájról és egy pásztorról (Kína)
Italiano: Vista aerea di un gregge di pecore con un pastore in Cina
Македонски: Надолен поглед на стадо овци со овчар во Кина
Nederlands: Schaapherder met kudde
Polski: Widok z lotu ptaka na stado owiec z pasterzem w Chinach
Português: Vista aérea de um rebanho de ovelhas com um pastor na China
Slovenščina: Pogled iz zraka na čredo ovac s pastirjem na Kitajskem
Українська: Вид з пташиного польоту на отару овець з пастухом, Китай
Sanasi 9 oktyabr 2015, 21:30:43 (according to Exif data)
Manba This file was derived from: Herding sheep353.jpg
Other versions
This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. Modifications: Chromatic aberrations removed, gentle denoising and sharpening applied. Edits were made during the FPC nomination period. Modifications made by Radomianin.


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w:en:Creative Commons
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
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  • ulashishga – ishlanmani nusxalash, tarqatish va uzatish
  • remiks qilishga – ishni moslashtirishga
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  • atribut – Siz tegishli litsenziyaga havolani taqdim etishingiz va oʻzgartirishlar kiritilganligini koʻrsatishingiz kerak. Siz buni har qanday oqilona yoʻl bilan qilishingiz mumkin, lekin litsenziar Sizni yoki Sizning foydalanishingizni ma'qullashini taklif qiladigan tarzda emas.
  • bir xil ulashish – Agar Siz materialni remiks qilsangiz, oʻzgartirsangiz yoki unga asoslansangiz, oʻz hissalaringizni asl nusxadagi kabi bir xil yoki mos litsenziya ostida tarqatishingiz kerak.


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Aerial view of a flock of sheep in China with shepherd and motorbike

captured with inglizcha

9 oktyabr 2015

exposure time inglizcha

0,00625 soniya

f-number inglizcha


focal length inglizcha

50 millimetr

ISO speed inglizcha



Fayl tarixi

Faylning biror paytdagi holatini koʻrish uchun tegishli sana/vaqtga bosingiz.

joriy08:30, 2023-yil 28-iyun08:30, 2023-yil 28-iyun dagi versiya uchun tasvir5 308 × 3 537 (14,12 MB)Radomianin=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Information |description={{en|1=Aerial view of a flock of sheep with a shepherd in China}} |date={{Exif date|2015-10-09 21:30:43|location=China}} |source={{Derived from|File:Herding sheep353.jpg}} |author=*{{Author|Original|Azonesa}} *{{Author|Derivative|Radomianin}} |permission= |other versions=<gallery widths="120px" heights="80px"> File:Herding sheep353.jpg|''Original file'' </gallery> }} {{Retouched picture |1=Chromatic aberra...

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